2022-12-13 17:43:08 -08:00

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* PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
* PostGIS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PostGIS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PostGIS. If not, see <>.
* Copyright 2009 Paul Ramsey <>
* Copyright 2017-2022 Darafei Praliaskouski <>
** R-Tree Bibliography
** [1] A. Guttman. R-tree: a dynamic index structure for spatial searching.
** Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD Conference, pp 47-57, June 1984.
** [2] C.-H. Ang and T. C. Tan. New linear node splitting algorithm for
** R-Trees. Advances in Spatial Databases - 5th International Symposium,
** 1997
** [3] N. Beckmann, H.-P. Kriegel, R. Schneider, B. Seeger. The R*tree: an
** efficient and robust access method for points and rectangles.
** Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD Conference. June 1990.
** [4] A. Korotkov, "A new double sorting-based node splitting algorithm for R-tree",
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/gist.h" /* For GiST */
#include "access/itup.h"
#include "access/skey.h"
#include "utils/sortsupport.h" /* For index building sort support */
#include "../postgis_config.h"
#include "liblwgeom.h" /* For standard geometry types. */
#include "liblwgeom_internal.h"
#include "lwgeom_pg.h" /* For debugging macros. */
#include "gserialized_gist.h" /* For utility functions. */
#include <float.h> /* For FLT_MAX */
#include <math.h>
/* When is a node split not so good? Prefer to not split 2 pages into more than 3 pages in index. */
#define LIMIT_RATIO 0.3333333333333333
/* How many index tuples does one page fit? Recursive splits will target this. */
** For debugging
static int g2d_counter_leaf = 0;
static int g2d_counter_internal = 0;
** GiST 2D key stubs
Datum box2df_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum box2df_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
** GiST 2D index function prototypes
Datum gserialized_gist_consistent_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_gist_compress_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_gist_decompress_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_gist_penalty_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_gist_picksplit_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_gist_union_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_gist_same_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_gist_distance_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_gist_sortsupport_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
** GiST 2D operator prototypes
Datum gserialized_same_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_within_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_contains_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_overlaps_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_left_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_right_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_above_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_below_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_overleft_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_overright_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_overabove_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_overbelow_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_distance_box_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_distance_centroid_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_contains_box2df_geom_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_contains_box2df_box2df_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_within_box2df_geom_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_within_box2df_box2df_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_overlaps_box2df_geom_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum gserialized_overlaps_box2df_box2df_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
** true/false test function type
typedef bool (*box2df_predicate)(const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b);
static char* box2df_to_string(const BOX2DF *a)
static const int precision = 12;
char tmp[13 + 4 * OUT_MAX_BYTES_DOUBLE] = {'B', 'O', 'X', '2', 'D', 'F', '(', 0};
int len = 7;
if (a == NULL)
return pstrdup("<NULLPTR>");
len += lwprint_double(a->xmin, precision, &tmp[len]);
tmp[len++] = ' ';
len += lwprint_double(a->ymin, precision, &tmp[len]);
tmp[len++] = ',';
tmp[len++] = ' ';
len += lwprint_double(a->xmax, precision, &tmp[len]);
tmp[len++] = ' ';
len += lwprint_double(a->ymax, precision, &tmp[len]);
tmp[len++] = ')';
return pstrdup(tmp);
/* Allocate a new copy of BOX2DF */
BOX2DF* box2df_copy(BOX2DF *b)
BOX2DF *c = (BOX2DF*)palloc(sizeof(BOX2DF));
memcpy((void*)c, (void*)b, sizeof(BOX2DF));
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(5, "copied box2df (%p) to box2df (%p)", b, c);
return c;
inline bool box2df_is_empty(const BOX2DF *a)
if (isnan(a->xmin))
return true;
return false;
inline void box2df_set_empty(BOX2DF *a)
a->xmin = a->xmax = a->ymin = a->ymax = NAN;
inline void box2df_set_finite(BOX2DF *a)
if ( ! isfinite(a->xmax) )
a->xmax = FLT_MAX;
if ( ! isfinite(a->ymax) )
a->ymax = FLT_MAX;
if ( ! isfinite(a->ymin) )
a->ymin = -1*FLT_MAX;
if ( ! isfinite(a->xmin) )
a->xmin = -1*FLT_MAX;
/* Enlarge b_union to contain b_new. */
void box2df_merge(BOX2DF *b_union, BOX2DF *b_new)
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(5, "merging %s with %s", box2df_to_string(b_union), box2df_to_string(b_new));
/* Adjust minimums */
if (b_union->xmin > b_new->xmin || isnan(b_union->xmin))
b_union->xmin = b_new->xmin;
if (b_union->ymin > b_new->ymin || isnan(b_union->ymin))
b_union->ymin = b_new->ymin;
/* Adjust maximums */
if (b_union->xmax < b_new->xmax || isnan(b_union->xmax))
b_union->xmax = b_new->xmax;
if (b_union->ymax < b_new->ymax || isnan(b_union->ymax))
b_union->ymax = b_new->ymax;
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(5, "merge complete %s", box2df_to_string(b_union));
/* Convert a double-based GBOX into a float-based BOX2DF,
ensuring the float box is larger than the double box */
static inline int box2df_from_gbox_p(GBOX *box, BOX2DF *a)
a->xmin = next_float_down(box->xmin);
a->xmax = next_float_up(box->xmax);
a->ymin = next_float_down(box->ymin);
a->ymax = next_float_up(box->ymax);
return LW_SUCCESS;
int box2df_to_gbox_p(BOX2DF *a, GBOX *box)
memset(box, 0, sizeof(GBOX));
box->xmin = a->xmin;
box->xmax = a->xmax;
box->ymin = a->ymin;
box->ymax = a->ymax;
return LW_SUCCESS;
