2 Building Mahou manually
BladeMight edited this page 2017-09-12 19:28:16 +03:00

Building Mahou

To build Mahou only with .Net 4+ installed(without any IDE) i write a simple script build.cmd which will build an Mahou-Release-AnyCPU version by default. To build specific platform/achitecture you can run cmd.exe in directory when build.cmd is and call build.cmd with arguments like so:

build release x86

First argument is build platform, available: release, debug.

Second is target achitecture, available: x86, x64, AnyCpu or x86_x64

Third(and so on) argument is unnecessary, it will add it to compilation constants, for example building Mahou with:

build release x86 GITHUB_RELEASE

will remove -dev from Mahou's title.