Tessa L 2aab5191cb That was a deeper rabbit hole than expected.
...sounds like it's the order of the day, week, year, life...etc...XD
2021-03-25 16:11:45 -07:00

229 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# hashbang ignored if sourced, but important for execution stability.
# theory - code supporting documents, like a cradle of infrastructure.
# ...this is going to need to be an associative array, isn't it.
# ...which means there will need to be a linking loop, so each location gets properly checked (for existing, etc)
# ...so a refactor of 'shimState' and 'shimMe'/'unShimMe' are in order, too.
# ...plus side, post-refactor, there will be a pretty decently decoupled set of functions to use, eh?
install='.bash_aliases' # <-- @todo this needs to accept a list of files (or append to the defaults?
# ^-- that's it for configuration (relative to ~/)
# (change the @default if you're making a source change)
# the rest of this is basically boilerplate --v
# @todo - organize
# - hashbang
# - user editables
# - includes
# |--> functions first, obviously
# |--> @todo determine: can we source/link from within linked files,
# | and still have viable functions/variables in the userscript space?
# --> environment variables (move into functions?)
# --> aliases (move into functions?)
# --> bash qol? merge/differentiate?
# -->
# - shim/unshim functions last?
# - shim checker?
# - exit trapping?
# - source/execution paths?
# -
### enabling shim stuffs ###
## tl;dr ##
# search for **and understand** alias usage before changing things.
## less terse version ##
# Modifying this aliases file has deep repercussions in the user experience,
# *hence* the minor wall o' text
# Installing, reinstalling, and purging are essential program basics.
# note upon this refactor: fsh still cannot self-install,
# but the process works for nearly all the of the initially documented edge-case failures.
# Determine if the script is being executed, or sourced.
if [ "${0}" == "${BASH_SOURCE}" ];then
echo "Try sourcing this file instead, eg '. ${0}' or 'source ${0}'."
# if executed, exit
exit 13 # <-- @todo document the exit/return status stuffs somewhere
# my father solved this lack-of-automation mistake once, so i/we can too, right?
#echo "(...doing it for you this time, tho :-P)"
#source "${BASH_SOURCE}" && echo got here
# (debug usage tbd)
# something went wrong
#echo "failmuffins: could not source '${0}'"
# just exit for now, attempting to source produces a loop which becomes a segfault fairly quickly.
# (normal usage)
# v-- sourced
# Allows alias use inside this script, both via sourcing and executed directly.
# @todo - determine how far this stacks/recurses
shopt -s expand_aliases
# load the shim filepath into a variable for later use
export fSrc="$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE}")"
# derive the folder from shim filepath
export fDir="$(dirname "${fSrc}")"
# Source the rest of the environment variables
. "${fDir}/cfg/env.vars"
# @todo move all non-install-related variables to the env.vars file
# Source bash QoL stuffs, mostly legacy now.
# @todo - identify and install ElementaryOS's case-insensitive tab completion
. "${fDir}/kor/bash.src"
# Source the functions file
. "${fDir}/kor/functions.src"
# Source the aliases
. "${fDir}/kor/aliases.src"
# Source any previous aliases file, avoid duplicates.
# @todo - eleminate the remaining magic paths (and/or magic extensions)
if [ -f "${fLink}.old" ]; then
if [ ! -L "${fLink}.old" ]; then
echo "loading previous aliases from '${fLink}.old'"
. "${fLink}.old"
echo # <-- whitespace is important too, you know
# show user the chronostamp
eval "${fDir}/stk/when.sh"
# in an attempt to stay self-contained,
# this shim intentionally overrides the sourced 'shimMe' function.
# @provides:install
# @modifies(@default):
# ~/.bash_aliases
# ~/.bash_aliases.old
function shimMe {
# check if the install location is already a link
if [ -L "${fLink}" ]; then
echo "Found symlink at '${fLink}', testing..."
# @todo - fix the problem with realpath not liking the string encapsulation here, cross-check with linter maybe?
if [ "$(realpath "${fLink}")" == "${fSrc}" ]; then
echo -e "...outcome:\n\tLink already installed, points to '${fSrc}'"
return 0
echo "symlink incorrect:"
echo -e "\tfLink: '${fLink}'"
echo -e "\tfSrc: '${fSrc}'"
echo "debug plz"
return 1
# check if the install location is a file
if [ -f "${fLink}" ]; then
mv "${fLink}" "${fLink}.old"
# backup any existing aliases
echo "moved existing file to '${fLink}.old'"
# Set up a link, but only if your environment knows where the fdir is.
if [ -f "${fSrc}" ]; then
ln -s "${fSrc}" "${fLink}"
# link the source file to the install location
if [ -L "${fLink}" ]; then
# double check that we're installed
echo "link installed"
# alert the user
# inverse of shimMe
# if the install file exists and is a link to the existing fSrc
# link is removed, and if an .old file exists,
# replaces it.
# @provides:install.invert
function unShimMe {
echo "checking for link at '${fLink}'..."
if [ -L "${fLink}" ]; then
echo "...link found..."
if [ "${fSrc}" == "$(realpath "${fLink}" )" ]; then
echo "...link matches 'fSrc' location, removing link..."
rm "${fLink}"
if [ ! -f "${fLink}" ]; then
echo "...removal successful."
if [ -f "${fLink}.old" ]; then
echo "backup file found, replacing..."
mv "${fLink}.old" "${fLink}"
echo "File at '${fLink}' could not be removed, plz debug."
return 1
## === ##
# ~ @copy;/© ????-2022 @jakimfett, all rights reserved.
# = #
## orphans
# beam us in, scotty
#if [ -f "${runningDirectory}" ] ; then
# cd "${runningDirectory}"