Paul Ramsey e8384ab814 Fix undefined behaviour in zigzag with negative inputs
(References #3882)

git-svn-id: b70326c6-7e19-0410-871a-916f4a2858ee
2017-10-10 16:59:34 +00:00

258 lines
7.2 KiB

* PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
* Copyright (C) 2013 Nicklas Avén
* This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "CUnit/Basic.h"
#include "CUnit/CUnit.h"
#include "liblwgeom_internal.h"
#include "varint.h"
#include "cu_tester.h"
// size_t varint_u32_encode_buf(uint32_t val, uint8_t *buf);
// size_t varint_s32_encode_buf(int32_t val, uint8_t *buf);
// size_t varint_u64_encode_buf(uint64_t val, uint8_t *buf);
// size_t varint_s64_encode_buf(int64_t val, uint8_t *buf);
// int64_t varint_s64_decode(const uint8_t *the_start, const uint8_t *the_end, size_t *size);
// uint64_t varint_u64_decode(const uint8_t *the_start, const uint8_t *the_end, size_t *size);
// size_t varint_size(const uint8_t *the_start, const uint8_t *the_end);
static void do_test_u32_varint(uint32_t nr, int expected_size, char* expected_res)
int size;
char *hex;
uint8_t buf[16];
size = varint_u32_encode_buf(nr, buf);
if ( size != expected_size )
printf("Expected: %d\nObtained: %d\n", expected_size, size);
CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, expected_size);
hex = hexbytes_from_bytes(buf, size);
ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(hex, expected_res);
static void do_test_s32_varint(int32_t nr,int expected_size, char* expected_res)
uint8_t buf[16];
int size;
char *hex;
size = varint_s32_encode_buf(nr, buf);
if ( size != expected_size )
printf("Expected: %d\nObtained: %d\n", expected_size, size);
hex = hexbytes_from_bytes(buf, size);
ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(hex, expected_res);
static void do_test_u64_varint(uint64_t nr,int expected_size, char* expected_res)
uint8_t buf[16];
int size;
char *hex;
size = varint_u64_encode_buf(nr, buf);
if ( size != expected_size )
printf("Expected: %d\nObtained: %d\n", expected_size, size);
hex = hexbytes_from_bytes(buf,size);
ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(hex, expected_res);
static void do_test_s64_varint(int64_t nr,int expected_size, char* expected_res)
uint8_t buf[16];
int size;
char *hex;
size = varint_s64_encode_buf(nr, buf);
if ( size != expected_size )
printf("Expected: %d\nObtained: %d\n", expected_size, size);
hex = hexbytes_from_bytes(buf,size);
ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(hex, expected_res);
static void test_varint(void)
do_test_u64_varint(1, 1, "01");
do_test_u64_varint(300, 2, "AC02");
do_test_u64_varint(150, 2, "9601");
do_test_u64_varint(240, 2, "F001");
do_test_u64_varint(0x4000, 3, "808001");
0100:0000 0000:0000 - input (0x4000)
1000:0000 1000:0000 0000:0001 - output (0x808001)
000:0000 000:0000 000:0001 - chop
000:0001 000:0000 000:0000 - swap
0:0000 0100:0000 0000:0000 - concat = input
do_test_u64_varint(2147483647, 5, "FFFFFFFF07");
0111:1111 1111:1111 1111:1111 1111:1111 - input (0x7FFFFFFF)
1111:1111 1111:1111 1111:1111 1111:1111 0000:0111 - output(0xFFFFFFFF07)
111:1111 111:1111 111:1111 111:1111 000:0111 - chop
000:0111 111:1111 111:1111 111:1111 111:1111 - swap
0111:1111 1111:1111 1111:1111 1111:1111 - concat = input
| | | |
2^32 2^16 2^8 2^0
do_test_s64_varint(1, 1, "02");
do_test_s64_varint(-1, 1, "01");
do_test_s64_varint(-2, 1, "03");
do_test_u32_varint(2147483647, 5, "FFFFFFFF07");
0111:1111 1111:1111 1111:1111 1111:1111 - input (7fffffff)
1111:1111 1111:1111 1111:1111 1111:1111 0000:0111 - output (ffffff07)
