2023-10-11 11:18:08 +08:00

567 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2023 ACOAUTO Team.
// All rights reserved.
// Detailed license information can be found in the LICENSE file.
// File: message.go Vehicle SOA protocal package.
// Author: Cheng.siyuan <chengsiyuan@acoinfo.com>
package protocol
import (
// Internal use in vsoa package
const (
magic byte = 0x9
version byte = 0x2
magicNumber byte = magic | (version << 4)
/* VSOA package length limit */
HdrLength = 10
MaxMessageLength = 262144
MaxDataLength = (MaxMessageLength - HdrLength)
/* VSOA quick channel length limit */
MaxQMessageLength = 65507
var bufferPool = utils.NewLimitedPool(512, 4096)
func MagicNumber() byte {
return magicNumber
var (
ErrMessageTooLong = errors.New("message is too long")
ErrMessageUnPad = errors.New("raw message is not pad")
const (
ServerError = "__vsoa_error__"
type QuickChannelFlag bool
const (
ChannelQuick QuickChannelFlag = true
ChannelNormal QuickChannelFlag = false
type Message struct {
URL []byte // We call it URL but it more likely to be the server PATH for rpcx users
Param json.RawMessage // It's []byte but have Marshal & UnMarshal method.
Data []byte
func smn(h *Header)
func NewMessage() *Message {
header := Header([HdrLength]byte{})
return &Message{
Header: &header,
// Header is the first part of Message and has fixed size.
// Format:
type Header [HdrLength]byte
func cmn(h Header) (ret bool)
func (h Header) checkMagicNumber() bool {
return cmn(h)
func vs(h Header) (ret byte)
func (h Header) Version() byte {
return vs(h)
func msgt(h Header) (ret byte)
// MessageType returns the message type.
func (h Header) MessageType() MessageType {
return MessageType(msgt(h))
// MessageType returns the message type in text.
func (h Header) MessageTypeText() string {
return TypeText(h.MessageType())
func smt(h *Header, mt MessageType)
// SetMessageType sets message type.
func (h *Header) SetMessageType(mt MessageType) {
smt(h, mt)
func ir(h Header) (ret bool)
// IsRPC returns whether the message is RPC message.
func (h Header) IsRPC() bool {
return ir(h)
func ipe(h Header) (ret bool)
// IsPingEcho returns whether the message is ping echo message.
func (h Header) IsPingEcho() bool {
return ipe(h)
func isi(h Header) (ret bool)
// IsServInfo returns whether the message is service info message.
func (h Header) IsServInfo() bool {
return isi(h)
func iss(h Header) (ret bool)
// IsSubscribe returns whether the message is subscribe message.
func (h Header) IsSubscribe() bool {
return iss(h)
func ius(h Header) (ret bool)
// IsUnSubscribe returns whether the message is unsubscribe info message.
func (h Header) IsUnSubscribe() bool {
return ius(h)
func id(h Header) (ret bool)
func ip(h Header) (ret bool)
func (h Header) IsOneway() bool {
if id(h) || ip(h) {
return true
return false
// SetPingEcho sets the type flag to ping echo fast.
func spe(h *Header)
// SetPingEcho sets the type flag to ping echo fast.
func (h *Header) SetPingEcho() {
func iR(h Header) (ret bool)
// IsReply returns whether the message is reply message.
func (h Header) IsReply() bool {
return iR(h)
func sRt(h *Header)
func sRf(h *Header)
// SetReply sets the reply flag.
func (h *Header) SetReply(r bool) {
if r {
} else {
func ivt(h Header) (ret bool)
// IsValidTunid checks if the Header is a valid Tunid.
// It returns a boolean indicating whether the Header is a valid Tunid.
func (h Header) IsValidTunid() bool {
return ivt(h)
func svt(h *Header)
// SetValidTunid sets the valid tunid of the Header struct.
// It takes no parameters.
// There is no return type.
func (h *Header) SetValidTunid() {
func mrm(h Header) (ret byte)
// MessageRpcMethod returns the rpc method.
