Transfer the ownership 转移仓库所有权 do not work in V1.90~V1.92 #7947

opened 2019-08-23 06:51:19 +00:00 by gwnpeter · 22 comments
gwnpeter commented 2019-08-23 06:51:19 +00:00 (Migrated from

i loopback to v1.83,it works.

i loopback to v1.83,it works.
bwenrich commented 2019-09-01 03:56:00 +00:00 (Migrated from

(Please forgive if I read 转移仓库所有权 incorrectly. I am using Gitea with English language settings)
Do you get a specific error why trying to use "Transfer Ownership" from the repository settings?

I just tested in (which is actually v1.10.0 dev build), and was able to transfer this repo from myself, to be owned by a different organization.
In my personal Gitea instance running v1.9.2 I was also able to Transfer Ownership of a repository to a different username.

In the gitea.log, I think it looks something like this:

gitea.log:2019/08/31 23:40:03 ...rm/session_update.go:375:Update() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "repository" SET "owner_id" = $1, "lower_name" = $2, "name" = $3, "description" = $4, "default_branch" = $5, "num_watches" = $6, "size" = $7, "updated_unix" = $8 WHERE "id"=$9 []interface {}{6, "demorepo", "demorepo", "demo for SSH activity", "master", 1, 20480, 1567309203, 5}
gitea.log:2019/08/31 23:40:03 .../xorm/session_raw.go:143:queryBytes() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "action" ("user_id","op_type","act_user_id","repo_id","comment_id","is_deleted","ref_name","is_private","content","created_unix") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) RETURNING "id" []interface {}{2, 8, 2, 5, 0, false, "", true, "demoorg/demorepo", 1567309203}
gitea.log:2019/08/31 23:40:03 ...rm/session_delete.go:211:Delete() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "repo_redirect" WHERE "owner_id"=$1 AND "lower_name"=$2 []interface {}{6, "demorepo"}
gitea.log:2019/08/31 23:40:03 ...rm/session_delete.go:211:Delete() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "repo_redirect" WHERE "owner_id"=$1 AND "lower_name"=$2 []interface {}{5, "demorepo"}
gitea.log:2019/08/31 23:40:03 .../xorm/session_raw.go:143:queryBytes() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "repo_redirect" ("owner_id","lower_name","redirect_repo_id") VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING "id" []interface {}{5, "demorepo", 5}

I didn't encounter a problem when testing it. Hopefully your log may show some interesting messages

(Please forgive if I read 转移仓库所有权 incorrectly. I am using Gitea with English language settings) Do you get a specific error why trying to use "Transfer Ownership" from the repository settings? I just tested in (which is actually v1.10.0 dev build), and was able to transfer this repo from myself, to be owned by a different organization. In my personal Gitea instance running v1.9.2 I was also able to Transfer Ownership of a repository to a different username. In the gitea.log, I think it looks something like this: ``` gitea.log:2019/08/31 23:40:03 ...rm/session_update.go:375:Update() [I] [SQL] UPDATE "repository" SET "owner_id" = $1, "lower_name" = $2, "name" = $3, "description" = $4, "default_branch" = $5, "num_watches" = $6, "size" = $7, "updated_unix" = $8 WHERE "id"=$9 []interface {}{6, "demorepo", "demorepo", "demo for SSH activity", "master", 1, 20480, 1567309203, 5} gitea.log:2019/08/31 23:40:03 .../xorm/session_raw.go:143:queryBytes() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "action" ("user_id","op_type","act_user_id","repo_id","comment_id","is_deleted","ref_name","is_private","content","created_unix") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) RETURNING "id" []interface {}{2, 8, 2, 5, 0, false, "", true, "demoorg/demorepo", 1567309203} gitea.log:2019/08/31 23:40:03 ...rm/session_delete.go:211:Delete() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "repo_redirect" WHERE "owner_id"=$1 AND "lower_name"=$2 []interface {}{6, "demorepo"} gitea.log:2019/08/31 23:40:03 ...rm/session_delete.go:211:Delete() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM "repo_redirect" WHERE "owner_id"=$1 AND "lower_name"=$2 []interface {}{5, "demorepo"} gitea.log:2019/08/31 23:40:03 .../xorm/session_raw.go:143:queryBytes() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO "repo_redirect" ("owner_id","lower_name","redirect_repo_id") VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING "id" []interface {}{5, "demorepo", 5} ``` I didn't encounter a problem when testing it. Hopefully your log may show some interesting messages
gwnpeter commented 2019-09-06 05:50:24 +00:00 (Migrated from

log on console:

[Macaron] 2019-09-06 13:44:37: Completed POST /go/XM_51SLQ/settings 500 Internal
 Server Error in 27.3438ms
[Macaron] 2019-09-06 13:44:37: Started GET /img/500.png for
[Macaron] [Static] Serving /img/500.png
[Macaron] 2019-09-06 13:44:37: Completed GET /img/500.png 200 OK in 0s


