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<appendix id="release_notes">
<subtitle>Release Notes</subtitle>
<title>PostGIS 3.3.0</title>
<para>This version requires PostgreSQL 11 or higher, GEOS 3.6 or higher, and Proj 5.2+.
Additional features are enabled if you are running GEOS 3.9+
ST_MakeValid enhancements with 3.10+, numerouse additional enhancements with GEOS 3.11+.
Requires SFCGAL 1.4.1+ for ST_AlphaShape and ST_OptimalAlphaShape.</para>
<para>NOTE: GEOS 3.11.0 details at <ulink url="">GEOS 3.11.0 release notes</ulink></para>
<para>The new configure --enable-lto flag improves speed of math computations. This new feature is disabled by default
because on some platforms, causes compilation errors (BSD and MingW64 issues have been raised)</para>
<title>New features</title>
<para><ulink url="">5116</ulink>, Topology export/import scripts (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>ST_Letters creates geometries that look like letters (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5037</ulink>, postgis_sfcgal: ST_3DConvexHull (Loïc Bartoletti)</para>
<para>postgis_sfcgal: sfcgal_full_version - reports BOOST and CGAL version
(Loïc Bartoletti)</para>
<para><ulink url="">GH 659</ulink>, MARC21/XML, ST_GeomFromMARC21, ST_AsMARC21 (Jim Jones)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5132</ulink>, <ulink url="">GH 683</ulink>, sfcgal: ST_3DUnion aggregate function (Sergei Shoulbakov)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5143</ulink>, SFCGAL ST_AlphaShape and ST_OptimalAlphaShape
Requires SFCGAL 1.4.1+ (Loïc Bartoletti)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5162</ulink>, ST_TriangulatePolygon with GEOS 3.11+ (Paul Ramsey, Martin Davis)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5162</ulink>, ST_SimplifyPolygonHull with GEOS 3.11+ (Paul Ramsey, Martin Davis)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5183</ulink>, topology.RemoveUnusedPrimitives (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<title>Breaking Changes</title>
<para>Drop support for PostgreSQL 9.6 and 10 (Regina Obe)</para>
<para>Change output for WKT MULTIPOINT. All points now
wrapped in parens. (Even Rouault)</para>
<para><ulink url="">GH 674</ulink>, geometry validation and fixing is disabled
for ST_DumpAsPolygons and ST_Polygon so it works faster
but might produce invalid polygons. (Aliaksandr Kalenik)</para>
<para><ulink url="">2861</ulink>, Add index on topology.node(containing_face) speeding up
splitting and merging of faces (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para><ulink url="">2083</ulink>, Speed up ST_RemEdge topology functions adding index on
relation(element_id) and edge_data(abs_next*) (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5118</ulink>, Allow dropping topologies with missing topogeometry sequences
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5111</ulink>, faster topology face MBR computation (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>postgis_extensions_upgrade() support for upgrades from any PostGIS
version, including yet to be released ones (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5040</ulink>, add postgis_sfcgal_full_version (Loïc Bartoletti)</para>
<para><ulink url="">GH 655</ulink>, GiST: balance the tree splits better in recursive calls (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para><ulink url="">GH 657</ulink>, GiST: do not call no-op decompress function (Aliaksandr Kalenik)</para>
<para><ulink url="">4939</ulink>, <ulink url="">5161</ulink>, ST_LineMerge now has option to keep the directions of input linestrings,
useful when processing road graphs. Requires GEOS 3.11. (Sergei Shoulbakov)</para>
<para>ST_ConcaveHull GEOS 3.11+ native implementation (Paul Ramsey, Martin Davis)</para>
<para>ST_ConcaveHull GEOS 3.11+ polygon-respecting native implementation (Paul Ramsey, Martin Davis)</para>
<para><ulink url="">4574</ulink>, <ulink url="">GH 678</ulink>, <ulink url="">5121</ulink> Enable Link-Time Optimizations using --enable-lto (Sergei Shoulbakov)</para>
<para><ulink url="">GH 676</ulink>, faster ST_Clip (Aliaksandr Kalenik)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5135</ulink>, Fast GiST index build is enabled by default for PostgreSQL 15+ (Sergei Shoulbakov)</para>
<para><ulink url="">4939</ulink>, <ulink url="">5161</ulink>, ST_LineMerge now has option to keep the directions of input linestrings,
useful when processing road graphs. Requires GEOS 3.11. (Sergei Shoulbakov)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5158</ulink>, pgtopo_import / pgtopo_export manpages (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5170</ulink>, add a optional max_rows_per_copy to -Y option to raster2pgsql to
control number of rows per copy statement.
Default to 50 when not specified (Regina Obe)</para>
<para><ulink url="">GH 698</ulink>, support parallel aggregate for ST_Union (Sergei Shoulbakov)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5024</ulink>, Update spatial_ref_sys as part of ALTER EXTENSION update postgis (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para>These are fixes issues in prior minors not backported</para>
<para><ulink url="">4912</ulink>, GiST: fix crash on STORAGE EXTERNAL for geography (Aliaksandr Kalenik)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5088</ulink>, Memory corruption in mvt_agg_transfn (Victor Collod)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5137</ulink>, resetting interrupt flags before query execution (Sergei Shoulbakov)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5148</ulink>, ST_Clip is more robust to alignment of raster and clip geometry (Sergei Shoulbakov)</para>
<para><ulink url="">4932</ulink>, Bug with geography ST_Intersects / ST_Distance (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5089</ulink>, ST_Reverse also reverses components of CompoundCurve (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<title>PostGIS 3.3.0rc2</title>
<para>This version requires PostgreSQL 11 or higher, GEOS 3.6 or higher, and Proj 5.2+.
Additional features are enabled if you are running GEOS 3.9+
ST_MakeValid enhancements with 3.10+, numerouse additional enhancements with GEOS 3.11+.
Requires SFCGAL 1.4.1+ for ST_AlphaShape and ST_OptimalAlphaShape.</para>
<para>NOTE: GEOS 3.11.0 was recently released,
details at <ulink url="">GEOS 3.11.0 release notes</ulink></para>
<para>The new --enable-lto flag improves speed of math computations. This new feature is disabled by default
because on some platforms, causes compilation errors (BSD and MingW64 issues have been raised)</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para><ulink url="">5089</ulink>, ST_Reverse also reverses components of CompoundCurve (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5181</ulink>, Reset proj error state after failed parse (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5171</ulink>, Short circuit geodesic distance when inputs equal (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<title>PostGIS 3.3.0rc1</title>
<para>This version requires PostgreSQL 11 or higher, GEOS 3.6 or higher, and Proj 5.2+.
Additional features are enabled if you are running GEOS 3.9+
ST_MakeValid enhancements with 3.10+, numerous additional enhancements with GEOS 3.11+.
Requires SFCGAL 1.4.1+ for ST_AlphaShape and ST_OptimalAlphaShape.</para>
<para>NOTE: GEOS 3.11.0 was recently released,
details at <ulink url="">GEOS 3.11.0 release notes</ulink></para>
<para>The new --enable-lto flag improves speed of math computations. This new feature is disabled by default
because on some platforms, causes compilation errors (BSD and MingW64 issues have been raised)</para>
<para>Use below to enable it.</para>
<programlisting>./configure --enable-lto</programlisting>
<para>Changes since PostGIS 3.3.0beta2:</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para><ulink url="">5154</ulink>, raster ST_Value is undercosted (Regina Obe)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5157</ulink>, Revise minimum_bounding_circle Cunit test
to be tolerant of small 32-bit floating point differences
(Regina Obe)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5191</ulink>, Functions should use integer instead of int4 (Regina Obe)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5139</ulink>, PostGIS causes to_jsonb to no longer be parallel safe,
ST_AsGeoJSON and ST_AsGML are also parallel unsafe
(Regina Obe, Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5025</ulink>, Ensure that additional operators are not appended
when the function and opfamily disagree
about dimensionality (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5195</ulink>, #5196 Change address_standardizer
and postgis_tiger_geocoder CREATE EXTENSION to use CREATE
instead of CREATE OR REPLACE. (Regina Obe)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5202</ulink>, Guard against downgrade (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5104</ulink>, postgis_extensions_upgrade() fails with pgextwlist (Regina Obe)</para>
<title>PostGIS 3.3.0beta2</title>
<para>This version requires PostgreSQL 11 or higher, GEOS 3.6 or higher, and Proj 5.2+.
Additional features are enabled if you are running GEOS 3.9+
ST_MakeValid enhancements with 3.10+, numerous additional enhancements with GEOS 3.11+.
Requires SFCGAL 1.4.1+ for ST_AlphaShape and ST_OptimalAlphaShape.</para>
<para>NOTE: GEOS 3.11.0 was recently released,
details at <ulink url="">GEOS 3.11.0 release notes</ulink></para>
<para>The new --enable-lto flag improves speed of math computations. This new feature is disabled by default
because on some platforms, causes compilation errors (BSD and MingW64 issues have been raised)</para>
<para>Use below to enable it.</para>
<programlisting>./configure --enable-lto</programlisting>
<para>Changes since PostGIS 3.3.0beta1:</para>
<title>New Features</title>
<para><ulink url="">5183</ulink>, topology.RemoveUnusedPrimitives (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para><ulink url="">GH698</ulink>, support parallel aggregate for ST_Union (Sergei Shoulbakov)</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para><ulink url="">5179</ulink>, pgsql2shp syntax error on big-endian (Bas Couwenberg)</para>
<title>PostGIS 3.3.0beta1</title>
<para>This version requires PostgreSQL 11 or higher, GEOS 3.6 or higher, and Proj 5.2+.
Additional features are enabled if you are running GEOS 3.9+
ST_MakeValid enhancements with 3.10+, numerouse additional enhancements with GEOS 3.11+.</para>
<para>Requires SFCGAL 1.4.1+ for ST_AlphaShape and ST_OptimalAlphaShape.</para>
<para>NOTE: GEOS 3.11.0 was recently released,
details at <ulink url="">GEOS 3.11.0 release notes</ulink></para>
<para>The new --enable-lto flag improves math computations. This new feature is disabled by default
because on some platforms, causes compilation errors (BSD and MingW64 issues have been raised)</para>
<para>Use below to enable it.</para>
./configure --enable-lto
<para><ulink url="">5158</ulink>, pgtopo_import / pgtopo_export manpages (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5170</ulink>, add a optional max_rows_per_copy to -Y option to raster2pgsql to
control number of rows per copy statement.
Default to 50 when not specified (Regina Obe)</para>
<para><ulink url="">4939</ulink>, <ulink url="">5161</ulink>, ST_LineMerge now has option to keep the directions of input linestrings,
useful when processing road graphs. Requires GEOS 3.11. (Sergei Shoulbakov)</para>
<para>ST_ConcaveHull GEOS 3.11+ polygon-respecting native implementation (Paul Ramsey, Martin Davis)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5039</ulink>, postgis_tiger_geocoder TIGER 2021 (Regina Obe)</para>
<title>New features</title>
<para>><ulink url="">5169</ulink>, ST_SimplifyPolygonHull (requires GEOS 3.11)
(Paul Ramsey, Martin Davis)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5162</ulink>, ST_TriangulatePolygon with GEOS 3.11+ (Paul Ramsey, Martin Davis)</para>
<title>Bug Fix</title>
<para><ulink url="">5173</ulink> st_asflatgeobuf detoast crash (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">4932</ulink>, Bug with geography ST_Intersects / ST_Distance (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">5114</ulink>, pgsql2shp segfault with long or many truncated columns</para>
<title>PostGIS 3.3.0alpha1</title>
<para>This version requires PostgreSQL 11 or higher, GEOS 3.6 or higher, and Proj 4.9+.
Additional features are enabled if you are running GEOS 3.9+ (precision feature of many processing functions)
ST_MakeValid enhancements with 3.10+, ST_ConcaveHull native GEOS implementation with GEOS 3.11+</para>
<para>Requires SFCGAL 1.4.1+ for ST_AlphaShape and ST_OptimalAlphaShape.</para>
<para>The new --enable-lto flag improves math computations. This new feature is disabled by default
because on some platforms, causes compilation errors (BSD and MingW64 issues have been raised)</para>
<para>Use below to enable it.</para>
./configure --enable-lto
<title>Breaking changes</title>
<para>Drop support for PostgreSQL 9.6 and 10 (Regina Obe)</para>
<para>Change output for WKT MULTIPOINT. All points now
wrapped in parens. (Even Roualt)</para>
<para>GH674, geometry validation and fixing is disabled
for ST_DumpAsPolygons and ST_Polygon so it works faster
but might produce invalid polygons. (Aliaksandr Kalenik)</para>
<para>2861, Add index on topology.node(containing_face) speeding up
splitting and merging of faces (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>2083, Speed up ST_RemEdge topology functions adding index on
relation(element_id) and edge_data(abs_next*) (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>5118, Allow dropping topologies with missing topogeometry sequences
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>5111, faster topology face MBR computation (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>postgis_extensions_upgrade() support for upgrades from any PostGIS
version, including yet to be released ones (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>5040, add postgis_sfcgal_full_version (Loïc Bartoletti)</para>
<para>GH655, GiST: balance the tree splits better in recursive calls (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>GH657, GiST: do not call no-op decompress function (Aliaksandr Kalenik)</para>
<para>4912, GiST: fix crash on STORAGE EXTERNAL for geography (Aliaksandr Kalenik)</para>
<para>ST_ConcaveHull GEOS 3.11+ native implementation (Paul Ramsey, Martin Davis)</para>
<para>4574, GH678, #5121 Enable Link-Time Optimizations using --enable-lto (Sergei Shoulbakov)</para>
<para>GH676, faster ST_Clip (Aliaksandr Kalenik)</para>
<para>5135, Fast GiST index build is enabled by default for PostgreSQL 15+ (Sergei Shoulbakov)</para>
<title>New features</title>
<para>5116, Topology export/import scripts (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>ST_Letters creates geometries that look like letters (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>5037, postgis_sfcgal: ST_3DConvexHull (Loïc Bartoletti)</para>
<para>postgis_sfcgal: sfcgal_full_version - reports BOOST and CGAL version
(Loïc Bartoletti)</para>
<para>GH659, MARC21/XML, ST_GeomFromMARC21, ST_AsMARC21 (Jim Jones)</para>
<para>5132, GH683, sfcgal: ST_3DUnion aggregate function (Sergei Shoulbakov)</para>
<para>5143, SFCGAL ST_AlphaShape and ST_OptimalAlphaShape (Loïc Bartoletti)</para>
<title>Bug Fix</title>
<para>5100, Support for PostgreSQL 15 (atoi removal) (Laurenz Albe)</para>
<para>5123, Support for PostgreSQL 15 - PG15 now exposes json types and functions,
do not include for PG15+ (Regina Obe)</para>
<para>5088, Memory corruption in mvt_agg_transfn (Victor Collod)</para>
<para>5137, resetting interrupt flags before query execution (Sergei Shoulbakov)</para>
<para>5148, ST_Clip is more robust to alignment of raster and clip geometry (Sergei Shoulbakov)</para>
<title>PostGIS 3.2.0 (Olivier Courtin Edition)</title>
<para>This version requires PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher, GEOS 3.6 or higher, and Proj 4.9+
Additional features are enabled if you are running GEOS 3.9+
(and ST_MakeValid enhancements with 3.10+),
Proj 6.1+, and PostgreSQL 14+.</para>
<para>Due to some query performance degradation
with the new PG14 fast index build ,
we have decided to disable the feature by default
until we get more user testing
as to the true impact of real-world queries.
If you are running PG14+, you can reenable it by doing:</para>
<programlisting>ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY gist_geometry_ops_2d USING gist
ADD FUNCTION 11 (geometry)
geometry_gist_sortsupport_2d (internal);
<para>To revert the change:</para>
<programlisting>ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY gist_geometry_ops_2d using gist
DROP FUNCTION 11 (geometry);</programlisting>
<para>and then reindex your gist indexes</para>
<title>Breaking changes</title>
<para>5008, Empty geometries are not reported as being within Infinite
distance by ST_DWithin (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4824, Removed <code>--without-wagyu</code> build option. Using Wagyu is now mandatory to build with MVT support.</para>
<para>4933, topology.GetFaceByPoint will not work with topologies having invalid edge linking.</para>
<para>4981, ST_StartPoint support any geometry. No longer returns null for non-linestrings.</para>
<para>4149, ST_AsMVTGeom now preserves more of original geometry's details at scale close to target extent.
If you need previous simplifying behaviour, you can ST_Simplify the geometry in advance.
(Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>- Proj 4.9 or higher is required</para>
<para>5000, Turn off Window support in ST_AsMVT aggregate
as no real use-case for it and it crashes with random input
(Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>4997, FlatGeobuf format input/output (Björn Harrtell)</para>
<para>4575, GRANT SELECT on topology metadata tables to PUBLIC (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>2592, Do not allow CreateTopology to define topologies with SRID &lt; 0
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>3232, Prevent moving an isolated node to different face
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>- Consider collection TopoGeometries while editing topology primitives.
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>3248, Prevent removing isolated edges if used in a TopoGeometry
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>3231, Prevent removing isolated nodes if used in a TopoGeometry
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>3239, Prevent headling topology edges if the connecting node is
used in the definition of a TopoGeometry (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4950, Speed up checking containing_face for nodes in ValidateTopology
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4945, Multi-shell face check in ValidateTopology (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4944, Side-location conflict check in ValidateTopology (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>3042, ValidateTopology check for edge linking (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>3276, ValidateTopology check for face's mbr (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4936, Bounding box limited ValidateTopology (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4933, Speed up topology building in presence of big faces (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>3233, ValidateTopology check for node's containing_face (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4830, ValidateTopology check for edges side face containment
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4827, Allow NaN coordinates in WKT input (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>- ST_Value() accepts resample parameter to add bilinear option (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>3778, #4401, ST_Boundary now works for TIN and does not linearize curves (Aliaksandr Kalenik)</para>
<para>4881, #4884, Store sign of edge_id for lineal TopoGeometry in relation table
to retain direction (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4628, Add an option to disable ANALYZE when loading shapefiles (Stefan Corneliu Petrea)</para>
<para>4924, Faster ST_RemoveRepeatedPoints on large multipoints, O(NlogN) instead of O(N^2)
(Aliaksandr Kalenik, Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4925, fix ST_DumpPoints to not overlook points (Aliaksandr Kalenik)</para>
<para>- ST_SRID(topogeometry) override, to speedup lookups (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>2175, Avoid creating additional nodes when adding same closed
line to topology (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4974, Upgrade path for address_standardizer_data_us
(Jan Katins of Aiven, Regina Obe)</para>
<para>4975, PostGIS upgrade change to not use temp tables (Jan Katins of Aiven)</para>
<para>4981, ST_StartPoint support any geometry (Aliaksandr Kalenik)</para>
<para>4799, Include srs in GeoJSON where it exists in spatial_ref_sys.</para>
<para>4986, GIST indexes on Postgres 14 are now created faster using Hilbert-sorting method.
(Han Wang, Aliaksandr Kalenik, Darafei Praliaskouski, Giuseppe Broccolo)</para>
<para>4949, Use proj_normalize_for_visualization to hand "axis swap" decisions (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>- GH647, ST_PixelAsCentroids, ST_PixelAsCentroid reimplemented on top of a C function (Sergei Shoulbakov)</para>
<para>- GH648, ST_AsMVTGeom now uses faster clipping (Aliaksandr Kalenik)</para>
<para>5018, pgsql2shp basic support for WITH CTE clause (Regina Obe)</para>
<para>5019, address_standardizer: Add support for pcre2 (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<title>New features</title>
<para>4923, topology.ValidateTopologyRelation (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4933, topology.GetFaceContainingPoint (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>2175, ST_Scroll (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4841, FindTopology to quickly get a topology record (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4869, FindLayer to quickly get a layer record (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4851, TopoGeom_addTopoGeom function (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>ST_MakeValid(geometry, options) allows alternative validity building
algorithms with GEOS 3.10 (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>ST_InterpolateRaster() fills in raster cells between sample points
using one of a number of algorithms (inverse weighted distance, average, etc)
using algorithms from GDAL
(Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>ST_Contour() generates contour lines from raster values
using algorithms from GDAL (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>ST_SetZ()/ST_SetM() fills in z/m coordinates of a geometry using data read
from a raster (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>New postgis.gdal_vsi_options GUC allows out-db rasters on VSI network
services to be accessed with authentication keys, etc. (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>ST_DumpSegments returns a set of segments of input geometry (Aliaksandr Kalenik)</para>
<para>4859, ST_Point, ST_PointZ, ST_PointM, ST_PointZM, constructors
with SRID parameter (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>4808, ST_ClusterKMeans now supports max_radius argument. Use it when you're not sure what is
the number of clusters but you know what the size of clusters should be. (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<title>PostGIS 3.2.0beta3</title>
<para>This version requires PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher, GEOS 3.6 or higher, and Proj 4.9+
Additional features are enabled if you are running GEOS 3.9+
(and ST_MakeValid enhancements with 3.10+),
Proj 6.1+, and PostgreSQL 14+.</para>
<para>Due to some query performance degradation
with the new PG14 fast index build ,
we have decided to disable the feature by default
until we get more user testing
as to the true impact of real-world queries.
