Tessa L be69392b8a Move shim helper to functions.
Shuffle some description text, fix an inverted test case.
2020-08-22 18:32:19 -07:00

57 lines
2.2 KiB

# @todo - move this to the aliases file?
#alias rmMe="rm " @todo - remove via sed -i ?
# @todo backwards-compile this file, install/uninstall processing
# (nixos et al may make that idea irrelevant)
# thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/a/27875395 for this particular fragment
# echo -n "Is this a good question (y/n)? "
# old_stty_cfg=$(stty -g)
# stty raw -echo
# answer=$( while ! head -c 1 | grep -i '[ny]' ;do true ;done )
# stty $old_stty_cfg
# if echo "$answer" | grep -iq "^y" ;then
# echo Yes
# else
# echo No
# fi
#echo -e "\t $(xtrace shimMe)"
# Know if things are configured properly
# @todo - prune? seems rather outdated wrt minimalistic external modifications paradigm.
#alias fStat='echo; echo "aliases:";cat ~/.bash_aliases|grep aliases.src; echo \
# ;echo "files:";find ~/ -maxdepth 2 | egrep "alias|fsh";echo;'
# Installing this script will (eventually) be automated/managed.
# Manual installation requires adding a lines sourcing this file (aliases.src)
# and setting the FSH_ALIASES variable to your .bash_aliases file
# (or another executed-for-login-shells location).
# eg
# ". ~/run/fsh/core/aliases.src"
# or similar
# make accessible?
# @todo - check PATH variable for writeable locations and pick the most accessible one
# alias fMkDirs='mkdir -p "${FSRC}" "${BINPATH}"'
# alias fLnk='ln -s -f "${FSRC}"/f.sh "${FBIN}" || echo failed linking src/bin;ln -s -f "{FSRC}"/core/aliases.src ~/.bash_aliases'
# alias fInstall="fMkDirs || echo failed to mkdirs; fLnk || echo failed to link"
# @todo - determine if rendered obsolete by 'ff' & 'fff'?
#alias fgst='cd "${FSRC}";gst'
# work-in-progress autodownloader, stuck in git dependency loop.
# @todo - dynamically select installation from user-editable PATH location(s)
#alias installf`sh='mkdir -p ~/bin/src; cd ~/bin/src; git clone http://git.functions.sh'
#alias getFsh='mkdir -p ~/project;cd ~/project;git clone https://git.functions.sh/'
# for now, just plug in the expected golden path and try it in the shell.
# @todo - add check for ~/.bash_aliases is a symbolic link to this file, remove?
#alias fLogPurge='rm -f ~/project/fsh/tmp/*.log'
#alias fPurge='rm -f ~/bin/f && echo "please manually prune & verify .bash_aliases file status."'