Lunny Xiao c2dc5f3e02
Some checks reported errors
continuous-integration/drone/tag Build is passing
continuous-integration/drone/push Build encountered an error
Add SetMinTLSVersion to support min tls version (#66)
Add SetMinTLSVersion to support min tls version

Reviewed-on: #66
Co-Authored-By: Lunny Xiao <xiaolunwen@gmail.com>
Co-Committed-By: Lunny Xiao <xiaolunwen@gmail.com>
2020-11-07 09:51:25 +08:00

315 lines
7.0 KiB

// Copyright 2015 The Tango Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package tango
import (
// Version returns tango's version
func Version() string {
return ""
// Tango describes tango object
type Tango struct {
handlers []Handler
logger Logger
ErrHandler Handler
ctxPool sync.Pool
respPool sync.Pool
minTLSVersion uint16
var (
// ClassicHandlers the default handlers
ClassicHandlers = []Handler{
Static(StaticOptions{Prefix: "public"}),
// Logger returns logger interface
func (t *Tango) Logger() Logger {
return t.logger
// Get sets a route with GET method
func (t *Tango) Get(url string, c interface{}, middlewares ...Handler) {
t.Route([]string{"GET", "HEAD:Get"}, url, c, middlewares...)
// Post sets a route with POST method
func (t *Tango) Post(url string, c interface{}, middlewares ...Handler) {
t.Route([]string{"POST"}, url, c, middlewares...)
// Head sets a route with HEAD method
func (t *Tango) Head(url string, c interface{}, middlewares ...Handler) {
t.Route([]string{"HEAD"}, url, c, middlewares...)
// Options sets a route with OPTIONS method
func (t *Tango) Options(url string, c interface{}, middlewares ...Handler) {
t.Route([]string{"OPTIONS"}, url, c, middlewares...)
// Trace sets a route with TRACE method
func (t *Tango) Trace(url string, c interface{}, middlewares ...Handler) {
t.Route([]string{"TRACE"}, url, c, middlewares...)
// Patch sets a route with PATCH method
func (t *Tango) Patch(url string, c interface{}, middlewares ...Handler) {
t.Route([]string{"PATCH"}, url, c, middlewares...)
// Delete sets a route with DELETE method
func (t *Tango) Delete(url string, c interface{}, middlewares ...Handler) {
t.Route([]string{"DELETE"}, url, c, middlewares...)
// Put sets a route with PUT method
func (t *Tango) Put(url string, c interface{}, middlewares ...Handler) {
t.Route([]string{"PUT"}, url, c, middlewares...)
// Any sets a route every support method is OK.
func (t *Tango) Any(url string, c interface{}, middlewares ...Handler) {
t.Route(SupportMethods, url, c, middlewares...)
t.Route([]string{"HEAD:Get"}, url, c, middlewares...)
// Use addes some global handlers
func (t *Tango) Use(handlers ...Handler) {
t.handlers = append(t.handlers, handlers...)
// GetAddress parses address
func getAddress(args ...interface{}) string {
var host string
var port int
if len(args) == 1 {
switch arg := args[0].(type) {
case string:
addrs := strings.Split(args[0].(string), ":")
if len(addrs) == 1 {
host = addrs[0]
} else if len(addrs) >= 2 {
host = addrs[0]
_port, _ := strconv.ParseInt(addrs[1], 10, 0)
port = int(_port)
case int:
port = arg
} else if len(args) >= 2 {
if arg, ok := args[0].(string); ok {
host = arg
if arg, ok := args[1].(int); ok {
port = arg
if envHost := os.Getenv("HOST"); len(envHost) != 0 {
host = envHost
} else if len(host) == 0 {
host = ""
if envPort, _ := strconv.ParseInt(os.Getenv("PORT"), 10, 32); envPort != 0 {
port = int(envPort)
} else if port == 0 {
port = 8000
addr := host + ":" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(port), 10)
return addr
// Run the http server. Listening on os.GetEnv("PORT") or 8000 by default.
func (t *Tango) Run(args ...interface{}) {
addr := getAddress(args...)
t.logger.Info("Listening on http://" + addr)
t.Server.Addr = addr
t.Server.Handler = t
err := t.ListenAndServe()
if err != nil {
if err == http.ErrServerClosed {
t.logger.Info("http server closed")
} else {
// SetMinTLSVersion set the minial tls version to allow
func (t *Tango) SetMinTLSVersion(ver uint16) {
t.minTLSVersion = ver
// RunTLS runs the https server with special cert and key files
func (t *Tango) RunTLS(certFile, keyFile string, args ...interface{}) {
addr := getAddress(args...)
t.logger.Info("Listening on https://" + addr)
t.Server.Addr = addr
t.Server.Handler = t
var minTLSVersion = t.minTLSVersion
if minTLSVersion == 0 {
minTLSVersion = tls.VersionTLS12
t.Server.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{
MinVersion: minTLSVersion,
err := t.ListenAndServeTLS(certFile, keyFile)
if err != nil {
if err == http.ErrServerClosed {
t.logger.Info("http server closed")
} else {
// HandlerFunc describes the handle function
type HandlerFunc func(ctx *Context)
// Handle executes the handler
func (h HandlerFunc) Handle(ctx *Context) {
// WrapBefore wraps a http standard handler to tango's before action executes
func WrapBefore(handler http.Handler) HandlerFunc {
return func(ctx *Context) {
handler.ServeHTTP(ctx.ResponseWriter, ctx.Req())
// WrapAfter wraps a http standard handler to tango's after action executes
func WrapAfter(handler http.Handler) HandlerFunc {
return func(ctx *Context) {
handler.ServeHTTP(ctx.ResponseWriter, ctx.Req())
// UseHandler adds a standard http handler to tango's
func (t *Tango) UseHandler(handler http.Handler) {
// ServeHTTP implementes net/http interface so that it could run with net/http
func (t *Tango) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
resp := t.respPool.Get().(*responseWriter)
ctx := t.ctxPool.Get().(*Context)
ctx.tan = t
ctx.reset(req, resp)
// if there is no logging or error handle, so the last written check.
if !ctx.Written() {
p := req.URL.Path
if len(req.URL.RawQuery) > 0 {
p = p + "?" + req.URL.RawQuery
if ctx.Route() != nil {
if ctx.Result == nil {
t.logger.Info(req.Method, ctx.Status(), p)
panic("result should be handler before")
if ctx.Result == nil {
ctx.Result = NotFound()
t.logger.Error(req.Method, ctx.Status(), p)
// NewWithLog creates tango with the special logger and handlers
func NewWithLog(logger Logger, handlers ...Handler) *Tango {
tan := &Tango{
Router: newRouter(),
logger: logger,
handlers: make([]Handler, 0),
ErrHandler: Errors(),
tan.ctxPool.New = func() interface{} {
return &Context{
tan: tan,
Logger: tan.logger,
tan.respPool.New = func() interface{} {
return &responseWriter{}
return tan
// New creates tango with the default logger and handlers
func New(handlers ...Handler) *Tango {
return NewWithLog(NewLogger(os.Stdout), handlers...)
// Classic returns the tango with default handlers and logger
func Classic(l ...Logger) *Tango {
var logger Logger
if len(l) == 0 {
logger = NewLogger(os.Stdout)
} else {
logger = l[0]
return NewWithLog(