111:1111 111:1111 111:1111 111:1111 000:0111 - chop
000:0111 111:1111 111:1111 111:1111 111:1111 - swap
0111:1111 1111:1111 1111:1111 1111:1111 - concat = input
| | | |
2^32 2^16 2^8 2^0
do_test_s32_varint(2147483647, 5, "FEFFFFFF0F");
0111:1111 1111:1111 1111:1111 1111:1111 - input (7fffffff)
1111:1110 1111:1111 1111:1111 1111:1111 0000:1111 - output(feffffff0f)
1111:1111 1111:1111 1111:1111 1111:1111 0000:0111 - zigzag (ffffff07)
111:1111 111:1111 111:1111 111:1111 000:0111 - chop
000:0111 111:1111 111:1111 111:1111 111:1111 - swap
0111:1111 1111:1111 1111:1111 1111:1111 - concat = input
| | | |
2^32 2^16 2^8 2^0
do_test_s32_varint(-2147483648, 5, "FFFFFFFF0F");
do_test_s32_varint(1, 1, "02");
0000:0001 - input (01)
0000:0010 - A: input << 1
0000:0000 - B: input >> 31
0000:0010 - zigzag (A xor B) == output
do_test_s32_varint(-1, 1, "01");
1111:1111 ... 1111:1111 - input (FFFFFFFF)
1111:1111 ... 1111:1110 - A: input << 1
1111:1111 ... 1111:1111 - B: input >> 31
0000:0000 ... 0000:0001 - zigzag (A xor B) == output
static void do_test_u64_roundtrip(uint64_t i64_in)
uint8_t buffer[16];
uint64_t i64_out;
size_t size_in, size_out;
size_in = varint_u64_encode_buf(i64_in, buffer);
i64_out = varint_u64_decode(buffer, buffer + size_in, &size_out);
CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(i64_in, i64_out);
CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(size_in, size_out);
static void do_test_s64_roundtrip(int64_t i64_in)
uint8_t buffer[16];
int64_t i64_out;
size_t size_in, size_out;
size_in = varint_s64_encode_buf(i64_in, buffer);
i64_out = varint_s64_decode(buffer, buffer + size_in, &size_out);
CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(i64_in, i64_out);
CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(size_in, size_out);
static void test_varint_roundtrip(void)
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < 1024; i += 63 )
static void test_zigzag(void)
int64_t a;
int32_t b;
int i;
for ( i = 1; i < 1024; i += 31 )
a = b = i;
CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(a, unzigzag64(zigzag64(a)));
CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(b, unzigzag32(zigzag32(b)));
a = b = -1 * i;
CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(a, unzigzag64(zigzag64(a)));
CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(b, unzigzag32(zigzag32(b)));
CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(-INT8_MAX, unzigzag8(zigzag8(-INT8_MAX)));
CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(INT8_MAX, unzigzag8(zigzag8(INT8_MAX)));
CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, unzigzag8(zigzag8(0)));
CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(-INT32_MAX, unzigzag32(zigzag32(-INT32_MAX)));
CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(INT32_MAX, unzigzag32(zigzag32(INT32_MAX)));
CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, unzigzag32(zigzag32(0)));
CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(-INT64_MAX, unzigzag64(zigzag64(-INT64_MAX)));
CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(INT64_MAX, unzigzag64(zigzag64(INT64_MAX)));
CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, unzigzag64(zigzag64(0)));
** Used by the test harness to register the tests in this file.
void varint_suite_setup(void);
void varint_suite_setup(void)
CU_pSuite suite = CU_add_suite("varint", NULL, NULL);
PG_ADD_TEST(suite, test_zigzag);
PG_ADD_TEST(suite, test_varint);
PG_ADD_TEST(suite, test_varint_roundtrip);