** BOX2DF tests for 2D index operators.
/* Ensure all minimums are below maximums. */
inline void box2df_validate(BOX2DF *b)
float tmp;
if ( box2df_is_empty(b) )
if ( b->xmax < b->xmin )
tmp = b->xmin;
b->xmin = b->xmax;
b->xmax = tmp;
if ( b->ymax < b->ymin )
tmp = b->ymin;
b->ymin = b->ymax;
b->ymax = tmp;
bool box2df_overlaps(const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b)
if ( !a || !b || box2df_is_empty(a) || box2df_is_empty(b) )
return false;
if ( (a->xmin > b->xmax) || (b->xmin > a->xmax) ||
(a->ymin > b->ymax) || (b->ymin > a->ymax) )
return false;
return true;
bool box2df_contains(const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b)
if ( !a || !b )
return false;
/* All things can contain EMPTY (except EMPTY) */
if ( box2df_is_empty(b) && ! box2df_is_empty(a) )
return true;
if ( (a->xmin > b->xmin) || (a->xmax < b->xmax) ||
(a->ymin > b->ymin) || (a->ymax < b->ymax) )
return false;
return true;
static bool box2df_within(const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b)
if ( !a || !b )
return false;
/* EMPTY is within all other things (except EMPTY) */
if ( box2df_is_empty(a) && ! box2df_is_empty(b) )
return true;
if ( (a->xmin < b->xmin) || (a->xmax > b->xmax) ||
(a->ymin < b->ymin) || (a->ymax > b->ymax) )
return false;
return true;
bool box2df_equals(const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b)
if ( !a && !b )
return true;
else if ( !a || !b )
return false;
else if ( box2df_is_empty(a) && box2df_is_empty(b) )
return true;
else if ( box2df_is_empty(a) || box2df_is_empty(b) )
return false;
else if ((a->xmin == b->xmin) && (a->xmax == b->xmax) && (a->ymin == b->ymin) && (a->ymax == b->ymax))
return true;
return false;
bool box2df_overleft(const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b)
if ( !a || !b || box2df_is_empty(a) || box2df_is_empty(b) )
return false;
/* a.xmax <= b.xmax */
return a->xmax <= b->xmax;
bool box2df_left(const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b)
if ( !a || !b || box2df_is_empty(a) || box2df_is_empty(b) )
return false;
/* a.xmax < b.xmin */
return a->xmax < b->xmin;
bool box2df_right(const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b)
if ( !a || !b || box2df_is_empty(a) || box2df_is_empty(b) )
return false;
/* a.xmin > b.xmax */
return a->xmin > b->xmax;
bool box2df_overright(const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b)
if ( !a || !b || box2df_is_empty(a) || box2df_is_empty(b) )
return false;
/* a.xmin >= b.xmin */
return a->xmin >= b->xmin;
bool box2df_overbelow(const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b)
if ( !a || !b || box2df_is_empty(a) || box2df_is_empty(b) )
return false;
/* a.ymax <= b.ymax */
return a->ymax <= b->ymax;
bool box2df_below(const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b)
if ( !a || !b || box2df_is_empty(a) || box2df_is_empty(b) )
return false;
/* a.ymax < b.ymin */
return a->ymax < b->ymin;
bool box2df_above(const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b)
if ( !a || !b || box2df_is_empty(a) || box2df_is_empty(b) )
return false;
/* a.ymin > b.ymax */
return a->ymin > b->ymax;
bool box2df_overabove(const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b)
if ( !a || !b || box2df_is_empty(a) || box2df_is_empty(b) )
return false;
/* a.ymin >= b.ymin */
return a->ymin >= b->ymin;
* Calculate the centroid->centroid distance between the boxes.
static double box2df_distance_leaf_centroid(const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b)
/* The centroid->centroid distance between the boxes */
double a_x = (a->xmax + a->xmin) / 2.0;
double a_y = (a->ymax + a->ymin) / 2.0;
double b_x = (b->xmax + b->xmin) / 2.0;
double b_y = (b->ymax + b->ymin) / 2.0;
/* This "distance" is only used for comparisons, */
return sqrt((a_x - b_x) * (a_x - b_x) + (a_y - b_y) * (a_y - b_y));
/* Quick distance function */
static inline double pt_distance(double ax, double ay, double bx, double by)
return sqrt((ax - bx) * (ax - bx) + (ay - by) * (ay - by));
* Calculate the box->box distance.
static double box2df_distance(const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b)
/* Check for overlap */
if ( box2df_overlaps(a, b) )
return 0.0;
if ( box2df_left(a, b) )
if ( box2df_above(a, b) )
return pt_distance(a->xmax, a->ymin, b->xmin, b->ymax);
if ( box2df_below(a, b) )
return pt_distance(a->xmax, a->ymax, b->xmin, b->ymin);
return (double)b->xmin - (double)a->xmax;
if ( box2df_right(a, b) )
if ( box2df_above(a, b) )
return pt_distance(a->xmin, a->ymin, b->xmax, b->ymax);
if ( box2df_below(a, b) )
return pt_distance(a->xmin, a->ymax, b->xmax, b->ymin);
return (double)a->xmin - (double)b->xmax;
if ( box2df_above(a, b) )
if ( box2df_left(a, b) )
return pt_distance(a->xmax, a->ymin, b->xmin, b->ymax);
if ( box2df_right(a, b) )
return pt_distance(a->xmin, a->ymin, b->xmax, b->ymax);
return (double)a->ymin - (double)b->ymax;
if ( box2df_below(a, b) )
if ( box2df_left(a, b) )
return pt_distance(a->xmax, a->ymax, b->xmin, b->ymin);
if ( box2df_right(a, b) )
return pt_distance(a->xmin, a->ymax, b->xmax, b->ymin);
return (double)b->ymin - (double)a->ymax;
return FLT_MAX;
static inline uint64_t
box2df_get_sortable_hash(const BOX2DF *b)
union floatuint {
uint32_t u;
float f;
} x, y;
x.f = (b->xmax + b->xmin) / 2;
y.f = (b->ymax + b->ymin) / 2;
return uint32_hilbert(y.u, x.u);
* Peak into a #GSERIALIZED datum to find its bounding box and some other metadata. If the box is there, copy it out and
* return it. If not, calculate the box from the full object and return the box based on that. If no box is available,
* return #LW_FAILURE, otherwise #LW_SUCCESS.
