2022-08-31 14:56:16 +02:00

126 lines
4.9 KiB

;;; ~/.doom.d/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Place your private configuration here
;; Personal Information
(setq user-full-name "Paul Haider"
user-mail-address "")
;; Load the theme
(require 'doom-themes)
;; Global settings (defaults)
(setq doom-themes-enable-bold t ; if nil, bold is universally disabled
doom-themes-enable-italic t) ; if nil, italics is universally disabled
;; Load the font
(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "Fira Code" :size 14 :weight 'semi-light)
doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "Fira Sans" :size 15))
;; Load the theme (doom-one, doom-molokai, etc); keep in mind that each theme
;; may have their own settings.
(load-theme 'doom-ayu-light t)
;; map arrow keys for window navigation
(map! :map evil-window-map
:desc "Window up" "<up>" #'evil-window-up
:desc "Window down" "<down>" #'evil-window-down
:desc "Window left" "<left>" #'evil-window-left
:desc "Window right" "<right>" #'evil-window-right
:desc "Window up" "S-<up>" #'+evil/window-move-up
:desc "Window down" "S-<down>" #'+evil/window-move-down
:desc "Window left" "S-<left>" #'+evil/window-move-left
:desc "Window right" "S-<right>" #'+evil/window-move-right
"C-k" nil
"C-j" nil
"C-h" nil
"C-l" nil
"C-S-k" nil
"C-S-j" nil
"C-S-h" nil
"C-S-l" nil)
;; Corrects (and improves) org-mode's native fontification.
;; enable org-modern-mode
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'org-modern-mode)
(add-hook 'org-agenda-finalize-hook #'org-modern-agenda)
;; Doom modeline
(setq doom-modeline-major-mode-icon t)
;; ;; Latex specific configuartion for Org mode
;; (require 'ox-latex)
;; (setq org-latex-pdf-process (list "latexmk -f -pdf %f"))
;; (unless (boundp 'org-latex-classes)
;; (setq org-latex-classes nil))
;; (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes
;; '("mimosis"
;; "\\documentclass{mimosis}"
;; ("\\part{%s}" . "\\part*{%s}")
;; ("\\chapter{%s}" . "\\chapter*{%s}")
;; ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
;; ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
;; ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}")
;; ("\\subsubsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsubsection*{%s}")))
;; (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes
;; '("mimosis_nopart"
;; "\\documentclass{mimosis}"
;; ("\\chapter{%s}" . "\\chapter*{%s}")
;; ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
;; ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
;; ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}")
;; ("\\subsubsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsubsection*{%s}")))
;; (setq org-latex-listings t)
;; (add-to-list 'org-latex-packages-alist '("" "listingsutf8"))
;; Variables
(setq zot_bib (concat (getenv "HOME") "/braindump/zotLib.bib")
org_directory (concat (getenv "HOME") "/braindump/")
org_notes (list org_directory)
org_journal (concat (getenv "HOME") "/braindump/journal/") ; for some reason I do not understand agenda view only works when I name the folder daily
org-directory org_directory
org-agenda-files (list org_directory org_journal))
(setq! citar-bibliography '("~/braindump/zotLib.bib"))
(setq! citar-notes-paths '("~/braindump/notes/"))
(setq! citar-symbols
`((file ,(all-the-icons-faicon "file-o" :face 'all-the-icons-green :v-adjust -0.1) . " ")
(note ,(all-the-icons-material "speaker_notes" :face 'all-the-icons-blue :v-adjust -0.3) . " ")
(link ,(all-the-icons-octicon "link" :face 'all-the-icons-orange :v-adjust 0.01) . " ")))
(setq! citar-symbol-separator " ")
;; change org journal to use .org ending and perfixes as for roam dailies
(setq org-journal-dir org_journal
org-journal-file-type 'daily
org-journal-file-format ""
org-journal-date-format "%A, %x"
org-journal-date-prefix "#+title: "
org-journal-time-prefix "* "
org-journal-carryover-delete-empty-journal 'ask
org-journal-enable-agenda-integration nil) ; show current journal todos in agenda
(setq org-roam-directory org_directory
org-roam-dailies-directory org_journal
'(("d" "default" entry
"* %?"
:target (file+head "%<%Y%m%d>.org"
"#+title: %<%A, %x>\n"))))
(use-package! websocket
:after org-roam)
(use-package! org-roam-ui
:after org-roam ;; or :after org
;; normally we'd recommend hooking orui after org-roam, but since org-roam does not have
;; a hookable mode anymore, you're advised to pick something yourself
;; if you don't care about startup time, use
;; :hook (after-init . org-roam-ui-mode)
(setq org-roam-ui-sync-theme t
org-roam-ui-follow t
org-roam-ui-update-on-save t
org-roam-ui-open-on-start t))