Pandapip1 b216982e68
Website: Human-friendly preamble (#6017)
* Website: Human-friendly preamble

* Fix syntax error

* Fix more syntax errors

* Indicate authors a little better

* Fix small typo

* Fix another syntax error

* Make use of blockquotes for withdraw reason

* Remove redunant/removed items

* Add additional linebreak

* Include bootstrap CSS

* Move to correct folder

* Add responsive meta tag

* Badges fade on hover

* Commit changes so far

* Temporarily delete integrities while in development

* Delete custom-head.html

* Update eip.html

* Update eip.html

* Update style.scss

* Remove bootstrap references

* Use remove theme that adds markdown

* Use regular minima again

* Add bootstrap styling

* Remove MathJax and bootstrap from eips rendering

* ... and place it in the head

* Fix typos

* Make header work with bootstrap

* Add category badges

* Update styles

* Fix integrities

* Upgrade to mathjax v3

* Update style.scss

* Use correct mathjax integrity

* Change badge color scheme

* Move badges to before title

* Always link to discussion

* Automatically open discussion links in new tab

* Reorder preamble items & fix some rendering issues

* Fix page title for ERCs

* Add descriptions

* @SamWilsn's authorlist suggestion

* Some changes that @SamWilsn suggested

* Update authorlist to use no break spaces

* Make data wrap better & center-align discussion link

* Move @ into GitHub link

* Actually center link

* Use table layout instead of an actual table

* Fix table formatting

* Go back to normal table layout

* Add magic sauce

* Add unknown magical @SamWilsn code

I hope you know what you're doing

Co-authored-by: Sam Wilson <57262657+SamWilsn@users.noreply.github.com>

* TIL there IS an else tag

* 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Double facepalm

* Add inline svg style

* Use inline SVG styling & add discussion bubble

* Remove third typo

* Add styling to make SVG links a bit better

* Add no-underline class

* Add no-underline class to icon links

* Add padding to footer to fix some styling issues

* Target the right class

* Fix footer

* Use different target for footer fix

* Final(tm) footer fix

* Use Sam's magic answer with SCSS and see how it turns out

* Fix it

* Update content-width to 100%

* Oops typo

* Make icons a tad bit smaller

* Make badges a bit bigger

* Add EIP- prefix to requires items

TODO: maybe use ERC prefix when needed?

* Fix width

* Lower font size

Co-authored-by: Sam Wilson <57262657+SamWilsn@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-01-25 12:59:02 -08:00

5 lines
192 B

{% assign eips=include.eips|split:"," %}
{% for eipnum in eips %}
<a href="{{eipnum|strip|prepend:"eip-" }}">EIP-{{eipnum|strip}}</a>{% if forloop.last == false %}, {% endif %}
{% endfor %}