gserialized_datum_get_internals_p(Datum gsdatum, GBOX *gbox, lwflags_t *flags, uint8_t *type, int32_t *srid)
int result = LW_SUCCESS;
int need_detoast = PG_GSERIALIZED_DATUM_NEEDS_DETOAST((struct varlena *)gsdatum);
if (need_detoast)
gpart = (GSERIALIZED *)PG_DETOAST_DATUM_SLICE(gsdatum, 0, gserialized_max_header_size());
gpart = (GSERIALIZED *)gsdatum;
if (!gserialized_has_bbox(gpart) && need_detoast && LWSIZE_GET(gpart->size) >= gserialized_max_header_size())
/* The headers don't contain a bbox and the object is larger than what we retrieved, so
* we now detoast it completely */
POSTGIS_FREE_IF_COPY_P(gpart, gsdatum);
result = gserialized_get_gbox_p(gpart, gbox);
*flags = gserialized_get_lwflags(gpart);
*srid = gserialized_get_srid(gpart);
*type = gserialized_get_type(gpart);
POSTGIS_FREE_IF_COPY_P(gpart, gsdatum);
return result;
* Given a #GSERIALIZED datum, as quickly as possible (peaking into the top
* of the memory) return the gbox extents. Does not deserialize the geometry,
* but <em>WARNING</em> returns a slightly larger bounding box than actually
* encompasses the objects. For geography objects returns geocentric bounding
* box, for geometry objects returns cartesian bounding box.
gserialized_datum_get_gbox_p(Datum gsdatum, GBOX *gbox)
uint8_t type;
int32_t srid;
lwflags_t flags;
return gserialized_datum_get_internals_p(gsdatum, gbox, &flags, &type, &srid);
/* Note that this duplicates code from gserialized_datum_get_internals_p. It does so because
* accessing only the BOX2DF (as floats) is faster and this is a hot path function in indexes
gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p(Datum gsdatum, BOX2DF *box2df)
int result = LW_SUCCESS;
int need_detoast = PG_GSERIALIZED_DATUM_NEEDS_DETOAST((struct varlena *)gsdatum);
if (need_detoast)
gpart = (GSERIALIZED *)PG_DETOAST_DATUM_SLICE(gsdatum, 0, gserialized_max_header_size());
gpart = (GSERIALIZED *)gsdatum;
if (gserialized_has_bbox(gpart))
size_t box_ndims;
const float *f = gserialized_get_float_box_p(gpart, &box_ndims);
memcpy(box2df, f, sizeof(BOX2DF));
result = LW_SUCCESS;
GBOX gbox = {0};
if (need_detoast && LWSIZE_GET(gpart->size) >= gserialized_max_header_size())
/* The headers don't contain a bbox and the object is larger than what we retrieved, so
* we now detoast it completely and recheck */
POSTGIS_FREE_IF_COPY_P(gpart, gsdatum);
result = gserialized_get_gbox_p(gpart, &gbox);
if (result == LW_SUCCESS)
result = box2df_from_gbox_p(&gbox, box2df);
POSTGIS_FREE_IF_COPY_P(gpart, gsdatum);
return result;
* Support function. Based on two datums return true if
* they satisfy the predicate and false otherwise.
static int
gserialized_datum_predicate_2d(Datum gs1, Datum gs2, box2df_predicate predicate)
BOX2DF b1, b2, *br1=NULL, *br2=NULL;
POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "entered function");
if (gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p(gs1, &b1) == LW_SUCCESS) br1 = &b1;
if (gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p(gs2, &b2) == LW_SUCCESS) br2 = &b2;
if ( predicate(br1, br2) )
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "got boxes %s and %s", br1 ? box2df_to_string(&b1) : "(null)", br2 ? box2df_to_string(&b2) : "(null)");
return LW_TRUE;
return LW_FALSE;
static int
gserialized_datum_predicate_box2df_geom_2d(const BOX2DF *br1, Datum gs2, box2df_predicate predicate)
BOX2DF b2, *br2=NULL;
POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "entered function");
if (gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p(gs2, &b2) == LW_SUCCESS) br2 = &b2;
if ( predicate(br1, br2) )
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "got boxes %s", br2 ? box2df_to_string(&b2) : "(null)");
return LW_TRUE;
return LW_FALSE;
* BRIN 2-D Index Operator Functions
Datum gserialized_contains_box2df_geom_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "entered function");
if ( gserialized_datum_predicate_box2df_geom_2d((BOX2DF*)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0), PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), box2df_contains) == LW_TRUE )
Datum gserialized_contains_box2df_box2df_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
if ( box2df_contains((BOX2DF *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0), (BOX2DF *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1)))
Datum gserialized_within_box2df_geom_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "entered function");
if ( gserialized_datum_predicate_box2df_geom_2d((BOX2DF*)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0), PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), box2df_within) == LW_TRUE )
Datum gserialized_within_box2df_box2df_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
if ( box2df_within((BOX2DF *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0), (BOX2DF *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1)))
Datum gserialized_overlaps_box2df_geom_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "entered function");
if ( gserialized_datum_predicate_box2df_geom_2d((BOX2DF*)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0), PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), box2df_overlaps) == LW_TRUE )
Datum gserialized_overlaps_box2df_box2df_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
if ( box2df_overlaps((BOX2DF *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0), (BOX2DF *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1)))
* GiST 2-D Index Operator Functions
Datum gserialized_distance_centroid_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
BOX2DF b1, b2;
Datum gs1 = PG_GETARG_DATUM(0);
Datum gs2 = PG_GETARG_DATUM(1);
POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "entered function");
/* Must be able to build box for each argument (ie, not empty geometry). */
if ( (gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p(gs1, &b1) == LW_SUCCESS) &&
(gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p(gs2, &b2) == LW_SUCCESS) )
double distance = box2df_distance_leaf_centroid(&b1, &b2);
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "got boxes %s and %s", box2df_to_string(&b1), box2df_to_string(&b2));
Datum gserialized_distance_box_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
BOX2DF b1, b2;
Datum gs1 = PG_GETARG_DATUM(0);
Datum gs2 = PG_GETARG_DATUM(1);
POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "entered function");
/* Must be able to build box for each argument (ie, not empty geometry). */
if ( (gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p(gs1, &b1) == LW_SUCCESS) &&
(gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p(gs2, &b2) == LW_SUCCESS) )
double distance = box2df_distance(&b1, &b2);
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "got boxes %s and %s", box2df_to_string(&b1), box2df_to_string(&b2));
Datum gserialized_same_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
if ( gserialized_datum_predicate_2d(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0), PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), box2df_equals) == LW_TRUE )
Datum gserialized_within_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "entered function");
