A one-command installer for all binaries and AppImage files.
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2020-08-10 23:58:17 +02:00
bin Fixing bugs 2020-08-10 23:57:24 +02:00
list.json Improvements 2020-08-10 23:22:45 +02:00
README.md Adding one milestone 2020-08-10 23:58:17 +02:00

Bin: Binary installer

Bin is a tool that helps you to install binaries.

The problem and the solution

The problem is the complexity of installing a binary like a AppImage for example. So instead of doing:

wget <binary url>
wget <icon url>
mv <iconname> /opt/somefolder/icon.png
mv <filename> /usr/bin/<name of the app>
nano /usr/share/applications/<name of the app>.desktop

Then write:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=<name of the app>
Name=<name of the app>

You can have the same result in one command:

bin install <binary url> <name of the app> <icon url>

Then to remove it, instead of running:

sudo su
rm /usr/bin/<name of the app>
rm /usr/share/applications/<name of the app>.desktop

You just have to run

bin remove <name of the app>

How to install Bin

From source

Paste the following content into your terminal:

sudo apt install wget python3 python3-pip
pip3 install wget
wget <path>
sudo mv bin /usr/bin/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/bin

From binary (not available)

The binary is not available yet.

Paste the following content into your terminal:

sudo apt install wget
wget https://gitea.com/chopin42/bin/raw/branch/master/binary/bin
sudo mv bin /usr/bin/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/bin


There are two commands:

bin install <binary url> <name of the app> <icon url, optional>
bin remove <name of the app>

Goal for the future

  • Making bin more universal, and compatible with other Linux distros.

  • Automatically detect the image inside the AppImage package

  • Creating a binary manager for the most well-known apps


If you want to contribute (thanks you!) you can get all the information you need here


This project is under GNU-GPL v3, more information here