2019/09/06 13:44:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1}
2019/09/06 13:44:20 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1}
2019/09/06 13:44:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "xm_51slq"}
2019/09/06 13:44:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{34, 1}
2019/09/06 13:44:20 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{34}
2019/09/06 13:44:20 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{34, false}
2019/09/06 13:44:20 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT * FROM `user` INNER JOIN `team_user` ON `team_user`.org_id=`user`.id INNER JOIN `team` ON `team`.id=`team_user`.team_id WHERE (`team_user`.uid=?) AND (`team`.authorize=?) ORDER BY `user`.`name` ASC []interface {}{1, 4}
2019/09/06 13:44:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE (owner_id=? AND fork_id=?) LIMIT 1 []interface {}{5, 34}
2019/09/06 13:44:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 34}
2019/09/06 13:44:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `uid`, `repo_id` FROM `star` WHERE `uid`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 34}
2019/09/06 13:44:20 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT topic.* FROM `topic` INNER JOIN repo_topic ON repo_topic.topic_id = WHERE repo_topic.repo_id=? ORDER BY `topic`.`repo_count` DESC []interface {}{34}
2019/09/06 13:44:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""}
2019/09/06 13:44:20 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT max( id ) as id FROM `commit_status` WHERE (repo_id = ?) AND (sha = ?) GROUP BY context_hash ORDER BY max( id ) desc LIMIT 10 []interface {}{34, "b8ce9d60fa5d3e3b9cbd8ab77374e4c8f1883596"}
2019/09/06 13:44:27 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1}
2019/09/06 13:44:27 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1}
2019/09/06 13:44:27 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "xm_51slq"}
2019/09/06 13:44:27 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{34, 1}
2019/09/06 13:44:27 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{34}
2019/09/06 13:44:27 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{34, false}
2019/09/06 13:44:27 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT * FROM `user` INNER JOIN `team_user` ON `team_user`.org_id=`user`.id INNER JOIN `team` ON `team`.id=`team_user`.team_id WHERE (`team_user`.uid=?) AND (`team`.authorize=?) ORDER BY `user`.`name` ASC []interface {}{1, 4}
2019/09/06 13:44:27 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE (owner_id=? AND fork_id=?) LIMIT 1 []interface {}{5, 34}
2019/09/06 13:44:27 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 34}
2019/09/06 13:44:27 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `uid`, `repo_id` FROM `star` WHERE `uid`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 34}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "xm_51slq"}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{34, 1}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{34}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{34, false}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT * FROM `user` INNER JOIN `team_user` ON `team_user`.org_id=`user`.id INNER JOIN `team` ON `team`.id=`team_user`.team_id WHERE (`team_user`.uid=?) AND (`team`.authorize=?) ORDER BY `user`.`name` ASC []interface {}{1, 4}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE (owner_id=? AND fork_id=?) LIMIT 1 []interface {}{5, 34}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 34}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `uid`, `repo_id` FROM `star` WHERE `uid`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 34}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE (id!=?) AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{0, "ximo"}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"ximo"}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{2, "xm_51slq"}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/xorm/session.go:845:saveLastSQL() [I] [SQL] BEGIN TRANSACTION
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_update.go:375:Update() [I] [SQL] UPDATE `repository` SET `owner_id` = ?, `lower_name` = ?, `name` = ?, `description` = ?, `default_branch` = ?, `num_watches` = ?, `size` = ?, `updated_unix` = ? WHERE `id`=? []interface {}{2, "xm_51slq", "XM_51SLQ", "鏂板攼51鍗曠墖鏈虹儳鍐欏櫒LED鐘舵€佽浆鎹㈠櫒", "master", 1, 1158144, 1567748677, 34}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? []interface {}{34}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `org_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `authorize`, `num_repos`, `num_members` FROM `team` WHERE `org_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{2, "owners"}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_insert.go:513:innerInsert() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO `team_repo` (`org_id`,`team_id`,`repo_id`) VALUES (?, ?, ?) []interface {}{2, 1, 34}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_update.go:375:Update() [I] [SQL] UPDATE `team` SET `num_repos` = `num_repos` + ? WHERE `id`=? []interface {}{1, 1}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? []interface {}{34}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `org_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `authorize`, `num_repos`, `num_members` FROM `team` WHERE (org_id=?) ORDER BY CASE WHEN name LIKE 'Owners' THEN '' ELSE name END []interface {}{2}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `org_id`, `team_id`, `uid` FROM `team_user` WHERE (team_id=?) []interface {}{1}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{6}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_delete.go:211:Delete() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM `access` WHERE `repo_id`=? []interface {}{34}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_insert.go:264:innerInsertMulti() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO `access` (`user_id`, `repo_id`, `mode`) VALUES (?, ?, ?),(?, ?, ?),(?, ?, ?) []interface {}{3, 34, 4, 6, 34, 4, 1, 34, 4}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `org_id`, `team_id`, `uid` FROM `team_user` WHERE (team_id=?) []interface {}{1}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{6}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{6, 34}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_insert.go:513:innerInsert() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO `watch` (`user_id`,`repo_id`) VALUES (?, ?) []interface {}{6, 34}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_raw.go:226:Exec() [I] [SQL] UPDATE `repository` SET num_watches = num_watches + 1 WHERE id = ? []interface {}{34}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3, 34}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_insert.go:513:innerInsert() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO `watch` (`user_id`,`repo_id`) VALUES (?, ?) []interface {}{3, 34}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_raw.go:226:Exec() [I] [SQL] UPDATE `repository` SET num_watches = num_watches + 1 WHERE id = ? []interface {}{34}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 34}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_raw.go:226:Exec() [I] [SQL] UPDATE `user` SET num_repos=num_repos+1 WHERE id=? []interface {}{2}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_raw.go:226:Exec() [I] [SQL] UPDATE `user` SET num_repos=num_repos-1 WHERE id=? []interface {}{1}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 34}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT * FROM `watch` INNER JOIN `user` ON `user`.id = `watch`.user_id WHERE (`watch`.repo_id=?) AND (`user`.is_active=?) AND (`user`.prohibit_login=?) []interface {}{34, true, false}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_insert.go:513:innerInsert() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO `action` (`user_id`,`op_type`,`act_user_id`,`repo_id`,`comment_id`,`is_deleted`,`ref_name`,`is_private`,`content`,`created_unix`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) []interface {}{1, 8, 1, 34, 0, false, "", true, "go/XM_51SLQ", 1567748677}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_insert.go:513:innerInsert() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO `action` (`user_id`,`op_type`,`act_user_id`,`repo_id`,`comment_id`,`is_deleted`,`ref_name`,`is_private`,`content`,`created_unix`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) []interface {}{2, 8, 1, 34, 0, false, "", true, "go/XM_51SLQ", 1567748677}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_insert.go:513:innerInsert() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO `action` (`user_id`,`op_type`,`act_user_id`,`repo_id`,`comment_id`,`is_deleted`,`ref_name`,`is_private`,`content`,`created_unix`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) []interface {}{3, 8, 1, 34, 0, false, "", true, "go/XM_51SLQ", 1567748677}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_insert.go:513:innerInsert() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO `action` (`user_id`,`op_type`,`act_user_id`,`repo_id`,`comment_id`,`is_deleted`,`ref_name`,`is_private`,`content`,`created_unix`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) []interface {}{6, 8, 1, 34, 0, false, "", true, "go/XM_51SLQ", 1567748677}
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/xorm/session.go:845:saveLastSQL() [I] [SQL] ROLL BACK
2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...ters/repo/setting.go:378:SettingsPost() [E] TransferOwnership: rename repository directory: rename C:\GitEA\data\git\go\xm_51slq.git C:\GitEA\data\git\ximo\xm_51slq.git: Access is denied.

