mirror of https://github.com/dxvgef/tsing synced 2020-06-03 17:11:42 +00:00
2020-03-27 16:34:12 +08:00

52 lines
936 B

package tsing
import (
// 取最后一个字符
func lastChar(str string) uint8 {
if str == "" {
panic("The length of the string can't be 0")
return str[len(str)-1]
// 拼接路径
func joinPaths(absolutePath, relativePath string) string {
if relativePath == "" {
return absolutePath
finalPath := path.Join(absolutePath, relativePath)
appendSlash := lastChar(relativePath) == '/' && lastChar(finalPath) != '/'
if appendSlash {
return finalPath + "/"
return finalPath
// 获得程序的根路径
func getRootPath() string {
// 使用当前路径
path, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return ""
return path
// 获得函数信息
func getFuncInfo(obj interface{}) *_Source {
ptr := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Pointer()
file, line := runtime.FuncForPC(ptr).FileLine(ptr)
return &_Source{
Func: runtime.FuncForPC(ptr).Name(),
File: file,
Line: line,