2020-11-15 07:39:09 -08:00

362 lines
11 KiB

package main
import (
type Point struct {
X *big.Int
Y *big.Int
Z *big.Int
type Curve struct {
P *big.Int
A *big.Int
B *big.Int
var ZERO *big.Int = big.NewInt(0)
var ONE *big.Int = big.NewInt(1)
func (P *Point) IsAtInfinity() bool {
return (P.X.Cmp(ZERO) == 0 &&
P.Y.Cmp(ONE) == 0 &&
P.Z.Cmp(ZERO) == 0)
// We need to do this ourselves because stdlib crypto/elliptic only has support for a = -3, but we need to support a = 1
func (curve *Curve) AddPoints(P, Q Point) (R Point) {
R.X = new(big.Int)
R.Y = new(big.Int)
R.Z = new(big.Int)
if P.IsAtInfinity() {
return R
} else if Q.IsAtInfinity() {
return R
X1, Y1, Z1 := P.X, P.Y, P.Z
X2, Y2, Z2 := Q.X, Q.Y, Q.Z
U1 := new(big.Int).Mul(Z2, Z2)
U1.Mul(U1, X1).Mod(U1, curve.P)
U2 := new(big.Int).Mul(Z1, Z1)
U2.Mul(U2, X2).Mod(U2, curve.P)
S1 := new(big.Int).Mul(Z2, Z2)
S1.Mul(S1, Z2).Mul(S1, Y1).Mod(S1, curve.P)
S2 := new(big.Int).Mul(Z1, Z1)
S2.Mul(S2, Z1).Mul(S2, Y2).Mod(S2, curve.P)
if U1.Cmp(U2) == 0 {
if S1.Cmp(S2) != 0 {
return R
// point doubling
if Y1.Cmp(ZERO) == 0 {
return R
// S = 4*X*Y²
S := new(big.Int).Set(X1)
S.Mul(S, Y1).Mul(S, Y1).Lsh(S, 2)
S.Mod(S, curve.P)
// M = 3*X² + a*Z⁴
M := big.NewInt(3)
M.Mul(M, X1).Mul(M, X1)
aZ4 := new(big.Int).Set(Z1)
aZ4.Mul(aZ4, aZ4).Mul(aZ4, aZ4)
aZ4.Mul(aZ4, curve.A)
aZ4.Mod(aZ4, curve.P)
M.Add(M, aZ4).Mod(M, curve.P)
// X' = M² - 2S
R.X.Lsh(S, 1)
R.X.Sub(new(big.Int).Mul(M, M), R.X)
R.X.Mod(R.X, curve.P)
// Y' = M*(S - X') - 8*Y⁴
R.Y.Sub(S, R.X).Mul(R.Y, M)
EightY4 := new(big.Int).Set(Y1)
EightY4.Mul(EightY4, EightY4).Mul(EightY4, EightY4)
EightY4.Lsh(EightY4, 3)
R.Y.Sub(R.Y, EightY4)
R.Y.Mod(R.Y, curve.P)
// Z' = 2*Y*Z
R.Z.Mul(Z1, Y1).Lsh(R.Z, 1)
R.Z.Mod(R.Z, curve.P)
return R
} else {
// point addition
H := new(big.Int).Sub(U2, U1)
H.Mod(H, curve.P)
Rr := new(big.Int).Sub(S2, S1)
Rr.Mod(Rr, curve.P)
// X3 = R² - H³ - 2*U1*H²
R2 := new(big.Int).Mul(Rr, Rr)
H2 := new(big.Int).Mul(H, H)
U1H2 := new(big.Int).Mul(U1, H2)
H3 := new(big.Int).Mul(H2, H)
TwoU1H2 := new(big.Int).Set(U1H2)
TwoU1H2.Lsh(TwoU1H2, 1)
R.X.Sub(R2, H3)
R.X.Sub(R.X, TwoU1H2)
R.X.Mod(R.X, curve.P)
// Y3 = R*(U1*H² - X3) - S1*H³
S1H3 := new(big.Int).Mul(S1, H3)
R.Y.Sub(U1H2, R.X).Mul(R.Y, Rr).Sub(R.Y, S1H3)
R.Y.Mod(R.Y, curve.P)
// Z3 = H*Z1*Z2
R.Z.Mul(Z2, Z1).Mul(R.Z, H)
R.Z.Mod(R.Z, curve.P)
return R
func (curve *Curve) ScalarMult(k *big.Int, P Point) (Point) {
Q := Point{new(big.Int).Set(P.X), new(big.Int).Set(P.Y), new(big.Int).Set(P.Z)}
