27 lines
819 B
Executable File

# @author:'`whoami`'
# @license: 'cc-by-sa'
# Meta script that tries to write itself, and sometimes the universe.
#### This is the spec. Sorta. Modify it with caution and understanding. ####
# @function.desc
# A description of the function, briefly.
# @function.syntax
# `function "parameter"` <-- short(est?) version of the function command
# `function "param" <optional>` <-- optional params use brackets.
# `function "param" <ordered> <sequence> <2> <3>` <-- starts @zero
# @function.returns
# 0-2, 126-128, 130, 255+ = [linux standard](
# n = custom return code
# @function.comment
# Meta information on the function.
# This function is for the template, and exists primarily for informational purposes.
function templateFunction {
exit 0