Casper Ti. Vector d48ac30073 Use `struct' explicitly, except for opaque structures.
import re, sys
structs = [
    "affine", "algorithm", "atom_t", "brin_t", "bump_t", "cpair",
    "cr_atom", "cr_ball", "cr_hill", "crin_t", "cr_peak", "cr_pos",
    "cr_scat", "cr_wptr", "crystal", "cursor", "hill_t", "hosts_t",
    "ihost_t", "linear", "main_res", "metric", "msg_comp", "msg_cret",
    "msg_init", "parameter", "peak_t", "rbforest", "rbnode", "rbtree",
    "rng_t", "sa_comp", "sa_sched", "step_t", "sweep", "timespec", "worker_t"
opaques = {
    "crystal": ["cryst_base.c", "cryst_extra.c"],
    "metric": ["metric.c"], "rng_t": ["rng.c"], "step_t": ["rng.c"],
    "sa_comp": ["optim.c"], "sa_sched": ["optim.c"]
for f in sys.argv[1:]:
    s, g = "", re.sub(r".*/", "", f)
    ss = [t for t in structs if t not in opaques or g in opaques[t]]
    for l in open(f).readlines():
        if not any(re.match(p, l) for p in ["\t*(//|#)", r"struct"]):
            m ="typedef struct ([^ ]+)", l)
            if m:
                if not in opaques:
                    l = ""
                for t in ss:
                    l = re.sub(r"\b%s\b" % t, "struct %s" % t, l)
        s += l
    open(f, "w").write(re.sub(r"\n{3,}", "\n\n", re.sub(r"^\n+", "", s)))
2018-09-06 01:11:46 +08:00

76 lines
3.1 KiB

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
// Maximum line width, including the line terminator and a `\0'.
#define LEN_MAX 1024
struct cursor {
FILE *file;
// Contents of current line, and the cursor.
char buf[LEN_MAX], *ptr;
// (index, length) of current line.
unsigned idx, len;
typedef int scan_f (char const **, void *);
#define CUR_PTR(CURS) ((char const **) &CURS->ptr)
#define SOME_MORE(N) more (1.618 * (N), (N) + 1)
extern unsigned more (unsigned a, unsigned b);
// Float {,de}serialisation, also supporting +-nan, +-inf, -0 and denormals.
// The payload of (+-)nan is not guaranteed to be preserved.
extern uint32_t hftol (float x);
extern float hltof (uint32_t x);
extern uint32_t hftonl (float x);
extern float nltohf (uint32_t x);
// The above applied on a 4-byte aligned `buf'fer.
extern void hftonl2 (void *buf, unsigned n);
extern void nltohf2 (void *buf, unsigned n);
// Whether all numbers in `buf' are finite.
extern int arefinite (float const buf[], unsigned n);
// Initialises the cursor at line -1.
extern void cursor_mk (struct cursor *curs, FILE *file);
// Writes cursor position and error `desc'ription to stderr.
extern void cursor_err (struct cursor *curs, char const desc[]);
// Reads the next line, ignoring all lines beginning with `#'; returns 0 on EOF,
// or 1 otherwise.
extern int cursor_step (struct cursor *curs);
// Scans past consecutive whitespaces (' ' and '\t') beginning from `*ptr';
// returns 1 if `*ptr' points to whitespace, or 0 otherwise.
extern int scan_space (char const **ptr);
// All of these three functions return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
extern int scan_unsigned (char const **ptr, unsigned *x);
extern int scan_signed (char const **ptr, signed *x);
extern int scan_float (char const **ptr, float *x);
// Scan from a `s'tring containing only the number, forbidding any leading or
// trailing whitespace; return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
extern int scan2_unsigned (char const *s, unsigned *x);
extern int scan2_signed (char const *s, signed *x);
extern int scan2_float (char const *s, float *x);
// Scans a `buf'fer of length [size][n] (both `size' and `n' shall be > 0) with
// whitespace-delimited elements by applying `scan_one' on each element; returns
// 1 on success, 0 on failure.
extern int scan_arr
(char const **ptr, void *buf, unsigned n, unsigned size, scan_f *scan_one);
// `scan_arr' instances with actual types; return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
extern int scan_iarr (char const **ptr, signed buf[], unsigned n);
extern int scan_uarr (char const **ptr, unsigned buf[], unsigned n);
extern int scan_farr (char const **ptr, float buf[], unsigned n);
// Reads a block of elements delimited by whitespaces and/or newlines, with the
// end marked by a blank line, disallowing leading or trailing whitespace on any
// line. If `cnt' is NULL, the element count shall be exactly `n0'; otherwise
// memory will be pre-allocated for `n0' elements and grow as needed, and `*cnt'
// will be set to the final count on successful return. Returns 1 on success, 0
// on failure.
extern int scan_block (
struct cursor *curs, unsigned size, unsigned n0,
unsigned *cnt, void **ret, scan_f *scan_one