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2019-08-04 00:52:43 +00:00

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// Copyright 2014 Martini Authors
// Copyright 2014 The Macaron Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"): you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package binding
import (
. ""
var jsonTestCases = []jsonTestCase{
description: "Happy path",
shouldSucceedOnJson: true,
payload: `{"title": "Glorious Post Title", "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"}`,
contentType: _JSON_CONTENT_TYPE,
expected: Post{Title: "Glorious Post Title", Content: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"},
description: "Happy path with interface",
shouldSucceedOnJson: true,
withInterface: true,
payload: `{"title": "Glorious Post Title", "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"}`,
contentType: _JSON_CONTENT_TYPE,
expected: Post{Title: "Glorious Post Title", Content: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"},
description: "Nil payload",
shouldSucceedOnJson: false,
payload: `-nil-`,
contentType: _JSON_CONTENT_TYPE,
expected: Post{},
description: "Empty payload",
shouldSucceedOnJson: false,
payload: ``,
contentType: _JSON_CONTENT_TYPE,
expected: Post{},
description: "Empty content type",
shouldSucceedOnJson: true,
shouldFailOnBind: true,
payload: `{"title": "Glorious Post Title", "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"}`,
contentType: ``,
expected: Post{Title: "Glorious Post Title", Content: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"},
description: "Unsupported content type",
shouldSucceedOnJson: true,
shouldFailOnBind: true,
payload: `{"title": "Glorious Post Title", "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"}`,
contentType: `BoGuS`,
expected: Post{Title: "Glorious Post Title", Content: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"},
description: "Malformed JSON",
shouldSucceedOnJson: false,
payload: `{"title":"foo"`,
contentType: _JSON_CONTENT_TYPE,
expected: Post{},
description: "Deserialization with nested and embedded struct",
shouldSucceedOnJson: true,
payload: `{"title":"Glorious Post Title", "id":1, "author":{"name":"Matt Holt"}}`,
contentType: _JSON_CONTENT_TYPE,
expected: BlogPost{Post: Post{Title: "Glorious Post Title"}, Id: 1, Author: Person{Name: "Matt Holt"}},
description: "Deserialization with nested and embedded struct with interface",
shouldSucceedOnJson: true,
withInterface: true,
payload: `{"title":"Glorious Post Title", "id":1, "author":{"name":"Matt Holt"}}`,
contentType: _JSON_CONTENT_TYPE,
expected: BlogPost{Post: Post{Title: "Glorious Post Title"}, Id: 1, Author: Person{Name: "Matt Holt"}},
description: "Required nested struct field not specified",
shouldSucceedOnJson: false,
payload: `{"title":"Glorious Post Title", "id":1, "author":{}}`,
contentType: _JSON_CONTENT_TYPE,
expected: BlogPost{Post: Post{Title: "Glorious Post Title"}, Id: 1},
description: "Required embedded struct field not specified",
shouldSucceedOnJson: false,
payload: `{"id":1, "author":{"name":"Matt Holt"}}`,
contentType: _JSON_CONTENT_TYPE,
expected: BlogPost{Id: 1, Author: Person{Name: "Matt Holt"}},
description: "Slice of Posts",
shouldSucceedOnJson: true,
payload: `[{"title": "First Post"}, {"title": "Second Post"}]`,
contentType: _JSON_CONTENT_TYPE,
expected: []Post{Post{Title: "First Post"}, Post{Title: "Second Post"}},
description: "Slice of structs",
shouldSucceedOnJson: true,
payload: `{"name": "group1", "people": [{"name":"awoods"}, {"name": "anthony"}]}`,
contentType: _JSON_CONTENT_TYPE,
expected: Group{Name: "group1", People: []Person{Person{Name: "awoods"}, Person{Name: "anthony"}}},
func Test_Json(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test JSON", t, func() {
for _, testCase := range jsonTestCases {
performJsonTest(t, Json, testCase)
func performJsonTest(t *testing.T, binder handlerFunc, testCase jsonTestCase) {
var payload io.Reader
httpRecorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
m := macaron.Classic()
jsonTestHandler := func(actual interface{}, errs Errors) {
if testCase.shouldSucceedOnJson && len(errs) > 0 {
So(len(errs), ShouldEqual, 0)
} else if !testCase.shouldSucceedOnJson && len(errs) == 0 {
So(len(errs), ShouldNotEqual, 0)
So(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", actual), ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("%+v", testCase.expected))
switch testCase.expected.(type) {
case []Post:
if testCase.withInterface {
m.Post(testRoute, binder([]Post{}, (*modeler)(nil)), func(actual []Post, iface modeler, errs Errors) {
for _, a := range actual {
So(a.Title, ShouldEqual, iface.Model())
jsonTestHandler(a, errs)
} else {
m.Post(testRoute, binder([]Post{}), func(actual []Post, errs Errors) {
jsonTestHandler(actual, errs)
case Post:
if testCase.withInterface {
m.Post(testRoute, binder(Post{}, (*modeler)(nil)), func(actual Post, iface modeler, errs Errors) {
So(actual.Title, ShouldEqual, iface.Model())
jsonTestHandler(actual, errs)
} else {
m.Post(testRoute, binder(Post{}), func(actual Post, errs Errors) {
jsonTestHandler(actual, errs)
case BlogPost:
if testCase.withInterface {
m.Post(testRoute, binder(BlogPost{}, (*modeler)(nil)), func(actual BlogPost, iface modeler, errs Errors) {
So(actual.Title, ShouldEqual, iface.Model())
jsonTestHandler(actual, errs)
} else {
m.Post(testRoute, binder(BlogPost{}), func(actual BlogPost, errs Errors) {
jsonTestHandler(actual, errs)
case Group:
if testCase.withInterface {
m.Post(testRoute, binder(Group{}, (*modeler)(nil)), func(actual Group, iface modeler, errs Errors) {
So(actual.Name, ShouldEqual, iface.Model())
jsonTestHandler(actual, errs)
} else {
m.Post(testRoute, binder(Group{}), func(actual Group, errs Errors) {
jsonTestHandler(actual, errs)
if testCase.payload == "-nil-" {
payload = nil
} else {
payload = strings.NewReader(testCase.payload)
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", testRoute, payload)
if err != nil {
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", testCase.contentType)
m.ServeHTTP(httpRecorder, req)
switch httpRecorder.Code {
case http.StatusNotFound:
panic("Routing is messed up in test fixture (got 404): check method and path")
case http.StatusInternalServerError:
panic("Something bad happened on '" + testCase.description + "'")
if testCase.shouldSucceedOnJson &&
httpRecorder.Code != http.StatusOK &&
!testCase.shouldFailOnBind {
So(httpRecorder.Code, ShouldEqual, http.StatusOK)
type (
jsonTestCase struct {
description string
withInterface bool
shouldSucceedOnJson bool
shouldFailOnBind bool
payload string
contentType string
expected interface{}