John Olheiser dfb1a52977 Blog post 1.11.6 and 1.11.7 (#131)
Missed some things in 1.11.7

Blog post 1.11.6 and 1.11.7

Also fixes contrib

Signed-off-by: jolheiser <>

Co-authored-by: jolheiser <>
Reviewed-on: gitea/blog#131
Reviewed-by: lafriks <>
Reviewed-by: 6543 <>
2020-06-18 16:27:22 +00:00
pulls.go Blog post 1.11.6 and 1.11.7 (#131) 2020-06-18 16:27:22 +00:00 Add contrib for converting PRs (#129) 2020-04-02 19:52:59 +00:00

pulls contrib

This is a Go "script" to convert all PRs like #100 to [#100](


From the base directory

go run contrib/pulls/pulls.go --release 1.11.4