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* PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
* PostGIS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PostGIS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PostGIS. If not, see <>.
* Copyright 2009 Paul Ramsey <>
#define _LWGEODETIC_H 1
/* For NAN */
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <math.h>
#ifndef NAN
#define NAN 0.0/0.0
/* Override tolerance for geodetic */
#define FP_TOLERANCE 5e-14
extern int gbox_geocentric_slow;
#define POW2(x) ((x)*(x))
* Point in spherical coordinates on the world. Units of radians.
typedef struct
double lon;
double lat;
* Two-point great circle segment from a to b.
typedef struct
* Holder for sorting points in distance algorithm
typedef struct
double measure;
uint32_t index;
* Conversion functions
#define deg2rad(d) (M_PI * (d) / 180.0)
#define rad2deg(r) (180.0 * (r) / M_PI)
* Bitmask elements for edge_intersects() return value.
#define PIR_NO_INTERACT 0x00
#define PIR_INTERSECTS 0x01
#define PIR_COLINEAR 0x02
#define PIR_A_TOUCH_RIGHT 0x04
#define PIR_A_TOUCH_LEFT 0x08
#define PIR_B_TOUCH_RIGHT 0x10
#define PIR_B_TOUCH_LEFT 0x20
* Geodetic calculations
void geog2cart(const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g, POINT3D *p);
void cart2geog(const POINT3D *p, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g);
void robust_cross_product(const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *p, const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *q, POINT3D *a);
void x_to_z(POINT3D *p);
void y_to_z(POINT3D *p);
int edge_point_on_plane(const GEOGRAPHIC_EDGE *e, const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *p);
int edge_point_in_cone(const GEOGRAPHIC_EDGE *e, const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *p);
int edge_contains_coplanar_point(const GEOGRAPHIC_EDGE *e, const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *p);
int edge_contains_point(const GEOGRAPHIC_EDGE *e, const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *p);
double z_to_latitude(double z, int top);
int clairaut_cartesian(const POINT3D *start, const POINT3D *end, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g_top, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g_bottom);
int clairaut_geographic(const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *start, const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *end, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g_top, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g_bottom);
double sphere_distance(const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *s, const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *e);
double sphere_distance_cartesian(const POINT3D *s, const POINT3D *e);
int sphere_project(const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *r, double distance, double azimuth, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *n);
int edge_calculate_gbox_slow(const GEOGRAPHIC_EDGE *e, GBOX *gbox);
int edge_calculate_gbox(const POINT3D *A1, const POINT3D *A2, GBOX *gbox);
int edge_intersection(const GEOGRAPHIC_EDGE *e1, const GEOGRAPHIC_EDGE *e2, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g);
uint32_t edge_intersects(const POINT3D *A1, const POINT3D *A2, const POINT3D *B1, const POINT3D *B2);
double edge_distance_to_point(const GEOGRAPHIC_EDGE *e, const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *gp, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *closest);
double edge_distance_to_edge(const GEOGRAPHIC_EDGE *e1, const GEOGRAPHIC_EDGE *e2, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *closest1, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *closest2);
void geographic_point_init(double lon, double lat, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g);
int ptarray_contains_point_sphere(const POINTARRAY *pa, const POINT2D *pt_outside, const POINT2D *pt_to_test);
int lwpoly_covers_point2d(const LWPOLY *poly, const POINT2D *pt_to_test);
int lwpoly_covers_lwpoly(const LWPOLY *lwpoly1, const LWPOLY *lwpoly2);
int lwpoly_covers_pointarray(const LWPOLY* lwpoly, const POINTARRAY* pta);
int lwpoly_covers_lwline(const LWPOLY *poly, const LWLINE *line);
int lwline_covers_lwline(const LWLINE* lwline1, const LWLINE* lwline2);
int lwline_covers_lwpoint(const LWLINE* lwline, const LWPOINT* lwpoint);
int lwpoly_intersects_line(const LWPOLY* lwpoly, const POINTARRAY* line);
int lwpoly_pt_outside(const LWPOLY *poly, POINT2D *pt_outside);
int ptarray_point_in_ring(const POINTARRAY *pa, const POINT2D *pt_outside, const POINT2D *pt_to_test);
double ptarray_area_sphere(const POINTARRAY *pa);
double latitude_degrees_normalize(double lat);
double longitude_degrees_normalize(double lon);
double ptarray_length_spheroid(const POINTARRAY *pa, const SPHEROID *s);
int geographic_point_equals(const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g1, const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g2);
int crosses_dateline(const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *s, const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *e);
void point_shift(GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *p, double shift);
double longitude_radians_normalize(double lon);
double latitude_radians_normalize(double lat);
void vector_sum(const POINT3D *a, const POINT3D *b, POINT3D *n);
void vector_scale(POINT3D *a, double s);
double vector_angle(const POINT3D* v1, const POINT3D* v2);
void vector_rotate(const POINT3D* v1, const POINT3D* v2, double angle, POINT3D* n);
void normalize(POINT3D *p);
void unit_normal(const POINT3D *P1, const POINT3D *P2, POINT3D *normal);
double sphere_direction(const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *s, const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *e, double d);
void ll2cart(const POINT2D *g, POINT3D *p);
** Prototypes for spheroid functions.
double spheroid_distance(const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *a, const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *b, const SPHEROID *spheroid);
double spheroid_direction(const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *r, const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *s, const SPHEROID *spheroid);
int spheroid_project(const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *r, const SPHEROID *spheroid, double distance, double azimuth, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g);
#endif /* _LWGEODETIC_H */
* Notes for rewrite
* Define separate POINT types for 2-d-points-in-radiands and 3-d-points-in-geocentric
* Maintain consistent units (radians?) throughout all calculations
* Put an index pointer onto LWGEOM itself, and cache the indexed LWGEOM instead of a bare tree
* only primitive objects should get a tree