2022-05-05 13:21:53 -05:00

103 lines
2.1 KiB

// @ts-check
* Retrieve card from cards array at the 0-based position
* @param {number[]} cards
* @param {number} position
* @returns {number} the card
export function getItem(cards, position) {
return cards[position];
* Exchange card with replacementCard at the 0-based position
* @param {number[]} cards
* @param {number} position
* @param {number} replacementCard
* @returns {number[]} the cards with the change applied
export function setItem(cards, position, replacementCard) {
cards[position] = replacementCard;
return cards;
* Insert newCard at the end of the cards array
* @param {number[]} cards
* @param {number} newCard
* @returns {number[]} the cards with the newCard applied
export function insertItemAtTop(cards, newCard) {
return cards;
* Remove the card at the 0-based position
* @param {number[]} cards
* @param {number} position
* @returns {number[]} the cards without the removed card
export function removeItem(cards, position) {
cards.splice(position, 1);
return cards;
* Remove card from the end of the cards array
* @param {number[]} cards
* @returns {number[]} the cards without the removed card
export function removeItemFromTop(cards) {
return cards;
* Insert newCard at beginning of the cards array
* @param {number[]} cards
* @param {number} newCard
* @returns {number[]} the cards including the new card
export function insertItemAtBottom(cards, newCard) {
cards.splice(0, 0, newCard);
return cards;
* Remove card from the beginning of the cards
* @param {number[]} cards
* @returns {number[]} the cards without the removed card
export function removeItemAtBottom(cards) {
cards.splice(0, 1);
return cards;
* Compare the number of cards with the given stackSize
* @param {number[]} cards
* @param {number} stackSize
* @returns {boolean} true if there are exactly stackSize number of cards, false otherwise
export function checkSizeOfStack(cards, stackSize) {
return(cards.length == stackSize);