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1. Create a new visitor

  • Revisit the concept "Objects" to find out how to create an object with certain keys and values.

2. Revoke the ticket

  • Use the assignment operator = to set the ticketId property of the visitor object to null.
  • Return the visitor object afterwards.

3. Determine the ticket status

  • Revisit the concept "Conditionals" to find out how conditionally return different values from the function.
  • Use the bracket notation to access the value of the given ticketId in the object.
  • Use the strict equality operator === to check for null or undefined.

4. Improve the ticket status response

  • Retrieve the value for a given ticketId with bracket notation like in the previous task.
  • No if-statement is needed to solve this task.
  • Use the nullish coalescing operator ?? instead.

5. Determine the version of terms and conditions

  • Revisit the concept "Objects" for how to access nested values and start with writing down the expression for retrieving the version.
  • Then use the optional chaining operator to handle the case of the missing gtc object.
  • No if-statement is needed to solve this task.