R := Point{big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(0)}
e := new(big.Int).Set(k)
for ; e.Cmp(ZERO) != 0; e.Rsh(e, 1) {
if e.Bit(0) == 1 {
R = curve.AddPoints(R, Q)
Q = curve.AddPoints(Q, Q)
return R
func (curve *Curve) Affinize(P *Point) (*Point) {
if P.IsAtInfinity() { // would otherwise cause div by zero
return P
iz := new(big.Int).ModInverse(P.Z, curve.P)
iz2 := new(big.Int).Mul(iz, iz)
P.X.Mul(P.X, iz2).Mod(P.X, curve.P)
iz.Mul(iz, iz2)
P.Y.Mul(P.Y, iz).Mod(P.Y, curve.P)
return P
func ceildiv(a, b int) int {
return (a + b - 1) / b
func generateBINK(binkId uint32) (bink BINK, err error) {
// This uses the sizes used for Windows Server 2003. For XP, set lq = 56, lp = 384, hashbits = 28
// \item Fix $\ell _q$. This must actually be one bigger than the result because of how the scalar derivation works for 20020420 product key validation (bitcpycap32 for lq bits may otherwise yield a number that exceeds lq).
lq := 63
// \item Fix $\ell _p$ such that $\ell _p > \ell _q$.
lp := 512
// hashbits := 31
var q *big.Int
var a, b, c, d *big.Int
for {
// \item Choose a random $\frac{\ell _q+1}{2}$-bit integer $a$ and make it odd.
var abBitLen int
if lq % 2 == 0 {
abBitLen = ceildiv(lq + 1, 2)
} else {
abBitLen = ceildiv(lq - 1, 2)
abMax := big.NewInt(1)
abMax.Lsh(abMax, uint(abBitLen + 1)).Sub(abMax, ONE)
for {
a, err = rand.Int(rand.Reader, abMax)
if err != nil {
return bink, err
if a.BitLen() == abBitLen {
vPrintf("bad a len (%d != %d with max %x)\n", a.BitLen(), abBitLen, abMax)
a.SetBit(a, 0, 1)
// \item Choose a random $\frac{\ell _q+1}{2}$-bit integer $b$ and make it even.
for {
b, err = rand.Int(rand.Reader, abMax)
if err != nil {
return bink, err
if b.BitLen() == abBitLen {
vPrintf("bad b len (%d != %d with max %x)\n", b.BitLen(), abBitLen, abMax)
b.SetBit(b, 0, 0)
// \item Set $q=a^2 + b^2$.
q = new(big.Int).Add(new(big.Int).Mul(a, a), new(big.Int).Mul(b, b))
// \item If the bit length of $q$ is not $\ell _q$, return to step~3.
if q.BitLen() == lq {
// \item If $q$ is not prime, return to step~3.
// M-R test iterations taken from FIPS 186-4 section C.3 table C.1; we're significantly below p and q values for normal DSA though
if q.ProbablyPrime(40) {
vPrintf("q not prime\n")
vPrintf("bad q len (%d != %d)\n", q.BitLen(), lq)
vPrintf("q = %d\n", q)
var p *big.Int
var n *big.Int // order of the curve
for {
// \item Choose a random $(\frac{\ell _p - \ell _q}{2}+1$)-bit integer $c$ and make it a multiple of four, e.g. by clearing the bottom two~bits.
