2021-11-20 21:55:40 -07:00

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# This is your habits file.
# It tells harsh what to track and how frequently.
# 1 means daily, 7 means weekly, 14 every two weeks.
# 0 is for tracking a habit. 0 frequency habits will not warn or score.
# Examples:
# High Performance Habits
# Header Questions
Today's Message to Myself: 1
Today's Top 3 Goals/Priorities: 1
Tasks That Absolutely Must Be Done Today: 1
Person(s) I need to lead or connect with today (and how to do it well): 1
# Morning Mindset
One thing I can get excited about today is...: 0
If one word could describe the kind of person I want to be today, then that word is... and why I chose it is...: 0
Someonewho needs me on my A-game today is...: 0
A situation that might stress me out or trip me up today could be...: 0
...and the way that my best self would deal with that is...: 0
Someone I could surprise with a note, gift, or sign of appreciation is...: 0
One action I could take today to demonstrate excellence or real value is...: 0
One thing I could do today that is a little outside of my comfort zone is to (try, ask for, express something, take a big stp, etc.)...: 0
If I was a high performance coach looking at my life from a high leve, I would tell myself to remember that...: 0
The big projects I have to keep in mind that I want to take on, even if I can't act toward them today, are...: 0
I would know that today was a great success if at the end of the day I did, said, or felt this...: 0
# Evening Mindset
A moment that I really appreciate today was...: 0
A situation or task I handled well today was...: 0
Something I realized or leared today was...: 0
I could have made today even better if I...: 0
Something that could have helped me feel more connected to others would have been...: 0
If I was my own high performance coach, I would tell myself this statement about today...: 0
Clarity; did you know your why, and did you live intentionally today: 1
Productivity; did I work on things that matter most: 1
Energy; did I manage my mental and physical energy well: 1
Influence; did I guide or treat others well: 1
Necessity; did I feel that it was necessary to be my best and made success a must: 1
Courage; did I share my real self,thougts, and feelings today: 1
# Supplamental
Used harsh: 0