jolheiser b98e3fd177
Initial commit
Signed-off-by: jolheiser <john.olheiser@gmail.com>
2021-04-05 21:40:59 -05:00

83 lines
2.0 KiB

package mcstatus
import "time"
// ServerStatus is a Minecraft server's status
type ServerStatus struct {
Online bool `json:"online"`
IP string `json:"ip"`
RawPort interface{} `json:"port"`
Debug Debug `json:"debug"`
MOTD MOTD `json:"motd"`
Players Players `json:"players"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Protocol int `json:"protocol"`
Hostname string `json:"hostname"`
Icon string `json:"icon"`
Map string `json:"map"`
Plugins Plugins `json:"plugins"`
Mods Mods `json:"mods"`
Info Info `json:"info"`
// Port returns the port as an integer, or -1 if offline
func (s ServerStatus) Port() int {
if i, ok := s.RawPort.(int); ok {
return i
return -1
// Debug is debug values
// https://api.mcsrvstat.us/
type Debug struct {
Ping bool `json:"ping"`
Query bool `json:"query"`
Srv bool `json:"srv"`
QueryMismatch bool `json:"querymismatch"`
IPinSRV bool `json:"ipinsrv"`
CNAMEinSRV bool `json:"cnameinsrv"`
AnimatedMOTD bool `json:"animatedmotd"`
CacheTime int `json:"cachetime"`
// CacheTimeTime returns CacheTime as a time.Time
func (d Debug) CacheTimeTime() time.Time {
return time.Unix(int64(d.CacheTime), 0)
// MOTD is the server's message of the day
type MOTD struct {
Raw []string `json:"raw"`
Clean []string `json:"clean"`
HTML []string `json:"html"`
// Players is a list of players
type Players struct {
Online int `json:"online"`
Max int `json:"max"`
List []string `json:"list"`
UUID map[string]string `json:"uuid"`
// Plugins is a list of plugins
type Plugins struct {
Names []string `json:"names"`
Raw []string `json:"raw"`
// Mods is a list of mods
type Mods struct {
Names []string `json:"names"`
Raw []string `json:"raw"`
// Info is sampling info
type Info struct {
Raw []string `json:"raw"`
Clean []string `json:"clean"`
HTML []string `json:"html"`