If you are running PG14+, you can reenable it by doing:</para>
<programlisting>ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY gist_geometry_ops_2d USING gist
ADD FUNCTION 11 (geometry)
geometry_gist_sortsupport_2d (internal);
<para>To revert the change:</para>
<programlisting>ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY gist_geometry_ops_2d using gist
DROP FUNCTION 11 (geometry);</programlisting>
<para>and then reindex your gist indexes</para>
<para>Changes since PostGIS 3.2.0beta2 release:</para>
<title>Breaking changes / fixes</title>
<para>5028, ST_AsFlatGeobuf crashes on mixed geometry input
(Björn Harrtell)</para>
<para>5029, ST_AsFlatGeobuf indexed output corruption
(Björn Harrtell)</para>
<para>5014, Crash on ST_TableFromFlatGeobuf (Björn Harrtell)</para>
<para>Rename ST_TableFromFlatGeobuf to ST_FromFlatGeobufToTable
(Björn Harrtell)</para>
<para>PG14 fast index building disabled by default. (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<title>Release 3.2.0beta2</title>
<para>Release date: 2021/11/26</para>
<para>This version requires PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher, GEOS 3.6 or higher, and Proj 4.9+
Additional features are enabled if you are running GEOS 3.9+
(and ST_MakeValid enhancements with 3.10+),
Proj 6.1+, and PostgreSQL 14+.
Changes since PostGIS 3.2.0beta1 release:</para>
<title>Breaking changes / fixes</title>
<para>5016, loader (shp2pgsq): Respect LDFLAGS (Greg Troxel)</para>
<para>5005, ST_AsFlatGeoBuf crashes on tables when geometry
column is not the first column (Björn Harrtell)</para>
<para>5017, topology.ValidateTopology error relation "shell_check"
already exists (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>5018, pgsql2shp basic support for WITH CTE clause (Regina Obe)</para>
<para>5019, address_standardizer: Add support for pcre2 (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>GH647, ST_AsMVTGeom now uses faster clipping (Aliaksandr Kalenik)</para>
<para>GH648, ST_PixelAsCentroids, ST_PixelAsCentroid reimplemented on top of a C function (Sergei Shoulbakov)</para>
<title>Release 3.2.0beta1</title>
<para>Release date: 2021/10/23</para>
<para>This version requires PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher, GEOS 3.6 or higher, and Proj 4.9+
Additional features are enabled if you are running GEOS 3.9+
(and ST_MakeValid enhancements with 3.10+),
Proj 6.1+, and PostgreSQL 14+.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes and Breaking Changes</title>
<para>5012, Clean regress against released GEOS 3.10.0
(Regina Obe, Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>5000, Turn off Window support in ST_AsMVT aggregate
as no real use-case for it and it crashes with random input
(Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>4994, shp2pgsql is sometimes missing the INSERT statements
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4990, getfacecontainingpoint fails on i386 (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>5008, Have ST_DWithin with EMPTY operand always return false
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>5002, liblwgeom should build with warning flags by default
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4997, FlatGeobuf format input/output (Björn Harrtell)</para>
<title>Release 3.2.0alpha1</title>
<para>Release date: 2021/09/10</para>
<para>This version requires PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher, GEOS 3.6 or higher, and Proj 4.9 or higher
Additional features are enabled if you are running GEOS 3.9+ (more with GEOS 3.10+), Proj 6.1+, or PostgreSQL 14+.</para>
<title>Breaking changes</title>
<para>#4824, Removed `--without-wagyu` build option. Using Wagyu is now mandatory to build with MVT support.</para>
<para>#4933, topology.GetFaceByPoint will not work with topologies having invalid edge linking.</para>
<para>#4981, ST_StartPoint support any geometry. No longer returns null for non-linestrings.</para>
<para>#4149, ST_AsMVTGeom now preserves more of original geometry's details at scale close to target extent.
If you need previous simplifying behaviour, you can ST_Simplify the geometry in advance.
(Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>Proj 4.9 or higher is required.</para>
<para>#2592, Do not allow CreateTopology to define topologies with SRID &gt; 0
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#3232, Prevent moving an isolated node to different face
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>Consider collection TopoGeometries while editing topology primitives.
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#3248, Prevent removing isolated edges if used in a TopoGeometry
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#3231, Prevent removing isolated nodes if used in a TopoGeometry
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#3239, Prevent headling topology edges if the connecting node is
used in the definition of a TopoGeometry (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#4950, Speed up checking containing_face for nodes in ValidateTopology
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#4945, Multi-shell face check in ValidateTopology (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#4944, Side-location conflict check in ValidateTopology (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#3042, ValidateTopology check for edge linking (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#3276, ValidateTopology check for face's mbr (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#4936, Bounding box limited ValidateTopology (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#4933, Speed up topology building in presence of big faces (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#3233, ValidateTopology check for node's containing_face (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#4830, ValidateTopology check for edges side face containment
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#4827, Allow NaN coordinates in WKT input (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>ST_Value() accepts resample parameter to add bilinear option (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>#3778, #4401, ST_Boundary now works for TIN and does not linearize curves (Aliaksandr Kalenik)</para>
<para>#4881, #4884, Store sign of edge_id for lineal TopoGeometry in relation table
to retain direction (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#4628, Add an option to disable ANALYZE when loading shapefiles (Stefan Corneliu Petrea)</para>
<para>#4924, Faster ST_RemoveRepeatedPoints on large multipoints, O(NlogN) instead of O(N^2)
(Aliaksandr Kalenik, Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>#4925, fix ST_DumpPoints to not overlook points (Aliaksandr Kalenik)</para>
<para>ST_SRID(topogeometry) override, to speedup lookups (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#2175, Avoid creating additional nodes when adding same closed
line to topology (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#4974, Upgrade path for address_standardizer_data_us
(Jan Katins of Aiven, Regina Obe)</para>
<para>#4975, PostGIS upgrade change to not use temp tables (Jan Katins of Aiven)</para>
<para>#4981, ST_StartPoint support any geometry (Aliaksandr Kalenik)</para>
<para>#4799, Include srs in GeoJSON where it exists in spatial_ref_sys.</para>
<para>#4986, GIST indexes on Postgres 14 are now created faster using Hilbert-sorting method.
(Han Wang, Aliaksandr Kalenik, Darafei Praliaskouski, Giuseppe Broccolo)</para>
<para>#4949, Use proj_normalize_for_visualization to hand "axis swap" decisions (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<title>New features</title>
<para>#4923, topology.ValidateTopologyRelation (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#4933, topology.GetFaceContainingPoint (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#2175, ST_Scroll (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#4841, FindTopology to quickly get a topology record (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#4869, FindLayer to quickly get a layer record (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#4851, TopoGeom_addTopoGeom function (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>ST_MakeValid(geometry, options) allows alternative validity building
algorithms with GEOS 3.10 (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>ST_InterpolateRaster() fills in raster cells between sample points
using one of a number of algorithms (inverse weighted distance, average, etc)
using algorithms from GDAL
(Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>ST_Contour() generates contour lines from raster values
using algorithms from GDAL (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>ST_SetZ()/ST_SetM() fills in z/m coordinates of a geometry using data read
from a raster (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>New postgis.gdal_vsi_options GUC allows out-db rasters on VSI network
services to be accessed with authentication keys, etc. (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>ST_DumpSegments returns a set of segments of input geometry (Aliaksandr Kalenik)</para>
<para>#4859, ST_Point, ST_PointZ, ST_PointM, ST_PointZM, constructors
with SRID parameter (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>#4808, ST_ClusterKMeans now supports max_radius argument. Use it when you're not sure what is
the number of clusters but you know what the size of clusters should be. (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<title>Release 3.1.0beta1</title>
<para>Release date: 2020/12/09</para>
<para>Only changes since 3.1.0alpha2 are listed.
This version requires PostgreSQL 9.6-13 and GEOS >= 3.6+
Additional features and enhancements enabled if you are
running Proj6+, PostgreSQL 12+, and GEOS 3.9.0dev</para>
<title>Breaking changes</title>
<para>4214, Deprecated ST_Count(tablename,...),
ST_ApproxCount(tablename, ...)
ST_SummaryStats(tablename, ..),
ST_Histogram(tablename, ...), ST_ApproxHistogram(tablename, ...),
ST_Quantile(tablename, ...),
ST_ApproxQuantile(tablename, ...) removed.
(Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4801, ST_ClusterKMeans supports weights in POINT[Z]M
geometries (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4804, ST_ReducePrecision (GEOS 3.9+) allows
valid precision reduction (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>4805, _ST_SortableHash exposed to work around
parallel soring performance issue in Postgres.
If your table is huge, use ORDER BY _ST_SortableHash(geom)
instead of ORDER BY geom to make parallel sort faster
(Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4625, Correlation statistics now calculated.
Run ANALYZE for BRIN indexes to start kicking in.
(Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>Fix axis order issue with urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG
in ST_GeomFromGML() (Even Roualt)</para>
<title>Release 3.1.0alpha3</title>
<para>Release date: 2020/11/19</para>
<para>Only changes since 3.1.0alpah2 are listed. This version requires PostgreSQL 9.6-13 and GEOS >= 3.6+
Additional features and enhancements enabled if you are running Proj6+, PostgreSQL 12+, and GEOS 3.9.0dev</para>
<title>Breaking changes</title>
<para>4737, Bump minimum protobuf-c requirement to 1.1.0 (Raúl Marín)
The configure step will now fail if the requirement isn't
met or explicitly disabled (--without-protobuf)</para>
<para>4258, Untangle postgis_sfcgal from postgis
into its own lib file (Regina Obe)</para>
<title>New features</title>
<para>4698, Add a precision parameter to ST_AsEWKT (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>Add a gridSize optional parameter to ST_Union, ST_UnaryUnion,
ST_Difference, ST_Intersection, ST_SymDifference, ST_Subdivide
Requires GEOS 3.9 (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4789, Speed up TopoJSON output for areal TopoGeometry with
many holes (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4758, Improve topology noding robustness (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>Make ST_Subdivide interruptable (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4660, Changes in double / coordinate printing (Raúl Marín)
- Use the shortest representation (enough to guarantee roundtrip).
- Uses scientific notation for absolute numbers smaller than 1e-8.
The previous behaviour was to output 0 for absolute values smaller than
1e-12 and fixed notation for anything bigger than that.
- Uses scientific notation for absolute numbers greater than 1e+15 (same behaviour).
- The precision parameter now also affects the scientific notation (before it was fixed [5-8]).
- All output functions now respect the requested precision (without any limits).
- The default precision is the same (9 for GeoJSON, 15 for everything else).</para>
<para>4729, WKT/KML: Print doubles directly into stringbuffers (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4533, Use the standard coordinate printing system for box types (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4686, Avoid decompressing geographies when possible (Raúl Marín)
Affects ANALYZE, _ST_PointOutside, postgis_geobbox, ST_CombineBbox(box2d, geometry),
ST_ClipByBox2D when the geometry is fully inside or outside the bbox and
<para>4741, Don't use ST_PointInsideCircle if you need indexes, use ST_DWithin instead.
Documentation adjusted (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4737, Improve performance and reduce memory usage in ST_AsMVT, especially in
queries involving parallelism (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4746, Micro optimizations to the serialization process (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4719, Fail fast when srids don't match ST_Intersection(geometry,raster)
Also schema qualify calls in function. (Regina Obe)</para>
<para>4784, Add ST_CollectionExtract(geometry) with default behaviour of
extracting the components of highest coordinate dimension. (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para>4691, Fix segfault during gist index creation with
empty geometries (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>Fix handling of bad WKB inputs (Oracle types) and unit tests for
malformed WKB. Remove memory leaks in malformed WKB cases.
(Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>4740, Round values in geography_distance_tree
as we do on geography_distance (Raúl Marín, Paul Ramsey,
Regina Obe)</para>
<para>4739, Ensure all functions using postgis_oid initialize
the internal cache (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4767, #4768, #4771, #4772, Fix segfault when parsing
invalid WKB (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4769, Fix segfault in st_addband (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4790, Fix ST_3dintersects calculations with identical
vertices (Nicklas Avén)</para>
<para>4742, tiger geocoder reverted to 2018 version on tiger
upgrade (Regina Obe)</para>
<para>3372, TopoElementArray cannot be null - change
domain constraint (Regina Obe)</para>
<title>Release 3.1.0alpha2</title>
<para>Release date: 2020/07/18</para>
<para>Only changes since 3.1.0alpah1 are listed. This version requires PostgreSQL 9.6-13 and GEOS >= 3.6+
Additional features and enhancements enabled if you are running Proj6+, PostgreSQL 12+, and GEOS 3.9.0dev</para>
<title>New Features</title>
<para>4656, Cast a geojson_text::geometry for implicit GeoJSON ingestion (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4687, Expose GEOS MaximumInscribedCircle (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>4710, ST_ClusterKMeans now works with 3D geometries (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4675, topology.GetRingEdges now implemented in C (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4681, ST_GetFaceGeometry: print corruption information (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4651, ST_Simplify: Don't copy if nothing is removed (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4657, Avoid De-TOASTing where possible (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>4490, Tweak function costs (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4672, Cache getSRSbySRID and getSRIDbySRS (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4676, Avoid decompressing toasted geometries to read only the header (Raúl Marín)
Optimize cast to Postgresql point type (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4620, Update internal wagyu to 0.5.0 (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4623, Optimize varlena returning functions (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4677, Share gserialized objects between different cache types (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>Fix compilation with MSVC compiler / Standardize shebangs (Loïc Bartoletti)</para>
<title>Bug fixes </title>
<para>4652, Fix several memory related bugs in ST_GeomFromGML (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4661, Fix access to spatial_ref_sys with a non default schema (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4670, ST_AddPoint: Fix bug when a positive position is requested (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4699, crash on null input to ST_Union(raster, otherarg) (Jaime Casanova, 2ndQuadrant)</para>
<para>4716, Fix several issues with pkg-config in the configure script (Raúl Marín)</para>
<title>Release 3.1.0alpha1</title>
<para>Release date: 2020/02/01</para>
<para>This version requires PostgreSQL 9.6+-13 and GEOS >= 3.6+
Additional features and enhancements enabled if you are running Proj6+, PostgreSQL 12+, and GEOS 3.8.0</para>
<title>Breaking Changes</title>
<para>svn number replaced by git hash in version output
(Sandro Santilli, Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4577, Drop support for PostgreSQL 9.5 (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4579, Drop (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4601, ST_TileEnvelope signature changed.</para>
<para>3057, ST_Force3D, ST_Force3DZ, ST_Force3DM and ST_Force4D signatures changed.</para>
<title>New features</title>
<para>4601, Add ST_TileEnvelope margin argument (Yuri Astrakhan)</para>
<para>2972, Add quiet mode (-q) to pgsql2shp (Kristian Thy)</para>
<para>4617, Add configure switch `--without-phony-revision` (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>3057, Optional value params for Force3D*, Force4D functions (Kristian Thy)</para>
<para>4624, ST_HexagonGrid and ST_SquareGrid, set returning functions to
generate tilings of the plane (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>4539, Unify libm includes (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4569, Allow unknown SRID geometry insertion into typmod SRID column (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>4149, ST_Simplify(geom, 0) is now O(N).
ST_Affine (ST_Translate, ST_TransScale, ST_Rotate) optimized.
ST_SnapToGrid optimized. (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4574, Link Time Optimizations enabled (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4578, Add parallellism and cost properties to brin functions (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4473, Silence yacc warnings (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4589, Disable C asserts when building without "--enable-debug" (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4543, Introduce ryu to print doubles (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4626, Support pkg-config for libxml2 (Bas Couwenberg)</para>
<para>4615, Speed up geojson output (Raúl Marín)</para>
<title>Release 3.0.0</title>
<para>Release date: 2019/10/20</para>
<para>This version requires PostgreSQL 9.5+-12 and GEOS >= 3.6+
Additional features and enhancements enabled if you are running Proj6+, PostgreSQL 12, and GEOS 3.8.0</para>
<title>New Features</title>
<para>2902, postgis_geos_noop (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4128, ST_AsMVT support for Feature ID (Stepan Kuzmin)</para>
<para>4230, SP-GiST and GiST support for ND box operators overlaps, contains,
within, equals (Esteban Zimányi and Arthur Lesuisse from Université
Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4171, ST_3DLineInterpolatePoint (Julien Cabieces, Vincent Mora)</para>
<para>4311, Introduce WAGYU to validate MVT polygons. This option requires a C++11
compiler and will use CXXFLAGS (not CFLAGS). Add `--without-wagyu`
to disable this option and keep the behaviour from 2.5 (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>1833, ST_AsGeoJSON(row) generates full GeoJSON Features (Joe Conway)</para>
<para>3687, Casts json(geometry) and jsonb(geometry) for implicit GeoJSON
generation (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>4198, Add ST_ConstrainedDelaunayTriangles SFCGAL function (Darafei
<title>Breaking Changes</title>
<para>4267, Bump minimum GEOS version to 3.6 (Regina Obe, Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>3888, Raster support now available as a separate extension
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>3807, Extension library files no longer include the minor version.
Use New configure switch --with-library-minor-version
if you need the old behavior (Regina Obe)</para>
<para>4230, ND box operators (overlaps, contains, within, equals) now don't look on
dimensions that aren't present in both operands.
Please REINDEX your ND indexes after upgrade. (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4229, Dropped support for PostgreSQL &lt; 9.5. (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4260, liblwgeom headers are not installed anymore.
If your project depends on them available, please use
librttopo instead. (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4258, Remove SFCGAL support for ST_Area, ST_Distance, ST_Intersection,
ST_Difference, ST_Union, ST_Intersects, ST_3DIntersects, ST_3DDistance
and postgis.backend switch (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4267, Enable Proj 6 deprecated APIs (Darafei Praliaskouski, Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4268, Bump minimum SFCGAL version to 1.3.1 (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4331, ST_3DMakeBox now returns error instead of a miniscule box (Regina Obe)</para>
<para>4342, Removed "versioned" variants of ST_AsGeoJSON and ST_AsKML (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>4356, ST_Accum removed. Use array_agg instead. (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4414, Include version number in address_standardizer lib (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4334, Fix upgrade issues related to renamed function parameters (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4442, raster2pgsql now skips NODATA tiles. Use -k option if you still want
them in database for some reason. (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4433, 32-bit hash fix (requires reindexing hash(geometry) indexes) (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>3383, Sorting now uses Hilbert curve and Postgres Abbreviated Compare.
You need to REINDEX your btree indexes if you had them.
(Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4341, Using "support function" API in PgSQL 12+ to replace SQL inlining
as the mechanism for providing index support under ST_Intersects, et al</para>
<para>4330, postgis_restore OOM when output piped to an intermediate process
(Hugh Ranalli)</para>
<para>4322, Support for Proj 6+ API, bringing more accurate datum transforms
and support for WKT projections</para>
<para>4153, ST_Segmentize now splits segments proportionally (Darafei
<para>4162, ST_DWithin documentation examples for storing geometry and
radius in table (Darafei Praliaskouski, github user Boscop).</para>
<para>4161 and #4294, ST_AsMVTGeom: Shortcut geometries smaller than the
resolution (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4176, ST_Intersects supports GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4181, ST_AsMVTGeom: Avoid type changes due to validation (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4183, ST_AsMVTGeom: Drop invalid geometries after simplification (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4196, Have postgis_extensions_upgrade() package unpackaged extensions
(Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>4215, Use floating point compare in ST_DumpAsPolygons (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
ST_LocateBetween and ST_LocateBetweenElevations (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>2767, Documentation for AddRasterConstraint optional parameters (Sunveer Singh)</para>
<para>4244, Avoid unaligned memory access in BOX2D_out (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4139, Make mixed-dimension ND index build tree correctly (Darafei Praliaskouski,
Arthur Lesuisse, Andrew Gierth, Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4262, Document MULTISURFACE compatibility of ST_LineToCurve (Steven Ottens)</para>
<para>4276, ST_AsGeoJSON documentation refresh (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4292, ST_AsMVT: parse JSON numeric values with decimals as doubles (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4300, ST_AsMVTGeom: Always return the simplest geometry (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4301, ST_Subdivide: fix endless loop on coordinates near coincident to bounds
(Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4289, ST_AsMVTGeom: Transform coordinates space before clipping (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4272, Improve notice message when unable to compute stats (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4313, #4307, PostgreSQL 12 compatibility (Laurenz Albe, Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4299, #4304, ST_GeneratePoints is now VOLATILE. IMMUTABLE version with
seed parameter added. (Mike Taves)</para>
<para>4278, ST_3DDistance and ST_3DIntersects now support Solid TIN and Solid
POLYHEDRALSURFACE (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4348, ST_AsMVTGeom (GEOS): Enforce validation at all times (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4295, Allow GEOMETRYCOLLECTION in ST_Overlaps, ST_Contains, ST_ContainsProperly,
ST_Covers, ST_CoveredBy, ST_Crosses, ST_Touches, ST_Disjoint, ST_Relate,
ST_Equals (Esteban Zimányi)</para>
<para>4340, ST_Union aggregate now can handle more than 1 GB of geometries
(Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4378, Allow passing TINs as input to GEOS-backed functions (Darafei
<para>4368, Reorder LWGEOM struct members to minimize extra padding (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4141, Use uint64 to handle row counts in the topology extension (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4412, Support ingesting rasters with NODATA=NaN (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4413, Raster tile size follows GeoTIFF block size on raster2pgsql -t auto
(Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4422, Modernize Python 2 code to get ready for Python 3 (Christian Clauss)</para>
<para>4352, Use CREATE OR REPLACE AGGREGATE for PG12+ (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4394, Allow FULL OUTER JOIN on geometry equality operator (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4441, Make GiST penalty friendly to multi-column indexes and build single-column
ones faster. (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4403, Support for shp2pgsql ability to reproject with copy mode (-D) (Regina Obe)</para>
<para>4410, More descriptive error messages about SRID mismatch (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4399, TIN and Triangle output support in all output functions (Darafei
<para>3719, Impose minimum number of segments per arc during linearization
(Dan Baston / City of Helsinki, Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4277, ST_GeomFromGeoJSON now marks SRID=4326 by default as per RFC7946,
ST_AsGeoJSON sets SRID in JSON output if it differs from 4326.
(Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>3979, postgis_sfcgal_noop() round trip function (Lucas C. Villa Real)</para>
<para>4328, ST_3DIntersects for 2D TINs. (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4509, Update geocoder for tiger 2019 (Regina Obe)</para>
<title>Release 3.0.0rc2</title>
<para>Release date: 2019/10/13</para>
<para>If compiling with PostgreSQL+JIT, LLVM >= 6 is required</para>
<para>Supported PostgreSQL versions for this release are:
PostgreSQL 9.5 - PostgreSQL 12
GEOS &gt;= 3.6. Additional features enabled if you running Proj6+ and/or PostgreSQL 12.
Performance enhancements if running GEOS 3.8+</para>
<title>Major highlights</title>
<para>4534, Fix leak in lwcurvepoly_from_wkb_state (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4536, Fix leak in lwcollection_from_wkb_state (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4537, Fix leak in WKT collection parser (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4535, WKB: Avoid buffer overflow (Raúl Marín)</para>
<title>Release 3.0.0rc1</title>
<para>Release date: 2019/10/08</para>
<para>If compiling with PostgreSQL+JIT, LLVM >= 6 is required</para>
<para>Supported PostgreSQL versions for this release are:
PostgreSQL 9.5 - PostgreSQL 12
GEOS &gt;= 3.6. Additional features enabled if you running Proj6+ and/or PostgreSQL 12.
Performance enhancements if running GEOS 3.8+</para>
<title>Major highlights</title>
<para>4519, Fix getSRIDbySRS crash (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4520, Use a clean environment when detecting C++ libraries (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>Restore ST_Union() aggregate signature so drop agg not required and re-work
performance/size enhancement to continue to avoid
using Array type during ST_Union(), hopefully
avoiding Array size limitations. (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<title>Release 3.0.0beta1</title>
<para>Release date: 2019/09/28</para>
<para>If compiling with PostgreSQL+JIT, LLVM >= 6 is required</para>
<para>Supported PostgreSQL versions for this release are:
PostgreSQL 9.5 - PostgreSQL 12
GEOS &gt;= 3.6. Additional features enabled if you running Proj6+ and/or PostgreSQL 12.
Performance enhancements if running GEOS 3.8+</para>
<title>Major highlights</title>
<para>4492, Fix ST_Simplify ignoring the value of the 3rd parameter (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4494, Fix ST_Simplify output having an outdated bbox (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4493, Fix ST_RemoveRepeatedPoints output having an outdated bbox (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4495, Fix ST_SnapToGrid output having an outdated bbox (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4496, Make ST_Simplify(TRIANGLE) collapse if requested (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4501, Allow postgis_tiger_geocoder to be installable by non-super users (Regina Obe)</para>
<para>4503, Speed up the calculation of cartesian bbox (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4504, shp2pgsql -D not working with schema qualified tables (Regina Obe)</para>
<para>4505, Speed up conversion of geometries to/from GEOS (Dan Baston)</para>
<para>4507, Use GEOSMakeValid and GEOSBuildArea for GEOS 3.8+ (Dan Baston)</para>
<para>4491, Speed up ST_RemoveRepeatedPoints (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4509, Update geocoder for tiger 2019 (Regina Obe)</para>
<para>4338, Census block level data (tabblock table) not loading (Regina Obe)</para>
<title>Release 3.0.0alpha4</title>
<para>Release date: 2019/08/11</para>
<para>If compiling with PostgreSQL+JIT, LLVM >= 6 is required</para>
<para>Supported PostgreSQL versions for this release are:
PostgreSQL 9.5 - PostgreSQL 12
GEOS &gt;= 3.6. Additional features enabled if you running Proj6+ and/or PostgreSQL 12</para>
<title>Major highlights</title>
<para>4433, 32-bit hash fix (requires reindexing hash(geometry) indexes) (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4445, Fix a bug in geometry_le (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4451, Fix the calculation of gserialized_max_header_size (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4450, Speed up ST_GeometryType (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4452, Add ST_TileEnvelope() (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>4403, Support for shp2pgsql ability to reproject with copy mode (-D) (Regina Obe)</para>
<para>4417, Update spatial_ref_sys with new entries (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>4449, Speed up ST_X, ST_Y, ST_Z and ST_M (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4454, Speed up _ST_OrderingEquals (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4453, Speed up ST_IsEmpty (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4271, postgis_extensions_upgrade() also updates after pg_upgrade (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4466, Fix undefined behaviour in _postgis_gserialized_stats (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4209, Handle NULL geometry values in pgsql2shp (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>4419, Use protobuf version to enable/disable mvt/geobuf (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>4437, Handle POINT EMPTY in shape loader/dumper (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>4456, add Rasbery Pi 32-bit jenkins bot for testing (Bruce Rindahl,Regina Obe)</para>
<para>4420, update path does not exists for address_standardizer extension (Regina Obe)</para>
<title>Release 3.0.0alpha3</title>
<para>Release date: 2019/07/01</para>
<para>If compiling with PostgreSQL+JIT, LLVM >= 6 is required</para>
<para>Supported PostgreSQL versions for this release are:
PostgreSQL 9.5 - PostgreSQL 12
GEOS &gt;= 3.6</para>
<title>Major highlights</title>
<para>4414, Include version number in address_standardizer lib (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4352, Use CREATE OR REPLACE AGGREGATE for PG12+ (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4334, Fix upgrade issues related to renamed parameters (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4388, AddRasterConstraints: Ignore NULLs when generating constraints (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4327, Avoid pfree'ing the result of getenv (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4406, Throw on invalid characters when decoding geohash (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4429, Avoid resource leaks with PROJ6 (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4372, PROJ6: Speed improvements (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>3437, Speed up ST_Intersects with Points (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4438, Update serialization to support extended flags area (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>4443, Fix wagyu configure dropping CPPFLAGS (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>4440, Type lookups in FDW fail (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>4442, raster2pgsql now skips NODATA tiles. Use -k option if you still want
them in database for some reason. (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>4441, Make GiST penalty friendly to multi-column indexes and build single-column
ones faster. (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<title>Release 3.0.0alpha2</title>
<para>Release date: 2019/06/02</para>
<para>If compiling with PostgreSQL+JIT, LLVM >= 6 is required</para>
<para>Supported PostgreSQL versions for this release are:
PostgreSQL 9.5 - PostgreSQL 12
GEOS &gt;= 3.6</para>
<title>Major highlights</title>
<para>#4404, Fix selectivity issue with support functions (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>#4311, Make wagyu the default option to validate polygons.
This option requires a C++11 compiler and will use CXXFLAGS (not CFLAGS).
It is only enabled if built with MVT support (protobuf)
Add `--without-wagyu` to disable this option and keep the behaviour
from 2.5 (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>#4198, Add ST_ConstrainedDelaunayTriangles SFCGAL function (Darafei
<title>Release 3.0.0alpha1</title>
<para>Release date: 2019/05/26</para>
<para>If compiling with PostgreSQL+JIT, LLVM >= 6 is required</para>
<para>Supported PostgreSQL versions for this release are:
PostgreSQL 9.5 - PostgreSQL 12
GEOS &gt;= 3.6</para>
<title>New Features</title>
<para>additional features enabled if you are running Proj6+</para>
<para>Read the NEWS file in the included tarball for more details</para>
<title>Release 2.5.0</title>
<para>Release date: 2018/09/23</para>
<para>If compiling with PostgreSQL+JIT, LLVM >= 6 is required</para>
<para>Supported PostgreSQL versions for this release are:
PostgreSQL 9.4 - PostgreSQL 12 (in development)
GEOS &gt;= 3.5</para>
<title>New Features</title>
<para>#1847, spgist 2d and 3d support for PG 11+
(Esteban Zimányi and Arthur Lesuisse from Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB),
Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>#4056, ST_FilterByM (Nicklas Avén)</para>
<para>#4050, ST_ChaikinSmoothing (Nicklas Avén)</para>
<para>#3989, ST_Buffer single sided option (Stephen Knox)</para>
<para>#3876, ST_Angle function (Rémi Cura)</para>
<para>#3564, ST_LineInterpolatePoints (Dan Baston)</para>
<para>#3896, PostGIS_Extensions_Upgrade() (Regina Obe)</para>
<para>#3913, Upgrade when creating extension from unpackaged (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#2256, _postgis_index_extent() for extent from index (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>#3176, Add ST_OrientedEnvelope (Dan Baston)</para>
<para>#4029, Add ST_QuantizeCoordinates (Dan Baston)</para>
<para>#4063, Optional false origin point for ST_Scale (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>#4082, Add ST_BandFileSize and ST_BandFileTimestamp,
extend ST_BandMetadata (Even Rouault)</para>
<para>#2597, Add ST_Grayscale (Bborie Park)</para>
<para>#4007, Add ST_SetBandPath (Bborie Park)</para>
<para>#4008, Add ST_SetBandIndex (Bborie Park)</para>
<title>Breaking Changes</title>
<para>Upgrade scripts from multiple old versions are now all symlinks
to a single upgrade script (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#3944, Update to EPSG register v9.2 (Even Rouault)</para>
<para>#3927, Parallel implementation of ST_AsMVT</para>
<para>#3925, Simplify geometry using map grid cell size before generating MVT</para>
<para>#3899, BTree sort order is now defined on collections of EMPTY and
same-prefix geometries (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>#3864, Performance improvement for sorting POINT geometries
(Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>#3900, GCC warnings fixed, make -j is now working (Darafei Praliaskouski)
- TopoGeo_addLinestring robustness improvements (Sandro Santilli)
#1855, #1946, #3718, #3838</para>
<para>#3234, Do not accept EMPTY points as topology nodes (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#1014, Hashable geometry, allowing direct use in CTE signatures (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>#3097, Really allow MULTILINESTRING blades in ST_Split() (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>#3942, geojson: Do not include private header for json-c &gt;= 0.13 (Björn Esser)</para>
<para>#3954, ST_GeometricMedian now supports point weights (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>#3965, #3971, #3977, #4071 ST_ClusterKMeans rewritten: better initialization,
faster convergence, K=2 even faster (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>#3982, ST_AsEncodedPolyline supports LINESTRING EMPTY and MULTIPOINT EMPTY
(Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>#3986, ST_AsText now has second argument to limit decimal digits
(Marc Ducobu, Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>#4020, Casting from box3d to geometry now returns correctly connected
PolyhedralSurface (Matthias Bay)</para>
<para>#2508, ST_OffsetCurve now works with collections (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>#4006, ST_GeomFromGeoJSON support for json and jsonb as input
(Paul Ramsey, Regina Obe)</para>
<para>#4038, ST_Subdivide now selects pivot for geometry split that reuses input
vertices. (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>#4025, #4032 Fixed precision issue in ST_ClosestPointOfApproach,
ST_DistanceCPA, and ST_CPAWithin (Paul Ramsey, Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>#4076, Reduce use of GEOS in topology implementation (Björn Harrtell)</para>
<para>#4080, Add external raster band index to ST_BandMetaData
- Add Raster Tips section to Documentation for information about
Raster behavior (e.g. Out-DB performance, maximum open files)</para>
<para>#4084: Fixed wrong code-comment regarding front/back of BOX3D (Matthias Bay)</para>
<para>#4060, #4094, PostgreSQL JIT support (Raúl Marín, Laurenz Albe)</para>
<para>#3960, ST_Centroid now uses lwgeom_centroid (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>#4027, Remove duplicated code in lwgeom_geos (Darafei Praliaskouski,
Daniel Baston)</para>
<para>#4115, Fix a bug that created MVTs with incorrect property values under
parallel plans (Raúl Marín).</para>
<para>#4120, ST_AsMVTGeom: Clip using tile coordinates (Raúl Marín).</para>
<para>#4132, ST_Intersection on Raster now works without throwing TopologyException
(Vinícius A.B. Schmidt, Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>#4177, #4180 Support for PostgreSQL 12 dev branch (Laurenz Albe, Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>#4156, ST_ChaikinSmoothing: also smooth start/end point of
polygon by default (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<title>Release 2.4.5</title>
<para>Release date: 2018/09/12</para>
<para>This is a bug fix and performance improvement release.</para>
<simplesect><title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para>#4031, Survive to big MaxError tolerances passed to ST_CurveToLine (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#4058, Fix infinite loop in linearization of a big radius small arc (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#4071, ST_ClusterKMeans crash on NULL/EMPTY fixed (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>#4079, ensure St_AsMVTGeom outputs CW oriented polygons (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>#4070, use standard interruption error code on GEOS interruptions (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>#3980, delay freeing input until processing complete (lucasvr)</para>
<para>#4090, PG 11 support (Paul Ramsey, Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>#4077, Serialization failure for particular empty geometry cases (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>#3997, fix bug in lwgeom_median and avoid division by zero (Raúl Marín)</para>
<para>#4093, Inconsistent results from qsort callback (yugr)</para>
<para>#4081, Geography DWithin() issues for certain cases (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>#4105, Parallel build of tarball (Bas Couwenberg)</para>
<para>#4163, MVT: Fix resource leak when the first geometry is NULL (Raúl Marín)</para>
<title>Release 2.4.4</title>
<para>Release date: 2018/04/08</para>
<para>This is a bug fix and performance improvement release.</para>
<simplesect><title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para>#3055, [raster] ST_Clip() on a raster without band crashes the server
(Regina Obe)</para>
<para>#3942, geojson: Do not include private header for json-c >= 0.13
(Björn Esser)</para>
<para>#3952, ST_Transform fails in parallel mode (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>#3978, Fix KNN when upgrading from 2.1 or older (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#4003, lwpoly_construct_circle: Avoid division by zero (Raúl Marín Rodríguez)</para>
<para>#4004, Avoid memory exhaustion when building a btree index (Edmund Horner)</para>
<para>#4016, proj 5.0.0 support (Raúl Marín Rodríguez)</para>
<para>#4017, lwgeom lexer memory corruption (Peter E)</para>
<para>#4020, Casting from box3d to geometry now returns correctly connected
PolyhedralSurface (Matthias Bay)</para>
<para>#4025, #4032 Incorrect answers for temporally "almost overlapping" ranges
(Paul Ramsey, Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>#4052, schema qualify several functions in geography (Regina Obe)</para>
<para>#4055, ST_ClusterIntersecting drops SRID (Daniel Baston)</para>
<para>#3946, Compile support for PgSQL 11 (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>#3992, Use PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG macro from pkg.m4 to detect pkg-config
(Bas Couwenberg)</para>
<para>#4044, Upgrade support for PgSQL 11 (Regina Obe)</para>
<title>Release 2.4.3</title>
<para>Release date: 2018/01/17</para>
<para>This is a bug fix and performance improvement release.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes and Enhancements</title>
<para>#3713, Support encodings that happen to output a '\' character</para>
<para>#3827, Set configure default to not do interrupt testing,
was causing false negatives for many people. (Regina Obe)
revised to be standards compliant in #3988 (Greg Troxel)</para>
<para>#3930, Minimum bounding circle issues on 32-bit platforms</para>
<para>#3965, ST_ClusterKMeans used to lose some clusters on initialization
(Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>#3956, Brin opclass object does not upgrade properly (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#3982, ST_AsEncodedPolyline supports LINESTRING EMPTY and MULTIPOINT EMPTY
(Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>#3975, ST_Transform runs query on spatial_ref_sys without schema
qualification. Was causing restore issues. (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<title>Release 2.4.2</title>
<para>Release date: 2017/11/15</para>
<para>This is a bug fix and performance improvement release.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes and Enhancements</title>
<para>#3917, Fix zcta5 load</para>
<para>#3667, Fix for bug in geography ST_Segmentize</para>
<para>#3926, Add missing 2.2.6 and 2.3.4 upgrade paths (Muhammad Usama)</para>
<title>Release 2.4.1</title>
<para>Release date: 2017/10/18</para>
<para>This is a bug fix and performance improvement release.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes and Enhancements</title>
<para>#3864, Fix memory leaks in BTREE operators</para>
<para>#3869, Fix build with "gold" linker</para>
<para>#3845, Gracefully handle short-measure issue</para>
<para>#3871, Performance tweak for geometry cmp function</para>
<para>#3879, Division by zero in some arc cases</para>
<para>#3878, Single defn of signum in header</para>
<para>#3880, Undefined behaviour in TYPMOD_GET_SRID</para>
<para>#3875, Fix undefined behaviour in shift operation</para>
<para>#3864, Performance improvements for b-tree geometry sorts</para>
<para>#3874, lw_dist2d_pt_arc division by zero</para>
<para>#3882, undefined behaviour in zigzag with negative inputs</para>
<para>#3891, undefined behaviour in pointarray_to_encoded_polyline</para>
<para>#3895, throw error on malformed WKB input</para>
<para>#3886, fix rare missing boxes in geometry subdivision</para>
<para>#3907, Allocate enough space for all possible GBOX string outputs (Raúl Marín Rodríguez)</para>
<title>Release 2.4.0</title>
<para>Release date: 2017/09/30</para>
<simplesect><title>New Features</title>
<para>#3822, Have postgis_full_version() also show and check version of
PostgreSQL the scripts were built against (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#2411, curves support in ST_Reverse (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#2951, ST_Centroid for geography (Danny Götte)</para>
<para>#3788, Allow to work on directory-style (-Fd) dumps
(Roger Crew)</para>
<para>#3772, Direction agnostic ST_CurveToLine output (Sandro Santilli / KKGeo)</para>
<para>#2464, ST_CurveToLine with MaxError tolerance (Sandro Santilli / KKGeo)</para>
<para>#3599, Geobuf output support via ST_AsGeobuf (Björn Harrtell)</para>
<para>#3661, Mapbox vector tile output support via ST_AsMVT (Björn Harrtell / CartoDB)</para>
<para>#3689, Add orientation checking and forcing functions (Dan Baston)</para>
<para>#3753, Gist penalty speed improvements for 2D and ND points
(Darafei Praliaskouski, Andrey Borodin)</para>
<para>#3677, ST_FrechetDistance (Shinichi Sugiyama)</para>
<para>Most aggregates (raster and geometry),
and all stable / immutable (raster and geometry) marked as parallel safe</para>
<para>#2249, ST_MakeEmptyCoverage for raster (David Zwarg, ainomieli)</para>
<para>#3709, Allow signed distance for ST_Project (Darafei Praliaskouski)</para>
<para>#524, Covers support for polygon on polygon, line on line,
point on line for geography (Danny Götte)</para>
<simplesect><title>Enhancements and Fixes</title>
<para>Many corrections to docs and several translations almost complete.
Andreas Schild who provided many corrections to core docs.
PostGIS Japanese translation team first to reach completion of translation.</para>
<para>Support for PostgreSQL 10</para>
<para>Preliminary support for PostgreSQL 11</para>
<para>#3645, Avoid loading logically deleted records from shapefiles</para>
<para>#3747, Add zip4 and address_alphanumeric as attributes
to norm_addy tiger_geocoder type.</para>
<para>#3748, address_standardizer lookup tables update
so pagc_normalize_address better standardizes abbreviations</para>
<para>#3647, better handling of noding in ST_Node using GEOSNode
(Wouter Geraedts)</para>
<para>#3684, Update to EPSG register v9
(Even Rouault)</para>
<para>#3830, Fix initialization of incompatible type (>=9.6) address_standardizer</para>
<para>#3662, Make shp2pgsql work in debug mode by sending debug to stderr</para>
<para>#3405, Fixed memory leak in lwgeom_to_points</para>
<para>#3832, Support wide integer fields as int8 in shp2pgsql</para>
<para>#3841, Deterministic sorting support for empty geometries in btree geography</para>
<para>#3844, Make = operator a strict equality test, and &lt; &gt; to rough "spatial sorting"</para>
<para>#3855, ST_AsTWKB memory and speed improvements</para>
<simplesect><title>Breaking Changes</title>
<para>Dropped support for PostgreSQL 9.2.</para>
<para>#3810, GEOS 3.4.0 or above minimum required to compile</para>
<para>Most aggregates now marked as parallel safe,
which means most aggs have to be dropped / recreated.
