2006-05-31 06:43:12 +00:00

32 lines
859 B

# create a database using the given template
# other parameters are passed to createdb,
# but the specified owner will not have
# extra privileges on objects in the template. see createdb.postgis(1)
source @bindir@/
for ARGVN in $1 $2 ; do
if [ `expr substr $ARGVN 1 11` = "--template=" ]; then
TDB=`echo $ARGVN | sed -e s/^--template=//`
elif [ `expr substr $ARGVN 1 6` = "--help" ]; then
echo "Usage of `basename $0`"
echo "Supply arguments as follows"
echo "--template=templatename of the template to use"
echo "Other arguments will be passed verbatim to createdb,"
echo "and it may return additional messages."
echo "You must usually have createdb privileges"
echo "in order to use `basename $0`"
exit 1
cd /tmp
exec createdb -T $TDB "$@"
cd $PWD1