if ( gserialized_datum_predicate_2d(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0), PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), box2df_within) == LW_TRUE )
Datum gserialized_contains_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "entered function");
if ( gserialized_datum_predicate_2d(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0), PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), box2df_contains) == LW_TRUE )
Datum gserialized_overlaps_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
if ( gserialized_datum_predicate_2d(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0), PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), box2df_overlaps) == LW_TRUE )
Datum gserialized_left_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
if ( gserialized_datum_predicate_2d(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0), PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), box2df_left) == LW_TRUE )
Datum gserialized_right_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
if ( gserialized_datum_predicate_2d(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0), PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), box2df_right) == LW_TRUE )
Datum gserialized_above_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
if ( gserialized_datum_predicate_2d(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0), PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), box2df_above) == LW_TRUE )
Datum gserialized_below_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
if ( gserialized_datum_predicate_2d(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0), PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), box2df_below) == LW_TRUE )
Datum gserialized_overleft_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
if ( gserialized_datum_predicate_2d(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0), PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), box2df_overleft) == LW_TRUE )
Datum gserialized_overright_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
if ( gserialized_datum_predicate_2d(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0), PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), box2df_overright) == LW_TRUE )
Datum gserialized_overabove_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
if ( gserialized_datum_predicate_2d(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0), PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), box2df_overabove) == LW_TRUE )
Datum gserialized_overbelow_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
if ( gserialized_datum_predicate_2d(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0), PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), box2df_overbelow) == LW_TRUE )
* GiST Index Support Functions
** GiST support function. Given a geography, return a "compressed"
** version. In this case, we convert the geography into a geocentric
** bounding box. If the geography already has the box embedded in it
** we pull that out and hand it back.
Datum gserialized_gist_compress_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
GISTENTRY *entry_out = NULL;
BOX2DF bbox_out;
int result = LW_SUCCESS;
POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] 'compress' function called");
** Not a leaf key? There's nothing to do.
** Return the input unchanged.
if ( ! entry_in->leafkey )
POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] non-leafkey entry, returning input unaltered");
POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] processing leafkey input");
entry_out = palloc(sizeof(GISTENTRY));
** Null key? Make a copy of the input entry and
** return.
if ( DatumGetPointer(entry_in->key) == NULL )
POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] leafkey is null");
gistentryinit(*entry_out, (Datum) 0, entry_in->rel,
entry_in->page, entry_in->offset, false);
POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] returning copy of input");
/* Extract our index key from the GiST entry. */
result = gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p(entry_in->key, &bbox_out);
/* Is the bounding box valid (non-empty, non-infinite)? If not, return input uncompressed. */
if ( result == LW_FAILURE )
gistentryinit(*entry_out, PointerGetDatum(box2df_copy(&bbox_out)),
entry_in->rel, entry_in->page, entry_in->offset, false);
POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] empty geometry!");
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "[GIST] got entry_in->key: %s", box2df_to_string(&bbox_out));
/* Check all the dimensions for finite values */
if ( ! isfinite(bbox_out.xmax) || ! isfinite(bbox_out.xmin) ||
! isfinite(bbox_out.ymax) || ! isfinite(bbox_out.ymin) )
gistentryinit(*entry_out, PointerGetDatum(box2df_copy(&bbox_out)),
entry_in->rel, entry_in->page, entry_in->offset, false);
POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] infinite geometry!");
/* Enure bounding box has minimums below maximums. */
/* Prepare GISTENTRY for return. */
gistentryinit(*entry_out, PointerGetDatum(box2df_copy(&bbox_out)),
entry_in->rel, entry_in->page, entry_in->offset, false);
/* Return GISTENTRY. */
POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] 'compress' function complete");
** GiST support function.
** Decompress an entry. Unused for geography, so we return.
Datum gserialized_gist_decompress_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
POSTGIS_DEBUG(5, "[GIST] 'decompress' function called");
/* We don't decompress. Just return the input. */
** GiST support function. Called from gserialized_gist_consistent below.
static inline bool gserialized_gist_consistent_leaf_2d(BOX2DF *key, BOX2DF *query, StrategyNumber strategy)
bool retval;
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "[GIST] leaf consistent, strategy [%d], count[%i]",
strategy, g2d_counter_leaf++);
switch (strategy)
/* Basic overlaps */
case RTOverlapStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool) box2df_overlaps(key, query);
case RTSameStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool) box2df_equals(key, query);
case RTContainsStrategyNumber:
case RTOldContainsStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool) box2df_contains(key, query);
case RTContainedByStrategyNumber:
case RTOldContainedByStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool) box2df_within(key, query);
/* To one side */
case RTAboveStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool) box2df_above(key, query);
case RTBelowStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool) box2df_below(key, query);
case RTRightStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool) box2df_right(key, query);
case RTLeftStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool) box2df_left(key, query);
/* Overlapping to one side */
case RTOverAboveStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool) box2df_overabove(key, query);
case RTOverBelowStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool) box2df_overbelow(key, query);
case RTOverRightStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool) box2df_overright(key, query);
case RTOverLeftStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool) box2df_overleft(key, query);
retval = false;
return (retval);