If you have views that utilize PostGIS aggs,
you'll need to drop before upgrade and recreate after upgrade</para>
<para>#3578, ST_NumInteriorRings(POLYGON EMPTY) now returns 0 instead of NULL</para>
<para>_ST_DumpPoints removed, was no longer needed after PostGIS 2.1.0
when ST_DumpPoints got reimplemented in C</para>
<para>B-Tree index operators &lt; = &gt; changed to provide better spatial locality on sorting
and have expected behavior on GROUP BY.
If you have btree index for geometry or geography, you need to REINDEX it, or review
if it was created by accident and needs to be replaced with GiST index.
If your code relies on old left-to-right box compare ordering,
update it to use &lt;&lt; &gt;&gt; operators.</para>
<title>Release 2.3.3</title>
<para>Release date: 2017/07/01</para>
<para>This is a bug fix and performance improvement release.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes and Enhancements</title>
<para>#3777, GROUP BY anomaly with empty geometries</para>
<para>#3711, Azimuth error upon adding 2.5D edges to topology</para>
<para>#3726, PDF manual from dblatex renders fancy quotes for programlisting
(Mike Toews)</para>
<para>#3738, raster: Using -s without -Y in raster2pgsql transforms
raster data instead of setting srid</para>
<para>#3744, ST_Subdivide loses subparts of inverted geometries
(Darafei Praliaskouski Komzpa)</para>
<para>#3750, @ and ~ operator not always schema qualified in geometry
and raster functions. Causes restore issues.
(Shane StClair of Axiom Data Science)</para>
<para>#3682, Strange fieldlength for boolean in result of pgsql2shp</para>
<para>#3701, Escape double quotes issue in pgsql2shp</para>
<para>#3704, ST_AsX3D crashes on empty geometry</para>
<para>#3730, Change ST_Clip from Error to Notice when ST_Clip can't compute a band</para>
<title>Release 2.3.2</title>
<para>Release date: 2017/01/31</para>
<para>This is a bug fix and performance improvement release.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes and Enhancements</title>
<para>#3418, KNN recheck in 9.5+ fails with index returned tuples in wrong order</para>
<para>#3675, Relationship functions not using an index in some cases</para>
<para>#3680, PostGIS upgrade scripts missing GRANT for views</para>
<para>#3683, Unable to update postgis after postgres pg_upgrade going from &lt; 9.5 to pg &gt; 9.4</para>
<para>#3688, ST_AsLatLonText: round minutes</para>
<title>Release 2.3.1</title>
<para>Release date: 2016/11/28</para>
<para>This is a bug fix and performance improvement release.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes and Enhancements</title>
<para>#1973, st_concavehull() returns sometimes empty geometry collection
Fix from gde</para>
<para>#3501, add raster constraint max extent exceeds array size limit
for large tables</para>
<para>#3643, PostGIS not building on latest OSX XCode</para>
<para>#3644, Deadlock on interrupt</para>
<para>#3650, Mark ST_Extent, ST_3DExtent and ST_Mem*
agg functions as parallel safe so they can be parallelized</para>
<para>#3652, Crash on Collection(MultiCurve())</para>
<para>#3656, Fix upgrade of aggregates from 2.2 or lower version</para>
<para>#3659, Crash caused by raster GUC define after CREATE EXTENSION
using wrong memory context. (manaeem)</para>
<para>#3665, Index corruption and memory leak in BRIN indexes
patch from Julien Rouhaud (Dalibo)</para>
<para>#3667, geography ST_Segmentize bug
patch from Hugo Mercier (Oslandia)</para>
<title>Release 2.3.0</title>
<para>Release date: 2016/09/26</para>
<para>This is a new feature release, with new functions, improved performance, all relevant bug fixes from PostGIS 2.2.3,and other goodies.</para>
<title>Important / Breaking Changes</title>
<para>#3466, Casting from box3d to geometry now returns a 3D
geometry (Julien Rouhaud of Dalibo)</para>
<para>#3396, ST_EstimatedExtent, throw WARNING instead of ERROR
(Regina Obe)</para>
<title>New Features</title>
<para>Add support for custom TOC in
(Christoph Moench-Tegeder)</para>
<para>Add support for negative indexing in ST_PointN and ST_SetPoint
(Rémi Cura)</para>
<para>Add parameters for geography ST_Buffer (Thomas Bonfort)</para>
<para>TopoGeom_addElement, TopoGeom_remElement (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>populate_topology_layer (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#454, ST_WrapX and lwgeom_wrapx (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#1758, ST_Normalize (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>#2236, shp2pgsql -d now emits "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS"</para>
<para>#2259, ST_VoronoiPolygons and ST_VoronoiLines (Dan Baston)</para>
<para>#2841 and #2996, ST_MinimumBoundingRadius and new ST_MinimumBoundingCircle
implementation using Welzl's algorithm (Dan Baston)</para>
<para>#2991, Enable ST_Transform to use PROJ.4 text (Mike Toews)</para>
<para>#3059, Allow passing per-dimension parameters in ST_Expand (Dan Baston)</para>
<para>#3339, ST_GeneratePoints (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>#3362, ST_ClusterDBSCAN (Dan Baston)</para>
<para>#3364, ST_GeometricMedian (Dan Baston)</para>
<para>#3391, Add table inheritance support in ST_EstimatedExtent
(Alessandro Pasotti)</para>
<para>#3424, ST_MinimumClearance (Dan Baston)</para>
<para>#3428, ST_Points (Dan Baston)</para>
<para>#3465, ST_ClusterKMeans (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>#3469, ST_MakeLine with MULTIPOINTs (Paul Norman)</para>
<para>#3549, Support PgSQL 9.6 parallel query mode, as far as possible
(Paul Ramsey, Regina Obe)</para>
<para>#3557, Geometry function costs based on query stats (Paul Norman)</para>
<para>#3591, Add support for BRIN indexes. PostgreSQL 9.4+ required.
(Giuseppe Broccolo of 2nd Quadrant, Julien Rouhaud
and Ronan Dunklau of Dalibo)</para>
<para>#3496, Make postgis non-relocateable for extension install,
schema qualify calls in functions (Regina Obe)
Should resolve once and for all for extensions #3494, #3486, #3076</para>
<para>#3547, Update tiger geocoder to support TIGER 2016
and to support both http and ftp.</para>
<para>#3613, Segmentize geography using equal length segments
(Hugo Mercier of Oslandia)</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para>All relevant bug fixes from PostGIS 2.2.3</para>
<para>#2841, ST_MinimumBoundingCircle not covering original</para>
<para>#3604, pgcommon/ orders CFLAGS incorrectly leading to
wrong liblwgeom.h (Greg Troxel)</para>
<title>Performance Enhancements</title>
<para>#75, Enhancement to PIP short circuit (Dan Baston)</para>
<para>#3383, Avoid deserializing small geometries during index operations
(Dan Baston)</para>
<para>#3400, Minor optimization of PIP routines (Dan Baston)</para>
<para>Make adding a line to topology interruptible (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>Documentation updates from Mike Toews</para>
<title>Release 2.2.2</title>
<para>Release date: 2016/03/22</para>
<para>This is a bug fix and performance improvement release.</para>
<title>New Features</title>
<para>#3463, Fix crash on face-collapsing edge change</para>
<para>#3422, Improve ST_Split robustness on standard precision double systems (arm64, ppc64el, s390c, powerpc, ...)</para>
<para>#3427, Update spatial_ref_sys to EPSG version 8.8</para>
<para>#3433, ST_ClusterIntersecting incorrect for MultiPoints</para>
<para>#3435, ST_AsX3D fix rendering of concave geometries</para>
<para>#3436, memory handling mistake in ptarray_clone_deep</para>
<para>#3437, ST_Intersects incorrect for MultiPoints</para>
<para>#3461, ST_GeomFromKML crashes Postgres when there are innerBoundaryIs and no outerBoundaryIs</para>
<para>#3429, upgrading to 2.3 or from 2.1 can cause loop/hang on some platforms</para>
<para>#3460, ST_ClusterWithin 'Tolerance not defined' error after upgrade</para>
<para>#3490, Raster data restore issues, materialized views. Scripts postgis_proc_set_search_path.sql, rtpostgis_proc_set_search_path.sql refer to</para>
<para>#3426, failing POINT EMPTY tests on fun architectures</para>
<title>Release 2.2.1</title>
<para>Release date: 2016/01/06</para>
<para>This is a bug fix and performance improvement release.</para>
<title>New Features</title>
<para>#2232, avoid accumulated error in SVG rounding</para>
<para>#3321, Fix performance regression in topology loading</para>
<para>#3329, Fix robustness regression in TopoGeo_addPoint</para>
<para>#3349, Fix installation path of postgis_topology scripts</para>
<para>#3351, set endnodes isolation on ST_RemoveIsoEdge
(and lwt_RemIsoEdge)</para>
<para>#3355, geography ST_Segmentize has geometry bbox </para>
<para>#3359, Fix toTopoGeom loss of low-id primitives from
TopoGeometry definition</para>
<para>#3360, _raster_constraint_info_scale invalid input syntax</para>
<para>#3375, crash in repeated point removal for collection(point)</para>
<para>#3378, Fix handling of hierarchical TopoGeometries
in presence of multiple topologies</para>
<para>#3380, #3402, Decimate lines on topology load</para>
<para>#3388, #3410, Fix missing end-points in ST_Removepoints</para>
<para>#3389, Buffer overflow in lwgeom_to_geojson</para>
<para>#3390, Compilation under Alpine Linux 3.2
gives an error when compiling the postgis and postgis_topology extension</para>
<para>#3393, ST_Area NaN for some polygons</para>
<para>#3401, Improve ST_Split robustness on 32bit systems</para>
<para>#3404, ST_ClusterWithin crashes backend</para>
<para>#3407, Fix crash on splitting a face or an edge
defining multiple TopoGeometry objects</para>
<para>#3411, Clustering functions not using spatial index</para>
<para>#3412, Improve robustness of snapping step in TopoGeo_addLinestring</para>
<para>#3415, Fix OSX 10.9 build under pkgsrc</para>
<para>Fix memory leak in lwt_ChangeEdgeGeom [liblwgeom]</para>
<title>Release 2.2.0</title>
<para>Release date: 2015/10/07</para>
<para>This is a new feature release, with new functions, improved performance, and other goodies.</para>
<title>New Features</title>
<para>Topology API in liblwgeom (Sandro Santilli / Regione Toscana - SITA)</para>
<para>New lwgeom_unaryunion method in liblwgeom</para>
<para>New lwgeom_linemerge method in liblwgeom</para>
<para>New lwgeom_is_simple method in liblwgeom</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#3169</ulink></ulink>, Add SFCGAL 1.1 support: add ST_3DDifference, ST_3DUnion, ST_Volume, ST_MakeSolid, ST_IsSolid (Vincent Mora / Oslandia)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#3169</ulink></ulink>, ST_ApproximateMedialAxis (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>ST_CPAWithin (Sandro Santilli / Boundless)</para>
<para>Add |=| operator with CPA semantic and KNN support with PgSQL 9.5+ (Sandro Santilli / Boundless)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#3131</ulink></ulink>, KNN support for the geography type (Paul Ramsey / CartoDB)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#3023</ulink></ulink>, ST_ClusterIntersecting / ST_ClusterWithin (Dan Baston)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2703</ulink></ulink>, Exact KNN results for all geometry types, aka "KNN re-check" (Paul Ramsey / CartoDB)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#1137</ulink></ulink>, Allow a tolerance value in ST_RemoveRepeatedPoints (Paul Ramsey / CartoDB)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#3062</ulink></ulink>, Allow passing M factor to ST_Scale (Sandro Santilli / Boundless)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#3139</ulink></ulink>, ST_BoundingDiagonal (Sandro Santilli / Boundless)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#3129</ulink></ulink>, ST_IsValidTrajectory (Sandro Santilli / Boundless)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#3128</ulink></ulink>, ST_ClosestPointOfApproach (Sandro Santilli / Boundless)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#3152</ulink></ulink>, ST_DistanceCPA (Sandro Santilli / Boundless)</para>
<para>Canonical output for index key types</para>
<para>ST_SwapOrdinates (Sandro Santilli / Boundless)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2918</ulink></ulink>, Use GeographicLib functions for geodetics (Mike Toews)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#3074</ulink></ulink>, ST_Subdivide to break up large geometry (Paul Ramsey / CartoDB)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#3040</ulink></ulink>, KNN GiST index based centroid (&lt;&lt;-&gt;&gt;) n-D distance operators (Sandro Santilli / Boundless)</para>
<para>Interruptibility API for liblwgeom (Sandro Santilli / CartoDB)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2939</ulink></ulink>, ST_ClipByBox2D (Sandro Santilli / CartoDB)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2247</ulink></ulink>, ST_Retile and ST_CreateOverview: in-db raster overviews creation (Sandro Santilli / Vizzuality)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#899</ulink></ulink>, -m shp2pgsql attribute names mapping -m switch (Regina Obe / Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#1678</ulink></ulink>, Added GUC postgis.gdal_datapath to specify GDAL config variable GDAL_DATA</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2843</ulink></ulink>, Support reprojection on raster import (Sandro Santilli / Vizzuality)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2349</ulink></ulink>, Support for encoded_polyline input/output (Kashif Rasul)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2159</ulink></ulink>, report libjson version from postgis_full_version()</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2770</ulink></ulink>, ST_MemSize(raster)</para>
<para>Add postgis_noop(raster)</para>
<para>Added missing variants of ST_TPI(), ST_TRI() and ST_Roughness()</para>
<para>Added GUC postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers to specify GDAL config variable GDAL_SKIP</para>
<para>Added GUC postgis.enable_outdb_rasters to enable access to rasters with out-db bands</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2387</ulink></ulink>, address_standardizer extension as part of PostGIS (Stephen Woodbridge /, Walter Sinclair, Regina Obe)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2816</ulink></ulink>, address_standardizer_data_us extension provides reference lex,gaz,rules for address_standardizer (Stephen Woodbridge /, Walter Sinclair, Regina Obe)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2341</ulink></ulink>, New mask parameter for ST_MapAlgebra</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2397</ulink></ulink>, read encoding info automatically in shapefile loader</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2430</ulink></ulink>, ST_ForceCurve</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2565</ulink></ulink>, ST_SummaryStatsAgg()</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2567</ulink></ulink>, ST_CountAgg()</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2632</ulink></ulink>, ST_AsGML() support for curved features</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2652</ulink></ulink>, Add --upgrade-path switch to</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2754</ulink></ulink>, sfcgal wrapped as an extension</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2227</ulink></ulink>, Simplification with Visvalingam-Whyatt algorithm ST_SimplifyVW, ST_SetEffectiveArea (Nicklas Avén)</para>
<para>Functions to encode and decode TWKB ST_AsTWKB, ST_GeomFromTWKB (Paul Ramsey / Nicklas Avén / CartoDB)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#3223</ulink></ulink>, Add memcmp short-circuit to ST_Equals (Daniel Baston)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#3227</ulink></ulink>, Tiger geocoder upgraded to support Tiger 2015 census</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2278</ulink></ulink>, Make liblwgeom compatible between minor releases</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#897</ulink></ulink>, ST_AsX3D support for GeoCoordinates and systems "GD" "WE" ability to flip x/y axis (use option = 2, 3)</para>
<para>ST_Split: allow splitting lines by multilines, multipoints and (multi)polygon boundaries</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#3070</ulink></ulink>, Simplify geometry type constraint</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2839</ulink></ulink>, Implement selectivity estimator for functional indexes, speeding up spatial queries on raster tables. (Sandro Santilli / Vizzuality)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2361</ulink></ulink>, Added spatial_index column to raster_columns view</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2390</ulink></ulink>, Testsuite for pgsql2shp</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2527</ulink></ulink>, Added -k flag to raster2pgsql to skip checking that band is NODATA</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2616</ulink></ulink>, Reduce text casts during topology building and export</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2717</ulink></ulink>, support startpoint, endpoint, pointn, numpoints for compoundcurve</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2747</ulink></ulink>, Add support for GDAL 2.0</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2754</ulink></ulink>, SFCGAL can now be installed with CREATE EXTENSION (Vincent Mora @ Oslandia)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2828</ulink></ulink>, Convert ST_Envelope(raster) from SQL to C</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2829</ulink></ulink>, Shortcut ST_Clip(raster) if geometry fully contains the raster and no NODATA specified</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2906</ulink></ulink>, Update tiger geocoder to handle tiger 2014 data</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#3048</ulink></ulink>, Speed up geometry simplification (J.Santana @ CartoDB)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#3092</ulink></ulink>, Slow performance of geometry_columns with many tables</para>
<title>Release 2.1.8</title>
<para>Release date: 2015-07-07</para>
<para>This is a critical bug fix release.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para>#3159, do not force a bbox cache on ST_Affine</para>
<para>#3018, GROUP BY geography sometimes returns duplicate rows</para>
<para>#3084, shp2pgsql - illegal number format when specific system locale set</para>
<para>#3094, Malformed GeoJSON inputs crash backend</para>
<para>#3104, st_asgml introduces random characters in ID field</para>
<para>#3155, Remove liblwgeom.h on make uninstall</para>
<para>#3177, gserialized_is_empty cannot handle nested empty cases</para>
<para>Fix crash in ST_LineLocatePoint</para>
<title>Release 2.1.7</title>
<para>Release date: 2015-03-30</para>
<para>This is a critical bug fix release.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para>#3086, ST_DumpValues() crashes backend on cleanup with invalid band indexes</para>
<para>#3088, Do not (re)define strcasestr in a liblwgeom.h</para>
<para>#3094, Malformed GeoJSON inputs crash backend</para>
<title>Release 2.1.6</title>
<para>Release date: 2015-03-20</para>
<para>This is a bug fix and performance improvement release.</para>
<para>#3000, Ensure edge splitting and healing algorithms use indexes</para>
<para>#3048, Speed up geometry simplification (J.Santana @ CartoDB)</para>
<para>#3050, Speed up geometry type reading (J.Santana @ CartoDB)</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para>#2941, allow geography columns with SRID other than 4326</para>
<para>#3069, small objects getting inappropriately fluffed up w/ boxes</para>
<para>#3068, Have postgis_typmod_dims return NULL for unconstrained dims</para>
<para>#3061, Allow duplicate points in JSON, GML, GML ST_GeomFrom* functions</para>
<para>#3058, Fix ND-GiST picksplit method to split on the best plane</para>
<para>#3052, Make operators &lt;-&gt; and &lt;#&gt; available for PostgreSQL &lt; 9.1</para>
<para>#3045, Fix dimensionality confusion in &amp;&amp;&amp; operator</para>
<para>#3016, Allow unregistering layers of corrupted topologies</para>
<para>#3015, Avoid exceptions from TopologySummary</para>
<para>#3020, ST_AddBand out-db bug where height using width value</para>
<para>#3031, Allow restore of Geometry(Point) tables dumped with empties in them</para>
<title>Release 2.1.5</title>
<para>Release date: 2014-12-18</para>
<para>This is a bug fix and performance improvement release.</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2933</ulink></ulink>, Speedup construction of large multi-geometry objects</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2947</ulink></ulink>, Fix memory leak in lwgeom_make_valid for single-component
collection input</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2949</ulink></ulink>, Fix memory leak in lwgeom_mindistance2d for curve input</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2931</ulink></ulink>, BOX representation is case sensitive</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2942</ulink></ulink>, PostgreSQL 9.5 support</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2953</ulink></ulink>, 2D stats not generated when Z/M values are extreme</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#3009</ulink></ulink>, Geography cast may effect underlying tuple</para>
<title>Release 2.1.4</title>
<para>Release date: 2014-09-10</para>
<para>This is a bug fix and performance improvement release.</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2745</ulink></ulink>, Speedup ST_Simplify calls against points</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2747</ulink></ulink>, Support for GDAL 2.0</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2749</ulink></ulink>, Make rtpostgis_upgrade_20_21.sql ACID</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2811</ulink></ulink>, Do not specify index names when loading shapefiles/rasters</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2829</ulink></ulink>, Shortcut ST_Clip(raster) if geometry fully contains the raster
and no NODATA specified</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2895</ulink></ulink>, Raise cost of ST_ConvexHull(raster) to 300 for better query plans</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2605</ulink></ulink>, armel: _ST_Covers() returns true for point in hole</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2911</ulink></ulink>, Fix output scale on ST_Rescale/ST_Resample/ST_Resize of rasters
with scale 1/-1 and offset 0/0.</para>
<para>Fix crash in ST_Union(raster)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2704</ulink></ulink>, ST_GeomFromGML() does not work properly with array of gml:pos
(Even Roualt)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2708</ulink></ulink>, updategeometrysrid doesn't update srid check when schema
not specified. Patch from Marc Jansen</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2720</ulink></ulink>, lwpoly_add_ring should update maxrings after realloc</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2759</ulink></ulink>, Fix handling of multiline object comments
embedding sql comments</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2774</ulink></ulink>, fix undefined behavior in ptarray_calculate_gbox_geodetic</para>
<para>Fix potential memory fault in ST_MakeValid</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2784</ulink></ulink>, Fix handling of bogus argument to --with-sfcgal</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2772</ulink></ulink>, Premature memory free in RASTER_getBandPath (ST_BandPath)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2755</ulink></ulink>, Fix regressions tests against all versions of SFCGAL</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2775</ulink></ulink>, lwline_from_lwmpoint leaks memory</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2802</ulink></ulink>, ST_MapAlgebra checks for valid callback function return value</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2803</ulink></ulink>, ST_MapAlgebra handles no userarg and STRICT callback function</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2834</ulink></ulink>, ST_Estimated_Extent and mixedCase table names (regression bug)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2845</ulink></ulink>, Bad geometry created from ST_AddPoint</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2870</ulink></ulink>, Binary insert into geography column results geometry being inserted</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2872</ulink></ulink>, make install builds documentation (Greg Troxell)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2819</ulink></ulink>, find isfinite or replacement on Centos5 / Solaris</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2899</ulink></ulink>, geocode limit 1 not returning best answer (tiger geocoder)</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2903</ulink></ulink>, Unable to compile on FreeBSD</para>
<para><ulink url=""><ulink url="">#2927</ulink></ulink> reverse_geocode not filling in direction prefix (tiger geocoder)
get rid of deprecated ST_Line_Locate_Point called</para>
<title>Release 2.1.3</title>
<para>Release date: 2014/05/13</para>
<para>This is a bug fix and security release.</para>
<title>Important changes</title>
Starting with this version offline raster access and use of GDAL drivers
are disabled by default.
