
461 lines
12 KiB

#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "rng.h"
#include "rbtree.h"
#include "metric.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "cryst.h"
#include "bench_cryst.h"
#include "int_cryst.h"
struct sweep {
float pos;
unsigned idx;
int end;
struct cpair {
unsigned idx[2];
struct bump_t {
struct rbtree active;
struct sweep *poss;
struct cpair *bumps[3];
unsigned cnt[3], n;
struct bump_t *bump_mk (unsigned axes, unsigned n) {
struct bump_t *state;
unsigned i, j;
if (!(state = malloc (sizeof (struct bump_t)))) goto state_err;
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) state->bumps[i] = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) if (axes >> i & 0x1 && !(
state->bumps[i] = calloc (n * n, sizeof (struct cpair))
)) goto poss_err;
if (!(state->poss = malloc (2 * n * sizeof (struct sweep)))) goto poss_err;
for (j = i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
state->poss[j++] = (struct sweep) { .idx = i, .end = 0 };
state->poss[j++] = (struct sweep) { .idx = i, .end = 1 };
rbtree_mk (&state->active);
state->n = n;
return state;
free (state->poss);
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) if (state->bumps[i]) free (state->bumps[i]);
free (state);
return NULL;
void bump_fin (struct bump_t *state) {
unsigned i;
free (state->poss);
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) if (state->bumps[i]) free (state->bumps[i]);
free (state);
int bump_eval_orig (struct crystal const *cr, narrow_f *narrow, signed *ret_) {
struct bump_t const *state = cr->bbump;
signed ret = 0, score;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < state->n; ++i) {
for (unsigned j = i + 1; j < state->n; ++j) {
if ((*narrow) (cr, i, j, &score)) ret += score;
*ret_ = ret;
return 1;
int bump_eval_bc (struct crystal const *cr, narrow_f *narrow, signed *ret_) {
struct bump_t const *state = cr->bbump;
struct cr_ball const *balls = cr->atoms->scats->balls;
signed ret = 0, score;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < state->n; ++i) if (balls[i].flag & 0x2) {
for (unsigned j = 0; j < state->n; ++j) {
if (i == j || (balls[j].flag & 0x2 && i > j)) continue;
if ((*narrow) (cr, i, j, &score)) ret += score;
*ret_ = ret;
return 1;
static int sweep_cmp (void const *p1, void const *p2) {
struct sweep const *s1 = p1, *s2 = p2;
float const x = s1->pos - s2->pos;
return x != 0.0 ? x > 0.0 : s2->end - s1->end;
static int cpair_cmp (void const *p1, void const *p2) {
struct cpair const *c1 = p1, *c2 = p2;
return c1->idx[0] != c2->idx[0] ?
c1->idx[0] - c2->idx[0] : c1->idx[1] - c2->idx[1];
static int bump_axis_bb (
struct bump_t *state, struct cr_ball const balls[], unsigned axis
) {
struct rbtree *active = &state->active;
struct rbnode *node, *tmp;
struct cpair *bump = state->bumps[axis];
unsigned nn = 2 * state->n, cnt, i, j;
for (j = i = 0; i < state->n; ++i) {
state->poss[j++] = (struct sweep)
{ .idx = i, .end = 0, .pos = balls[i].bound[axis][0] };
state->poss[j++] = (struct sweep)
{ .idx = i, .end = 1, .pos = balls[i].bound[axis][1] };
qsort (state->poss, nn, sizeof (struct sweep), &sweep_cmp);
cnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nn; ++i) {
j = state->poss[i].idx;
if (state->poss[i].end) {
if ((tmp = rbtree_get (active, j))) rbtree_rm (active, tmp);
} else {
if (!(tmp = malloc (sizeof (struct rbnode)))) return 0;
for (
node = rbtree_first (active); node;
node = rbtree_next (active, node)
) if ((balls[j].flag | balls[node->peer].flag) & 0x2) {
bump[cnt++] = j < node->peer ?
(struct cpair) {{ j, node->peer }} :
(struct cpair) {{ node->peer, j }};
tmp->peer = j;
rbtree_add (active, tmp);
// Here duplicates might be introduced.
for (i = 0; active->root != &active->nil; ++i) {
j = state->poss[i].idx;
if (state->poss[i].end) {
if ((tmp = rbtree_get (active, j))) rbtree_rm (active, tmp);
} else if (!rbtree_get (active, j)) for (
node = rbtree_first (active); node;
node = rbtree_next (active, node)
) if ((balls[j].flag | balls[node->peer].flag) & 0x2) {
bump[cnt++] = j < node->peer ?