the login ID is admin ,has the rights of all the repo,why Access is denied.
system: win2008 R2
git version

log on console: ``` [Macaron] 2019-09-06 13:44:37: Completed POST /go/XM_51SLQ/settings 500 Internal Server Error in 27.3438ms [Macaron] 2019-09-06 13:44:37: Started GET /img/500.png for [Macaron] [Static] Serving /img/500.png [Macaron] 2019-09-06 13:44:37: Completed GET /img/500.png 200 OK in 0s ``` logfile: ``` 2019/09/06 13:44:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1} 2019/09/06 13:44:20 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1} 2019/09/06 13:44:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "xm_51slq"} 2019/09/06 13:44:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{34, 1} 2019/09/06 13:44:20 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{34} 2019/09/06 13:44:20 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{34, false} 2019/09/06 13:44:20 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT * FROM `user` INNER JOIN `team_user` ON `team_user`.org_id=`user`.id INNER JOIN `team` ON `team`.id=`team_user`.team_id WHERE (`team_user`.uid=?) AND (`team`.authorize=?) ORDER BY `user`.`name` ASC []interface {}{1, 4} 2019/09/06 13:44:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE (owner_id=? AND fork_id=?) LIMIT 1 []interface {}{5, 34} 2019/09/06 13:44:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 34} 2019/09/06 13:44:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `uid`, `repo_id` FROM `star` WHERE `uid`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 34} 2019/09/06 13:44:20 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT topic.* FROM `topic` INNER JOIN repo_topic ON repo_topic.topic_id = WHERE repo_topic.repo_id=? ORDER BY `topic`.`repo_count` DESC []interface {}{34} 2019/09/06 13:44:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""} 2019/09/06 13:44:20 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT max( id ) as id FROM `commit_status` WHERE (repo_id = ?) AND (sha = ?) GROUP BY context_hash ORDER BY max( id ) desc LIMIT 10 []interface {}{34, "b8ce9d60fa5d3e3b9cbd8ab77374e4c8f1883596"} 2019/09/06 13:44:27 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1} 2019/09/06 13:44:27 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1} 2019/09/06 13:44:27 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "xm_51slq"} 2019/09/06 13:44:27 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{34, 1} 2019/09/06 13:44:27 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{34} 2019/09/06 13:44:27 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{34, false} 2019/09/06 13:44:27 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT * FROM `user` INNER JOIN `team_user` ON `team_user`.org_id=`user`.id INNER JOIN `team` ON `team`.id=`team_user`.team_id WHERE (`team_user`.uid=?) AND (`team`.authorize=?) ORDER BY `user`.`name` ASC []interface {}{1, 4} 2019/09/06 13:44:27 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE (owner_id=? AND fork_id=?) LIMIT 1 []interface {}{5, 34} 2019/09/06 13:44:27 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 34} 2019/09/06 13:44:27 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `uid`, `repo_id` FROM `star` WHERE `uid`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 34} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "xm_51slq"} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{34, 1} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{34} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{34, false} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT * FROM `user` INNER JOIN `team_user` ON `team_user`.org_id=`user`.id INNER JOIN `team` ON `team`.id=`team_user`.team_id WHERE (`team_user`.uid=?) AND (`team`.authorize=?) ORDER BY `user`.`name` ASC []interface {}{1, 4} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE (owner_id=? AND fork_id=?) LIMIT 1 []interface {}{5, 34} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 34} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `uid`, `repo_id` FROM `star` WHERE `uid`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 34} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE (id!=?) AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{0, "ximo"} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"ximo"} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{2, "xm_51slq"} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/xorm/session.go:845:saveLastSQL() [I] [SQL] BEGIN TRANSACTION 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_update.go:375:Update() [I] [SQL] UPDATE `repository` SET `owner_id` = ?, `lower_name` = ?, `name` = ?, `description` = ?, `default_branch` = ?, `num_watches` = ?, `size` = ?, `updated_unix` = ? WHERE `id`=? []interface {}{2, "xm_51slq", "XM_51SLQ", "鏂板攼51鍗曠墖鏈虹儳鍐欏櫒LED鐘舵€佽浆鎹㈠櫒", "master", 1, 1158144, 1567748677, 34} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? []interface {}{34} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `org_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `authorize`, `num_repos`, `num_members` FROM `team` WHERE `org_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{2, "owners"} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_insert.go:513:innerInsert() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO `team_repo` (`org_id`,`team_id`,`repo_id`) VALUES (?, ?, ?) []interface {}{2, 1, 34} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_update.go:375:Update() [I] [SQL] UPDATE `team` SET `num_repos` = `num_repos` + ? WHERE `id`=? []interface {}{1, 1} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? []interface {}{34} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `org_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `authorize`, `num_repos`, `num_members` FROM `team` WHERE (org_id=?) ORDER BY CASE WHEN name LIKE 'Owners' THEN '' ELSE name END []interface {}{2} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `org_id`, `team_id`, `uid` FROM `team_user` WHERE (team_id=?) []interface {}{1} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{6} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_delete.go:211:Delete() [I] [SQL] DELETE FROM `access` WHERE `repo_id`=? []interface {}{34} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_insert.go:264:innerInsertMulti() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO `access` (`user_id`, `repo_id`, `mode`) VALUES (?, ?, ?),(?, ?, ?),(?, ?, ?) []interface {}{3, 34, 4, 6, 34, 4, 1, 34, 4} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `org_id`, `team_id`, `uid` FROM `team_user` WHERE (team_id=?) []interface {}{1} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{6} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{6, 34} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_insert.go:513:innerInsert() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO `watch` (`user_id`,`repo_id`) VALUES (?, ?) []interface {}{6, 34} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_raw.go:226:Exec() [I] [SQL] UPDATE `repository` SET num_watches = num_watches + 1 WHERE id = ? []interface {}{34} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3, 34} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_insert.go:513:innerInsert() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO `watch` (`user_id`,`repo_id`) VALUES (?, ?) []interface {}{3, 34} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_raw.go:226:Exec() [I] [SQL] UPDATE `repository` SET num_watches = num_watches + 1 WHERE id = ? []interface {}{34} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 34} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_raw.go:226:Exec() [I] [SQL] UPDATE `user` SET num_repos=num_repos+1 WHERE id=? []interface {}{2} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_raw.go:226:Exec() [I] [SQL] UPDATE `user` SET num_repos=num_repos-1 WHERE id=? []interface {}{1} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 34} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT * FROM `watch` INNER JOIN `user` ON `user`.id = `watch`.user_id WHERE (`watch`.repo_id=?) AND (`user`.is_active=?) AND (`user`.prohibit_login=?) []interface {}{34, true, false} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_insert.go:513:innerInsert() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO `action` (`user_id`,`op_type`,`act_user_id`,`repo_id`,`comment_id`,`is_deleted`,`ref_name`,`is_private`,`content`,`created_unix`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) []interface {}{1, 8, 1, 34, 0, false, "", true, "go/XM_51SLQ", 1567748677} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_insert.go:513:innerInsert() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO `action` (`user_id`,`op_type`,`act_user_id`,`repo_id`,`comment_id`,`is_deleted`,`ref_name`,`is_private`,`content`,`created_unix`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) []interface {}{2, 8, 1, 34, 0, false, "", true, "go/XM_51SLQ", 1567748677} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_insert.go:513:innerInsert() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO `action` (`user_id`,`op_type`,`act_user_id`,`repo_id`,`comment_id`,`is_deleted`,`ref_name`,`is_private`,`content`,`created_unix`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) []interface {}{3, 8, 1, 34, 0, false, "", true, "go/XM_51SLQ", 1567748677} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...rm/session_insert.go:513:innerInsert() [I] [SQL] INSERT INTO `action` (`user_id`,`op_type`,`act_user_id`,`repo_id`,`comment_id`,`is_deleted`,`ref_name`,`is_private`,`content`,`created_unix`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) []interface {}{6, 8, 1, 34, 0, false, "", true, "go/XM_51SLQ", 1567748677} 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...xorm/xorm/session.go:845:saveLastSQL() [I] [SQL] ROLL BACK 2019/09/06 13:44:37 ...ters/repo/setting.go:378:SettingsPost() [E] TransferOwnership: rename repository directory: rename C:\GitEA\data\git\go\xm_51slq.git C:\GitEA\data\git\ximo\xm_51slq.git: Access is denied. ``` the login ID is admin ,has the rights of all the repo,why Access is denied. system: win2008 R2 git version gitea:1.92