** GiST support function. Called from gserialized_gist_consistent below.
static inline bool gserialized_gist_consistent_internal_2d(BOX2DF *key, BOX2DF *query, StrategyNumber strategy)
bool retval;
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "[GIST] internal consistent, strategy [%d], count[%i], query[%s], key[%s]",
strategy, g2d_counter_internal++, box2df_to_string(query), box2df_to_string(key) );
switch (strategy)
/* Basic overlaps */
case RTOverlapStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool) box2df_overlaps(key, query);
case RTSameStrategyNumber:
case RTContainsStrategyNumber:
case RTOldContainsStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool) box2df_contains(key, query);
case RTContainedByStrategyNumber:
case RTOldContainedByStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool) box2df_overlaps(key, query);
/* To one side */
case RTAboveStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool)(!box2df_overbelow(key, query));
case RTBelowStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool)(!box2df_overabove(key, query));
case RTRightStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool)(!box2df_overleft(key, query));
case RTLeftStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool)(!box2df_overright(key, query));
/* Overlapping to one side */
case RTOverAboveStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool)(!box2df_below(key, query));
case RTOverBelowStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool)(!box2df_above(key, query));
case RTOverRightStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool)(!box2df_left(key, query));
case RTOverLeftStrategyNumber:
retval = (bool)(!box2df_right(key, query));
retval = false;
return (retval);
** GiST support function. Take in a query and an entry and see what the
** relationship is, based on the query strategy.
Datum gserialized_gist_consistent_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
StrategyNumber strategy = (StrategyNumber) PG_GETARG_UINT16(2);
bool result;
BOX2DF query_gbox_index;
/* PostgreSQL 8.4 and later require the RECHECK flag to be set here,
rather than being supplied as part of the operator class definition */
bool *recheck = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(4);
/* We set recheck to false to avoid repeatedly pulling every "possibly matched" geometry
out during index scans. For cases when the geometries are large, rechecking
can make things twice as slow. */
*recheck = false;
POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] 'consistent' function called");
/* Quick sanity check on query argument. */
if ( DatumGetPointer(PG_GETARG_DATUM(1)) == NULL )
POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] null query pointer (!?!), returning false");
PG_RETURN_BOOL(false); /* NULL query! This is screwy! */
/* Quick sanity check on entry key. */
if ( DatumGetPointer(entry->key) == NULL )
POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] null index entry, returning false");
PG_RETURN_BOOL(false); /* NULL entry! */
/* Null box should never make this far. */
if ( gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p(PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), &query_gbox_index) == LW_FAILURE )
POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] null query_gbox_index!");
/* Treat leaf node tests different from internal nodes */
if (GIST_LEAF(entry))
result = gserialized_gist_consistent_leaf_2d(
&query_gbox_index, strategy);
result = gserialized_gist_consistent_internal_2d(
&query_gbox_index, strategy);
** GiST support function. Take in a query and an entry and return the "distance"
** between them.
** Given an index entry p and a query value q, this function determines the
** index entry's "distance" from the query value. This function must be
** supplied if the operator class contains any ordering operators. A query
** using the ordering operator will be implemented by returning index entries
** with the smallest "distance" values first, so the results must be consistent
** with the operator's semantics. For a leaf index entry the result just
** represents the distance to the index entry; for an internal tree node, the
** result must be the smallest distance that any child entry could have.
** Strategy 13 = true distance tests <->
** Strategy 14 = box-based distance tests <#>
Datum gserialized_gist_distance_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
BOX2DF query_box;
BOX2DF *entry_box;
StrategyNumber strategy = (StrategyNumber) PG_GETARG_UINT16(2);
double distance;
bool *recheck = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(4);
POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] 'distance' function called");
/* We are using '13' as the gist true-distance <-> strategy number
* and '14' as the gist distance-between-boxes <#> strategy number */
if ( strategy != 13 && strategy != 14 ) {
elog(ERROR, "unrecognized strategy number: %d", strategy);
/* Null box should never make this far. */
if ( gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p(PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), &query_box) == LW_FAILURE )
POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] null query_gbox_index!");
/* Get the entry box */
entry_box = (BOX2DF*)DatumGetPointer(entry->key);
/* Box-style distance test */
if ( strategy == 14 ) /* operator <#> */
distance = box2df_distance(entry_box, &query_box);
/* True distance test (formerly centroid distance) */
else if ( strategy == 13 ) /* operator <-> */
/* In all cases, since we only have keys (boxes) we'll return */
/* the minimum possible distance, which is the box2df_distance */
/* and let the recheck sort things out in the case of leaves */
distance = box2df_distance(entry_box, &query_box);
if (GIST_LEAF(entry))
*recheck = true;
elog(ERROR, "%s: reached unreachable code", __func__);
** Function to pack floats of different realms.
** This function serves to pack bit flags inside float type.
** Result value represent can be from two different "realms".
** Every value from realm 1 is greater than any value from realm 0.
** Values from the same realm loose one bit of precision.
** This technique is possible due to floating point numbers specification
** according to IEEE 754: exponent bits are highest
** (excluding sign bits, but here penalty is always positive). If float a is
** greater than float b, integer A with same bit representation as a is greater
** than integer B with same bits as b.
static inline float
pack_float(const float value, const uint8_t realm)
union {
float f;
struct {
unsigned value : 31, sign : 1;
} vbits;
struct {
unsigned value : 30, realm : 1, sign : 1;
} rbits;
} a;
a.f = value;
a.rbits.value = a.vbits.value >> 1;
a.rbits.realm = realm;
return a.f;
static inline float
box2df_penalty(const BOX2DF *b1, const BOX2DF *b2)
float b1xmin = b1->xmin, b1xmax = b1->xmax;
float b1ymin = b1->ymin, b1ymax = b1->ymax;
float b2xmin = b2->xmin, b2xmax = b2->xmax;
float b2ymin = b2->ymin, b2ymax = b2->ymax;
float box_union_xmin = Min(b1xmin, b2xmin), box_union_xmax = Max(b1xmax, b2xmax);
float box_union_ymin = Min(b1ymin, b2ymin), box_union_ymax = Max(b1ymax, b2ymax);
float b1dx = b1xmax - b1xmin, b1dy = b1ymax - b1ymin;
float box_union_dx = box_union_xmax - box_union_xmin, box_union_dy = box_union_ymax - box_union_ymin;
float box_union_area = box_union_dx * box_union_dy, box1area = b1dx * b1dy;
float box_union_edge = box_union_dx + box_union_dy, box1edge = b1dx + b1dy;
float area_extension = box_union_area - box1area;
float edge_extension = box_union_edge - box1edge;
/* REALM 1: Area extension is nonzero, return it */
if (area_extension > FLT_EPSILON)
return pack_float(area_extension, 1);
/* REALM 0: Area extension is zero, return nonzero edge extension */
else if (edge_extension > FLT_EPSILON)
return pack_float(edge_extension, 0);
return 0;