(struct cpair) {{ j, node->peer }} :
(struct cpair) {{ node->peer, j }};
rbtree_clear (active);
qsort (bump, cnt, sizeof (struct cpair), &cpair_cmp);
state->cnt[axis] = cnt;
return 1;
int bump_eval_bb (struct crystal const *cr, narrow_f *narrow, signed *ret_) {
struct bump_t *state = cr->bbump;
struct cr_ball const *balls = cr->atoms->scats->balls;
struct cpair *cur[3], *end[3], cp = {{ 0, 0 }};
unsigned ptr[4], max = 0, i, j;
signed ret = 0, score;
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
if (state->bumps[i]) {
if (!bump_axis_bb (state, balls, i)) return 0;
if (!state->cnt[i]) goto retn;
end[max] = state->bumps[i] + state->cnt[i];
cur[max++] = state->bumps[i];
ptr[i] = i;
for (i = 1; i < max; ++i) for (
j = i; j && cpair_cmp (cur[ptr[j]], cur[ptr[j - 1]]) < 0; --j
) {
ptr[3] = ptr[j - 1]; ptr[j - 1] = ptr[j]; ptr[j] = ptr[3];
for (j = 0;;) {
struct cpair tmp = *cur[ptr[0]];
if (!cpair_cmp (&cp, &tmp)) ++j;
else {
cp = tmp;
j = 1;
// `ret' is only used in narrow_count(), so add 1 instead of `score'.
if (j == max && (*narrow) (cr, cp.idx[0], cp.idx[1], &score)) ++ret;
// Also handle duplicates.
do if (++cur[ptr[0]] == end[ptr[0]]) {
// See above for why `++ret' is used.
for (i = 1; i < max && !cpair_cmp (&cp, cur[ptr[i]]); ++i) if (
++j == max && (*narrow) (cr, cp.idx[0], cp.idx[1], &score)
) ++ret;
goto retn;
} while (!cpair_cmp (&tmp, cur[ptr[0]]));
for (
i = 1;
i < max && cpair_cmp (cur[ptr[i]], cur[ptr[i - 1]]) < 0;
) {
ptr[3] = ptr[i - 1]; ptr[i - 1] = ptr[i]; ptr[i] = ptr[3];
*ret_ = ret;
return 1;
void cryst_step (struct crystal *cr, float len) {
struct cr_pos *pos = cr->poss + cr->perm[cr->nPos[1]];
pos->pos[0] += len * pos->bound[2];
if (pos->pos[0] > pos->bound[1]) pos->pos[0] -= pos->bound[2];
else if (pos->pos[0] < pos->bound[0]) pos->pos[0] += pos->bound[2];
pos->flag = 1;
if (++cr->nPos[1] == cr->nPos[0]) {
rng_shuf (cr->rng, cr->perm, cr->nPos[0]);
cr->nPos[1] = 0;
void cryst_ack (struct crystal *cr, int keep) {
struct cr_pos *poss = cr->poss;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < cr->nPos[0]; ++i) if (poss[i].flag) {
if (keep) {
poss[i].pos[1] = poss[i].pos[0];
poss[i].flag = 0;
} else poss[i].pos[0] = poss[i].pos[1];
static void spec_eval (struct crystal *cr) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < cr->nHill[0]; ++i) {
struct cr_hill *hill = cr->hills + i;
hill->val = 0.0;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < hill->hill.n; ++j) {
float sc[2] = {
(float) hill->peaks[j].sc[0] / cr->scales[0],
(float) hill->peaks[j].sc[1] / cr->scales[0]
hill->val += hill->peaks[j].peak.weight *
(sc[0] * sc[0] + sc[1] * sc[1]);
static void spec_eval_bc (struct crystal *cr) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < cr->nHill[0]; ++i) {
struct cr_hill *hill = cr->hills + i;
hill->val = 0.0;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < hill->hill.n; ++j) {
float *sc = hill->peaks[j].bsc;
hill->val += hill->peaks[j].peak.weight *
(sc[0] * sc[0] + sc[1] * sc[1]);
static float tv_eval (struct crystal *cr) {
float ret = 0.0, sum = 0.0;
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < cr->nHill[0]; ++i) sum += cr->hills[i].val;
for (i = 0; i < cr->nHill[0]; ++i) {
cr->hills[i].val /= sum;
ret += fabs (cr->hills[i].val - cr->hills[i].hill.val0);
return 0.5 * ret;
static float metric_dist (
metric const *met, float const a[3], float const b[3]
) {
float dif[3];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i) dif[i] = b[i] - a[i];
return sqrt (metric_get (met, dif));
int narrow_orig (
struct crystal const *cr, unsigned i, unsigned j, signed *ret_
) {
struct cr_ball const *balls = cr->atoms->scats->balls;
float ret = metric_dist (cr->met, balls[i].xyz, balls[j].xyz) /
*ret_ = cr->scales[1] * (ret > cr->ctl[1] ? 0.0 : (
ret < cr->ctl[0] ? 1.0 : cr->ctl[2] * (cr->ctl[1] - ret)
return ret < cr->ctl[1];
int narrow_cryst (
