@actions/cache with external cache server connecting wrong IP ( #437

opened 2023-12-05 10:47:35 +00:00 by nex · 5 comments

@zetta1325 Hello I'm having trouble using @actions/cache with external cache server, both the runner and the cache server are on a K8s, the step:

- name: Set cache dist
  uses: actions/cache@v3
    key: ${{ steps.regex-match.outputs.group1 }}-${{ steps.commonVars.outputs.commit_id_8 }}
    restore-keys: ${{ steps.regex-match.outputs.group1 }}
    path: apps/${{ steps.regex-match.outputs.group1 }}/package.json

runner config.yaml

#   # Enable cache server to use actions/cache.
  enabled: true
#   # The directory to store the cache data.
#   # If it's empty, the cache data will be stored in $HOME/.cache/actcache.
#   dir: ""
#   # The host of the cache server.
#   # It's not for the address to listen, but the address to connect from job containers.
#   # So is a bad choice, leave it empty to detect automatically.
#   host: ""
#   # The port of the cache server.
#   # 0 means to use a random available port.
#   port: 0
#   # The external cache server URL. Valid only when enable is true.
#   # If it's specified, act_runner will use this URL as the ACTIONS_CACHE_URL rather than start a server by itself.
#   # The URL should generally end with "/".
  external_server: http://act-cache-server:7931/

I tried manually attach to the container created by the runner when running jobs and
nslookup act-cache-server correctly returned the cache server's K8s cluster internal IP.
curl http://act-cache-server:7931/ returned 404, so the network did work.

But some how runner is trying to connect to and having error :

⚠️:Failed to restore: downloadCache failed: connect ECONNREFUSED


@zetta1325 Hello I'm having trouble using `@actions/cache` with external cache server, both the runner and the cache server are on a K8s, the step: ```yml - name: Set cache dist uses: actions/cache@v3 with: key: ${{ steps.regex-match.outputs.group1 }}-${{ steps.commonVars.outputs.commit_id_8 }} restore-keys: ${{ steps.regex-match.outputs.group1 }} path: apps/${{ steps.regex-match.outputs.group1 }}/package.json ``` runner `config.yaml` ```yml cache: # # Enable cache server to use actions/cache. enabled: true # # The directory to store the cache data. # # If it's empty, the cache data will be stored in $HOME/.cache/actcache. # dir: "" # # The host of the cache server. # # It's not for the address to listen, but the address to connect from job containers. # # So is a bad choice, leave it empty to detect automatically. # host: "" # # The port of the cache server. # # 0 means to use a random available port. # port: 0 # # The external cache server URL. Valid only when enable is true. # # If it's specified, act_runner will use this URL as the ACTIONS_CACHE_URL rather than start a server by itself. # # The URL should generally end with "/". external_server: http://act-cache-server:7931/ ``` I tried manually attach to the container created by the runner when running jobs and `nslookup act-cache-server` correctly returned the cache server's K8s cluster internal IP. `curl http://act-cache-server:7931/` returned 404, so the network did work. But some how runner is trying to connect to and having error : ``` ⚠️:Failed to restore: downloadCache failed: connect ECONNREFUSED ``` ![image](/attachments/8fb89387-38be-46bc-96bc-17864189c6b1)

Could you please try to ping/dig/curl act-cache-server before the Set cache dist step and see what will happen?

Could you please try to ping/dig/curl `act-cache-server` before the `Set cache dist` step and see what will happen?

Yes of course I've tried that.
ping does not work (as expected) because how K8s service works
dig returned the correct K8s cluster internal IP of the act-cache-server service (192.168.x.x)
curl http://act-cache-server:7931 returned 404, so the networking seems working

@wolfogre Yes of course I've tried that. `ping` does not work (as expected) because how K8s service works `dig` returned the correct K8s cluster internal IP of the `act-cache-server` service (192.168.x.x) `curl http://act-cache-server:7931` returned 404, so the networking seems working

Sorry for the late reply. I've tried in my k8s with gitea/act_runner:nightly-dind-rootless and the external cache server works well.
What type of image of act_runner are you using?