** GiST support function. Calculate the "penalty" cost of adding this entry into an existing entry.
** Calculate the change in volume of the old entry once the new entry is added.
Datum gserialized_gist_penalty_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
float *result = (float*) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2);
BOX2DF *b1, *b2;
b1 = (BOX2DF *)DatumGetPointer(origentry->key);
b2 = (BOX2DF *)DatumGetPointer(newentry->key);
/* Penalty value of 0 has special code path in Postgres's gistchoose.
* It is used as an early exit condition in subtree loop, allowing faster tree descend.
* For multi-column index, it lets next column break the tie, possibly more confidently.
*result = 0;
if (b1 && b2 && !box2df_is_empty(b1) && !box2df_is_empty(b2))
*result = box2df_penalty(b1, b2);
** GiST support function. Merge all the boxes in a page into one master box.
Datum gserialized_gist_union_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
GistEntryVector *entryvec = (GistEntryVector *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
int *sizep = (int *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); /* Size of the return value */
int numranges, i;
BOX2DF *box_cur, *box_union;
POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] 'union' function called");
numranges = entryvec->n;
box_cur = (BOX2DF*) DatumGetPointer(entryvec->vector[0].key);
box_union = box2df_copy(box_cur);
for ( i = 1; i < numranges; i++ )
box_cur = (BOX2DF*) DatumGetPointer(entryvec->vector[i].key);
box2df_merge(box_union, box_cur);
*sizep = sizeof(BOX2DF);
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "[GIST] 'union', numranges(%i), pageunion %s", numranges, box2df_to_string(box_union));
** GiST support function. Test equality of keys.
Datum gserialized_gist_same_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
bool *result = (bool*)PG_GETARG_POINTER(2);
POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] 'same' function called");
*result = box2df_equals(b1, b2);
static int
gserialized_gist_cmp_abbrev_2d(Datum x, Datum y, SortSupport ssup)
/* Empty is a special case */
if (x == 0 || y == 0 || x == y)
return 0; /* 0 means "ask bigger comparator" and not equality*/
else if (x > y)
return 1;
return -1;
static bool
gserialized_gist_abbrev_abort_2d(int memtupcount, SortSupport ssup)
return LW_FALSE;
static Datum
gserialized_gist_abbrev_convert_2d(Datum original, SortSupport ssup)
return box2df_get_sortable_hash((BOX2DF *)original);
static int
gserialized_gist_cmp_full_2d(Datum a, Datum b, SortSupport ssup)
BOX2DF *b1 = (BOX2DF *)a;
BOX2DF *b2 = (BOX2DF *)b;
uint64_t hash1, hash2;
int cmp;
cmp = memcmp(b1, b2, sizeof(BOX2DF));
if (cmp == 0)
return 0;
hash1 = box2df_get_sortable_hash(b1);
hash2 = box2df_get_sortable_hash(b2);
if (hash1 > hash2)
return 1;
else if (hash1 < hash2)
return -1;
return cmp > 0 ? 1 : -1;
Datum gserialized_gist_sortsupport_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
SortSupport ssup = (SortSupport)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
ssup->comparator = gserialized_gist_cmp_full_2d;
ssup->ssup_extra = NULL;
/* Enable sortsupport only on 64 bit Datum */
if (ssup->abbreviate && sizeof(Datum) == 8)
ssup->comparator = gserialized_gist_cmp_abbrev_2d;
ssup->abbrev_converter = gserialized_gist_abbrev_convert_2d;
ssup->abbrev_abort = gserialized_gist_abbrev_abort_2d;
ssup->abbrev_full_comparator = gserialized_gist_cmp_full_2d;
* Adjust BOX2DF b boundaries with insertion of addon.
static void
adjustBox(BOX2DF *b, BOX2DF *addon)
if (b->xmax < addon->xmax || isnan(b->xmax))
b->xmax = addon->xmax;
if (b->xmin > addon->xmin || isnan(b->xmin))
b->xmin = addon->xmin;
if (b->ymax < addon->ymax || isnan(b->ymax))
b->ymax = addon->ymax;
if (b->ymin > addon->ymin || isnan(b->ymin))
b->ymin = addon->ymin;
* Trivial split: half of entries will be placed on one page
* and another half - to another
static void
fallbackSplit(GistEntryVector *entryvec, GIST_SPLITVEC *v)
OffsetNumber i,
BOX2DF *unionL = NULL,
*unionR = NULL;
int nbytes;
maxoff = entryvec->n - 1;
nbytes = (maxoff + 2) * sizeof(OffsetNumber);
v->spl_left = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nbytes);
v->spl_right = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nbytes);
v->spl_nleft = v->spl_nright = 0;
for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i))
BOX2DF *cur = (BOX2DF *) DatumGetPointer(entryvec->vector[i].key);
if (i <= (maxoff - FirstOffsetNumber + 1) / 2)
v->spl_left[v->spl_nleft] = i;
if (unionL == NULL)
unionL = (BOX2DF *) palloc(sizeof(BOX2DF));
*unionL = *cur;
adjustBox(unionL, cur);
v->spl_right[v->spl_nright] = i;
if (unionR == NULL)
unionR = (BOX2DF *) palloc(sizeof(BOX2DF));
*unionR = *cur;
adjustBox(unionR, cur);
if (v->spl_ldatum_exists)
adjustBox(unionL, (BOX2DF *) DatumGetPointer(v->spl_ldatum));
v->spl_ldatum = PointerGetDatum(unionL);
if (v->spl_rdatum_exists)
adjustBox(unionR, (BOX2DF *) DatumGetPointer(v->spl_rdatum));
v->spl_rdatum = PointerGetDatum(unionR);
v->spl_ldatum_exists = v->spl_rdatum_exists = false;
* Represents information about an entry that can be placed to either group
* without affecting overlap over selected axis ("common entry").