struct crystal const *cr, unsigned i, unsigned j, signed *ret_
) {
struct cr_ball const *balls = cr->atoms->scats->balls;
float ret = metric_dist (cr->met, balls[i].xyz, balls[j].xyz) /
*ret_ = cr->scales[1] * (balls[i].n + balls[j].n) *
(ret > cr->ctl[1] ? 0.0 : (ret < cr->ctl[0] ? 1.0 :
cr->ctl[2] * (cr->ctl[1] - ret)
return ret < cr->ctl[1];
static int bump_eval (struct crystal *cr, narrow_f *narrow) {
struct rbforest *bump = &cr->bump;
struct cr_ball *balls = cr->atoms->scats->balls;
signed score;
unsigned i, j;
for (i = 0; i < bump->n; ++i) {
if (balls[i].flag & 0x1) rbforest_rm (bump, i);
for (i = 0; i < bump->n; ++i) {
unsigned flag0 = balls[i].flag;
if (!(flag0 & 0x2)) continue;
for (j = 0; j < bump->n; ++j) {
unsigned flag1 = balls[j].flag;
if (i == j || (flag1 & 0x2 && i > j) || !(
(flag0 | flag1) & 0x1 && (*narrow) (cr, i, j, &score)
)) continue;
if (!rbforest_add (bump, i, j, score)) return 0;
return 1;
static void score_eval (struct crystal *cr) {
cr->scores[1] = tv_eval (cr);
if ((cr->scores[2] /= 2 * cr->nAtom[1]) > 1.0) cr->scores[2] = 1.0;
cr->scores[0] = cr->scales[2] * cr->scores[2] +
(1 - cr->scales[2]) * cr->scores[1];
int cryst_eval (struct crystal *cr) {
struct cr_pos *pos = cr->poss;
struct cr_atom *atom = cr->atoms;
struct cr_ball *ball = atom->scats->balls;
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < cr->nPos[0]; ++i, ++pos) if (pos->flag) {
pos->atom->xyz[pos->axis] = torus_pos (pos->pos[0]);
pos->atom->flag = 1;
for (i = 0; i < cr->nAtom[0]; ++i, ++atom) if (atom->flag) {
atom_eval (cr, atom);
atom->flag = 0;
spec_eval (cr);
if (cr->scales[2] != 0.0) {
if (!bump_eval (cr, &narrow_cryst)) return 0;
for (i = 0; i < cr->nAtom[1]; ++i, ++ball) ball->flag &= 0x2;
cr->scores[2] = cr->bump.score / cr->scales[1];
score_eval (cr);
return 1;
static void pre_eval (struct crystal *cr, int sc) {
struct cr_peak *peak = cr->hills->peaks;
struct cr_pos *pos = cr->poss;
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < cr->nPos[0]; ++i, ++pos) {
pos->atom->xyz[pos->axis] = pos->pos[0];
for (i = 0; i < cr->nHill[1]; ++i, ++peak) memset
(peak->bsc, 0, 2 * sizeof (float));
for (i = 0; i < cr->nAtom[0]; ++i) atom_eval_bb (cr, cr->atoms + i, sc);
int cryst_eval_bb (struct crystal *cr, broad_f *broad, narrow_f *narrow) {
pre_eval (cr, 0);
if (broad && narrow) {
signed score;
if (!(*broad) (cr, narrow, &score)) return 0;
cr->scores[0] = score;
return 1;
int cryst_eval_bc (struct crystal *cr) {
signed score;
pre_eval (cr, 1);
spec_eval_bc (cr);
if (!bump_eval_bc (cr, &narrow_cryst, &score)) return 0;
cr->scores[2] = score / cr->scales[1];
score_eval (cr);
return 1;
unsigned cryst_dof (struct crystal const *cr) {
return cr->nPos[0];
void cryst_dump (struct crystal const *cr, uint32_t buf[]) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < cr->nPos[0]; ++i) {
buf[i] = hftonl (cr->poss[i].pos[0]);
int cryst_load (struct crystal *cr, uint32_t const buf[]) {
struct cr_pos *poss = cr->poss;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < cr->nPos[0]; ++i) {
poss[i].pos[0] = nltohf (buf[i]);
poss[i].flag = 1;
if (
!isfinite (poss[i].pos[0]) ||
poss[i].pos[0] < poss[i].bound[0] ||
poss[i].pos[0] > poss[i].bound[1]
) return 0;
return 1;
float const *cryst_scores (struct crystal const *cr) {
return cr->scores;
unsigned cryst_nball (struct crystal const *cr) {
return cr->nAtom[1];
void cryst_set (struct crystal *cr, float const xyzs[][3]) {
struct cr_pos *poss = cr->poss;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < cr->nPos[0]; ++i) {
poss[i].pos[0] = xyzs[poss[i].atom - cr->atoms][poss[i].axis];
poss[i].flag = 1;
void cryst_write (struct crystal const *cr) {
printf ("%g %g\n", cr->scores[1], cr->scores[2]);
for (unsigned i = 0;;) {
float *xyz = cr->atoms[i].scats->balls->xyz;
printf ("%g,%g,%g", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]);
if (++i < cr->nAtom[0]) printf (" ");
else {
printf ("\n");