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aggregate all @todo references


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@todo - item

@todo - read-only host/infrastructure mode, tmpfs for users?

@todo - hardware shutdown button scripting, powerloss fastshutdown, supercap grace duration, brownout point, etc testing

@todo - compile+add archive/wayback links & link compiletime replacement w tested-valid link logging. @todo - create manpage (**)

@todo - process lines beginning/ending in '#'

@todo - scrape all @todo instances during compile.

@todo - logging levels refactor
@todo - install/setup rundir && bin link @todo - commercial use & export authorization doc signables
@todo - bridge group config (pihole, tor-bridge, ssb-server-lite, local feedback aggregator)
@todo - purge when.sh history (see https://github.com/newren/git-filter-repo/ ), it's been moved to the aliases file @todo - autoinstall git-filter-repo, see previous @todo - fix logThis priority, verify/document that default (3) looks reasonably nice. @todo - protect against accidental override of other similarly named system tools, eg failover/integrate with/check git-flow-hooks' functions.sh functionality.

@todo - review https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Invoking-Bash.html capabilities

Thanks to shellharden for the bash boilerplate:


@todo get updated hashbang, auto-replace header/footer in all .sh scripts

@todo - conditional set -x on loglevel > 3? ref:set -euo pipefail

@todo - references auto-downloader, updater, versioner.