// If it's not a RPC message in VSOA then it return 0xee
func (h Header) MessageRpcMethod() RpcMessageType {
if h.IsRPC() {
return RpcMessageType(mrm(h))
} else {
return NoneRpc
// MessageRpcMethod returns the rpc method in text.
func (h Header) MessageRpcMethodText() string {
return RpcMethodText(h.MessageRpcMethod())
func smrmg(h *Header)
func smrms(h *Header)
// MessageRpcMethod returns the rpc method.
// If it's not a RPC message in VSOA then it return 0xee
func (h *Header) SetMessageRpcMethod(t RpcMessageType) {
if t == RpcMethodGet {
} else {
func pl(h Header) (ret byte)
// Internel use padLen return the pad length for 4 byte pad for whole massage.
func (h Header) padLen() byte {
return pl(h)
func spl(h *Header, pl byte)
// Internel use to pad the massage and fill the pad length flag automatic
func (h *Header) setPadLen(pl byte) {
// clear PadLen flag
spl(h, pl)
func st(h Header) (ret byte)
// StatusType returns the message status type.
func (h Header) StatusType() StatusType {
return StatusType(st(h))
// StatusType returns the message status type in text.
func (h Header) StatusTypeText() string {
return StatusText(h.StatusType())
func sst(h *Header, mt StatusType)
// SetStatusType sets message status type.
func (h *Header) SetStatusType(mt StatusType) {
sst(h, mt)
func sn(h Header) (ret uint32)
// SeqNo returns sequence number of messages.
func (h Header) SeqNo() uint32 {
return sn(h)
func ssn(h *Header, seq uint32)
// SetSeqNo sets sequence number.
func (h *Header) SetSeqNo(seq uint32) {
ssn(h, seq)
func tid(h Header) (ret uint16)
// TunID returns Tunnel id number for VSOA client.
func (h Header) TunID() uint16 {
return tid(h)
func stid(h *Header, ti uint16)
// SetTunID set VSOA client Tunnel id number.
// It should be tunnel port number.
func (h *Header) SetTunId(ti uint16) {
stid(h, ti)
// Clone clones from an message.
func (m Message) Clone() *Message {
header := *m.Header
c := NewMessage()
c.Header = &header
c.URL = m.URL
c.Param = m.Param
c.Data = m.Data
return c
// CloneHeader clones header from an message.
func (m Message) CloneHeader() *Message {
header := *m.Header
c := NewMessage()
c.Header = &header
return c
// Encode encodes messages.
// Message can check it too long or not. Client/Server need to give the info of this Message is Quick or not.
func (m Message) Encode(q QuickChannelFlag) ([]byte, error) {
rawMessage, err := m.encodeSlicePointer(q)
return *rawMessage, err
// EncodeSlicePointer encodes messages as a byte slice pointer we can use pool to improve.
// Stream not using this.
func (m Message) encodeSlicePointer(q QuickChannelFlag) (*[]byte, error) {
uL := len(m.URL)
pL := len(m.Param)
dL := len(m.Data)
padL := 0
// HdrL + urlL + paramL + dataL + url + param + data
totalL := HdrLength + 10 + uL + pL + dL
if totalL&3 != 0 {
padL = 4 - (totalL & 3)
totalL += padL
// We need to check Message len by type before send it,
if !q {
if totalL > MaxMessageLength {
return bufferPool.Get(1), ErrMessageTooLong
} else {
if totalL > MaxQMessageLength {
return bufferPool.Get(1), ErrMessageTooLong
urlStart := HdrLength + 10
paramStart := urlStart + uL
dataStart := paramStart + pL
// Set pad length in header
rawMessage := bufferPool.Get(totalL)
copy(*rawMessage, m.Header[:])
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16((*rawMessage)[10:12], uint16(uL))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32((*rawMessage)[12:16], uint32(pL))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32((*rawMessage)[16:20], uint32(dL))
copy((*rawMessage)[urlStart:urlStart+uL], m.URL)
copy((*rawMessage)[paramStart:paramStart+pL], m.Param)
copy((*rawMessage)[dataStart:dataStart+dL], m.Data)
return rawMessage, nil
// PutData puts the byte slice into pool.