An environment variable is introduced to allow for enabling
By default, all GDAL drivers are disabled
An environment variable is introduced to allow for enabling
out-db raster bands: POSTGIS_ENABLE_OUTDB_RASTERS.
By default, out-db raster bands are disabled
The environment variables must be set for the PostgreSQL process,
and determines the behavior of the whole cluster.
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para><ulink url="">#2697</ulink>, invalid GeoJSON Polygon input crashes server process</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2700</ulink>, Fix dumping of higher-dimension datasets with null rows</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2706</ulink>, ST_DumpPoints of EMPTY geometries crashes server</para>
<title>Release 2.1.2</title>
<para>Release date: 2014/03/31</para>
<para>This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 2.1.1 release.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para><ulink url="">#2666</ulink>, Error out at configure time if no SQL preprocessor can be found</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2534</ulink>, st_distance returning incorrect results for large geographies</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2539</ulink>, Check for json-c/json.h presence/usability before json/json.h</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2543</ulink>, invalid join selectivity error from simple query</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2546</ulink>, GeoJSON with string coordinates parses incorrectly </para>
<para><ulink url="">#2547</ulink>, Fix ST_Simplify(TopoGeometry) for hierarchical topogeoms</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2552</ulink>, Fix NULL raster handling in ST_AsPNG, ST_AsTIFF and
<para><ulink url="">#2555</ulink>, Fix parsing issue of range arguments of ST_Reclass</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2556</ulink>, geography ST_Intersects results depending on insert order</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2580</ulink>, Do not allow installing postgis twice in the same database</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2589</ulink>, Remove use of unnecessary void pointers</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2607</ulink>, Cannot open more than 1024 out-db files in one process</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2610</ulink>, Ensure face splitting algorithm uses the edge index</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2615</ulink>, EstimatedExtent (and hence, underlying stats) gathering wrong bbox</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2619</ulink>, Empty rings array in GeoJSON polygon causes crash</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2634</ulink>, regression in sphere distance code</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2638</ulink>, Geography distance on M geometries sometimes wrong</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2648</ulink>, <ulink url="">#2653</ulink>, Fix topology functions when "topology" is not in search_path</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2654</ulink>, Drop deprecated calls from topology</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2655</ulink>, Let users without topology privileges call postgis_full_version()</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2674</ulink>, Fix missing operator = and hash_raster_ops opclass on raster</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2675</ulink>, <ulink url="">#2534</ulink>, <ulink url="">#2636</ulink>, <ulink url="">#2634</ulink>, <ulink url="">#2638</ulink>, Geography distance issues with tree optimization</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2494</ulink>, avoid memcopy in GiST index (hayamiz)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2560</ulink>, soft upgrade: avoid drop/recreate of aggregates that hadn't changed</para>
<title>Release 2.1.1</title>
<para>Release date: 2013/11/06</para>
<para>This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 2.1.0 release.</para>
<title>Important Changes</title>
<para><ulink url="">#2514</ulink>, Change raster license from GPL v3+ to v2+, allowing distribution of PostGIS Extension as GPLv2.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para><ulink url="">#2396</ulink>, Make regression tests more endian-agnostic</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2434</ulink>, Fix ST_Intersection(geog,geog) regression in rare cases</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2454</ulink>, Fix behavior of ST_PixelAsXXX functions regarding exclude_nodata_value parameter</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2489</ulink>, Fix upgrades from 2.0 leaving stale function signatures</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2525</ulink>, Fix handling of SRID in nested collections</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2449</ulink>, Fix potential infinite loop in index building</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2493</ulink>, Fix behavior of ST_DumpValues when passed an empty raster</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2502</ulink>, Fix postgis_topology_scripts_installed() install schema</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2504</ulink>, Fix segfault on bogus pgsql2shp call </para>
<para><ulink url="">#2512</ulink>, Support for foreign tables and materialized views in raster_columns and raster_overviews</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2478</ulink>, support for tiger 2013</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2463</ulink>, support for exact length calculations on arc geometries</para>
<title>Release 2.1.0</title>
<para>Release date: 2013/08/17</para>
<para>This is a minor release addressing both bug fixes and performance and functionality enhancements addressing issues since 2.0.3 release.
If you are upgrading from 2.0+, only a soft upgrade is required. If you are upgrading from 1.5 or earlier, a hard upgrade is required.</para>
<title>Important / Breaking Changes</title>
<para><ulink url="">#1653</ulink>, Removed srid parameter from ST_Resample(raster) and variants
with reference raster no longer apply reference raster's SRID.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1962</ulink> ST_Segmentize - As a result of
the introduction of geography support, The construct:
<code>SELECT ST_Segmentize('LINESTRING(1 2, 3 4)',0.5);</code>
will result in ambiguous function error</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2026</ulink>, ST_Union(raster) now unions all bands of all rasters</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2089</ulink>, liblwgeom: lwgeom_set_handlers replaces lwgeom_init_allocators.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2150</ulink>, regular_blocking is no longer a constraint. column of same name
in raster_columns now checks for existance of spatially_unique
and coverage_tile constraints</para>
<para>ST_Intersects(raster, geometry) behaves in the same manner as
ST_Intersects(geometry, raster).</para>
<para>point variant of ST_SetValue(raster) previously did not check SRID
of input geometry and raster.</para>
<para>ST_Hillshade parameters azimuth and altitude are now in degrees
instead of radians.</para>
<para>ST_Slope and ST_Aspect return pixel values in degrees instead of radians.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2104</ulink>, ST_World2RasterCoord, ST_World2RasterCoordX and
ST_World2RasterCoordY renamed to ST_WorldToRasterCoord,
ST_WorldToRasterCoordX and ST_WorldToRasterCoordY.
ST_Raster2WorldCoord, ST_Raster2WorldCoordX and
ST_Raster2WorldCoordY renamed to ST_RasterToWorldCoord,
ST_RasterToWorldCoordX and ST_RasterToWorldCoordY</para>
<para>ST_Estimated_Extent renamed to ST_EstimatedExtent</para>
<para>ST_Line_Interpolate_Point renamed to ST_LineInterpolatePoint</para>
<para>ST_Line_Substring renamed to ST_LineSubstring</para>
<para>ST_Line_Locate_Point renamed to ST_LineLocatePoint</para>
<para>ST_Force_XXX renamed to ST_ForceXXX</para>
<para>ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb and 1 and 2 raster variants of ST_MapAlgebraFct.
Use ST_MapAlgebra instead</para>
<para>1 and 2 raster variants of ST_MapAlgebraExpr.
Use expression variants of ST_MapAlgebra instead</para>
<title>New Features</title>
<para>- Refer to
for complete list of new functions</para>
<para><ulink url="">#310</ulink>, ST_DumpPoints converted to a C function (Nathan Wagner) and much faster</para>
<para><ulink url="">#739</ulink>, UpdateRasterSRID()</para>
<para><ulink url="">#945</ulink>, improved join selectivity, N-D selectivity calculations,
user accessible selectivity and stats reader functions for
testing (Paul Ramsey / OpenGeo)</para>
<para>toTopoGeom with TopoGeometry sink (Sandro Santilli / Vizzuality)</para>
<para>clearTopoGeom (Sandro Santilli / Vizzuality)</para>
<para>ST_Segmentize(geography) (Paul Ramsey / OpenGeo)</para>
<para>ST_DelaunayTriangles (Sandro Santilli / Vizzuality)</para>
<para>ST_NearestValue, ST_Neighborhood (Bborie Park / UC Davis)</para>
<para>ST_PixelAsPoint, ST_PixelAsPoints (Bborie Park / UC Davis)</para>
<para>ST_PixelAsCentroid, ST_PixelAsCentroids (Bborie Park / UC Davis)</para>
<para>ST_Raster2WorldCoord, ST_World2RasterCoord (Bborie Park / UC Davis)</para>
<para>Additional raster/raster spatial relationship functions
(ST_Contains, ST_ContainsProperly, ST_Covers, ST_CoveredBy, ST_Disjoint,
ST_Overlaps, ST_Touches, ST_Within, ST_DWithin, ST_DFullyWithin)
(Bborie Park / UC Davis)</para>
<para>Added array variants of ST_SetValues() to set many pixel values of a band
in one call (Bborie Park / UC Davis)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1293</ulink>, ST_Resize(raster) to resize rasters based upon width/height</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1627</ulink>, package tiger_geocoder as a PostgreSQL extension</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1643</ulink>, <ulink url="">#2076</ulink>, Upgrade tiger geocoder to support loading tiger 2011 and 2012
(Regina Obe / Paragon Corporation) Funded by Hunter Systems Group</para>
<para>GEOMETRYCOLLECTION support for ST_MakeValid (Sandro Santilli / Vizzuality)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1709</ulink>, ST_NotSameAlignmentReason(raster, raster)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1818</ulink>, ST_GeomFromGeoHash and friends (Jason Smith (darkpanda))</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1856</ulink>, reverse geocoder rating setting for prefer numbered highway name</para>
<para>ST_PixelOfValue (Bborie Park / UC Davis)</para>
<para>Casts to/from PostgreSQL geotypes (point/path/polygon).</para>
<para>Added geomval array variant of ST_SetValues() to set many pixel values of
a band using a set of geometries and corresponding values in one call
(Bborie Park / UC Davis)</para>
<para>ST_Tile(raster) to break up a raster into tiles (Bborie Park / UC Davis)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1895</ulink>, new r-tree node splitting algorithm (Alex Korotkov)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2011</ulink>, ST_DumpValues to output raster as array (Bborie Park / UC Davis)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2018</ulink>, ST_Distance support for CircularString, CurvePolygon, MultiCurve,
MultiSurface, CompoundCurve </para>
<para><ulink url="">#2030</ulink>, n-raster (and n-band) ST_MapAlgebra (Bborie Park / UC Davis)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2193</ulink>, Utilize PAGC parser as drop in replacement for tiger normalizer
(Steve Woodbridge, Regina Obe)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2210</ulink>, ST_MinConvexHull(raster)</para>
<para>lwgeom_from_geojson in liblwgeom (Sandro Santilli / Vizzuality)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1687</ulink>, ST_Simplify for TopoGeometry (Sandro Santilli / Vizzuality)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2228</ulink>, TopoJSON output for TopoGeometry (Sandro Santilli / Vizzuality)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2123</ulink>, ST_FromGDALRaster</para>
<para><ulink url="">#613</ulink>, ST_SetGeoReference with numerical parameters instead of text</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2276</ulink>, ST_AddBand(raster) variant for out-db bands</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2280</ulink>, ST_Summary(raster)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2163</ulink>, ST_TPI for raster (Nathaniel Clay)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2164</ulink>, ST_TRI for raster (Nathaniel Clay)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2302</ulink>, ST_Roughness for raster (Nathaniel Clay)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2290</ulink>, ST_ColorMap(raster) to generate RGBA bands</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2254</ulink>, Add SFCGAL backend support.
(Backend selection throught postgis.backend var)
Functions available both throught GEOS or SFCGAL:
ST_Intersects, ST_3DIntersects, ST_Intersection, ST_Area,
ST_Distance, ST_3DDistance
New functions available only with SFCGAL backend:
ST_3DIntersection, ST_Tesselate, ST_3DArea, ST_Extrude, ST_ForceLHR
ST_Orientation, ST_Minkowski, ST_StraightSkeleton
New function available in PostGIS: ST_ForceSFS
(Olivier Courtin and Hugo Mercier / Oslandia)</para>
<para>For detail of new functions and function improvements, please refer to <xref linkend="NewFunctions_2_1" />.</para>
<para>Much faster raster ST_Union, ST_Clip and many more function additions operations</para>
<para>For geometry/geography better planner selectivity and a lot more functions.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#823</ulink>, tiger geocoder: Make loader_generate_script download portion
less greedy</para>
<para><ulink url="">#826</ulink>, raster2pgsql no longer defaults to padding tiles. Flag -P
can be used to pad tiles</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1363</ulink>, ST_AddBand(raster, ...) array version rewritten in C</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1364</ulink>, ST_Union(raster, ...) aggregate function rewritten in C</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1655</ulink>, Additional default values for parameters of ST_Slope</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1661</ulink>, Add aggregate variant of ST_SameAlignment</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1719</ulink>, Add support for Point and GeometryCollection ST_MakeValid inputs</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1780</ulink>, support ST_GeoHash for geography</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1796</ulink>, Big performance boost for distance calculations in geography</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1802</ulink>, improved function interruptibility.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1823</ulink>, add parameter in ST_AsGML to use id column for GML 3 output
(become mandatory since GML 3.2.1)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1856</ulink>, tiger geocoder: reverse geocoder rating setting for prefer
numbered highway name</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1938</ulink>, Refactor basic ST_AddBand to add multiple new bands in one call</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1978</ulink>, wrong answer when calculating length of a closed circular
arc (circle)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1989</ulink>, Preprocess input geometry to just intersection with raster
to be clipped</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2021</ulink>, Added multi-band support to ST_Union(raster, ...) aggregate function</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2006</ulink>, better support of ST_Area(geography) over poles and dateline</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2065</ulink>, ST_Clip(raster, ...) now a C function</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2069</ulink>, Added parameters to ST_Tile(raster) to control padding of tiles</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2078</ulink>, New variants of ST_Slope, ST_Aspect and ST_HillShade to provide
solution to handling tiles in a coverage</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2097</ulink>, Added RANGE uniontype option for ST_Union(raster)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2105</ulink>, Added ST_Transform(raster) variant for aligning output to
reference raster</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2119</ulink>, Rasters passed to ST_Resample(), ST_Rescale(), ST_Reskew(),
and ST_SnapToGrid() no longer require an SRID</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2141</ulink>, More verbose output when constraints fail to be added
to a raster column</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2143</ulink>, Changed blocksize constraint of raster to allow multiple values</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2148</ulink>, Addition of coverage_tile constraint for raster</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2149</ulink>, Addition of spatially_unique constraint for raster</para>
<para>TopologySummary output now includes unregistered layers and a count
of missing TopoGeometry objects from their natural layer.</para>
<para>ST_HillShade(), ST_Aspect() and ST_Slope() have one new optional
parameter to interpolate NODATA pixels before running the
<para>Point variant of ST_SetValue(raster) is now a wrapper around geomval
variant of ST_SetValues(rast).</para>
<para>Proper support for raster band's isnodata flag in core API and loader.</para>
<para>Additional default values for parameters of ST_Aspect and ST_HillShade</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2178</ulink>, ST_Summary now advertises presence of known srid with an [S] flag</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2202</ulink>, Make libjson-c optional (--without-json configure switch)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2213</ulink>, Add support libjson-c 0.10+</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2231</ulink>, raster2pgsql supports user naming of filename column with -n</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2200</ulink>, ST_Union(raster, uniontype) unions all bands of all rasters</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2264</ulink>, support for restoring into databases
with postgis in a custom schema</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2244</ulink>, emit warning when changing raster's georeference if raster has
out-db bands</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2222</ulink>, add parameter OutAsIn to flag whether ST_AsBinary should
return out-db bands as in-db bands</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1839</ulink>, handling of subdatasets in GeoTIFF in raster2pgsql.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1840</ulink>, fix logic of when to compute # of tiles in raster2pgsql.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1870</ulink>, align the docs and actual behavior of raster's ST_Intersects</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1872</ulink>, fix ST_ApproxSummarystats to prevent division by zero</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1875</ulink>, ST_SummaryStats returns NULL for all parameters except count
when count is zero</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1932</ulink>, fix raster2pgsql of syntax for index tablespaces</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1936</ulink>, ST_GeomFromGML on CurvePolygon causes server crash</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1939</ulink>, remove custom data types: summarystats, histogram, quantile,
<para><ulink url="">#1951</ulink>, remove crash on zero-length linestrings</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1957</ulink>, ST_Distance to a one-point LineString returns NULL</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1976</ulink>, Geography point-in-ring code overhauled for more reliability</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1981</ulink>, cleanup of unused variables causing warnings with gcc 4.6+</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1996</ulink>, support POINT EMPTY in GeoJSON output</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2062</ulink>, improve performance of distance calculations</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2057</ulink>, Fixed linking issue for raster2psql to libpq</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2077</ulink>, Fixed incorrect values returning from ST_Hillshade()</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2019</ulink>, ST_FlipCoordinates does not update bbox</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2100</ulink>, ST_AsRaster may not return raster with specified pixel type</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2126</ulink>, Better handling of empty rasters from ST_ConvexHull()</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2165</ulink>, ST_NumPoints regression failure with CircularString</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2168</ulink>, ST_Distance is not always commutative</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2182</ulink>, Fix issue with outdb rasters with no SRID and ST_Resize</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2188</ulink>, Fix function parameter value overflow that caused problems
when copying data from a GDAL dataset</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2198</ulink>, Fix incorrect dimensions used when generating bands of out-db
rasters in ST_Tile()</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2201</ulink>, ST_GeoHash wrong on boundaries</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2203</ulink>, Changed how rasters with unknown SRID and default geotransform
are handled when passing to GDAL Warp API</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2215</ulink>, Fixed raster exclusion constraint for conflicting name of
implicit index</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2251</ulink>, Fix bad dimensions when rescaling rasters with default
geotransform matrix</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2133</ulink>, Fix performance regression in expression variant of ST_MapAlgebra</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2257</ulink>, GBOX variables not initialized when testing with empty geometries</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2271</ulink>, Prevent parallel make of raster</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2282</ulink>, Fix call to undefined function nd_stats_to_grid() in debug mode</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2307</ulink>, ST_MakeValid outputs invalid geometries</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2309</ulink>, Remove confusing INFO message when trying to get SRS info</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2336</ulink>, FIPS 20 (KS) causes wildcard expansion to wget all files</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2348</ulink>, Provide raster upgrade path for 2.0 to 2.1</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2351</ulink>, st_distance between geographies wrong</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2359</ulink>, Fix handling of schema name when adding overview constraints</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2371</ulink>, Support GEOS versions with more than 1 digit in micro</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2383</ulink>, Remove unsafe use of \' from raster warning message</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2384</ulink>, Incorrect variable datatypes for ST_Neighborhood</para>
<simplesect><title>Known Issues</title>
<para><ulink url="">#2111</ulink>, Raster bands can only reference the first 256 bands of out-db rasters</para>
<title>Release 2.0.5</title>