cdBitLen := ((lp - lq) + 2 - 1) / 2
cdMax := big.NewInt(1)
cdMax.Lsh(cdMax, uint(cdBitLen))
for {
c, err = rand.Int(rand.Reader, cdMax)
if err != nil {
return bink, err
if c.BitLen() == cdBitLen {
c.SetBit(c, 0, 0)
c.SetBit(c, 1, 0)
// \item Choose a random $(\frac{\ell _p - \ell _q}{2}+1)$-bit integer $d$ and make it a multiple of four.
for {
d, err = rand.Int(rand.Reader, cdMax)
if err != nil {
return bink, err
if d.BitLen() == cdBitLen {
d.SetBit(d, 0, 0)
d.SetBit(d, 1, 0)
// \item $\alpha=ac+bd+1$
ac := new(big.Int).Mul(a, c)
bd := new(big.Int).Mul(b, d)
alpha := new(big.Int).Add(ac, bd)
alpha.Add(alpha, big.NewInt(1))
// \item $\beta=|ad-bc|$
ad := new(big.Int).Mul(a, d)
bc := new(big.Int).Mul(b, c)
beta := new(big.Int).Sub(ad, bc)
beta = beta.Abs(beta)
// \item $p=\alpha^2+\beta^2$
p = new(big.Int).Add(new(big.Int).Mul(alpha, alpha), new(big.Int).Mul(beta, beta))
// \item If the bit length of $p$ is not $\ell _p$, return to step~8.
if p.BitLen() == lp {
// \item If $p$ is not prime, return to step~8.
if p.ProbablyPrime(40) {
n = new(big.Int).Add(p, big.NewInt(1))
n.Sub(n, new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(2), alpha))
// E(GF(p)): y^2 = x^3 + x [curve params a = 1, b = 0]
// #E(GF(p)): n = p + 1 - 2\alpha
vPrintf("Curve E defined by y^2 = x^3 + x over GF(%d)\n", p)
vPrintf("#E = %d\n", n)
// We now have the order of the curve and the prime order q of a base point B.
// First find a generator point G of order n, which is any point for which [n]G == 0.
var curve *Curve = &Curve{p, big.NewInt(1), new(big.Int)}
var G Point
for {
// To find a random point, first try random x-coordinates < p and see if it is a square residues modulo p. If so, then (x_cand, sqrt(y_cand)) is a valid point.
x, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, p)
if err != nil {
return bink, err
yy := new(big.Int).Mul(x, x)
yy.Mul(yy, x)
yy.Add(yy, x)
y := yy.ModSqrt(yy, p)
if y == nil {
// Given a valid point (x, y), try scalar multiplication with n. If the result is the point at infinity, we know it's a generator.
G.X = x
G.Y = y
G.Z = big.NewInt(1)
nG := curve.ScalarMult(n, G)
if nG.IsAtInfinity() {
// The point B will be a generator point of the subgroup of the group generated by G. Because the order of a subgroup always evenly divides the order of the entire group, we can compute n/q and multiply G by that, leaving us with a point of order q.
h := new(big.Int).Div(n, q)
B := curve.ScalarMult(h, G)
X := curve.ScalarMult(q, B)
if !X.IsAtInfinity() {
return bink, errors.New("order of B is not q")
// Now pick a random scalar k such that 0 < k < q, get K = [k]B and output key pair (k, K).
k, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, q)
if err != nil {
return bink, err
K := curve.ScalarMult(k, B)
bink.BasePointOrder = q
bink.SecretKey = k
bink.ResourceId = binkId
bink.Version = 20020420
bink.CurveParamWords = uint32(p.BitLen() / 32)
if bink.Version == 20020420 {
bink.OffsetToCurveParams = 9
bink.PKHashBits = 31
bink.PKScalarBits = uint32(lq - 1) // Take care when *generating* keys that ceil(log2(y)) <= PKScalarBits because q > PKScalarBits.
bink.AuthValueBits = 10
bink.PIDBits = 20
} else {
bink.OffsetToCurveParams = 7
bink.PKHashBits = 28
bink.PKScalarBits = uint32(lq - 1)
bink.Size = 4 * bink.OffsetToCurveParams + 7 * 4 * bink.CurveParamWords
// Checksum is only generated and written on serialization
bink.Curve = *curve
bink.B = B
bink.K = K
return bink, nil