Earl Warren 251a962a95
F3: Gitea driver and CLI
user, topic, project, label, milestone, repository, pull_request,
release, asset, comment, reaction, review providers

Signed-off-by: Earl Warren <>
2022-10-02 16:41:02 +02:00

156 lines
4.1 KiB

// Copyright 2022 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package driver
import (
issues_model ""
user_model ""
comment_service ""
type Comment struct {
func CommentConverter(f *issues_model.Comment) *Comment {
return &Comment{
Comment: *f,
func (o Comment) GetID() int64 {
return o.Comment.ID
func (o *Comment) SetID(id int64) {
o.Comment.ID = id
func (o *Comment) IsNil() bool {
return o.ID == 0
func (o *Comment) Equals(other *Comment) bool {
return o.Comment.ID == other.Comment.ID
func (o *Comment) ToFormat() *format.Comment {
return &format.Comment{
Common: format.Common{Index: o.Comment.ID},
IssueIndex: o.Comment.IssueID,
PosterID: o.Comment.PosterID,
PosterName: o.Comment.Poster.Name,
PosterEmail: o.Comment.Poster.Email,
Content: o.Comment.Content,
Created: o.Comment.CreatedUnix.AsTime(),
Updated: o.Comment.UpdatedUnix.AsTime(),
func (o *Comment) FromFormat(comment *format.Comment) {
*o = Comment{
Comment: issues_model.Comment{
ID: comment.Index,
PosterID: comment.PosterID,
Poster: &user_model.User{
ID: comment.PosterID,
Name: comment.PosterName,
Email: comment.PosterEmail,
Content: comment.Content,
CreatedUnix: timeutil.TimeStamp(comment.Created.Unix()),
UpdatedUnix: timeutil.TimeStamp(comment.Updated.Unix()),
type CommentProvider struct {
g *Gitea
func (o *CommentProvider) ToFormat(comment *Comment) *format.Comment {
return comment.ToFormat()
func (o *CommentProvider) FromFormat(f *format.Comment) *Comment {
var comment Comment
return &comment
func (o *CommentProvider) GetObjects(user *User, project *Project, commentable common.ContainerObjectInterface, page int) []*Comment {
comments, err := issues_model.FindComments(o.g.ctx, &issues_model.FindCommentsOptions{
ListOptions: db.ListOptions{Page: page, PageSize: o.g.perPage},
RepoID: project.GetID(),
IssueID: commentable.GetID(),
Type: issues_model.CommentTypeComment,
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error while listing comment: %v", err))
return util.ConvertMap[*issues_model.Comment, *Comment](comments, CommentConverter)
func (o *CommentProvider) ProcessObject(user *User, project *Project, commentable common.ContainerObjectInterface, comment *Comment) {
if err := comment.LoadIssue(); err != nil {
if err := comment.LoadPoster(); err != nil {
func (o *CommentProvider) Get(user *User, project *Project, commentable common.ContainerObjectInterface, comment *Comment) *Comment {
id := comment.GetID()
c, err := issues_model.GetCommentByID(o.g.ctx, id)
if issues_model.IsErrCommentNotExist(err) {
return &Comment{}
if err != nil {
co := CommentConverter(c)
o.ProcessObject(user, project, commentable, co)
return co
func (o *CommentProvider) Put(user *User, project *Project, commentable common.ContainerObjectInterface, comment *Comment) *Comment {
var issue *issues_model.Issue
switch c := commentable.(type) {
case *PullRequest:
issue = c.PullRequest.Issue
case *Issue:
issue = &c.Issue
panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T", commentable))
c, err := comment_service.CreateIssueComment(o.g.GetDoer(), &project.Repository, issue, comment.Content, nil)
if err != nil {
return o.Get(user, project, commentable, CommentConverter(c))
func (o *CommentProvider) Delete(user *User, project *Project, commentable common.ContainerObjectInterface, comment *Comment) *Comment {
c := o.Get(user, project, commentable, comment)
if !c.IsNil() {
err := issues_model.DeleteComment(o.g.ctx, &c.Comment)
if err != nil {
return c