Maybe you should not store you gitea data on C:\ on windows since it's a system disk

Maybe you should not store you gitea data on C:\ on windows since it's a system disk
loup-brun commented 2019-09-07 00:10:32 +00:00 (Migrated from

@lunny I'm experiencing frequent 500 errors after transferring repos to an organization.
This is recent as I upgraded to Gitea 1.9.2 just last week and coincides with the 500s.

I'm currently resolving this by stoping and restarting my gitea service installd on Raspbian (raspberry pi, arm7).

@lunny I'm experiencing frequent 500 errors after transferring repos to an organization. This is recent as I upgraded to Gitea `1.9.2` just last week and coincides with the 500s. I'm currently resolving this by `stop`ing and re`start`ing my gitea service installd on Raspbian (raspberry pi, arm7).
guillep2k commented 2019-09-07 00:58:05 +00:00 (Migrated from

@lunny I'm experiencing frequent 500 errors after transferring repos to an organization.
This is recent as I upgraded to Gitea 1.9.2 just last week and coincides with the 500s.

I'm currently resolving this by stoping and restarting my gitea service installd on Raspbian (raspberry pi, arm7).

@loup-brun A "500 error" is a generic code meaning "something unexpected happened". It would be very useful if you could paste here a relevant part of your gitea.log from the moment the error happened.

> > > @lunny I'm experiencing frequent 500 errors after transferring repos to an organization. > This is recent as I upgraded to Gitea `1.9.2` just last week and coincides with the 500s. > > I'm currently resolving this by `stop`ing and re`start`ing my gitea service installd on Raspbian (raspberry pi, arm7). @loup-brun A "500 error" is a generic code meaning "something unexpected happened". It would be very useful if you could paste here a relevant part of your gitea.log from the moment the error happened.
loup-brun commented 2019-09-07 19:08:26 +00:00 (Migrated from

Here is a log right after getting my 500 errors:

2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `index`, `poster_id`, `name`, `content`, `milestone_id`, `priority`, `is_closed`, `is_pull`, `num_comments`, `ref`, `deadline_unix`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `closed_unix`, `is_locked` FROM `issue` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `index`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{40, 20}
2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `index`, `poster_id`, `name`, `content`, `milestone_id`, `priority`, `is_closed`, `is_pull`, `num_comments`, `ref`, `deadline_unix`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `closed_unix`, `is_locked` FROM `issue` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `index`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{50, 16}
2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""}
2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""}
2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `index`, `poster_id`, `name`, `content`, `milestone_id`, `priority`, `is_closed`, `is_pull`, `num_comments`, `ref`, `deadline_unix`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `closed_unix`, `is_locked` FROM `issue` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `index`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{50, 28}
2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `type`, `poster_id`, `issue_id`, `label_id`, `old_milestone_id`, `milestone_id`, `assignee_id`, `removed_assignee`, `old_title`, `new_title`, `dependent_issue_id`, `commit_id`, `line`, `tree_path`, `content`, `patch`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `commit_sha`, `review_id`, `invalidated` FROM `comment` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{2280}
2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `index`, `poster_id`, `name`, `content`, `milestone_id`, `priority`, `is_closed`, `is_pull`, `num_comments`, `ref`, `deadline_unix`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `closed_unix`, `is_locked` FROM `issue` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{319}
2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{50}
2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `name` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3}
2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `index`, `poster_id`, `name`, `content`, `milestone_id`, `priority`, `is_closed`, `is_pull`, `num_comments`, `ref`, `deadline_unix`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `closed_unix`, `is_locked` FROM `issue` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `index`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{50, 28}
2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""}
2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""}
2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""}
2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""}
2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""}
2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""}
2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""}
2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""}
2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `index`, `poster_id`, `name`, `content`, `milestone_id`, `priority`, `is_closed`, `is_pull`, `num_comments`, `ref`, `deadline_unix`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `closed_unix`, `is_locked` FROM `issue` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `index`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{50, 6}
2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `org_user` WHERE (uid=?) []interface {}{1}
2019/09/07 14:07:34 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1}
2019/09/07 14:07:34 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"louis"}
2019/09/07 14:07:34 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(created_unix))) AS timestamp, count(user_id) as contributions FROM `action` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (created_unix > ?) AND (act_user_id = ?) GROUP BY timestamp ORDER BY timestamp []interface {}{1, 1536343654, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:34 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1}
2019/09/07 14:07:34 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `repository` WHERE (owner_id=? OR ((( IN (SELECT repo_id FROM `access` WHERE access.user_id = ?)) OR id IN (SELECT `team_repo`.repo_id FROM team_repo INNER JOIN team_user ON `team_user`.team_id = `team_repo`.team_id WHERE `team_user`.uid=?)) AND owner_id<>?)) []interface {}{1, 1, 1, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE (owner_id=? OR ((( IN (SELECT repo_id FROM `access` WHERE access.user_id = ?)) OR id IN (SELECT `team_repo`.repo_id FROM team_repo INNER JOIN team_user ON `team_user`.team_id = `team_repo`.team_id WHERE `team_user`.uid=?)) AND owner_id<>?)) ORDER BY updated_unix DESC LIMIT 15 []interface {}{1, 1, 1, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE (id > 0) AND `id` IN (?,?) []interface {}{3, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{40, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{40}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{41, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{41}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{50, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{50}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{43, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{43}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{46, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{46}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{25, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{25}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{9, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{9}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{20, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{20}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{26, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{26}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{45, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{45}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{35, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{35}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{30, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{30}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{34, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{34}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{33, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{33}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{31, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{31}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1}
2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1}
2019/09/07 14:07:41 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"louis"}
2019/09/07 14:07:41 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "phi3250-h19-travail-2"}
2019/09/07 14:07:41 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `redirect_repo_id` FROM `repo_redirect` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "phi3250-h19-travail-2"}
2019/09/07 14:07:41 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{26}
2019/09/07 14:07:41 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `name` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3}
2019/09/07 14:07:42 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"umontreal"}
2019/09/07 14:07:42 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3, "phi3250-h19-travail-2"}
2019/09/07 14:07:42 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{26}
2019/09/07 14:07:42 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{26, false}
2019/09/07 14:07:42 ...ules/context/repo.go:664:func1() [E] GetCommitsCount: fork/exec /usr/bin/git: cannot allocate memory
2019/09/07 14:07:54 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1}
2019/09/07 14:07:54 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1}
2019/09/07 14:07:54 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"umontreal"}
2019/09/07 14:07:54 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3, "fra3310-a19-notes"}
2019/09/07 14:07:54 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{40, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:54 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{40}
2019/09/07 14:07:54 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{40, false}
2019/09/07 14:07:54 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE (owner_id=? AND fork_id=?) LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 40}
2019/09/07 14:07:54 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 40}
2019/09/07 14:07:54 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `uid`, `repo_id` FROM `star` WHERE `uid`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 40}
2019/09/07 14:07:54 ...ules/context/repo.go:664:func1() [E] GetCommitsCount: fork/exec /usr/bin/git: cannot allocate memory
2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1}
2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1}
2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "gitea-stuff"}
2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{41, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:55 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{41}
2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{41, false}
2019/09/07 14:07:55 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT * FROM `user` INNER JOIN `team_user` ON `team_user`.org_id=`user`.id INNER JOIN `team` ON `team`.id=`team_user`.team_id WHERE (`team_user`.uid=?) AND (`team`.authorize=?) ORDER BY `user`.`name` ASC []interface {}{1, 4}
2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE (owner_id=? AND fork_id=?) LIMIT 1 []interface {}{2, 41}
2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 41}
2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `uid`, `repo_id` FROM `star` WHERE `uid`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 41}
2019/09/07 14:07:55 ...ules/context/repo.go:664:func1() [E] GetCommitsCount: fork/exec /usr/bin/git: cannot allocate memory
2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1}
2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1}
2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"umontreal"}
2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3, "fra3314-a19-notes"}
2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{50, 1}
2019/09/07 14:07:55 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{50}
2019/09/07 14:07:56 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{50, false}
2019/09/07 14:07:56 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE (owner_id=? AND fork_id=?) LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 50}
2019/09/07 14:07:56 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 50}
2019/09/07 14:07:56 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `uid`, `repo_id` FROM `star` WHERE `uid`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 50}
2019/09/07 14:07:56 ...ules/context/repo.go:664:func1() [E] GetCommitsCount: fork/exec /usr/bin/git: cannot allocate memory
2019/09/07 14:07:56 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1}
2019/09/07 14:07:56 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1}
2019/09/07 14:07:56 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1}
2019/09/07 14:07:56 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1}
2019/09/07 14:07:57 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1}
2019/09/07 14:07:57 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1}
2019/09/07 14:08:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"louis"}
2019/09/07 14:08:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "phi2180-notes-h19"}
2019/09/07 14:08:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `redirect_repo_id` FROM `repo_redirect` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "phi2180-notes-h19"}
2019/09/07 14:08:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{23}
2019/09/07 14:08:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `name` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3}
2019/09/07 14:08:21 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"umontreal"}
2019/09/07 14:08:21 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3, "phi2180-h19-notes"}
2019/09/07 14:08:21 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{23}
2019/09/07 14:08:21 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{23, false}
2019/09/07 14:08:21 ...ules/context/repo.go:664:func1() [E] GetCommitsCount: fork/exec /usr/bin/git: cannot allocate memory
2019/09/07 14:08:30 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"louis"}
2019/09/07 14:08:30 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "spotful-landing"}
2019/09/07 14:08:30 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{37}
2019/09/07 14:08:30 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{37, false}
2019/09/07 14:08:30 ...ules/context/repo.go:664:func1() [E] GetCommitsCount: fork/exec /usr/bin/git: cannot allocate memory
2019/09/07 14:08:49 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"louis"}
2019/09/07 14:08:49 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "phi3250-h19-travail-recherche"}
2019/09/07 14:08:49 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `redirect_repo_id` FROM `repo_redirect` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "phi3250-h19-travail-recherche"}
2019/09/07 14:08:49 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{12}
2019/09/07 14:08:49 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `name` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3}
2019/09/07 14:08:51 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"umontreal"}
2019/09/07 14:08:51 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3, "phi3250-h19-travail-recherche"}
2019/09/07 14:08:51 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{12}
2019/09/07 14:08:51 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{12, false}
2019/09/07 14:08:51 ...ules/context/repo.go:664:func1() [E] GetCommitsCount: fork/exec /usr/bin/git: cannot allocate memory