func PutData(data *[]byte) {
// WriteTo writes message to writers.
func (m Message) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {
uL := len(m.URL)
pL := len(m.Param)
dL := len(m.Data)
padL := 0
// HdrL + urlL + paramL + dataL + url + param + data
totalL := HdrLength + 10 + uL + pL + dL
if totalL&3 != 0 {
padL = 4 - (totalL & 3)
totalL += padL
nn, err := w.Write(m.Header[:])
n := int64(nn)
if err != nil {
return n, err
err = binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, uint16(uL))
if err != nil {
return n, err
err = binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, uint32(pL))
if err != nil {
return n, err
err = binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, uint32(dL))
if err != nil {
return n, err
_, err = w.Write(m.URL)
if err != nil {
return n, err
_, err = w.Write(m.Param)
if err != nil {
return n, err
_, err = w.Write(m.Data)
if err != nil {
return n, err
return int64(nn), err
// Read reads a message from r.
func Read(r io.Reader) (*Message, error) {
msg := NewMessage()
err := msg.Decode(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return msg, nil
// Decode decodes a message from reader.
func (m *Message) Decode(r io.Reader) error {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
var errStack = make([]byte, 1024)
n := runtime.Stack(errStack, true)
log.Printf("panic in message decode: %v, stack: %s", err, errStack[:n])
// parse header
_, err := io.ReadFull(r, m.Header[:1])
if err != nil {
return err
if !m.Header.checkMagicNumber() {
// should never goes here
return fmt.Errorf("wrong magic number: %v", m.Header[0])
_, err = io.ReadFull(r, m.Header[1:])
if err != nil {
return err
padL := int(m.padLen())
// urlL
urlLenData := make([]byte, 2)
_, err = io.ReadFull(r, urlLenData)
if err != nil {
return err
uL := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(urlLenData))
// paramL
paramLenData := make([]byte, 4)
_, err = io.ReadFull(r, paramLenData)
if err != nil {
return err
pL := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(paramLenData))
// dataL
dataLenData := make([]byte, 4)
_, err = io.ReadFull(r, dataLenData)
if err != nil {
return err
dL := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(dataLenData))
// HdrL + urlL + paramL + dataL + url + param + data
totalL := HdrLength + 10 + uL + pL + dL + padL
if totalL&3 != 0 {
// this cause remain unread buffered date in the Reader cause unexpact behavior for next message.
// TODO: avoid this behavior
return ErrMessageUnPad
if totalL > MaxMessageLength {
// this cause remain unread buffered date in the Reader cause unexpact behavior for next message.
// TODO: avoid this behavior
return ErrMessageTooLong
if cap(m.URL) >= uL { // reuse URL
m.URL = m.URL[:uL]
} else {
m.URL = make([]byte, uL)
_, err = io.ReadFull(r, m.URL)
if err != nil {
return err
if cap(m.Param) >= pL { // reuse Param
m.Param = m.Param[:pL]
} else {
m.Param = make([]byte, pL)
_, err = io.ReadFull(r, m.Param)
if err != nil {
return err
if cap(m.Data) >= dL { // reuse Data
m.Data = m.Data[:dL]
} else {
m.Data = make([]byte, dL)
_, err = io.ReadFull(r, m.Data)
if err != nil {
return err
var zeros []byte
if cap(zeros) >= padL {
zeros = zeros[:padL]
} else {
zeros = make([]byte, padL)
_, err = io.ReadFull(r, zeros)
if err != nil {
return err
return err
// Reset clean data of this message but keep allocated data
func (m *Message) Reset() {
m.URL = m.URL[:0]
m.Param = m.Param[:0]
m.Data = m.Data[:0]
var (
zeroHeaderArray Header
zeroHeader = zeroHeaderArray[1:]
func resetHeader(h *Header) {
copy(h[1:], zeroHeader)