Sorry for the late reply. I've tried in my k8s with `gitea/act_runner:nightly-dind-rootless` and the external cache server works well. What type of image of `act_runner` are you using?
Zettat123 added the
needs feedback
labels 2023-12-26 04:01:17 +00:00

I ran into the same problem and found that the cache server is returning an incorrect URL as archiveLocation.

  enabled: true
  external_server: http://gitea-act-runner-cache.default.svc.cluster.local/
$ curl "http://gitea-act-runner-cache.default.svc.cluster.local/_apis/artifactcache/cache?keys=test&version=4bb8d4df808667b3ab8e06d15c4335a6d3b7f67c756feb10f9ecb621591d36e7"

logs excerpt
- name: test cache
  id: cache-test
  uses: actions/cache@v4
    path: cache-test
    key: test
⭐ Run Main test cache
[DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/outputcmd.txt len:0
[DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/statecmd.txt len:0
[DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/pathcmd.txt len:0
[DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/envs.txt len:0
[DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/SUMMARY.md len:0
[DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act'
[DEBUG] About to run action &{Cache GitHub Cache artifacts like dependencies and build outputs to improve workflow execution time map[enableCrossOsArchive:{An optional boolean when enabled, allows windows runners to save or restore caches that can be restored or saved respectively on other platforms false false} fail-on-cache-miss:{Fail the workflow if cache entry is not found false false} key:{An explicit key for restoring and saving the cache true } lookup-only:{Check if a cache entry exists for the given input(s) (key, restore-keys) without downloading the cache false false} path:{A list of files, directories, and wildcard patterns to cache and restore true } restore-keys:{An ordered list of keys to use for restoring stale cache if no cache hit occurred for key. Note `cache-hit` returns false in this case. false } save-always:{Run the post step to save the cache even if another step before fails false false} upload-chunk-size:{The chunk size used to split up large files during upload, in bytes false }] map[cache-hit:{A boolean value to indicate an exact match was found for the primary key }] {node20 map[] dist/restore/index.js  always() dist/save/index.js success() || github.event.inputs.save-always   [] []} {gray-dark archive}}
[DEBUG] type=remote-action actionDir=/home/rootless/.cache/act/actions-cache@v4 actionPath= workdir=/workspace/pikatenor/actions-test actionCacheDir=/home/rootless/.cache/act actionName=actions-cache@v4 containerActionDir=/var/run/act/actions/actions-cache@v4
[DEBUG] Removing /home/rootless/.cache/act/actions-cache@v4/.gitignore before docker cp
[DEBUG] /var/run/act/actions/actions-cache@v4
  🐳  docker cp src=/home/rootless/.cache/act/actions-cache@v4/ dst=/var/run/act/actions/actions-cache@v4/
[DEBUG] Writing tarball /tmp/act702315702 from /home/rootless/.cache/act/actions-cache@v4/
[DEBUG] Stripping prefix:/home/rootless/.cache/act/actions-cache@v4/ src:/home/rootless/.cache/act/actions-cache@v4/
[DEBUG] Extracting content from '/tmp/act702315702' to '/var/run/act/actions/actions-cache@v4/'
[DEBUG] executing remote job container: [node /var/run/act/actions/actions-cache@v4/dist/restore/index.js]
  🐳  docker exec cmd=[node /var/run/act/actions/actions-cache@v4/dist/restore/index.js] user= workdir=
[DEBUG] Exec command '[node /var/run/act/actions/actions-cache@v4/dist/restore/index.js]'
[DEBUG] Working directory '/workspace/pikatenor/actions-test'
  💬  ::debug::Resolved Keys:
  | ::debug::Resolved Keys:
  💬  ::debug::["test"]
  | ::debug::["test"]
  💬  ::debug::Checking zstd --quiet --version
  | ::debug::Checking zstd --quiet --version
  💬  ::debug::*** zstd command line interface 64-bits v1.4.4, by Yann Collet ***
  | ::debug::*** zstd command line interface 64-bits v1.4.4, by Yann Collet ***
  💬  ::debug::zstd version: null
  | ::debug::zstd version: null
  💬  ::debug::Resource Url: http://gitea-act-runner-cache.default.svc.cluster.local/_apis/artifactcache/cache?keys=test&version=4bb8d4df808667b3ab8e06d15c4335a6d3b7f67c756feb10f9ecb621591d36e7
  | ::debug::Resource Url: http://gitea-act-runner-cache.default.svc.cluster.local/_apis/artifactcache/cache?keys=test&version=4bb8d4df808667b3ab8e06d15c4335a6d3b7f67c756feb10f9ecb621591d36e7
  ⚙  ***
  | ::add-mask::***
  💬  ::debug::Cache Result:
  | ::debug::Cache Result:
  💬  ::debug::{"archiveLocation":"***","cacheKey":"test","result":"hit"}
  | ::debug::{"archiveLocation":"***","cacheKey":"test","result":"hit"}
  💬  ::debug::Archive Path: /tmp/ef4917b0-1c98-46bf-ab23-5d1a9bf11d1a/cache.tzst
  | ::debug::Archive Path: /tmp/ef4917b0-1c98-46bf-ab23-5d1a9bf11d1a/cache.tzst
  💬  ::debug::Use Azure SDK: false
  | ::debug::Use Azure SDK: false
  💬  ::debug::Download concurrency: 8
  | ::debug::Download concurrency: 8
  💬  ::debug::Request timeout (ms): 30000
  | ::debug::Request timeout (ms): 30000
  💬  ::debug::Cache segment download timeout mins env var: undefined
  | ::debug::Cache segment download timeout mins env var: undefined
  💬  ::debug::Segment download timeout (ms): 600000
  | ::debug::Segment download timeout (ms): 600000
  💬  ::debug::Lookup only: false
  | ::debug::Lookup only: false
  💬  ::debug::downloadCache - Attempt 1 of 2 failed with error: connect ECONNREFUSED
  | ::debug::downloadCache - Attempt 1 of 2 failed with error: connect ECONNREFUSED
  💬  ::debug::downloadCache - Attempt 2 of 2 failed with error: connect ECONNREFUSED
  | ::debug::downloadCache - Attempt 2 of 2 failed with error: connect ECONNREFUSED
  🚧  ::warning::Failed to restore: downloadCache failed: connect ECONNREFUSED
  | ::warning::Failed to restore: downloadCache failed: connect ECONNREFUSED
  | Cache not found for input keys: test
  ✅  Success - Main test cache

