Improve tea time #319

lunny merged 6 commits from noerw/tea:better-times-are-coming into master 2020-12-23 04:58:36 +00:00
2 changed files with 50 additions and 19 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 784161e67a - Show all commits

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@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ func RunTimesList(cmd *cli.Context) error {
var times []*gitea.TrackedTime
var err error
var from, until time.Time
var fields []string
if ctx.IsSet("from") {
from, err = dateparse.ParseLocal(ctx.String("from"))
@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ func RunTimesList(cmd *cli.Context) error {
user := ctx.Args().First()
if ctx.Bool("mine") {
times, _, err = client.GetMyTrackedTimes()
fields = []string{"created", "repo", "issue", "duration"}
} else if user == "" {
// get all tracked times on the repo
times, _, err = client.ListRepoTrackedTimes(ctx.Owner, ctx.Repo, opts)
@ -93,16 +95,18 @@ func RunTimesList(cmd *cli.Context) error {
return err
times, _, err = client.ListIssueTrackedTimes(ctx.Owner, ctx.Repo, issue, opts)
noerw marked this conversation as resolved

add fields = []string{"created", "repo", "issue", "user", "duration"} ?

add `fields = []string{"created", "repo", "issue", "user", "duration"}` ?
fields = []string{"created", "user", "duration"}
} else {
// get all tracked times by the specified user
opts.User = user
times, _, err = client.ListRepoTrackedTimes(ctx.Owner, ctx.Repo, opts)
fields = []string{"created", "issue", "duration"}
if err != nil {
return err
print.TrackedTimesList(times, ctx.Output, ctx.Bool("total"))
print.TrackedTimesList(times, ctx.Output, fields, ctx.Bool("total"))
return nil

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@ -5,33 +5,60 @@
package print
import (
// TrackedTimesList print list of tracked times to stdout
func TrackedTimesList(times []*gitea.TrackedTime, outputType string, printTotal bool) {
tab := tableWithHeader(
func TrackedTimesList(times []*gitea.TrackedTime, outputType string, fields []string, printTotal bool) {
var printables = make([]printable, len(times))
var totalDuration int64
for _, t := range times {
for i, t := range times {
totalDuration += t.Time
"#"+strconv.FormatInt(t.Issue.Index, 10),
formatDuration(t.Time, outputType),
printables[i] = &printableTrackedTime{t, outputType}
t := tableFromItems(fields, printables)
if printTotal {
tab.addRow("TOTAL", "", "", formatDuration(totalDuration, outputType))
total := make([]string, len(fields))
total[0] = "TOTAL"
total[len(fields)-1] = formatDuration(totalDuration, outputType)
// TrackedTimeFields contains all available fields for printing of tracked times.
var TrackedTimeFields = []string{
type printableTrackedTime struct {
outputFormat string
func (t printableTrackedTime) FormatField(field string) string {
switch field {
case "id":
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", t.ID)
case "created":
return FormatTime(t.Created)
case "repo":
return t.Issue.Repository.FullName
case "issue":
return fmt.Sprintf("#%d", t.Issue.Index)
case "user":
return t.UserName
case "duration":
return formatDuration(t.Time, t.outputFormat)
return ""