Here is a log right after getting my 500 errors: ``` 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `index`, `poster_id`, `name`, `content`, `milestone_id`, `priority`, `is_closed`, `is_pull`, `num_comments`, `ref`, `deadline_unix`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `closed_unix`, `is_locked` FROM `issue` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `index`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{40, 20} 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `index`, `poster_id`, `name`, `content`, `milestone_id`, `priority`, `is_closed`, `is_pull`, `num_comments`, `ref`, `deadline_unix`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `closed_unix`, `is_locked` FROM `issue` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `index`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{50, 16} 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""} 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""} 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `index`, `poster_id`, `name`, `content`, `milestone_id`, `priority`, `is_closed`, `is_pull`, `num_comments`, `ref`, `deadline_unix`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `closed_unix`, `is_locked` FROM `issue` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `index`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{50, 28} 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `type`, `poster_id`, `issue_id`, `label_id`, `old_milestone_id`, `milestone_id`, `assignee_id`, `removed_assignee`, `old_title`, `new_title`, `dependent_issue_id`, `commit_id`, `line`, `tree_path`, `content`, `patch`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `commit_sha`, `review_id`, `invalidated` FROM `comment` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{2280} 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `index`, `poster_id`, `name`, `content`, `milestone_id`, `priority`, `is_closed`, `is_pull`, `num_comments`, `ref`, `deadline_unix`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `closed_unix`, `is_locked` FROM `issue` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{319} 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{50} 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `name` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3} 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `index`, `poster_id`, `name`, `content`, `milestone_id`, `priority`, `is_closed`, `is_pull`, `num_comments`, `ref`, `deadline_unix`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `closed_unix`, `is_locked` FROM `issue` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `index`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{50, 28} 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""} 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""} 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""} 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""} 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""} 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""} 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""} 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `email`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{""} 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `index`, `poster_id`, `name`, `content`, `milestone_id`, `priority`, `is_closed`, `is_pull`, `num_comments`, `ref`, `deadline_unix`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `closed_unix`, `is_locked` FROM `issue` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `index`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{50, 6} 2019/09/07 14:07:32 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `org_user` WHERE (uid=?) []interface {}{1} 2019/09/07 14:07:34 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1} 2019/09/07 14:07:34 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"louis"} 2019/09/07 14:07:34 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(created_unix))) AS timestamp, count(user_id) as contributions FROM `action` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (created_unix > ?) AND (act_user_id = ?) GROUP BY timestamp ORDER BY timestamp []interface {}{1, 1536343654, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:34 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1} 2019/09/07 14:07:34 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `repository` WHERE (owner_id=? OR ((( IN (SELECT repo_id FROM `access` WHERE access.user_id = ?)) OR id IN (SELECT `team_repo`.repo_id FROM team_repo INNER JOIN team_user ON `team_user`.team_id = `team_repo`.team_id WHERE `team_user`.uid=?)) AND owner_id<>?)) []interface {}{1, 1, 1, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE (owner_id=? OR ((( IN (SELECT repo_id FROM `access` WHERE access.user_id = ?)) OR id IN (SELECT `team_repo`.repo_id FROM team_repo INNER JOIN team_user ON `team_user`.team_id = `team_repo`.team_id WHERE `team_user`.uid=?)) AND owner_id<>?)) ORDER BY updated_unix DESC LIMIT 15 []interface {}{1, 1, 1, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE (id > 0) AND `id` IN (?,?) []interface {}{3, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{40, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{40} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{41, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{41} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{50, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{50} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{43, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{43} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{46, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{46} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{25, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{25} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{9, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{9} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{20, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{20} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{26, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{26} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{45, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{45} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{35, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{35} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{30, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{30} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{34, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{34} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{33, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{33} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{31, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{31} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1} 2019/09/07 14:07:35 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1} 2019/09/07 14:07:41 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"louis"} 2019/09/07 14:07:41 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "phi3250-h19-travail-2"} 2019/09/07 14:07:41 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `redirect_repo_id` FROM `repo_redirect` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "phi3250-h19-travail-2"} 2019/09/07 14:07:41 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{26} 2019/09/07 14:07:41 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `name` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3} 2019/09/07 14:07:42 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"umontreal"} 2019/09/07 14:07:42 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3, "phi3250-h19-travail-2"} 2019/09/07 14:07:42 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{26} 2019/09/07 14:07:42 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{26, false} 2019/09/07 14:07:42 ...ules/context/repo.go:664:func1() [E] GetCommitsCount: fork/exec /usr/bin/git: cannot allocate memory 2019/09/07 14:07:54 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1} 2019/09/07 14:07:54 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1} 2019/09/07 14:07:54 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"umontreal"} 2019/09/07 14:07:54 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3, "fra3310-a19-notes"} 2019/09/07 14:07:54 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{40, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:54 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{40} 2019/09/07 14:07:54 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{40, false} 2019/09/07 14:07:54 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE (owner_id=? AND fork_id=?) LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 40} 2019/09/07 14:07:54 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 40} 2019/09/07 14:07:54 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `uid`, `repo_id` FROM `star` WHERE `uid`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 40} 2019/09/07 14:07:54 ...ules/context/repo.go:664:func1() [E] GetCommitsCount: fork/exec /usr/bin/git: cannot allocate memory 2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1} 2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1} 2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "gitea-stuff"} 2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{41, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:55 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{41} 2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{41, false} 2019/09/07 14:07:55 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT * FROM `user` INNER JOIN `team_user` ON `team_user`.org_id=`user`.id INNER JOIN `team` ON `team`.id=`team_user`.team_id WHERE (`team_user`.uid=?) AND (`team`.authorize=?) ORDER BY `user`.`name` ASC []interface {}{1, 4} 2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE (owner_id=? AND fork_id=?) LIMIT 1 []interface {}{2, 41} 2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 41} 2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `uid`, `repo_id` FROM `star` WHERE `uid`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 41} 2019/09/07 14:07:55 ...ules/context/repo.go:664:func1() [E] GetCommitsCount: fork/exec /usr/bin/git: cannot allocate memory 2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1} 2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1} 2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"umontreal"} 2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3, "fra3314-a19-notes"} 2019/09/07 14:07:55 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `user_id`, `mode` FROM `collaboration` WHERE `repo_id`=? AND `user_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{50, 1} 2019/09/07 14:07:55 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{50} 2019/09/07 14:07:56 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{50, false} 2019/09/07 14:07:56 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE (owner_id=? AND fork_id=?) LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 50} 2019/09/07 14:07:56 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `repo_id` FROM `watch` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 50} 2019/09/07 14:07:56 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `uid`, `repo_id` FROM `star` WHERE `uid`=? AND `repo_id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 50} 2019/09/07 14:07:56 ...ules/context/repo.go:664:func1() [E] GetCommitsCount: fork/exec /usr/bin/git: cannot allocate memory 2019/09/07 14:07:56 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1} 2019/09/07 14:07:56 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1} 2019/09/07 14:07:56 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1} 2019/09/07 14:07:56 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1} 2019/09/07 14:07:57 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1} 2019/09/07 14:07:57 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `notification` WHERE (user_id = ?) AND (status = ?) []interface {}{1, 0x1} 2019/09/07 14:08:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"louis"} 2019/09/07 14:08:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "phi2180-notes-h19"} 2019/09/07 14:08:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `redirect_repo_id` FROM `repo_redirect` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "phi2180-notes-h19"} 2019/09/07 14:08:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{23} 2019/09/07 14:08:20 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `name` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3} 2019/09/07 14:08:21 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"umontreal"} 2019/09/07 14:08:21 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3, "phi2180-h19-notes"} 2019/09/07 14:08:21 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{23} 2019/09/07 14:08:21 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{23, false} 2019/09/07 14:08:21 ...ules/context/repo.go:664:func1() [E] GetCommitsCount: fork/exec /usr/bin/git: cannot allocate memory 2019/09/07 14:08:30 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"louis"} 2019/09/07 14:08:30 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "spotful-landing"} 2019/09/07 14:08:30 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{37} 2019/09/07 14:08:30 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{37, false} 2019/09/07 14:08:30 ...ules/context/repo.go:664:func1() [E] GetCommitsCount: fork/exec /usr/bin/git: cannot allocate memory 2019/09/07 14:08:49 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"louis"} 2019/09/07 14:08:49 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "phi3250-h19-travail-recherche"} 2019/09/07 14:08:49 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `redirect_repo_id` FROM `repo_redirect` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, "phi3250-h19-travail-recherche"} 2019/09/07 14:08:49 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{12} 2019/09/07 14:08:49 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `name` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3} 2019/09/07 14:08:51 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `full_name`, `email`, `keep_email_private`, `passwd`, `must_change_password`, `login_type`, `login_source`, `login_name`, `type`, `location`, `website`, `rands`, `salt`, `language`, `description`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix`, `last_login_unix`, `last_repo_visibility`, `max_repo_creation`, `is_active`, `is_admin`, `allow_git_hook`, `allow_import_local`, `allow_create_organization`, `prohibit_login`, `avatar`, `avatar_email`, `use_custom_avatar`, `num_followers`, `num_following`, `num_stars`, `num_repos`, `num_teams`, `num_members`, `visibility`, `diff_view_style`, `theme` FROM `user` WHERE `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"umontreal"} 2019/09/07 14:08:51 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` WHERE `owner_id`=? AND `lower_name`=? LIMIT 1 []interface {}{3, "phi3250-h19-travail-recherche"} 2019/09/07 14:08:51 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT `id`, `repo_id`, `type`, `config`, `created_unix` FROM `repo_unit` WHERE (repo_id = ?) []interface {}{12} 2019/09/07 14:08:51 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM `release` WHERE repo_id=? AND is_draft=? []interface {}{12, false} 2019/09/07 14:08:51 ...ules/context/repo.go:664:func1() [E] GetCommitsCount: fork/exec /usr/bin/git: cannot allocate memory ```
lafriks commented 2019-09-07 20:39:10 +00:00 (Migrated from