typedef struct
/* Index of entry in the initial array */
int index;
/* Delta between penalties of entry insertion into different groups */
float delta;
} CommonEntry;
* Context for g_box_consider_split. Contains information about currently
* selected split and some general information.
typedef struct
int entriesCount; /* total number of entries being split */
BOX2DF boundingBox; /* minimum bounding box across all entries */
/* Information about currently selected split follows */
bool first; /* true if no split was selected yet */
float leftUpper; /* upper bound of left interval */
float rightLower; /* lower bound of right interval */
float4 ratio;
float4 overlap;
int dim; /* axis of this split */
float range; /* width of general MBR projection to the
* selected axis */
} ConsiderSplitContext;
* Interval represents projection of box to axis.
typedef struct
float lower,
} SplitInterval;
* Interval comparison function by lower bound of the interval;
static int
interval_cmp_lower(const void *i1, const void *i2)
float lower1 = ((const SplitInterval *) i1)->lower,
lower2 = ((const SplitInterval *) i2)->lower;
if (isnan(lower1))
if (isnan(lower2))
return 0;
return 1;
else if (isnan(lower2))
return -1;
if (lower1 < lower2)
return -1;
else if (lower1 > lower2)
return 1;
return 0;
* Interval comparison function by upper bound of the interval;
static int
interval_cmp_upper(const void *i1, const void *i2)
float upper1 = ((const SplitInterval *) i1)->upper,
upper2 = ((const SplitInterval *) i2)->upper;
if (isnan(upper1))
if (isnan(upper2))
return 0;
return -1;
else if (isnan(upper2))
return 1;
if (upper1 < upper2)
return -1;
else if (upper1 > upper2)
return 1;
return 0;
* Replace negative value with zero.
static inline float
non_negative(float val)
if (val >= 0.0f)
return val;
return 0.0f;
* Consider replacement of currently selected split with the better one.
static inline void
g_box_consider_split(ConsiderSplitContext *context, int dimNum,
float rightLower, int minLeftCount,
float leftUpper, int maxLeftCount)
int leftCount,
float4 ratio,
float range;
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(5, "consider split: dimNum = %d, rightLower = %f, "
"minLeftCount = %d, leftUpper = %f, maxLeftCount = %d ",
dimNum, rightLower, minLeftCount, leftUpper, maxLeftCount);
* Calculate entries distribution ratio assuming most uniform distribution
* of common entries.
if (minLeftCount >= (context->entriesCount + 1) / 2)
leftCount = minLeftCount;
if (maxLeftCount <= context->entriesCount / 2)
leftCount = maxLeftCount;
leftCount = context->entriesCount / 2;
rightCount = context->entriesCount - leftCount;
* Ratio of split - quotient between size of lesser group and total
* entries count.
ratio = ((float4) Min(leftCount, rightCount)) /
((float4) context->entriesCount);
if (ratio > LIMIT_RATIO)
bool selectthis = false;
* The ratio is acceptable, so compare current split with previously
* selected one. Between splits of one dimension we search for minimal
* overlap (allowing negative values) and minimal ration (between same
* overlaps. We switch dimension if find less overlap (non-negative)
* or less range with same overlap.
if (dimNum == 0)
range = context->boundingBox.xmax - context->boundingBox.xmin;
range = context->boundingBox.ymax - context->boundingBox.ymin;
overlap = (leftUpper - rightLower) / range;
/* If there is no previous selection, select this */
if (context->first)
selectthis = true;
else if (context->dim == dimNum)
* Within the same dimension, choose the new split if it has a
* smaller overlap, or same overlap but better ratio.
if (overlap < context->overlap ||
(overlap == context->overlap && ratio > context->ratio))
selectthis = true;
* Across dimensions, choose the new split if it has a smaller
* *non-negative* overlap, or same *non-negative* overlap but
* bigger range. This condition differs from the one described in
* the article. On the datasets where leaf MBRs don't overlap
* themselves, non-overlapping splits (i.e. splits which have zero
* *non-negative* overlap) are frequently possible. In this case
* splits tends to be along one dimension, because most distant
* non-overlapping splits (i.e. having lowest negative overlap)
* appears to be in the same dimension as in the previous split.
* Therefore MBRs appear to be very prolonged along another
* dimension, which leads to bad search performance. Using range
* as the second split criteria makes MBRs more quadratic. Using
* *non-negative* overlap instead of overlap as the first split
* criteria gives to range criteria a chance to matter, because
* non-overlapping splits are equivalent in this criteria.
if (non_negative(overlap) < non_negative(context->overlap) ||
(range > context->range &&
non_negative(overlap) <= non_negative(context->overlap)))
selectthis = true;
if (selectthis)
/* save information about selected split */
context->first = false;
context->ratio = ratio;
context->range = range;
context->overlap = overlap;
context->rightLower = rightLower;
context->leftUpper = leftUpper;
context->dim = dimNum;
POSTGIS_DEBUG(5, "split selected");
* Compare common entries by their deltas.
static int
common_entry_cmp(const void *i1, const void *i2)
float delta1 = ((const CommonEntry *) i1)->delta,
delta2 = ((const CommonEntry *) i2)->delta;
if (delta1 < delta2)
return -1;
else if (delta1 > delta2)
return 1;
return 0;
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Double sorting split algorithm. This is used for both boxes and points.
* The algorithm finds split of boxes by considering splits along each axis.
* Each entry is first projected as an interval on the X-axis, and different
* ways to split the intervals into two groups are considered, trying to
* minimize the overlap of the groups. Then the same is repeated for the
* Y-axis, and the overall best split is chosen. The quality of a split is
* determined by overlap along that axis and some other criteria (see
* g_box_consider_split).
