24 lines
786 B
Executable File

# @author:'jakimfett'
# @license;'cc-by-sa'
# @function.desc
# copies the current environment to a different location, preserving git history and current modifications.
# @function.syntax
# ` "directory"` <-- copy to a locally writeable directory
# ` "user@server.tld"` <-- copy to an SSH-able remote
# ` --device "device_id"` <-- mount and write to an unmounted device
# `function "location" --delta` <-- default option, using rsync, warns on overwrite
# `function "location" --hard --yes --quiet` <-- empties the remote location if necessary before performing a full copy
# @function.returns
# * = standard
# @function.comment
# Intended to facilitate nomadic programming styles.
function templateFunction {
exit 0