2022-09-19 01:04:19 +08:00

158 lines
5.9 KiB

{ }
{ EhLib v8.0 }
{ EhLib v8.0.08 }
{ Resource of strings }
{ }
{ Copyright (c) 2001-2015 by Dmitry V. Bolshakov }
{ }
unit EhLibConsts;
SClearSelectedCellsEh = 'Clear selected cells?';
SInvalidTextFormatEh = 'Invalid text format';
SInvalidVCLDBIFFormatEh = 'Invalid VCLDBIF format';
SErrorDuringInsertValueEh = 'Error during insert value:';
SIgnoreErrorEh = 'Ignore error?';
STabularInformationEh = 'Tabular information';
SPageOfPagesEh = 'Page %d of %d';
SPreviewEh = 'Preview';
SFieldNameNotFoundEh = 'Field name ''%s'' not found';
SFindDialogStringNotFoundMessageEh = 'String "%s" not found.';
SVisibleColumnsEh = 'Visible columns';
SCutEh = 'Cut';
SCopyEh = 'Copy';
SPasteEh = 'Paste';
SDeleteEh = 'Delete';
SSelectAllEh = 'Select All';
SSTFilterListItem_Empties = '(Empty)';
SSTFilterListItem_NotEmpties = '(Not empty)';
SSTFilterListItem_All = '(All)';
SSTFilterListItem_SelectAll = '(Select All)';
SSTFilterListItem_ClearFilter = '(Clear filter)';
SSTFilterListItem_ClearFilterInColumn = '(Clear column filter)';
SSTFilterListItem_SortingByAscend = '(Order by ascending)';
SSTFilterListItem_SortingByDescend = '(Order by descending)';
SSTFilterListItem_ApplyFilter = '(Apply filter)';
SSTFilterListItem_CustomFilter = '(Custom...)';
SSimpFilter_equals = 'equals';
SSimpFilter_does_not_equal = 'does not equal';
SSimpFilter_is_greate_than = 'is greate than';
SSimpFilter_is_greate_than_or_equall_to = 'is greate than or equall to';
SSimpFilter_is_less_than = 'is less than';
SSimpFilter_is_less_than_or_equall_to = 'is less than or equall to';
SSimpFilter_begins_with = 'begins with';
SSimpFilter_does_not_begin_with = 'does not begin with';
SSimpFilter_ends_with = 'ends with';
SSimpFilter_does_not_end_with = 'does not end with';
SSimpFilter_contains = 'contains';
SSimpFilter_does_not_contain = 'does not contain';
SSimpFilter_like = 'like';
SSimpFilter_not_like = 'not like';
SSimpFilter_in_list = 'in list';
SSimpFilter_not_in_list = 'not in list';
SSimpFilter_is_blank = 'is blank';
SSimpFilter_is_not_blank = 'is not blank';
SGroupingPanelText = 'Drag a column header here to group by that column';
SNoDataEh = '<No Records>'; //'No data';
// Error message
SQuoteIsAbsentEh = 'Quote is absent: ';
SLeftBracketExpectedEh = '''('' expected: ';
SRightBracketExpectedEh = ''')'' expected: ';
SErrorInExpressionEh = 'Error in expression: ';
SUnexpectedExpressionBeforeNullEh = 'Unexpected expression before Null: ';
SUnexpectedExpressionAfterOperatorEh = 'Unexpected expression after operator: ';
SIncorrectExpressionEh = 'Incorrect expression: ';
SUnexpectedANDorOREh = 'Unexpected AND or OR: ';
SGridSelectionInfo_Sum = 'Sum';
SGridSelectionInfo_Cnt = 'Count';
SGridSelectionInfo_Evg = 'Average';
SGridSelectionInfo_Min = 'Min';
SGridSelectionInfo_Max = 'Max';
SCellCountEh = 'Cell Count';
SFirstRecordEh = 'First record';
SPriorRecordEh = 'Prior record';
SNextRecordEh = 'Next record';
SLastRecordEh = 'Last record';
SInsertRecordEh = 'Insert record';
SDeleteRecordEh = 'Delete record';
SEditRecordEh = 'Edit record';
SPostEditEh = 'Post edit';
SCancelEditEh = 'Cancel edit';
SConfirmCaptionEh = 'Confirm';
SRefreshRecordEh = 'Refresh data';
SDeleteMultipleRecordsQuestionEh = 'Delete %d selected records?';
SDeleteAllRecordsQuestionEh = 'Delete All records?';
SDuplicateVarNameEh = 'A Variable named ''%s'' already exists in the Collection';
SSearchPanelEditorPromptText = 'Search...';
SUnsupportedFieldTypeEh = 'Unsupported field type (%s) in field %s';
SSearchPanelApplyFilterEh = 'Show records where the text is found';
SSearchPanelCancelFilterEh = 'Cancel filter and clear the search text';
SSearchPanelFindNextEh = 'Find next';
SSearchPanelFindPrevEh = 'Find prev';
SSearchPanelOptionsEh = 'Show find options';
SSortingByThisColumnIsNotPossibleEh = 'Sorting by this column is not possible';
SGroupingByThisColumnIsNotPossibleEh = 'Grouping by this column is not possible';
SFindItemNameAllEh = '<All>';
SElapsedTimeEh = 'Elapsed time';
SPivotDataBuildingInProgressEh = 'Pivot data building is in progress...';
SPressESCToCancelEh = 'Press ESC to cancel';
SGrandTotalEh = 'Grand Total';
STotalEh = 'Total';
SPivotValueFieldDisplayNameEh = '(Value)';
SPivotRowsEh = 'Rows';
SPivotColumnsEh = 'Columns';
SPivotValuesEh = 'Values';
SPivotSliceNonDisplayNameEh = 'Non';
SPivotSliceYearDisplayNameEh = 'Year';
SPivotSliceQuarterDisplayNameEh = 'Quarter';
SPivotSliceMonthDisplayNameEh = 'Month';
SPivotSliceWeekDisplayNameEh = 'Week';
SPivotSliceDayDisplayNameEh = 'Day';
SPivotSliceHourDisplayNameEh = 'Hour';
SPivotSliceMinDisplayNameEh = 'Min';
SPivotSliceSecDisplayNameEh = 'Sec';
SPivotSliceMSecDisplayNameEh = 'MSec';
SPivotSumFunctionNonEh = 'Non';
SPivotSumFunctionSumEh = 'Sum';
SPivotSumFunctionCountEh = 'Count';
SPivotSumFunctiontAvgEh = 'Avg';
SPivotSumFunctionMaxEh = 'Max';
SPivotSumFunctionMinEh = 'Min';
SPivotSumFunctionCountDistinctEh = 'Count Distinct';
SPivotSumFunctionCustomEh = 'Custom';
SPlannerResourceUnassignedEh = 'Unassigned';
SPlannerNextEventEh = 'Next event';
SPlannerPriorEventEh = 'Prior event';
SPlannerDeletePlanItemEh = 'Delete Event?';
SPlannerPeriodFromEh = 'From';
SPlannerPeriodToEh = 'To';
SPlannerWeekTextEh = 'WEEK';
SPlannerEndTimeBeforeStartTimeEh = 'The EndTime is before the StartTime';