
386 lines
13 KiB

% UCAS dissertation document class, based on pkuthss
% Copyright (c) 2008-2009 solvethis
% Copyright (c) 2010-2018,2021-2022 Casper Ti. Vector
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
% LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at
% your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
% 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The current maintainer of this work is Casper Ti. Vector.
% This work consists of the following files:
% casthss.cls
% casthss.def
[2017/03/01 v1.7.4 UCAS dissertation document class]
% eg. `\thss@int@boolopt{spacing}{true}' will expand to:
% \newif\ifthss@opt@spacing \thss@opt@spacingtrue
% \DeclareOption{spacing}{\thss@opt@spacingtrue}
% \DeclareOption{nospacing}{\thss@opt@spacingfalse}
\expandafter\newif\csname ifthss@opt@#1\endcsname
% Whether to enable `\Uppercase' (works problematically) in heading marks.
% Whether to modify fonts according to school regulation.
% Whether to modify spacing according to school regulation.
% Whether to use some common settings for adjusting spacing.
% Add PDF bookmark for table of contents.
% Whether to automatically set up properties for generated PDF from user
% defined document information (author, title, etc.).
% Pass all other options to `ctexbook' document class.
% Process all class options now.
% casthss is based on ctexbook; we use `xiao 4' as default font size.
\LoadClass[UTF8, zihao = -4]{ctexbook}[2014/03/06]
% ctex 2.x no longer loads ifpdf and ifxetex by itself.
\RequirePackage{ifpdf, ifxetex}
% Provides support for `key = val' grammar.
% Graphics support.
% Provides utilities for setting up page layout.
% fancyhdr provides utilities for setting up headers and footers.
% Provides `\uline' used in `\maketitle' and `\emaketitle'.
% Provides `\multirow' used in `\emaketitle'.
% `\AtEndOfClass' used to avoid `PDF destination not defined' with setspace.
% Use Times New Roman / Arial according to school regulation.
Extension = .otf,
BoldFont = XITSMath-Bold
Extension = .otf,
UprightFont = *-Regular,
BoldFont = *-Bold,
ItalicFont = *-Italic,
BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic
Extension = .otf,
UprightFont = *-regular,
BoldFont = *-bold,
ItalicFont = *-italic,
BoldItalicFont = *-bolditalic,
Scale = 0.95
% Provides utilities for setting TOC format; `titles' applied to avoid
% interfering with LaTeX's own title mechanism.
\setlength{\cftbeforechapskip}{6bp plus 1bp}
% `caption' modifies font size and separator of captions. `subcaption'
% provides functions similar to `subfigure'/`subfig' but does not clash with
% `tocloft'; it clashes with `subfigure'/`subfig', but the error message will
% say they cannot be used simultaneously.
\RequirePackage{caption, subcaption}
\captionsetup{font = bfive, labelsep = quad}
\captionsetup[sub]{font = bfive}
% Provides utility to modify footnote spacing.
% Option used to make sure it does not render interleaf pages totally blank.
\RequirePackage[cleardoublepage = current]{scrextend}
% Set up footnote spacing: paragraph indent 2 ccwd, 0.5 ccwd after mark.
% Make spacing nicer in some situations (eg. footnotes and verbatims).
% Remove superfluous spacing between footnotes.
% Lists often appear to be too sparse when items are just one or two lines
% long. Here we cancel the extra vertical spacing between list items.
% The list margin is adjusted due to Chinese typesetting traditions.
\setlist{nolistsep, leftmargin = 1.5\parindent}
% Set up spacing for displayed formulae.
% Add PDF bookmark for table of contents.
% Automatically generate properties for generated PDF.
% Use English properties to avoid problems with character encodings.
pdfauthor = {\@eauthor}, pdftitle = {\@etitle},
pdfsubject = {UCAS \ethesisname}, pdfkeywords = {\@ekeywords}
% Set up the properties when generating the title page because the document
% information should have been all defined before this.
% NOTE: `\hypersetup' must appear before `\maketitle', otherwise it might
% not act as expected.
% eg. `\thss@int@infoitema{ctitle}' will expand to:
% \def\ctitle#1{\def\@ctitle{#1}}
% \define@key{thss@info}{ctitle}{\ctitle{#1}}
% eg. `\thss@int@infoitemb{cthesisname}' will expand to:
% \define@key{thss@info}{cthesisname}{\def\cthesisname{#1}}
% Set up document information entries.
% Set up document information using the `key = value' grammar.
% Set up page layout.
a4paper, hmargin = 3.17cm, top = 2.79cm, bottom = 2.89cm,
headheight = 0.4cm, headsep = 0.6cm, footskip = 1.0cm
% Set up chapter/section/... captions.
chapter = {
beforeskip = {0bp}, afterskip = {18bp plus 0.2ex},
number = {\arabic{chapter}}, nameformat = {}, titleformat = {},
format = {\zihao{4}\heiti\bfseries\centering}
}, section = {
beforeskip = {20bp plus 1ex minus 0.2ex},
afterskip = {5bp plus 0.2ex}, format = {\heiti\bfseries}
}, subsection = {
beforeskip = {12bp plus 1ex minus 0.2ex},
afterskip = {5bp plus 0.2ex}, format = {\heiti\bfseries}
}, subsubsection = {
beforeskip = {12bp plus 1ex minus 0.2ex},
afterskip = {5bp plus 0.2ex}, format = {\heiti\bfseries}
% `\MakeUppercase' works problematically.
% eg. it converts `\cite{ctex}' into `\cite{CTEX}'.
% This option can disable `\MakeUppercase' in left/right heading marks.
% Code copied from fancyhdr's `\nouppercase', with the redefinition of
% `\uppercase' dropped to avoid disrupting CJKutf8.
% cf. <>.
\expandafter\let\csname MakeUppercase \endcsname\relax%
% The actual fage style setup.
% This places a bookmark pointing to somewhere near the page header;
% Result of simple `\chapter{...} \pdfbookmark{...}' does not look nice,
% because the bookmark will point to somewhere below the chapter mark.
% Usage: \thss@int@fillinblank{(number of lines)}{(line width)}{(contents)}
% Fill specified space with underline on the bottom line. `\underline'
% draws line on the baseline (not the bottom line), and this is why
% `\uline' is used here instead.
\advance\thss@tmp@linecount by -1\relax
% Set up format of the title page (cover).
% Make the title page centered.
% Confidential level (if any).
% Emblem and inscription of the university, and type of thesis.
\includegraphics[height = 2.4em]{caslogo}\hspace{0.35em}%
\raisebox{0.125em}{\includegraphics[height = 2.15em]{ucasword}}\\[0.9em]
% Title of the thesis.
% Information about the author.
{\label@cauthor} &
\thss@int@fillinblank{1}{\thss@tmp@len}{\@cauthor} \\
{\label@cmentor} &
{\thss@tmp@len}{\@cmentor} \\\\[-1.75em]
{\label@cdegree} &
\thss@int@fillinblank{1}{\thss@tmp@len}{\@cdegree} \\
{\label@cmajor} &
\thss@int@fillinblank{1}{\thss@tmp@len}{\@cmajor} \\
{\label@cschool} &
\thss@int@fillinblank{1}{\thss@tmp@len}{\@cschool} \\
% Date.
\thss@int@pdfmark{Title page}{etitlepage}
A {\ethesisname} submitted to\\
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences\\
in partial fulfillment of the requirement\\
for the degree of\\
in {\@emajor}\\
% Typeset the Chinese abstract.
% Typeset the English abstract.
\noindent\textbf{Keywords:\ }{\@ekeywords}%
% vim:ft=tex:ts=2:sw=2