Seems like you are running out of memory

Seems like you are running out of memory
loup-brun commented 2019-09-07 20:42:52 +00:00 (Migrated from

@lafriks any suggestion on how to resolve this? That's what I thought, so I searched the Gitea documentation for options to configure memory limit on my gitea installation, but I found no option.

I am experiencing this only on repos recently transferred to an organization (old repos are fine).

@lafriks any suggestion on how to resolve this? That's what I thought, so I searched the Gitea documentation for options to configure memory limit on my gitea installation, but I found no option. I am experiencing this **only** on repos recently transferred to an organization (old repos are fine).
guillep2k commented 2019-09-08 00:34:53 +00:00 (Migrated from

@loup-brun Perhaps those repos have other issues besides having been recently transferred. Are they big? Have many files? Many commits? You could try running some git commands on them yourself directly from the shell and see what happens. For instance, there is git-fsck that does some sanity checks. Gitea can do git-fsck itself, but if you doubt Gitea it could be nice to have a "second opinion" directly from git.
Also, make sure to use the same user as Gitea for those tests. The root user, for instance, will not have the same restrictions in resource usage.

@loup-brun Perhaps those repos have other issues besides having been recently transferred. Are they big? Have many files? Many commits? You could try running some git commands on them yourself directly from the shell and see what happens. For instance, there is git-fsck that does some sanity checks. Gitea can do git-fsck itself, but if you doubt Gitea it could be nice to have a "second opinion" directly from git. Also, make sure to use the same user as Gitea for those tests. The root user, for instance, will not have the same restrictions in resource usage.
loup-brun commented 2019-09-08 00:37:23 +00:00 (Migrated from

@guillep2k Small repos (max 4 MB), few files, max 10 commits. Only new projects (created since I updated to Gitea 1.9.2 from 1.8), which is why I suspect it has something to do with the update.