I wanted to deploy the cache server as a separate Deployment/Service from the runner, so I had set as the host for the cache server.

  enabled: true
  host: ""
  port: 80

(full Deployment/ConfigMap is here)

I think the problem is due to a limitation that the current act does not allow the ExternalURL to be set separately from the address that the cache server listens to.

func (h *Handler) ExternalURL() string {
// TODO: make the external url configurable if necessary
return fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d",

I would like to make the ExternalURL used for archiveLocation configurable for flexibility of deployment.

Is it better to send a PR to nextos/act or gitea-forked act? (this feature seems unnecessary when running act locally)

I ran into the same problem and found that the cache server is returning an incorrect URL as `archiveLocation`. ```yaml cache: enabled: true external_server: http://gitea-act-runner-cache.default.svc.cluster.local/ ``` ``` $ curl "http://gitea-act-runner-cache.default.svc.cluster.local/_apis/artifactcache/cache?keys=test&version=4bb8d4df808667b3ab8e06d15c4335a6d3b7f67c756feb10f9ecb621591d36e7" {"archiveLocation":"","cacheKey":"test","result":"hit"} ``` <details> <summary>logs excerpt</summary> ###### workflow ```yaml - name: test cache id: cache-test uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: cache-test key: test ``` ###### log ``` ⭐ Run Main test cache [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/outputcmd.txt len:0 [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/statecmd.txt len:0 [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/pathcmd.txt len:0 [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/envs.txt len:0 [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/SUMMARY.md len:0 [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act' [DEBUG] About to run action &{Cache GitHub Cache artifacts like dependencies and build outputs to improve workflow execution time map[enableCrossOsArchive:{An optional boolean when enabled, allows windows runners to save or restore caches that can be restored or saved respectively on other platforms false false} fail-on-cache-miss:{Fail the workflow if cache entry is not found false false} key:{An explicit key for restoring and saving the cache true } lookup-only:{Check if a cache entry exists for the given input(s) (key, restore-keys) without downloading the cache false false} path:{A list of files, directories, and wildcard patterns to cache and restore true } restore-keys:{An ordered list of keys to use for restoring stale cache if no cache hit occurred for key. Note `cache-hit` returns false in this case. false } save-always:{Run the post step to save the cache even if another step before fails false false} upload-chunk-size:{The chunk size used to split up large files during upload, in bytes false }] map[cache-hit:{A boolean value to indicate an exact match was found for the primary key }] {node20 map[] dist/restore/index.js always() dist/save/index.js success() || github.event.inputs.save-always [] []} {gray-dark archive}} [DEBUG] type=remote-action actionDir=/home/rootless/.cache/act/actions-cache@v4 actionPath= workdir=/workspace/pikatenor/actions-test actionCacheDir=/home/rootless/.cache/act actionName=actions-cache@v4 containerActionDir=/var/run/act/actions/actions-cache@v4 [DEBUG] Removing /home/rootless/.cache/act/actions-cache@v4/.gitignore before docker cp [DEBUG] /var/run/act/actions/actions-cache@v4 🐳 docker cp src=/home/rootless/.cache/act/actions-cache@v4/ dst=/var/run/act/actions/actions-cache@v4/ [DEBUG] Writing tarball /tmp/act702315702 from /home/rootless/.cache/act/actions-cache@v4/ [DEBUG] Stripping prefix:/home/rootless/.cache/act/actions-cache@v4/ src:/home/rootless/.cache/act/actions-cache@v4/ [DEBUG] Extracting content from '/tmp/act702315702' to '/var/run/act/actions/actions-cache@v4/' [DEBUG] executing remote job container: [node /var/run/act/actions/actions-cache@v4/dist/restore/index.js] 🐳 docker exec cmd=[node /var/run/act/actions/actions-cache@v4/dist/restore/index.js] user= workdir= [DEBUG] Exec command '[node /var/run/act/actions/actions-cache@v4/dist/restore/index.js]' [DEBUG] Working directory '/workspace/pikatenor/actions-test' 💬 ::debug::Resolved Keys: | ::debug::Resolved Keys: 💬 ::debug::["test"] | ::debug::["test"] 💬 ::debug::Checking zstd --quiet --version | ::debug::Checking zstd --quiet --version 💬 ::debug::*** zstd command line interface 64-bits v1.4.4, by Yann Collet *** | ::debug::*** zstd command line interface 64-bits v1.4.4, by Yann Collet *** 💬 ::debug::zstd version: null | ::debug::zstd version: null 💬 ::debug::Resource Url: http://gitea-act-runner-cache.default.svc.cluster.local/_apis/artifactcache/cache?keys=test&version=4bb8d4df808667b3ab8e06d15c4335a6d3b7f67c756feb10f9ecb621591d36e7 | ::debug::Resource Url: http://gitea-act-runner-cache.default.svc.cluster.local/_apis/artifactcache/cache?keys=test&version=4bb8d4df808667b3ab8e06d15c4335a6d3b7f67c756feb10f9ecb621591d36e7 ⚙ *** | ::add-mask::*** 💬 ::debug::Cache Result: | ::debug::Cache Result: 💬 ::debug::{"archiveLocation":"***","cacheKey":"test","result":"hit"} | ::debug::{"archiveLocation":"***","cacheKey":"test","result":"hit"} 💬 ::debug::Archive Path: /tmp/ef4917b0-1c98-46bf-ab23-5d1a9bf11d1a/cache.tzst | ::debug::Archive Path: /tmp/ef4917b0-1c98-46bf-ab23-5d1a9bf11d1a/cache.tzst 💬 ::debug::Use Azure SDK: false | ::debug::Use Azure SDK: false 💬 ::debug::Download concurrency: 8 | ::debug::Download concurrency: 8 💬 ::debug::Request timeout (ms): 30000 | ::debug::Request timeout (ms): 30000 💬 ::debug::Cache segment download timeout mins env var: undefined | ::debug::Cache segment download timeout mins env var: undefined 💬 ::debug::Segment download timeout (ms): 600000 | ::debug::Segment download timeout (ms): 600000 💬 ::debug::Lookup only: false | ::debug::Lookup only: false 💬 ::debug::downloadCache - Attempt 1 of 2 failed with error: connect ECONNREFUSED | ::debug::downloadCache - Attempt 1 of 2 failed with error: connect ECONNREFUSED 💬 ::debug::downloadCache - Attempt 2 of 2 failed with error: connect ECONNREFUSED | ::debug::downloadCache - Attempt 2 of 2 failed with error: connect ECONNREFUSED 🚧 ::warning::Failed to restore: downloadCache failed: connect ECONNREFUSED | ::warning::Failed to restore: downloadCache failed: connect ECONNREFUSED | Cache not found for input keys: test ✅ Success - Main test cache ``` </details> I wanted to deploy the cache server as a separate Deployment/Service from the runner, so I had set `` as the host for the cache server. ```yaml cache: enabled: true host: "" port: 80 ``` (full Deployment/ConfigMap is [here](https://github.com/pikatenor/infra/blob/d9bfa214c304f1c583d1d0b3b678764774b3bdb2/dream0/default/gitea-runner-cache.yml)) I think the problem is due to a limitation that the current act does not allow the ExternalURL to be set separately from the address that the cache server listens to. https://gitea.com/gitea/act/src/commit/e6fec7324e5f34bce7f5071d2cd96a60a2af94f7/pkg/artifactcache/handler.go#L113-L118 I would like to make the `ExternalURL` used for `archiveLocation` configurable for flexibility of deployment. Is it better to send a PR to nextos/act or gitea-forked act? (this feature seems unnecessary when running act locally)

@pikatenor Thank you for digging into this issue

Is it better to send a PR to nextos/act or gitea-forked act? (this feature seems unnecessary when running act locally)

I think it would be better to send a PR to gitea/act since accessing the cache server from outside is not necessary for act

@pikatenor Thank you for digging into this issue > Is it better to send a PR to nextos/act or gitea-forked act? (this feature seems unnecessary when running act locally) I think it would be better to send a PR to [gitea/act](https://gitea.com/gitea/act) since accessing the cache server from outside is not necessary for `act`
Zettat123 removed the
needs feedback
label 2024-03-06 06:51:06 +00:00
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Reference: gitea/act_runner#437
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