<para>Release date: 2014/03/31</para>
<para>This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 2.0.4 release. If you are using PostGIS 2.0+ a soft upgrade is required. For users of PostGIS 1.5 or below, a hard upgrade is required.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para><ulink url="">#2494</ulink>, avoid memcpy in GIST index</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2502</ulink>, Fix postgis_topology_scripts_installed() install schema</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2504</ulink>, Fix segfault on bogus pgsql2shp call </para>
<para><ulink url="">#2528</ulink>, Fix memory leak in ST_Split / lwline_split_by_line</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2532</ulink>, Add missing raster/geometry commutator operators</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2533</ulink>, Remove duplicated signatures</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2552</ulink>, Fix NULL raster handling in ST_AsPNG, ST_AsTIFF and ST_AsJPEG</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2555</ulink>, Fix parsing issue of range arguments of ST_Reclass</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2589</ulink>, Remove use of unnecessary void pointers</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2607</ulink>, Cannot open more than 1024 out-db files in process</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2610</ulink>, Ensure face splitting algorithm uses the edge index </para>
<para><ulink url="">#2619</ulink>, Empty ring array in GeoJSON polygon causes crash</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2638</ulink>, Geography distance on M geometries sometimes wrong</para>
<title>Important Changes</title>
<para>#<ulink url="">#2514</ulink>, Change raster license from GPL v3+ to v2+, allowing distribution of PostGIS Extension as GPLv2.</para>
<title>Release 2.0.4</title>
<para>Release date: 2013/09/06</para>
<para>This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 2.0.3 release. If you are using PostGIS 2.0+ a soft upgrade is required. For users of PostGIS 1.5 or below, a hard upgrade is required.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para><ulink url="">#2110</ulink>, Equality operator between EMPTY and point on origin</para>
<para>Allow adding points at precision distance with TopoGeo_addPoint</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1968</ulink>, Fix missing edge from toTopoGeom return</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2165</ulink>, ST_NumPoints regression failure with CircularString</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2168</ulink>, ST_Distance is not always commutative</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2186</ulink>, gui progress bar updates too frequent</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2201</ulink>, ST_GeoHash wrong on boundaries</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2257</ulink>, GBOX variables not initialized when testing with empty geometries</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2271</ulink>, Prevent parallel make of raster</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2267</ulink>, Server crash from analyze table</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2277</ulink>, potential segfault removed</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2307</ulink>, ST_MakeValid outputs invalid geometries</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2351</ulink>, st_distance between geographies wrong</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2359</ulink>, Incorrect handling of schema for overview constraints</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2371</ulink>, Support GEOS versions with more than 1 digit in micro</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2372</ulink>, Cannot parse space-padded KML coordinates</para>
<para>Fix build with systemwide liblwgeom installed</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2383</ulink>, Fix unsafe use of \' in warning message</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2410</ulink>, Fix segmentize of collinear curve</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2412</ulink>, ST_LineToCurve support for lines with less than 4 vertices</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2415</ulink>, ST_Multi support for COMPOUNDCURVE and CURVEPOLYGON</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2420</ulink>, ST_LineToCurve: require at least 8 edges to define a full circle</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2423</ulink>, ST_LineToCurve: require all arc edges to form the same angle</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2424</ulink>, ST_CurveToLine: add support for COMPOUNDCURVE in MULTICURVE</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2427</ulink>, Make sure to retain first point of curves on ST_CurveToLine</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2269</ulink>, Avoid uselessly detoasting full geometries on ANALYZE</para>
<title>Known Issues</title>
<para><ulink url="">#2111</ulink>, Raster bands can only reference the first 256 bands of out-db rasters</para>
<title>Release 2.0.3</title>
<para>Release date: 2013/03/01</para>
<para>This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 2.0.2 release. If you are using PostGIS 2.0+ a soft upgrade is required. For users of PostGIS 1.5 or below, a hard upgrade is required.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para><ulink url="">#2126</ulink>, Better handling of empty rasters from ST_ConvexHull()</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2134</ulink>, Make sure to process SRS before passing it off to GDAL functions</para>
<para>Fix various memory leaks in liblwgeom</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2173</ulink>, Fix robustness issue in splitting a line with own vertex also affecting topology building (<ulink url="">#2172</ulink>)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2174</ulink>, Fix usage of wrong function lwpoly_free()</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2176</ulink>, Fix robustness issue with ST_ChangeEdgeGeom</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2184</ulink>, Properly copy topologies with Z value </para>
<para> support for mixed case geometry column name in dumps</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2188</ulink>, Fix function parameter value overflow that caused problems when copying data from a GDAL dataset</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2216</ulink>, More memory errors in MultiPolygon GeoJSON parsing (with holes)</para>
<para>Fix Memory leak in GeoJSON parser</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2141</ulink>, More verbose output when constraints fail to be added to a raster column</para>
<para>Speedup ST_ChangeEdgeGeom</para>
<title>Release 2.0.2</title>
<para>Release date: 2012/12/03</para>
<para>This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 2.0.1 release.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para><ulink url="">#1287</ulink>, Drop of "gist_geometry_ops" broke a few clients
package of legacy_gist.sql for these cases</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1391</ulink>, Errors during upgrade from 1.5</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1828</ulink>, Poor selectivity estimate on ST_DWithin</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1838</ulink>, error importing tiger/line data</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1869</ulink>, ST_AsBinary is not unique added to legacy_minor/legacy.sql scripts</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1885</ulink>, Missing field from tabblock table in tiger2010 census_loader.sql</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1891</ulink>, Use LDFLAGS environment when building liblwgeom</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1900</ulink>, Fix pgsql2shp for big-endian systems </para>
<para><ulink url="">#1932</ulink>, Fix raster2pgsql for invalid syntax for setting index tablespace</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1936</ulink>, ST_GeomFromGML on CurvePolygon causes server crash</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1955</ulink>, ST_ModEdgeHeal and ST_NewEdgeHeal for doubly connected edges</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1957</ulink>, ST_Distance to a one-point LineString returns NULL</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1976</ulink>, Geography point-in-ring code overhauled for more reliability</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1978</ulink>, wrong answer calculating length of closed circular arc (circle)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1981</ulink>, Remove unused but set variables as found with gcc 4.6+</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1987</ulink>, Restore 1.5.x behaviour of ST_Simplify</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1989</ulink>, Preprocess input geometry to just intersection with raster
to be clipped</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1991</ulink>, geocode really slow on PostgreSQL 9.2</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1996</ulink>, support POINT EMPTY in GeoJSON output</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1998</ulink>, Fix ST_{Mod,New}EdgeHeal joining edges sharing both endpoints</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2001</ulink>, ST_CurveToLine has no effect if the geometry doesn't actually contain an arc</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2015</ulink>, ST_IsEmpty('POLYGON(EMPTY)') returns False</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2019</ulink>, ST_FlipCoordinates does not update bbox</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2025</ulink>, Fix side location conflict at TopoGeo_AddLineString</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2026</ulink>, improve performance of distance calculations</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2033</ulink>, Fix adding a splitting point into a 2.5d topology </para>
<para><ulink url="">#2051</ulink>, Fix excess of precision in ST_AsGeoJSON output</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2052</ulink>, Fix buffer overflow in lwgeom_to_geojson</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2056</ulink>, Fixed lack of SRID check of raster and geometry in ST_SetValue()</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2057</ulink>, Fixed linking issue for raster2psql to libpq</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2060</ulink>, Fix "dimension" check violation by GetTopoGeomElementArray</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2072</ulink>, Removed outdated checks preventing ST_Intersects(raster) from
working on out-db bands</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2077</ulink>, Fixed incorrect answers from ST_Hillshade(raster) </para>
<para><ulink url="">#2092</ulink>, Namespace issue with ST_GeomFromKML,ST_GeomFromGML for libxml 2.8+</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2099</ulink>, Fix double free on exception in ST_OffsetCurve</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2100</ulink>, ST_AsRaster() may not return raster with specified pixel type</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2108</ulink>, Ensure ST_Line_Interpolate_Point always returns POINT</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2109</ulink>, Ensure ST_Centroid always returns POINT</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2117</ulink>, Ensure ST_PointOnSurface always returns POINT</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2129</ulink>, Fix SRID in ST_Homogenize output with collection input</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2130</ulink>, Fix memory error in MultiPolygon GeoJson parsing</para>
<para>Update URL of Maven jar</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1581</ulink>, ST_Clip(raster, ...) no longer imposes NODATA on a band if the
corresponding band from the source raster did not have NODATA</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1928</ulink>, Accept array properties in GML input multi-geom input
(Kashif Rasul and Shoaib Burq / SpacialDB)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2082</ulink>, Add indices on start_node and end_node of topology edge tables</para>
<para><ulink url="">#2087</ulink>, Speedup topology.GetRingEdges using a recursive CTE</para>
<title>Release 2.0.1</title>
<para>Release date: 2012/06/22</para>
<para>This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 2.0.0 release.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para><ulink url="">#1264</ulink>, fix st_dwithin(geog, geog, 0). </para>
<para><ulink url="">#1468</ulink> shp2pgsql-gui table column schema get shifted</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1694</ulink>, fix building with clang. (vince)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1708</ulink>, improve restore of pre-PostGIS 2.0 backups.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1714</ulink>, more robust handling of high topology tolerance.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1755</ulink>, ST_GeographyFromText support for higher dimensions.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1759</ulink>, loading transformed shapefiles in raster enabled db.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1761</ulink>, handling of subdatasets in NetCDF, HDF4 and HDF5 in raster2pgsql.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1763</ulink>, topology.toTopoGeom use with custom search_path.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1766</ulink>, don't let ST_RemEdge* destroy peripheral TopoGeometry objects.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1774</ulink>, Clearer error on setting an edge geometry to an invalid one.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1775</ulink>, ST_ChangeEdgeGeom collision detection with 2-vertex target.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1776</ulink>, fix ST_SymDifference(empty, geom) to return geom.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1779</ulink>, install SQL comment files.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1782</ulink>, fix spatial reference string handling in raster.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1789</ulink>, fix false edge-node crossing report in ValidateTopology.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1790</ulink>, fix toTopoGeom handling of duplicated primitives.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1791</ulink>, fix ST_Azimuth with very close but distinct points.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1797</ulink>, fix (ValidateTopology(xxx)).* syntax calls.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1805</ulink>, put back the 900913 SRID entry.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1813</ulink>, Only show readable relations in metadata tables.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1819</ulink>, fix floating point issues with ST_World2RasterCoord and
ST_Raster2WorldCoord variants.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1820</ulink> compilation on 9.2beta1.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1822</ulink>, topology load on PostgreSQL 9.2beta1.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1825</ulink>, fix prepared geometry cache lookup</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1829</ulink>, fix uninitialized read in GeoJSON parser</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1834</ulink>, revise postgis extension to only backup
user specified spatial_ref_sys</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1839</ulink>, handling of subdatasets in GeoTIFF in raster2pgsql.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1840</ulink>, fix logic of when to compute # of tiles in raster2pgsql.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1851</ulink>, fix spatial_ref_system parameters for EPSG:3844</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1857</ulink>, fix failure to detect endpoint mismatch in ST_AddEdge*Face*</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1865</ulink>, data loss in when data rows have leading
<para><ulink url="">#1867</ulink>, catch invalid topology name passed to topogeo_add*</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1872</ulink>, fix ST_ApproxSummarystats to prevent division by zero</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1873</ulink>, fix ptarray_locate_point to return interpolated Z/M values for
on-the-line case</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1875</ulink>, ST_SummaryStats returns NULL for all parameters except count
when count is zero </para>
<para><ulink url="">#1881</ulink>, shp2pgsql-gui -- editing a field sometimes triggers
removing row</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1883</ulink>, Geocoder install fails trying to run
create_census_base_tables() (Brian Panulla)</para>
<para>More detailed exception message from topology editing functions.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1786</ulink>, improved build dependencies</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1806</ulink>, speedup of ST_BuildArea, ST_MakeValid and ST_GetFaceGeometry.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1812</ulink>, Add lwgeom_normalize in LIBLWGEOM for more stable testing.</para>
<title>Release 2.0.0</title>
<para>Release date: 2012/04/03</para>
<para>This is a major release. A hard upgrade is required. Yes this means a full dump reload and some special preparations if you are using obsolete functions. Refer
to <xref linkend="hard_upgrade" /> for details on upgrading.
Refer to <xref linkend="NewFunctions_2_0" /> for more details and changed/new functions.</para>
<title>Testers - Our unsung heroes</title>
<para>We are most indebted to the numerous members in the PostGIS community
who were brave enough to test out the new features in this release.
No major release can be successful without these folk.</para>
<para>Below are those who have been most valiant, provided very detailed
and thorough bug reports,
and detailed analysis.</para>
<member>Andrea Peri - Lots of testing on topology, checking for correctness</member>
<member>Andreas Forø Tollefsen - raster testing</member>
<member>Chris English - topology stress testing loader functions</member>
<member>Salvatore Larosa - topology robustness testing</member>
<member>Brian Hamlin - Benchmarking
(also experimental experimental branches
before they are folded into core)
, general testing of various pieces
including Tiger and Topology. Testing on various server VMs</member>
<member>Mike Pease - Tiger geocoder testing - very detailed reports of issues</member>
<member>Tom van Tilburg - raster testing</member>
<title>Important / Breaking Changes</title>
<para><ulink url="">#722</ulink>, <ulink url="">#302</ulink>, Most deprecated functions removed (over 250 functions) (Regina Obe, Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>Unknown SRID changed from -1 to 0. (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para> -- (most deprecated in 1.2) removed non-ST variants buffer, length, intersects
(and internal functions renamed) etc. </para>
<para>-- If you have been using deprecated functions CHANGE your apps or suffer the consequences.
If you don't see a function documented -- it ain't supported or it is an internal function.
Some constraints in older tables were built with deprecated functions.
If you restore you may need to rebuild table constraints with populate_geometry_columns(). If you have applications or tools
that rely on deprecated functions, please refer to <xref linkend="legacy_faq" /> for more details.</para>
<para><ulink url="">#944</ulink> geometry_columns is now a view instead of a table
(Paul Ramsey, Regina Obe)
for tables created the old way reads (srid, type, dims) constraints
for geometry columns created with type modifiers
reads rom column definition</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1081</ulink>, <ulink url="">#1082</ulink>, <ulink url="">#1084</ulink>, <ulink url="">#1088</ulink> - Mangement functions support typmod
geometry column creation functions now default to typmod creation
(Regina Obe)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1083</ulink> probe_geometry_columns(), rename_geometry_table_constraints(),
fix_geometry_columns(); removed
- now obsolete with geometry_column view
(Regina Obe)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#817</ulink> Renaming old 3D functions to the convention ST_3D (Nicklas Avén)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#548</ulink> (sorta), ST_NumGeometries,ST_GeometryN now returns 1 (or the geometry) instead of null
for single geometries (Sandro Santilli, Maxime van Noppen)</para>
<title>New Features</title>
<para><ulink url="">KNN Gist index based centroid (&lt;-&gt;) and box (&lt;#&gt;) distance operators (Paul Ramsey / funded by Vizzuality)</ulink></para>
<para>Support for TIN and PolyHedralSurface and enhancement of many functions to support 3D (Olivier Courtin / Oslandia)</para>
<para><ulink url="">Raster support integrated and documented</ulink>
(Pierre Racine, Jorge Arévalo, Mateusz Loskot, Sandro Santilli, David Zwarg, Regina Obe, Bborie Park)
(Company developer and funding: University Laval, Deimos Space, CadCorp, Michigan Tech Research Institute, Azavea, Paragon Corporation, UC Davis Center for Vectorborne Diseases)</para>
<para>Making spatial indexes 3D aware - in progress (Paul Ramsey, Mark Cave-Ayland)</para>
<para>Topology support improved (more functions), documented, testing (Sandro Santilli / Faunalia for RT-SIGTA), Andrea Peri, Regina Obe, Jose Carlos Martinez Llari</para>
<para>3D relationship and measurement support functions (Nicklas Avén)</para>
<para> ST_3DDistance, ST_3DClosestPoint, ST_3DIntersects, ST_3DShortestLine and more...</para>
<para>N-Dimensional spatial indexes (Paul Ramsey / OpenGeo)</para>
<para>ST_Split (Sandro Santilli / Faunalia for RT-SIGTA)</para>
<para>ST_IsValidDetail (Sandro Santilli / Faunalia for RT-SIGTA)</para>
<para>ST_MakeValid (Sandro Santilli / Faunalia for RT-SIGTA)</para>
<para>ST_RemoveRepeatedPoints (Sandro Santilli / Faunalia for RT-SIGTA)</para>
<para>ST_GeometryN and ST_NumGeometries support for non-collections (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>ST_IsCollection (Sandro Santilli, Maxime van Noppen)</para>
<para>ST_SharedPaths (Sandro Santilli / Faunalia for RT-SIGTA)</para>
<para>ST_Snap (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>ST_RelateMatch (Sandro Santilli / Faunalia for RT-SIGTA)</para>
<para>ST_ConcaveHull (Regina Obe and Leo Hsu / Paragon Corporation)</para>
<para>ST_UnaryUnion (Sandro Santilli / Faunalia for RT-SIGTA)</para>
<para>ST_AsX3D (Regina Obe / Arrival 3D funding)</para>
<para>ST_OffsetCurve (Sandro Santilli, Rafal Magda)</para>
<para><ulink url="">ST_GeomFromGeoJSON (Kashif Rasul, Paul Ramsey / Vizzuality funding)</ulink></para>
<para>Made shape file loader tolerant of truncated multibyte values found in some free worldwide shapefiles (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>Lots of bug fixes and enhancements to shp2pgsql
Beefing up regression tests for loaders
Reproject support for both geometry and geography during import
(Jeff Adams / Azavea, Mark Cave-Ayland)</para>
<para>pgsql2shp conversion from predefined list
(Loic Dachary / Mark Cave-Ayland)</para>
<para>Shp-pgsql GUI loader - support loading multiple files at a time. (Mark Leslie)</para>
<para>Extras - upgraded tiger_geocoder from using old TIGER format to use new TIGER shp and file structure format (Stephen Frost)</para>
<para>Extras - revised tiger_geocoder to work with TIGER census 2010 data, addition of reverse geocoder function, various bug fixes, accuracy enhancements,
limit max result return, speed improvements, loading routines.
