2021-01-01 19:57:20 +01:00

32 lines
914 B

Installation Instructions
1. Create a Python Virtual Environment inside the top directory and install dependencies
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
2. Set ENV variables
export FLASK_DEBUG=True # for dev use only, skip in production
export SECRET_KEY='a_sufficiently_strong_random_key' # change this value
3. Carry out database migrations
flask db init # first time only
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade
4. Run the app using the built-in flask server (only for development)
flask run
Note: Currently, to recover admin account credentials, you should remove the
previous user by editing the sqlite database file directly. If you forgot your
username and password, just delete that row from the users table. This will not
affect existing podcasts and episodes.