6543 688ee1978e
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
All Function return http responce (#416)
Add Docs on how to deal with this breaking change

doResponse should return responce in all cases, to prosses things manualy if wanted

helper func return http response

Co-authored-by: 6543 <6543@obermui.de>
Reviewed-on: #416
Reviewed-by: Andrew Thornton <art27@cantab.net>
Reviewed-by: Lunny Xiao <xiaolunwen@gmail.com>
2020-09-14 02:37:09 +00:00

23 lines
611 B

// Copyright 2015 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gitea
import (
// AdminCreateRepo create a repo
func (c *Client) AdminCreateRepo(user string, opt CreateRepoOption) (*Repository, *Response, error) {
body, err := json.Marshal(&opt)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
repo := new(Repository)
resp, err := c.getParsedResponse("POST", fmt.Sprintf("/admin/users/%s/repos", user), jsonHeader, bytes.NewReader(body), repo)
return repo, resp, err