(Regina Obe, Leo Hsu / Paragon Corporation / funding provided by Hunter Systems Group)</para>
<para>Overall Documentation proofreading and corrections. (Kasif Rasul)</para>
<para>Cleanup PostGIS JDBC classes, revise to use Maven build. (Maria Arias de Reyna, Sandro Santilli)</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para><ulink url="">#1335</ulink> ST_AddPoint returns incorrect result on Linux (Even Rouault)</para>
<title>Release specific credits</title>
<para>We thank <ulink url="">U.S Department of State Human Information Unit (HIU)</ulink> and <ulink url="">Vizzuality</ulink> for general monetary support to get PostGIS 2.0 out the door.</para>
<!-- TODO: expand this list -->
<title>Release 1.5.4</title>
<para>Release date: 2012/05/07</para>
<para>This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 1.5.3 release.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para><ulink url="">#547</ulink>, ST_Contains memory problems (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#621</ulink>, Problem finding intersections with geography (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#627</ulink>, PostGIS/PostgreSQL process die on invalid geometry (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#810</ulink>, Increase accuracy of area calculation (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#852</ulink>, improve spatial predicates robustness (Sandro Santilli, Nicklas Avén)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#877</ulink>, ST_Estimated_Extent returns NULL on empty tables (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1028</ulink>, ST_AsSVG kills whole postgres server when fails (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1056</ulink>, Fix boxes of arcs and circle stroking code (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1121</ulink>, populate_geometry_columns using deprecated functions (Regin Obe, Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1135</ulink>, improve testsuite predictability (Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1146</ulink>, images generator crashes (bronaugh)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1170</ulink>, North Pole intersection fails (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1179</ulink>, ST_AsText crash with bad value (kjurka)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1184</ulink>, honour DESTDIR in documentation Makefile (Bryce L Nordgren)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1227</ulink>, server crash on invalid GML </para>
<para><ulink url="">#1252</ulink>, SRID appearing in WKT (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1264</ulink>, st_dwithin(g, g, 0) doesn't work (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1344</ulink>, allow exporting tables with invalid geometries (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1389</ulink>, wrong proj4text for SRID 31300 and 31370 (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1406</ulink>, shp2pgsql crashes when loading into geography (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1595</ulink>, fixed SRID redundancy in ST_Line_SubString (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1596</ulink>, check SRID in UpdateGeometrySRID (Mike Toews, Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1602</ulink>, fix ST_Polygonize to retain Z (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1697</ulink>, fix crash with EMPTY entries in GiST index (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1772</ulink>, fix ST_Line_Locate_Point with collapsed input (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1799</ulink>, Protect ST_Segmentize from max_length=0 (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>Alter parameter order in 900913 (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>Support builds with "gmake" (Greg Troxel)</para>
<title>Release 1.5.3</title>
<para>Release date: 2011/06/25</para>
<para>This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 1.5.2 release. If you are running PostGIS 1.3+, a soft upgrade is sufficient
otherwise a hard upgrade is recommended.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para><ulink url="">#1056</ulink>, produce correct bboxes for arc geometries, fixes index errors
(Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#1007</ulink>, ST_IsValid crash fix requires GEOS 3.3.0+ or 3.2.3+
(Sandro Santilli, reported by Birgit Laggner)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#940</ulink>, support for PostgreSQL 9.1 beta 1
(Regina Obe, Paul Ramsey, patch submitted by stl)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#845</ulink>, ST_Intersects precision error (Sandro Santilli, Nicklas Avén)
Reported by cdestigter</para>
<para><ulink url="">#884</ulink>, Unstable results with ST_Within, ST_Intersects (Chris Hodgson)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#779</ulink>, shp2pgsql -S option seems to fail on points (Jeff Adams)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#666</ulink>, ST_DumpPoints is not null safe (Regina Obe)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#631</ulink>, Update NZ projections for grid transformation support (jpalmer)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#630</ulink>, Peculiar Null treatment in arrays in ST_Collect (Chris Hodgson)
Reported by David Bitner</para>
<para><ulink url="">#624</ulink>, Memory leak in ST_GeogFromText (ryang, Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#609</ulink>, Bad source code in manual section 5.2 Java Clients (simoc, Regina Obe)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#604</ulink>, shp2pgsql usage touchups (Mike Toews, Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#573</ulink> ST_Union fails on a group of linestrings
Not a PostGIS bug, fixed in GEOS 3.3.0</para>
<para><ulink url="">#457</ulink> ST_CollectionExtract returns non-requested type
(Nicklas Avén, Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#441</ulink> ST_AsGeoJson Bbox on GeometryCollection error (Olivier Courtin)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#411</ulink> Ability to backup invalid geometries (Sando Santilli)
Reported by Regione Toscana</para>
<para><ulink url="">#409</ulink> ST_AsSVG - degraded (Olivier Courtin)
Reported by Sdikiy</para>
<para><ulink url="">#373</ulink> Documentation syntax error in hard upgrade (Paul Ramsey)
Reported by psvensso</para>
<title>Release 1.5.2</title>
<para>Release date: 2010/09/27</para>
<para>This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 1.5.1 release. If you are running PostGIS 1.3+, a soft upgrade is sufficient
otherwise a hard upgrade is recommended.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para>Loader: fix handling of empty (0-verticed) geometries in shapefiles. (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#536</ulink>, Geography ST_Intersects, ST_Covers, ST_CoveredBy and Geometry ST_Equals not using spatial index (Regina Obe, Nicklas Aven)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#573</ulink>, Improvement to ST_Contains geography (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>Loader: Add support for command-q shutdown in Mac GTK build (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#393</ulink>, Loader: Add temporary patch for large DBF files (Maxime Guillaud, Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#507</ulink>, Fix wrong OGC URN in GeoJSON and GML output (Olivier Courtin)</para>
<para>spatial_ref_sys.sql Add datum conversion for projection SRID 3021 (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>Geography - remove crash for case when all geographies are out of the estimate (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#469</ulink>, Fix for array_aggregation error (Greg Stark, Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#532</ulink>, Temporary geography tables showing up in other user sessions (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#562</ulink>, ST_Dwithin errors for large geographies (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#513</ulink>, shape loading GUI tries to make spatial index when loading DBF only mode (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#527</ulink>, shape loading GUI should always append log messages (Mark Cave-Ayland)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#504</ulink>, shp2pgsql should rename xmin/xmax fields (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#458</ulink>, postgis_comments being installed in contrib instead of version folder (Mark Cave-Ayland)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#474</ulink>, Analyzing a table with geography column crashes server (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#581</ulink>, LWGEOM-expand produces inconsistent results (Mark Cave-Ayland)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#513</ulink>, Add dbf filter to shp2pgsql-gui and allow uploading dbf only (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>Fix further build issues against PostgreSQL 9.0 (Mark Cave-Ayland)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#572</ulink>, Password whitespace for Shape File (Mark Cave-Ayland)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#603</ulink>, shp2pgsql: "-w" produces invalid WKT for MULTI* objects. (Mark Cave-Ayland)</para>
<title>Release 1.5.1</title>
<para>Release date: 2010/03/11</para>
<para>This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 1.4.1 release. If you are running PostGIS 1.3+, a soft upgrade is sufficient
otherwise a hard upgrade is recommended.</para>
<title>Bug Fixes</title>
<para><ulink url="">#410</ulink>, update embedded bbox when applying ST_SetPoint, ST_AddPoint ST_RemovePoint to a linestring (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#411</ulink>, allow dumping tables with invalid geometries (Sandro Santilli, for Regione Toscana-SIGTA)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#414</ulink>, include geography_columns view when running upgrade scripts (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#419</ulink>, allow support for multilinestring in ST_Line_Substring (Paul Ramsey, for Lidwala Consulting Engineers)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#421</ulink>, fix computed string length in ST_AsGML() (Olivier Courtin)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#441</ulink>, fix GML generation with heterogeneous collections (Olivier Courtin)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#443</ulink>, incorrect coordinate reversal in GML 3 generation (Olivier Courtin)</para>
<para><ulink url="">#450</ulink>, <ulink url="">#451</ulink>, wrong area calculation for geography features that cross the date line (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>Ensure support for upcoming 9.0 PgSQL release (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<title>Release 1.5.0</title>
<para>Release date: 2010/02/04</para>
<para>This release provides support for geographic coordinates (lat/lon) via a new GEOGRAPHY type. Also performance enhancements, new input format support (GML,KML) and general upkeep.</para>
<title>API Stability</title>
<para>The public API of PostGIS will not change during minor (0.0.X) releases.</para>
<para>The definition of the =~ operator has changed from an exact geometric equality check to a bounding box equality check.</para>
<para>GEOS, Proj4, and LibXML2 are now mandatory dependencies</para>
<para>The library versions below are the minimum requirements for PostGIS 1.5</para>
<para>PostgreSQL 8.3 and higher on all platforms</para>
<para>GEOS 3.1 and higher only (GEOS 3.2+ to take advantage of all features)</para>
<para>LibXML2 2.5+ related to new ST_GeomFromGML/KML functionality</para>
<para>Proj4 4.5 and higher only</para>
<title>New Features</title>
<para><xref linkend="NewFunctions_1_5"/></para>
<para>Added Hausdorff distance calculations (<ulink url="">#209</ulink>) (Vincent Picavet)</para>
<para>Added parameters argument to ST_Buffer operation to support one-sided buffering and other buffering styles (Sandro Santilli)</para>
<para>Addition of other Distance related visualization and analysis functions (Nicklas Aven)</para>
<para>ST_DumpPoints (Maxime van Noppen)</para>
<para>KML, GML input via ST_GeomFromGML and ST_GeomFromKML (Olivier Courtin)</para>
<para>Extract homogeneous collection with ST_CollectionExtract (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>Add measure values to an existing linestring with ST_AddMeasure (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>History table implementation in utils (George Silva)</para>
<para>Geography type and supporting functions</para>
<listitem><para>Spherical algorithms (Dave Skea)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Object/index implementation (Paul Ramsey)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Selectivity implementation (Mark Cave-Ayland)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Serializations to KML, GML and JSON (Olivier Courtin)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>ST_Area, ST_Distance, ST_DWithin, ST_GeogFromText, ST_GeogFromWKB, ST_Intersects, ST_Covers, ST_Buffer (Paul Ramsey)</para></listitem>
<para>Performance improvements to ST_Distance (Nicklas Aven)</para>
<para>Documentation updates and improvements (Regina Obe, Kevin Neufeld)</para>
<para>Testing and quality control (Regina Obe)</para>
<para>PostGIS 1.5 support PostgreSQL 8.5 trunk (Guillaume Lelarge)</para>
<para>Win32 support and improvement of core shp2pgsql-gui (Mark Cave-Ayland)</para>
<para>In place 'make check' support (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<title>Bug fixes</title>
<para><ulink url=";milestone=PostGIS+1.5.0&amp;order=priority">;milestone=PostGIS+1.5.0&amp;order=priority</ulink></para>
<title>Release 1.4.0</title>
<para>Release date: 2009/07/24</para>
<para>This release provides performance enhancements, improved internal structures and testing, new features, and upgraded documentation.
If you are running PostGIS 1.1+, a soft upgrade is sufficient
otherwise a hard upgrade is recommended.</para>
<title>API Stability</title>
<para>As of the 1.4 release series, the public API of PostGIS will not change during minor releases.</para>
<para>The versions below are the *minimum* requirements for PostGIS 1.4</para>
<para>PostgreSQL 8.2 and higher on all platforms</para>
<para>GEOS 3.0 and higher only</para>
<para>PROJ4 4.5 and higher only</para>
<title>New Features</title>
<para>ST_Union() uses high-speed cascaded union when compiled against
GEOS 3.1+ (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>ST_ContainsProperly() requires GEOS 3.1+</para>
<para>ST_Intersects(), ST_Contains(), ST_Within() use high-speed cached prepared geometry against GEOS 3.1+ (Paul Ramsey / funded by Zonar Systems)</para>
<para>Vastly improved documentation and reference manual (Regina Obe &amp; Kevin Neufeld)</para>
<para>Figures and diagram examples in the reference manual (Kevin Neufeld)</para>
<para>ST_IsValidReason() returns readable explanations for validity failures (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>ST_GeoHash() returns a signature for geometries (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>GTK+ multi-platform GUI for shape file loading (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>ST_LineCrossingDirection() returns crossing directions (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>ST_LocateBetweenElevations() returns sub-string based on Z-ordinate. (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>Geometry parser returns explicit error message about location of syntax errors (Mark Cave-Ayland)</para>
<para>ST_AsGeoJSON() return JSON formatted geometry (Olivier Courtin)</para>
<para>Populate_Geometry_Columns() -- automatically add records to geometry_columns for TABLES and VIEWS (Kevin Neufeld)</para>
<para>ST_MinimumBoundingCircle() -- returns the smallest circle polygon that can encompass a geometry (Bruce Rindahl)</para>
<para>Core geometry system moved into independent library, liblwgeom. (Mark Cave-Ayland)</para>
<para>New build system uses PostgreSQL "pgxs" build bootstrapper. (Mark Cave-Ayland)</para>
<para>Debugging framework formalized and simplified. (Mark Cave-Ayland)</para>
<para>All build-time #defines generated at configure time and placed in headers for easier cross-platform support (Mark Cave-Ayland)</para>
<para>Logging framework formalized and simplified (Mark Cave-Ayland)</para>
<para>Expanded and more stable support for CIRCULARSTRING, COMPOUNDCURVE and CURVEPOLYGON, better parsing, wider support in functions (Mark Leslie &amp; Mark Cave-Ayland)</para>
<para>Improved support for OpenSolaris builds (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>Improved support for MSVC builds (Mateusz Loskot)</para>
<para>Updated KML support (Olivier Courtin)</para>
<para>Unit testing framework for liblwgeom (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>New testing framework to comprehensively exercise every PostGIS function (Regine Obe)</para>
<para>Performance improvements to all geometry aggregate functions (Paul Ramsey)</para>
<para>Support for the upcoming PostgreSQL 8.4 (Mark Cave-Ayland, Talha Bin Rizwan)</para>
<para>Shp2pgsql and pgsql2shp re-worked to depend on the common parsing/unparsing code in liblwgeom (Mark Cave-Ayland)</para>
<para>Use of PDF DbLatex to build PDF docs and preliminary instructions for build (Jean David Techer)</para>
<para>Automated User documentation build (PDF and HTML) and Developer Doxygen Documentation (Kevin Neufeld)</para>
<para>Automated build of document images using ImageMagick from WKT geometry text files (Kevin Neufeld)</para>
<para>More attractive CSS for HTML documentation (Dane Springmeyer)</para>
<title>Bug fixes</title>
<para><ulink url=";milestone=PostGIS+1.4.0&amp;order=priority">;milestone=PostGIS+1.4.0&amp;order=priority</ulink></para>
<title>Release 1.3.6</title>
<para>Release date: 2009/05/04</para>
<para>If you are running PostGIS 1.1+, a soft upgrade is sufficient
otherwise a hard upgrade is recommended. This release adds support for PostgreSQL 8.4, exporting
prj files from the database with shape data, some crash fixes for shp2pgsql, and several small
bug fixes in the handling of "curve" types, logical error importing dbf only files, improved error handling of AddGeometryColumns.</para>
<title>Release 1.3.5</title>
<para>Release date: 2008/12/15</para>
<para>If you are running PostGIS 1.1+, a soft upgrade is sufficient
otherwise a hard upgrade is recommended. This release is a bug fix release to address a failure
in ST_Force_Collection and related functions that critically
affects using MapServer with LINE layers.</para>
<title>Release 1.3.4</title>
<para>Release date: 2008/11/24</para>
<para>This release adds support for GeoJSON output, building
with PostgreSQL 8.4, improves documentation quality and
output aesthetics, adds function-level SQL documentation,
and improves performance for some spatial predicates
(point-in-polygon tests).</para>
<para>Bug fixes include removal of crashers in handling
circular strings for many functions, some memory leaks
removed, a linear referencing failure for measures on vertices,
and more. See the NEWS file for details.</para>
<title>Release 1.3.3</title>
<para>Release date: 2008/04/12</para>
<para>This release fixes bugs shp2pgsql, adds enhancements to SVG and
KML support, adds a ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology function, makes the
build more sensitive to GEOS versions, and fixes a handful of severe but
rare failure cases.</para>
<title>Release 1.3.2</title>
<para>Release date: 2007/12/01</para>
<para>This release fixes bugs in ST_EndPoint() and ST_Envelope, improves
support for JDBC building and OS/X, and adds better support for GML
output with ST_AsGML(), including GML3 output.</para>
<title>Release 1.3.1</title>
<para>Release date: 2007/08/13</para>
<para>This release fixes some oversights in the previous release around
version numbering, documentation, and tagging.</para>
<title>Release 1.3.0</title>
<para>Release date: 2007/08/09</para>
<para>This release provides performance enhancements to the relational
functions, adds new relational functions and begins the migration of our
function names to the SQL-MM convention, using the spatial type (SP)
<title>Added Functionality</title>
<para>JDBC: Added Hibernate Dialect (thanks to Norman Barker)</para>
<para>Added ST_Covers and ST_CoveredBy relational functions.
Description and justification of these functions can be found at
<ulink url=""></ulink></para>
<para>Added ST_DWithin relational function.</para>
<title>Performance Enhancements</title>
<para>Added cached and indexed point-in-polygon short-circuits for the
functions ST_Contains, ST_Intersects, ST_Within and ST_Disjoint</para>
<para>Added inline index support for relational functions (except
<title>Other Changes</title>
<para>Extended curved geometry support into the geometry accessor and
some processing functions</para>
<para>Began migration of functions to the SQL-MM naming convention;
using a spatial type (ST) prefix.</para>
<para>Added initial support for PostgreSQL 8.3</para>
<title>Release 1.2.1</title>
<para>Release date: 2007/01/11</para>
<para>This release provides bug fixes in PostgreSQL 8.2 support and some
small performance enhancements.</para>
<para>Fixed point-in-polygon shortcut bug in Within().</para>
<para>Fixed PostgreSQL 8.2 NULL handling for indexes.</para>
<para>Updated RPM spec files.</para>
<para>Added short-circuit for Transform() in no-op case.</para>
<para>JDBC: Fixed JTS handling for multi-dimensional geometries
(thanks to Thomas Marti for hint and partial patch). Additionally, now
JavaDoc is compiled and packaged. Fixed classpath problems with GCJ.
Fixed pgjdbc 8.2 compatibility, losing support for jdk 1.3 and
<title>Release 1.2.0</title>
<para>Release date: 2006/12/08</para>
<para>This release provides type definitions along with
serialization/deserialization capabilities for SQL-MM defined curved
geometries, as well as performance enhancements.</para>
<para>Added curved geometry type support for
<para>Added point-in-polygon shortcircuit to the Contains and Within
functions to improve performance for these cases.</para>
<title>Release 1.1.6</title>
<para>Release date: 2006/11/02</para>
<para>This is a bugfix release, in particular fixing a critical error
with GEOS interface in 64bit systems. Includes an updated of the SRS
parameters and an improvement in reprojections (take Z in
consideration). Upgrade is <emphasis>encouraged</emphasis>.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 or later follow the
<link linkend="soft_upgrade">soft upgrade</link> procedure.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from a release <emphasis>between 1.0.0RC6
and 1.0.2</emphasis> (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read
the <link linkend="rel_1.0.3_upgrading">upgrade section</link> of the
1.0.3 release notes chapter.</para>
<para>Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an <link
linkend="hard_upgrade">hard upgrade</link>.</para>
<title>Bug fixes</title>
<para>fixed CAPI change that broke 64-bit platforms</para>
<para>loader/dumper: fixed regression tests and usage output</para>
<para>Fixed setSRID() bug in JDBC, thanks to Thomas Marti</para>
<title>Other changes</title>
<para>use Z ordinate in reprojections</para>
<para>spatial_ref_sys.sql updated to EPSG 6.11.1</para>
<para>Simplified Version.config infrastructure to use a single pack of
version variables for everything.</para>
<para>Include the Version.config in loader/dumper USAGE
<para>Replace hand-made, fragile JDBC version parser with
<title>Release 1.1.5</title>
<para>Release date: 2006/10/13</para>
<para>This is an bugfix release, including a critical segfault on win32.
Upgrade is <emphasis>encouraged</emphasis>.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 or later follow the
<link linkend="soft_upgrade">soft upgrade</link> procedure.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from a release <emphasis>between 1.0.0RC6
and 1.0.2</emphasis> (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read
the <link linkend="rel_1.0.3_upgrading">upgrade section</link> of the
1.0.3 release notes chapter.</para>
<para>Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an <link
linkend="hard_upgrade">hard upgrade</link>.</para>
<title>Bug fixes</title>
<para>Fixed MingW link error that was causing pgsql2shp to segfault on
Win32 when compiled for PostgreSQL 8.2</para>
<para>fixed nullpointer Exception in Geometry.equals() method in
<para>Added EJB3Spatial.odt to fulfill the GPL requirement of
distributing the "preferred form of modification"</para>
<para>Removed obsolete synchronization from JDBC Jts code.</para>
<para>Updated heavily outdated README files for shp2pgsql/pgsql2shp by
merging them with the manpages.</para>
<para>Fixed version tag in jdbc code that still said "1.1.3" in the
"1.1.4" release.</para>
<title>New Features</title>
<para>Added -S option for non-multi geometries to shp2pgsql</para>
<title>Release 1.1.4</title>
<para>Release date: 2006/09/27</para>
<para>This is an bugfix release including some improvements in the Java
interface. Upgrade is <emphasis>encouraged</emphasis>.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 or later follow the
<link linkend="soft_upgrade">soft upgrade</link> procedure.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from a release <emphasis>between 1.0.0RC6
and 1.0.2</emphasis> (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read
the <link linkend="rel_1.0.3_upgrading">upgrade section</link> of the
1.0.3 release notes chapter.</para>
<para>Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an <link
linkend="hard_upgrade">hard upgrade</link>.</para>
<title>Bug fixes</title>
<para>Fixed support for PostgreSQL 8.2</para>
<para>Fixed bug in collect() function discarding SRID of input</para>
<para>Added SRID match check in MakeBox2d and MakeBox3d</para>
<para>Fixed regress tests to pass with GEOS-3.0.0</para>
<para>Improved pgsql2shp run concurrency.</para>
<title>Java changes</title>
<para>reworked JTS support to reflect new upstream JTS developers'
attitude to SRID handling. Simplifies code and drops build depend on
GNU trove.</para>
<para>Added EJB2 support generously donated by the "Geodetix s.r.l. Company" </para>
<para>Added EJB3 tutorial / examples donated by Norman Barker
<para>Reorganized java directory layout a little.</para>
<title>Release 1.1.3</title>
<para>Release date: 2006/06/30</para>
<para>This is an bugfix release including also some new functionalities
(most notably long transaction support) and portability enhancements.
