jolheiser 8a7e7f7b82
Update to fix draft release
Signed-off-by: jolheiser <john.olheiser@gmail.com>
2022-02-20 23:45:05 -06:00

83 lines
2.5 KiB

package main
import (
func TestDGMR(t *testing.T) {
token := os.Getenv("DGMR_TOKEN")
if token == "" {
t.Skip("skipping integration (no DGMR_TOKEN found)")
assert := is.New(t)
tmp := t.TempDir()
file1Path := filepath.Join(tmp, "file1.txt")
file1, err := os.Create(file1Path)
assert.NoErr(err) // Should create file 1
assert.NoErr(file1.Close()) // Should close file 1
file2Path := filepath.Join(tmp, "file2.txt")
file2, err := os.Create(file2Path)
assert.NoErr(err) // Should create file 1
assert.NoErr(file2.Close()) // Should close file 1
client, err := gitea.NewClient("https://gitea.com", gitea.SetToken(token))
assert.NoErr(err) // Client should be created
user, _, err := client.GetMyUserInfo()
assert.NoErr(err) // Should get my user info
repo, _, err := client.CreateRepo(gitea.CreateRepoOption{
Name: "dgmr-test",
DefaultBranch: "main",
Readme: "Default",
AutoInit: true,
Private: true,
assert.NoErr(err) // Should create repo
defer func() {
_, err := client.DeleteRepo(user.UserName, repo.Name)
assert.NoErr(err) // Should delete repo
err = dgmr("https://gitea.com", user.UserName, repo.Name, "latest", token, []string{file1Path, file2Path}, false)
assert.NoErr(err) // Should be able to create inital latest release
commit, _, err := client.CreateFile(user.UserName, repo.Name, "test.txt", gitea.CreateFileOptions{
Content: "test",
assert.NoErr(err) // Should create file
clonePath := filepath.Join(tmp, "repo")
_, err = git.PlainClone(clonePath, true, &git.CloneOptions{
URL: repo.CloneURL,
Auth: &http.BasicAuth{
Username: user.UserName,
Password: token,
assert.NoErr(err) // Should clone repo
assert.NoErr(os.Chdir(clonePath)) // Should chdir
err = dgmr("https://gitea.com", user.UserName, repo.Name, "latest", token, []string{file1Path, file2Path}, false)
assert.NoErr(err) // Should be able to create new latest release
rel, _, err := client.GetReleaseByTag(user.UserName, repo.Name, "latest")
assert.NoErr(err) // Should get latest release
assert.Equal(commit.Commit.SHA, rel.Target) // Commit SHAs should be equal
assert.Equal(len(rel.Attachments), 2) // Should have 2 attachments
assert.Equal(rel.IsDraft, false) // Should not be a draft