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Executable File

# source this file from your .bash_profile
# author: @jakimfett
# license: cc-by-na
# Useful aliases for using these functions.
# Write for the human, not for the computer.
# This one goes out to Nune,
# wherever she may be.
### Share commands with sibling shells ###
export HISTSIZE= # <-- disable size-based trimming of history file.
export HISTFILESIZE= # <-- same as above, just a different variable.
shopt -s histappend # <-- append to the history file sooner than later.
shopt -s expand_aliases # <-- expand aliases into the alias'd commands, useful for opsec and reverse-engineering of your own crufty stuff.
export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a;$PROMPT_COMMAND" # <~~ unsure what this one does, exactly. @todo look this up.
# Keep the frequent tools close at hand
alias prl='source "$(realpath ~/.profile)"; sleep 1' # <-- testing to see if a shorter delay causes problems. @todo premature optimization.
alias rba='source ~/.bash_aliases && sleep 1' # <-- why is there a delay here? @todo research.
alias rlp='source ~/.profile && sleep 1' # <-- same as preceeding line, delayed command?
alias frl='echo "reloading everything...";rba && echo "aliases reloaded" && rlp && echo "profile reloaded"' # <~~ this stack is just about the height for it to start falling over. @todo functionize?
alias eba='nano ~/.bash_aliases'
alias rbt='( sleep 5 ; reboot ) & logout'
alias sd='shutdown -hP now'
alias nano="nano --nowrap --tabsize 2"
alias gg='sudo su --login'
alias lac='laminarc'
# colorized ls
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=gxBxhxDxfxhxhxhxhxcxcx
alias ll='ls $LS_OPTIONS -lah'
### Project Locations ###
alias fsh='cd "$(realpath ~/"'
alias fdev='cd "$(realpath ~/"'
### Always know *when* you are. ###
alias chronoStamp="date -j '${dateTimeFormat}'"
alias chronoStampUTC="date -j -u '${dateTimeFormat}'"
### Quality of Life shortcuts ###
alias search='lynx'
alias pathadd='export PATH="$(realpath `pwd`):${PATH}"'
# Keep an eye on what's in your ports.
alias usbScan='chronoStamp && lsusb && echo'
# Know how you connect to the world outside your network ports.
alias getPublicAddress='curl'
# Open a tileable, disconnectable window session.
# Uses seconds since the unix epoc as the workspace differentiation postfix.
# command fails if ~/session directory fails to exist, @todo check and remediate
alias twm='dtach -A ~/session/default.$(date +"%s") -r winch dvtm'
# Multitasking is an essential part of a broken workflow. # <-- philosophy
# Do one thing at a time via multiple viewports.
# The terminal windows are portals to different parts of the machine.
### Useful SSH-adjacent aliases ###
# patchwork'd from
alias ssh-showkey='ssh-keygen -lf <(ssh-keyscan localhost 2>/dev/null)'
# set rm/cp/mv to interactive mode:
alias rm='rm -i'
alias cp='cp -i'
alias mv='mv -i'
# Debian sysadmin alias(es)
alias update="sudo apt update; sudo apt install -f -y; sudo apt autoremove -y"
alias uprepair="update; sudo apt install --fix-broken; sudo apt install --fix-missing"
alias upgrade="update; sudo apt dist-upgrade -y;uprepair"
alias shutgrade="upgrade; sudo shutdown -hP now"
alias regrade="upgrade; sudo reboot now"
# figuring out what is installed manually
alias ais="grep 'apt' ~/.bash_history | grep install | grep -v failmuffins | sort | uniq | cut -d' ' -f3- | awk '{print}' ORS=' ' ; echo"
# figuring out what was installed manually
alias ais="grep 'apt' ~/.bash_history | grep install | grep -v failmuffins | sort | uniq | cut -d' ' -f3- | awk '{print}' ORS=' ' ; echo"
# File sync stuffs
alias syncfiles='rsync -rvhcO --progress'
# making git less obtuse
alias gst='clear;echo;echo;echo "repository urls:";git remote -v;echo;git status;echo;echo;'