Upgrade is <emphasis>encouraged</emphasis>.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 or later follow the
<link linkend="soft_upgrade">soft upgrade</link> procedure.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from a release <emphasis>between 1.0.0RC6
and 1.0.2</emphasis> (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read
the <link linkend="rel_1.0.3_upgrading">upgrade section</link> of the
1.0.3 release notes chapter.</para>
<para>Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an <link
linkend="hard_upgrade">hard upgrade</link>.</para>
<title>Bug fixes / correctness</title>
<para>BUGFIX in distance(poly,poly) giving wrong results.</para>
<para>BUGFIX in pgsql2shp successful return code.</para>
<para>BUGFIX in shp2pgsql handling of MultiLine WKT.</para>
<para>BUGFIX in affine() failing to update bounding box.</para>
<para>WKT parser: forbidden construction of multigeometries with EMPTY
elements (still supported for GEOMETRYCOLLECTION).</para>
<title>New functionalities</title>
<para>NEW Long Transactions support.</para>
<para>NEW DumpRings() function.</para>
<para>NEW AsHEXEWKB(geom, XDR|NDR) function.</para>
<title>JDBC changes</title>
<para>Improved regression tests: MultiPoint and scientific
<para>Fixed some minor bugs in jdbc code</para>
<para>Added proper accessor functions for all fields in preparation of
making those fields private later</para>
<title>Other changes</title>
<para>NEW regress test support for loader/dumper.</para>
<para>Added --with-proj-libdir and --with-geos-libdir configure
<para>Support for build Tru64 build.</para>
<para>Use Jade for generating documentation.</para>
<para>Don't link pgsql2shp to more libs then required.</para>
<para>Initial support for PostgreSQL 8.2.</para>
<title>Release 1.1.2</title>
<para>Release date: 2006/03/30</para>
<para>This is an bugfix release including some new functions and
portability enhancements. Upgrade is
<para>If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 or later follow the
<link linkend="soft_upgrade">soft upgrade</link> procedure.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from a release <emphasis>between 1.0.0RC6
and 1.0.2</emphasis> (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read
the <link linkend="rel_1.0.3_upgrading">upgrade section</link> of the
1.0.3 release notes chapter.</para>
<para>Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an <link
linkend="hard_upgrade">hard upgrade</link>.</para>
<title>Bug fixes</title>
<para>BUGFIX in SnapToGrid() computation of output bounding box</para>
<para>BUGFIX in EnforceRHR()</para>
<para>jdbc2 SRID handling fixes in JTS code</para>
<para>Fixed support for 64bit archs</para>
<title>New functionalities</title>
<para>Regress tests can now be run *before* postgis
<para>New affine() matrix transformation functions</para>
<para>New rotate{,X,Y,Z}() function</para>
<para>Old translating and scaling functions now use affine()
<para>Embedded access control in estimated_extent() for builds against
pgsql &gt;= 8.0.0</para>
<title>Other changes</title>
<para>More portable ./configure script</para>
<para>Changed ./run_test script to have more sane default
<title>Release 1.1.1</title>
<para>Release date: 2006/01/23</para>
<para>This is an important Bugfix release, upgrade is <emphasis>highly
recommended</emphasis>. Previous version contained a bug in preventing <link linkend="hard_upgrade">hard
upgrade</link> procedure to complete and a bug in GEOS-2.2+ connector
preventing GeometryCollection objects to be used in topological
<para>If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 or later follow the
<link linkend="soft_upgrade">soft upgrade</link> procedure.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from a release <emphasis>between 1.0.0RC6
and 1.0.2</emphasis> (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read
the <link linkend="rel_1.0.3_upgrading">upgrade section</link> of the
1.0.3 release notes chapter.</para>
<para>Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an <link
linkend="hard_upgrade">hard upgrade</link>.</para>
<title>Bug fixes</title>
<para>Fixed a premature exit in</para>
<para>BUGFIX in geometrycollection handling of GEOS-CAPI
<para>Solaris 2.7 and MingW support improvements</para>
<para>BUGFIX in line_locate_point()</para>
<para>Fixed handling of postgresql paths</para>
<para>BUGFIX in line_substring()</para>
<para>Added support for localized cluster in regress tester</para>
<title>New functionalities</title>
<para>New Z and M interpolation in line_substring()</para>
<para>New Z and M interpolation in line_interpolate_point()</para>
<para>added NumInteriorRing() alias due to OpenGIS ambiguity</para>
<title>Release 1.1.0</title>
<para>Release date: 2005/12/21</para>
<para>This is a Minor release, containing many improvements and new
things. Most notably: build procedure greatly simplified; transform()
performance drastically improved; more stable GEOS connectivity (CAPI
support); lots of new functions; draft topology support.</para>
<para>It is <emphasis>highly recommended</emphasis> that you upgrade to
GEOS-2.2.x before installing PostGIS, this will ensure future GEOS
upgrades won't require a rebuild of the PostGIS library.</para>
<para>This release includes code from Mark Cave Ayland for caching of
proj4 objects. Markus Schaber added many improvements in his JDBC2
code. Alex Bodnaru helped with PostgreSQL source dependency relief and
provided Debian specfiles. Michael Fuhr tested new things on Solaris
arch. David Techer and Gerald Fenoy helped testing GEOS C-API
connector. Hartmut Tschauner provided code for the azimuth() function.
Devrim GUNDUZ provided RPM specfiles. Carl Anderson helped with the
new area building functions. See the <link
linkend="credits_other_contributors">credits</link> section for more names.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 or later you
<emphasis>DO NOT</emphasis> need a dump/reload. Simply sourcing the
new lwpostgis_upgrade.sql script in all your existing databases will
work. See the <link linkend="soft_upgrade">soft upgrade</link> chapter
for more information.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from a release <emphasis>between 1.0.0RC6
and 1.0.2</emphasis> (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read
the <link linkend="rel_1.0.3_upgrading">upgrade section</link> of the
1.0.3 release notes chapter.</para>
<para>Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an <link
linkend="hard_upgrade">hard upgrade</link>.</para>
<title>New functions</title>
<para>scale() and transscale() companion methods to translate()</para>
<para>locate_along_measure(geometry, float8)</para>
<para>locate_between_measures(geometry, float8, float8)</para>
<para>SnapToGrid by point offset (up to 4d support)</para>
<para>OGC BdPolyFromText(linestring_wkt, srid)</para>
<para>OGC BdMPolyFromText(linestring_wkt, srid)</para>
<para>RemovePoint(linestring, offset)</para>
<para>ReplacePoint(linestring, offset, point)</para>
<title>Bug fixes</title>
<para>Fixed memory leak in polygonize()</para>
<para>Fixed bug in lwgeom_as_anytype cast functions</para>
<para>Fixed USE_GEOS, USE_PROJ and USE_STATS elements of
postgis_version() output to always reflect library state.</para>
<title>Function semantic changes</title>
<para>SnapToGrid doesn't discard higher dimensions</para>
<para>Changed Z() function to return NULL if requested dimension is
not available</para>
<title>Performance improvements</title>
<para>Much faster transform() function, caching proj4 objects</para>
<para>Removed automatic call to fix_geometry_columns() in
AddGeometryColumns() and update_geometry_stats()</para>
<title>JDBC2 works</title>
<para>Makefile improvements</para>
<para>JTS support improvements</para>
<para>Improved regression test system</para>
<para>Basic consistency check method for geometry collections</para>
<para>Support for (Hex)(E)wkb</para>
<para>Autoprobing DriverWrapper for HexWKB / EWKT switching</para>
<para>fix compile problems in ValueSetter for ancient jdk
<para>fix EWKT constructors to accept SRID=4711; representation</para>
<para>added preliminary read-only support for java2d geometries</para>
<title>Other new things</title>
<para>Full autoconf-based configuration, with PostgreSQL source
dependency relief</para>
<para>GEOS C-API support (2.2.0 and higher)</para>
<para>Initial support for topology modelling</para>
<para>Debian and RPM specfiles</para>
<para>New lwpostgis_upgrade.sql script</para>
<title>Other changes</title>
<para>JTS support improvements</para>
<para>Stricter mapping between DBF and SQL integer and string
<para>Wider and cleaner regression test suite</para>
<para>old jdbc code removed from release</para>
<para>obsoleted direct use of</para>
<para>scripts version unified with release version</para>
<title>Release 1.0.6</title>
<para>Release date: 2005/12/06</para>
<para>Contains a few bug fixes and improvements.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 or later you
<emphasis>DO NOT</emphasis> need a dump/reload.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from a release <emphasis>between 1.0.0RC6
and 1.0.2</emphasis> (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read
the <link linkend="rel_1.0.3_upgrading">upgrade section</link> of the
1.0.3 release notes chapter.</para>
<para>Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an <link
linkend="hard_upgrade">hard upgrade</link>.</para>
<title>Bug fixes</title>
<para>Fixed palloc(0) call in collection deserializer (only gives
problem with --enable-cassert)</para>
<para>Fixed bbox cache handling bugs</para>
<para>Fixed geom_accum(NULL, NULL) segfault</para>
<para>Fixed segfault in addPoint()</para>
<para>Fixed short-allocation in lwcollection_clone()</para>
<para>Fixed bug in segmentize()</para>
<para>Fixed bbox computation of SnapToGrid output</para>
<para>Initial support for postgresql 8.2</para>
<para>Added missing SRID mismatch checks in GEOS ops</para>
<title>Release 1.0.5</title>
<para>Release date: 2005/11/25</para>
<para>Contains memory-alignment fixes in the library, a segfault fix in
loader's handling of UTF8 attributes and a few improvements and
<para>Return code of shp2pgsql changed from previous releases to
conform to unix standards (return 0 on success).</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 or later you
<emphasis>DO NOT</emphasis> need a dump/reload.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from a release <emphasis>between 1.0.0RC6
and 1.0.2</emphasis> (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read
the <link linkend="rel_1.0.3_upgrading">upgrade section</link> of the
1.0.3 release notes chapter.</para>
<para>Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an <link
linkend="hard_upgrade">hard upgrade</link>.</para>
<title>Library changes</title>
<para>Fixed memory alignment problems</para>
<para>Fixed computation of null values fraction in analyzer</para>
<para>Fixed a small bug in the getPoint4d_p() low-level
<para>Speedup of serializer functions</para>
<para>Fixed a bug in force_3dm(), force_3dz() and force_4d()</para>
<title>Loader changes</title>
<para>Fixed return code of shp2pgsql</para>
<para>Fixed back-compatibility issue in loader (load of null
<para>Fixed handling of trailing dots in dbf numerical
<para>Segfault fix in shp2pgsql (utf8 encoding)</para>
<title>Other changes</title>
<para>Schema aware, support for pgsql
<para>New "Reporting Bugs" chapter in manual</para>
<title>Release 1.0.4</title>
<para>Release date: 2005/09/09</para>
<para>Contains important bug fixes and a few improvements. In
particular, it fixes a memory leak preventing successful build of GiST
indexes for large spatial tables.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from release 1.0.3 you <emphasis>DO
NOT</emphasis> need a dump/reload.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from a release <emphasis>between 1.0.0RC6
and 1.0.2</emphasis> (inclusive) and really want a live upgrade read
the <link linkend="rel_1.0.3_upgrading">upgrade section</link> of the
1.0.3 release notes chapter.</para>
<para>Upgrade from any release prior to 1.0.0RC6 requires an <link
linkend="hard_upgrade">hard upgrade</link>.</para>
<title>Bug fixes</title>
<para>Memory leak plugged in GiST indexing</para>
<para>Segfault fix in transform() handling of proj4 errors</para>
<para>Fixed some proj4 texts in spatial_ref_sys (missing +proj)</para>
<para>Loader: fixed string functions usage, reworked NULL objects
check, fixed segfault on MULTILINESTRING input.</para>
<para>Fixed bug in MakeLine dimension handling</para>
<para>Fixed bug in translate() corrupting output bounding box</para>
<para>Documentation improvements</para>
<para>More robust selectivity estimator</para>
<para>Minor speedup in distance()</para>
<para>Minor cleanups</para>
<para>GiST indexing cleanup</para>
<para>Looser syntax acceptance in box3d parser</para>
<sect1 id="rel_1.0.3_upgrading">
<title>Release 1.0.3</title>
<para>Release date: 2005/08/08</para>
<para>Contains some bug fixes - <emphasis>including a severe one
affecting correctness of stored geometries</emphasis> - and a few
<para>Due to a bug in a bounding box computation routine, the upgrade
procedure requires special attention, as bounding boxes cached in the
database could be incorrect.</para>
<para>An <link linkend="hard_upgrade">hard upgrade</link> procedure
(dump/reload) will force recomputation of all bounding boxes (not
included in dumps). This is <emphasis>required</emphasis> if upgrading
from releases prior to 1.0.0RC6.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from versions 1.0.0RC6 or up, this release
includes a perl script (utils/ to force
recomputation of geometries' bounding boxes and invoke all operations
required to propagate eventual changes in them (geometry statistics
update, reindexing). Invoke the script after a make install (run with
no args for syntax help). Optionally run utils/
to refresh postgis procedures and functions signatures (see <link
linkend="soft_upgrade">Soft upgrade</link>).</para>
<title>Bug fixes</title>
<para>Severe bugfix in lwgeom's 2d bounding box computation</para>
<para>Bugfix in WKT (-w) POINT handling in loader</para>
<para>Bugfix in dumper on 64bit machines</para>
<para>Bugfix in dumper handling of user-defined queries</para>
<para>Bugfix in script</para>
<para>Small performance improvement in canonical input function</para>
<para>Minor cleanups in loader</para>
<para>Support for multibyte field names in loader</para>
<para>Improvement in the script</para>
<para>New util script</para>
<title>Release 1.0.2</title>
<para>Release date: 2005/07/04</para>
<para>Contains a few bug fixes and improvements.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from release 1.0.0RC6 or up you
<emphasis>DO NOT</emphasis> need a dump/reload.</para>
<para>Upgrading from older releases requires a dump/reload. See the
<link linkend="upgrading">upgrading</link> chapter for more
<title>Bug fixes</title>
<para>Fault tolerant btree ops</para>
<para>Memory leak plugged in pg_error</para>
<para>Rtree index fix</para>
<para>Cleaner build scripts (avoided mix of CFLAGS and
<para>New index creation capabilities in loader (-I switch)</para>
<para>Initial support for postgresql 8.1dev</para>
<title>Release 1.0.1</title>
<para>Release date: 2005/05/24</para>
<para>Contains a few bug fixes and some improvements.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from release 1.0.0RC6 or up you
<emphasis>DO NOT</emphasis> need a dump/reload.</para>
<para>Upgrading from older releases requires a dump/reload. See the
<link linkend="upgrading">upgrading</link> chapter for more
<title>Library changes</title>
<para>BUGFIX in 3d computation of length_spheroid()</para>
<para>BUGFIX in join selectivity estimator</para>
<title>Other changes/additions</title>
<para>BUGFIX in shp2pgsql escape functions</para>
<para>better support for concurrent postgis in multiple schemas</para>
<para>documentation fixes</para>
<para>jdbc2: compile with "-target 1.2 -source 1.2" by default</para>
<para>NEW -k switch for pgsql2shp</para>
<para>NEW support for custom createdb options in</para>
<para>BUGFIX in pgsql2shp attribute names unicity enforcement</para>
<para>BUGFIX in Paris projections definitions</para>
<para> cleanups</para>
<title>Release 1.0.0</title>
<para>Release date: 2005/04/19</para>
<para>Final 1.0.0 release. Contains a few bug fixes, some improvements
in the loader (most notably support for older postgis versions), and
more docs.</para>
<para>If you are upgrading from release 1.0.0RC6 you <emphasis>DO
NOT</emphasis> need a dump/reload.</para>
<para>Upgrading from any other precedent release requires a
dump/reload. See the <link linkend="upgrading">upgrading</link>
chapter for more informations.</para>
<title>Library changes</title>
<para>BUGFIX in transform() releasing random memory address</para>
<para>BUGFIX in force_3dm() allocating less memory then
<para>BUGFIX in join selectivity estimator (defaults, leaks,
tuplecount, sd)</para>
<title>Other changes/additions</title>
<para>BUGFIX in shp2pgsql escape of values starting with tab or
<para>NEW manual pages for loader/dumper</para>
<para>NEW shp2pgsql support for old (HWGEOM) postgis versions</para>
<para>NEW -p (prepare) flag for shp2pgsql</para>
<para>NEW manual chapter about OGC compliancy enforcement</para>
<para>NEW autoconf support for JTS lib</para>
<para>BUGFIX in estimator testers (support for LWGEOM and schema
<title>Release 1.0.0RC6</title>
<para>Release date: 2005/03/30</para>
<para>Sixth release candidate for 1.0.0. Contains a few bug fixes and
<para>You need a dump/reload to upgrade from precedent releases. See
the <link linkend="upgrading">upgrading</link> chapter for more
<title>Library changes</title>
<para>BUGFIX in multi()</para>
<para>early return [when noop] from multi()</para>
<title>Scripts changes</title>
<para>dropped {x,y}{min,max}(box2d) functions</para>
<title>Other changes</title>
<para>BUGFIX in scrip</para>
<para>BUGFIX in dumper's 64bit support</para>
<title>Release 1.0.0RC5</title>
<para>Release date: 2005/03/25</para>
<para>Fifth release candidate for 1.0.0. Contains a few bug fixes and a
<para>If you are upgrading from release 1.0.0RC4 you <emphasis>DO
NOT</emphasis> need a dump/reload.</para>
<para>Upgrading from any other precedent release requires a
dump/reload. See the <link linkend="upgrading">upgrading</link>
chapter for more informations.</para>
<title>Library changes</title>
<para>BUGFIX (segfaulting) in box3d computation (yes,
<para>BUGFIX (segfaulting) in estimated_extent().</para>
<title>Other changes</title>
<para>Small build scripts and utilities refinements.</para>
<para>Additional performance tips documented.</para>
<title>Release 1.0.0RC4</title>
<para>Release date: 2005/03/18</para>
<para>Fourth release candidate for 1.0.0. Contains bug fixes and a few
<para>You need a dump/reload to upgrade from precedent releases. See
the <link linkend="upgrading">upgrading</link> chapter for more
<title>Library changes</title>
<para>BUGFIX (segfaulting) in geom_accum().</para>
<para>BUGFIX in 64bit architectures support.</para>
<para>BUGFIX in box3d computation function with collections.</para>
<para>NEW subselects support in selectivity estimator.</para>
<para>Early return from force_collection.</para>
<para>Consistency check fix in SnapToGrid().</para>
<para>Box2d output changed back to 15 significant digits.</para>
<title>Scripts changes</title>
<para>NEW distance_sphere() function.</para>
<para>Changed get_proj4_from_srid implementation to use PL/PGSQL
instead of SQL.</para>
<title>Other changes</title>
<para>BUGFIX in loader and dumper handling of MultiLine shapes</para>
<para>BUGFIX in loader, skipping all but first hole of
<para>jdbc2: code cleanups, Makefile improvements</para>
<para>FLEX and YACC variables set *after* pgsql is
included and only if the pgsql *stripped* version evaluates to the
empty string</para>
<para>Added already generated parser in release</para>
<para>Build scripts refinements</para>
<para>improved version handling, central Version.config</para>
<para>improvements in</para>
<title>Release 1.0.0RC3</title>
<para>Release date: 2005/02/24</para>
<para>Third release candidate for 1.0.0. Contains many bug fixes and
<para>You need a dump/reload to upgrade from precedent releases. See
the <link linkend="upgrading">upgrading</link> chapter for more
<title>Library changes</title>
<para>BUGFIX in transform(): missing SRID, better error
<para>BUGFIX in memory alignment handling</para>
<para>BUGFIX in force_collection() causing mapserver connector
failures on simple (single) geometry types.</para>
<para>BUGFIX in GeometryFromText() missing to add a bbox cache.</para>
<para>reduced precision of box2d output.</para>
<para>prefixed DEBUG macros with PGIS_ to avoid clash with pgsql
<para>plugged a leak in GEOS2POSTGIS converter</para>
<para>Reduced memory usage by early releasing query-context palloced
<title>Scripts changes</title>
<para>BUGFIX in 72 index bindings.</para>
<para>BUGFIX in probe_geometry_columns() to work with PG72 and support
multiple geometry columns in a single table</para>
<para>NEW bool::text cast</para>
<para>Some functions made IMMUTABLE from STABLE, for performance
<title>JDBC changes</title>
<para>jdbc2: small patches, box2d/3d tests, revised docs and
<para>jdbc2: bug fix and testcase in for pgjdbc 8.0 type
<para>jdbc2: Removed use of jdk1.4 only features to enable build with
older jdk releases.</para>
<para>jdbc2: Added support for building against pg72jdbc2.jar</para>
<para>jdbc2: updated and cleaned makefile</para>
<para>jdbc2: added BETA support for jts geometry classes</para>
<para>jdbc2: Skip known-to-fail tests against older PostGIS
<para>jdbc2: Fixed handling of measured geometries in EWKT.</para>
<title>Other changes</title>
<para>new performance tips chapter in manual</para>
<para>documentation updates: pgsql72 requirement, lwpostgis.sql</para>
<para>few changes in autoconf</para>
<para>BUILDDATE extraction made more portable</para>
<para>fixed spatial_ref_sys.sql to avoid vacuuming the whole
<para>spatial_ref_sys: changed Paris entries to match the ones
distributed with 0.x.</para>
<title>Release 1.0.0RC2</title>
<para>Release date: 2005/01/26</para>
<para>Second release candidate for 1.0.0 containing bug fixes and a few
<para>You need a dump/reload to upgrade from precedent releases. See
the <link linkend="upgrading">upgrading</link> chapter for more
<title>Library changes</title>
<para>BUGFIX in pointarray box3d computation</para>
<para>BUGFIX in distance_spheroid definition</para>
<para>BUGFIX in transform() missing to update bbox cache</para>
<para>NEW jdbc driver (jdbc2)</para>
<para>GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(EMPTY) syntax support for backward
<para>Faster binary outputs</para>
<para>Stricter OGC WKB/WKT constructors</para>
<title>Scripts changes</title>
<para>More correct STABLE, IMMUTABLE, STRICT uses in
<para>stricter OGC WKB/WKT constructors</para>
<title>Other changes</title>
<para>Faster and more robust loader (both i18n and not)</para>
<para>Initial autoconf script</para>
<title>Release 1.0.0RC1</title>
<para>Release date: 2005/01/13</para>
<para>This is the first candidate of a major postgis release, with
internal storage of postgis types redesigned to be smaller and faster on
indexed queries.</para>
<para>You need a dump/reload to upgrade from precedent releases. See
the <link linkend="upgrading">upgrading</link> chapter for more
<para>Faster canonical input parsing.</para>
<para>Lossless canonical output.</para>
<para>EWKB Canonical binary IO with PG&gt;73.</para>
<para>Support for up to 4d coordinates, providing lossless
shapefile-&gt;postgis-&gt;shapefile conversion.</para>
<para>New function: UpdateGeometrySRID(), AsGML(), SnapToGrid(),
ForceRHR(), estimated_extent(), accum().</para>
<para>Vertical positioning indexed operators.</para>
<para>JOIN selectivity function.</para>
<para>More geometry constructors / editors.</para>
<para>PostGIS extension API.</para>
<para>UTF8 support in loader.</para>