dachary 2f17425104 allow override of gid/uid from the build command (#11)
It is useful when running from a development environment with
a setup identical to the CI.

Signed-off-by: Loïc Dachary <loic@dachary.org>

Reviewed-on: gitea/test-env#11
Reviewed-by: Andrew Thornton <art27@cantab.net>
Reviewed-by: techknowlogick <techknowlogick@gitea.io>
Co-authored-by: dachary <dachary@noreply.gitea.io>
Co-committed-by: dachary <dachary@noreply.gitea.io>
2021-11-29 05:55:33 +08:00

590 B

test env

A docker image for Gitea ci test

  • From golang:1.17
  • upgrade git to v2.33.0
  • install git-lfs
  • install golangci-lint v1.43.0

development environment build

In order to run from within a development environment at the root of the gitea repository with a command such as docker run --volume $(pwd):/drone/src --workdir /drone/src --user gitea mytestenv ... the id of the gitea user must match the id of the development environment.

  • docker build --tag mytestenv --build-arg GITEA_ID=$(id -u) --build-arg GITEA_GID=$(id -g) .