Tessa L 32e8784703 Dealing with diverging branches.
Pruning a bit, if you will.

The changelog is forked, and the baby is due in a few weeks.

Kinda-sorta health-mode crunch time?
(gonna be paying a lot more attention to my body, and more attention to the cycles of need.)

Sometimes, it's a long chunk of time with my hair tied back, squinting against electric flames on a liquid crystal flatscreen.
Sometimes it's prioritizing me for a day, even when it hurts people today, it makes it possible to recharge and reconfigure.
2021-01-29 22:22:27 -08:00

48 lines
837 B

# this .gitignore file
# preserves folder structure
# in version control
# @author: jakimfett
# @purpose: establish a working folder structure
# @license: tbd, all rights reserved
# @description:;
# This version controlled textfile ensures that cloning the repository
# results in a folder structure correct for immediate use.
# Additionally, this documentation file demonstrates some autodoc features.
# @tldr: folder structure marker, file must exist
# @todo - migrate from tmp to doc, probably
# systemadministrative
# because nano/gedit backup files
# because version control
# because apple
# because backups
# exclude keys
# exclude dynamic peers list
# exclude mikrotik settings exports
# exclude (nixos) sdcard images