(old repos created before the update not affected by this bug)

@guillep2k Small repos (max 4 MB), few files, max 10 commits. Only new projects (created since I updated to Gitea `1.9.2` from `1.8`), which is why I suspect it has something to do with the update. (old repos created before the update not affected by this bug)
guillep2k commented 2019-09-08 02:58:34 +00:00 (Migrated from

@guillep2k Small repos (max 4 MB), few files, max 10 commits. Only new projects (created since I updated to Gitea 1.9.2 from 1.8), which is why I suspect it has something to do with the update.

(old repos created before the update not affected by this bug)

@loup-brun It wouldn't hurt checking them anyway. Could they have become corrupted somehow?

> > > @guillep2k Small repos (max 4 MB), few files, max 10 commits. Only new projects (created since I updated to Gitea `1.9.2` from `1.8`), which is why I suspect it has something to do with the update. > > (old repos created before the update not affected by this bug) @loup-brun It wouldn't hurt checking them anyway. Could they have become corrupted somehow?
guillep2k commented 2019-09-08 03:00:24 +00:00 (Migrated from

If you are interested, the standard procedure in my company is for the dev to create the repository, have some structural work done and then transfer it to the company org. We are using 1.9.2 without problems so far.

If you are interested, the standard procedure in my company is for the dev to create the repository, have some structural work done and then transfer it to the company org. We are using 1.9.2 without problems so far.

@loup-brun what's your git version and how did you install it?

@loup-brun what's your git version and how did you install it?
loup-brun commented 2019-09-10 11:28:54 +00:00 (Migrated from

@guillep2k I run git fsck without any problem (and have this feature turned on in Gitea).

@lunny I have git version 2.11.0 installed.
I simply update my gitea by replacing the binary /usr/local/bin/gitea (with appropriate group/file permissions) and restarting the gitea service.

I rolled back to gitea 1.8.3 (just like @gwnpeter) which works fine, no error whatsoever on those repos which I transferred ownership (tested them all several times a day for 2-3 days now).

@guillep2k I run git fsck without any problem (and have this feature turned on in Gitea). @lunny I have `git version 2.11.0` installed. I simply update my gitea by replacing the binary `/usr/local/bin/gitea` (with appropriate group/file permissions) and `restart`ing the gitea service. **I rolled back to gitea `1.8.3` (just like @gwnpeter) which works fine, no error whatsoever on those repos which I transferred ownership (tested them all several times a day for 2-3 days now).**
nikybiasion commented 2019-10-01 08:46:50 +00:00 (Migrated from

On Windows, seems that some file still locked during os.Rename

On Windows, seems that some file still locked during os.Rename
nikybiasion commented 2019-10-04 15:40:48 +00:00 (Migrated from

The file object\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.pack still locked

The file object\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.pack still locked
guillep2k commented 2019-10-04 18:05:53 +00:00 (Migrated from

This looks like a concurrency problem, and IMHO difficult to solve in a bulletproof way. You have more than one process accessing the repo at the time of migration, so the migration code fails.

If you think your users are not accessing it, please check whether any automated tool either is running things on it or left processes behind locking the file. In Windows I've found that Process Explorer (a Microsoft official utility) has a search handle function that tells you which processes have a particular file open. It may be of help.

Another related and very useful utility (you can check that out) is Process Monitor, although it's a bit more difficult to use. You need to set up the filters to log only the pahts you're interested in.

This looks like a concurrency problem, and IMHO difficult to solve in a bulletproof way. You have more than one process accessing the repo at the time of migration, so the migration code fails. If you think your users are not accessing it, please check whether any automated tool either is running things on it or left processes behind locking the file. In Windows I've found that [Process Explorer]( (a Microsoft official utility) has a *search handle* function that tells you which processes have a particular file open. It may be of help. Another related and very useful utility (you can check that out) is [Process Monitor](, although it's a bit more difficult to use. You need to set up the filters to log only the pahts you're interested in.
nikybiasion commented 2019-10-07 07:00:04 +00:00 (Migrated from

I've tried with Process Monitor, pack file is locked by gitea.exe. I've put a 30sec pause before the rename, close the locked file with Process Monitor and after the pause, the repository is transfered right

I've tried with Process Monitor, pack file is locked by gitea.exe. I've put a 30sec pause before the rename, close the locked file with Process Monitor and after the pause, the repository is transfered right
guillep2k commented 2019-10-07 12:10:35 +00:00 (Migrated from

I think that some git operation was transferred from git to a go library (go-git?) in 1.9.0. Perhaps that library does some caching or needs some garbage collection in order to free the files?
@nikybiasion Please try the following: remove the delay from the code, but wait in the UI 30 seconds before pressing the last confirmation button. If the problem goes away, it means that the lock is produced in some operation from the page rendered before.

I think that some git operation was transferred from `git` to a go library (`go-git`?) in 1.9.0. Perhaps that library does some caching or needs some garbage collection in order to free the files? @nikybiasion Please try the following: remove the delay from the code, but wait in the UI 30 seconds before pressing the last confirmation button. If the problem goes away, it means that the lock is produced in some operation from the page rendered before.
guillep2k commented 2019-10-07 12:14:11 +00:00 (Migrated from

Another interesting test is placing the 30s delay in different parts of the code, from the earliest point to the latest (you know that one works), until we find the point that is introducing the lock. BTW good catch!

Another interesting test is placing the 30s delay in different parts of the code, from the earliest point to the latest (you know that one works), until we find the point that is introducing the lock. BTW good catch!
nikybiasion commented 2019-10-08 16:22:08 +00:00 (Migrated from

if i go to transfer page, wait until the lock disapper, click transfer, i get 500 error and the pack file became locked.

if i go to transfer page, wait until the lock disapper, click transfer, i get 500 error and the pack file became locked.
guillep2k commented 2019-10-08 18:00:06 +00:00 (Migrated from

if i go to transfer page, wait until the lock disapper, click transfer, i get 500 error and the pack file became locked.

Good to know; if you can confirm that no other accesses were being made to that repo, that should tell us that Gitea is locking itself withing the transfer procedure. That certainly shortens the search.

> > > if i go to transfer page, wait until the lock disapper, click transfer, i get 500 error and the pack file became locked. Good to know; if you can confirm that no other accesses were being made to that repo, that should tell us that Gitea is locking itself withing the transfer procedure. That certainly shortens the search.
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