2020-04-07 14:40:28 +08:00

73 lines
2.1 KiB

package readability
import (
nurl "net/url"
func Test_indexOf(t *testing.T) {
sample := strings.Fields("" +
"hello this is a simple sentence and we try " +
"to repeat some simple word like this")
scenarios := map[string]int{
"hello": 0,
"this": 1,
"simple": 4,
"we": 7,
"repeat": 10,
for word, expected := range scenarios {
if idx := indexOf(sample, word); idx != expected {
"word : \"%s\"\n"+
"want : %d\n"+
"got : %d", word, expected, idx)
func Test_wordCount(t *testing.T) {
scenarios := map[string]int{
"German fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld, best known for his creative work at Chanel, dies at the age of 85.": 19,
"A suicide bombing attack near Pulwama, in Indian administered Kashmir, kills 40 security personnel.": 14,
"NASA concludes the 15 year Opportunity Mars rover mission after being unable to wake the rover from hibernation.": 18,
for sentence, expected := range scenarios {
if count := wordCount(sentence); count != expected {
"sentence : \"%s\"\n"+
"want : %d\n"+
"got : %d", sentence, expected, count)
func Test_toAbsoluteURI(t *testing.T) {
baseURL, _ := nurl.ParseRequestURI("http://localhost:8080/absolute/")
scenarios := map[string]string{
"#here": "#here",
"/test/123": "http://localhost:8080/test/123",
"test/123": "http://localhost:8080/absolute/test/123",
"//": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "http://localhost:8080/absolute/",
"http//": "http://localhost:8080/absolute/http//",
"../hello/relative": "http://localhost:8080/hello/relative",
for url, expected := range scenarios {
if result := toAbsoluteURI(url, baseURL); result != expected {
"url : \"%s\"\n"+
"want : \"%s\"\n"+
"got : \"%s\"", url, expected, result)