* After that, all the entries are divided into three groups:
* 1) Entries which should be placed to the left group
* 2) Entries which should be placed to the right group
* 3) "Common entries" which can be placed to any of groups without affecting
* of overlap along selected axis.
* The common entries are distributed by minimizing penalty.
* For details see:
* "A new double sorting-based node splitting algorithm for R-tree", A. Korotkov
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Datum gserialized_gist_picksplit_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
GistEntryVector *entryvec = (GistEntryVector *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
OffsetNumber i,
ConsiderSplitContext context;
BOX2DF *box,
int dim,
SplitInterval *intervalsLower,
CommonEntry *commonEntries;
int nentries;
POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "[GIST] 'picksplit' entered");
memset(&context, 0, sizeof(ConsiderSplitContext));
maxoff = entryvec->n - 1;
nentries = context.entriesCount = maxoff - FirstOffsetNumber + 1;
/* Allocate arrays for intervals along axes */
intervalsLower = (SplitInterval *) palloc(nentries * sizeof(SplitInterval));
intervalsUpper = (SplitInterval *) palloc(nentries * sizeof(SplitInterval));
* Calculate the overall minimum bounding box over all the entries.
for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i))
box = (BOX2DF *) DatumGetPointer(entryvec->vector[i].key);
if (i == FirstOffsetNumber)
context.boundingBox = *box;
adjustBox(&context.boundingBox, box);
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "boundingBox is %s", box2df_to_string(
* Iterate over axes for optimal split searching.
context.first = true; /* nothing selected yet */
for (dim = 0; dim < 2; dim++)
float leftUpper,
int i1,
/* Project each entry as an interval on the selected axis. */
for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i))
box = (BOX2DF *) DatumGetPointer(entryvec->vector[i].key);
if (dim == 0)
intervalsLower[i - FirstOffsetNumber].lower = box->xmin;
intervalsLower[i - FirstOffsetNumber].upper = box->xmax;
intervalsLower[i - FirstOffsetNumber].lower = box->ymin;
intervalsLower[i - FirstOffsetNumber].upper = box->ymax;
* Make two arrays of intervals: one sorted by lower bound and another
* sorted by upper bound.
memcpy(intervalsUpper, intervalsLower,
sizeof(SplitInterval) * nentries);
qsort(intervalsLower, nentries, sizeof(SplitInterval),
qsort(intervalsUpper, nentries, sizeof(SplitInterval),
* The goal is to form a left and right interval, so that every entry
* interval is contained by either left or right interval (or both).
* For example, with the intervals (0,1), (1,3), (2,3), (2,4):
* 0 1 2 3 4
* +-+
* +---+
* +-+
* +---+
* The left and right intervals are of the form (0,a) and (b,4).
* We first consider splits where b is the lower bound of an entry.
* We iterate through all entries, and for each b, calculate the
* smallest possible a. Then we consider splits where a is the
* upper bound of an entry, and for each a, calculate the greatest
* possible b.
* In the above example, the first loop would consider splits:
* b=0: (0,1)-(0,4)
* b=1: (0,1)-(1,4)
* b=2: (0,3)-(2,4)
* And the second loop:
* a=1: (0,1)-(1,4)
* a=3: (0,3)-(2,4)
* a=4: (0,4)-(2,4)
* Iterate over lower bound of right group, finding smallest possible
* upper bound of left group.
i1 = 0;
i2 = 0;
rightLower = intervalsLower[i1].lower;
leftUpper = intervalsUpper[i2].lower;
while (true)
* Find next lower bound of right group.
while (i1 < nentries && (rightLower == intervalsLower[i1].lower ||
leftUpper = Max(leftUpper, intervalsLower[i1].upper);
if (i1 >= nentries)
rightLower = intervalsLower[i1].lower;
* Find count of intervals which anyway should be placed to the
* left group.
while (i2 < nentries && intervalsUpper[i2].upper <= leftUpper)
* Consider found split.
g_box_consider_split(&context, dim, rightLower, i1, leftUpper, i2);
* Iterate over upper bound of left group finding greatest possible
* lower bound of right group.
i1 = nentries - 1;
i2 = nentries - 1;
rightLower = intervalsLower[i1].upper;
leftUpper = intervalsUpper[i2].upper;
while (true)
* Find next upper bound of left group.
while (i2 >= 0 && (leftUpper == intervalsUpper[i2].upper ||
rightLower = Min(rightLower, intervalsUpper[i2].lower);
if (i2 < 0)
leftUpper = intervalsUpper[i2].upper;
* Find count of intervals which anyway should be placed to the
* right group.
while (i1 >= 0 && intervalsLower[i1].lower >= rightLower)
* Consider found split.
g_box_consider_split(&context, dim,
rightLower, i1 + 1, leftUpper, i2 + 1);
* If we failed to find any acceptable splits, use trivial split.
if (context.first)
POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "no acceptable splits, trivial split");
fallbackSplit(entryvec, v);
* Ok, we have now selected the split across one axis.
* While considering the splits, we already determined that there will be
* enough entries in both groups to reach the desired ratio, but we did
* not memorize which entries go to which group. So determine that now.
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "split direction: %d", context.dim);
/* Allocate vectors for results */
v->spl_left = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nentries * sizeof(OffsetNumber));
v->spl_right = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nentries * sizeof(OffsetNumber));
v->spl_nleft = 0;
v->spl_nright = 0;
/* Allocate bounding boxes of left and right groups */
leftBox = palloc0(sizeof(BOX2DF));
rightBox = palloc0(sizeof(BOX2DF));
* Allocate an array for "common entries" - entries which can be placed to
* either group without affecting overlap along selected axis.
commonEntriesCount = 0;
commonEntries = (CommonEntry *) palloc(nentries * sizeof(CommonEntry));
/* Helper macros to place an entry in the left or right group */
#define PLACE_LEFT(box, off) \
do { \
if (v->spl_nleft > 0) \
adjustBox(leftBox, box); \
else \
*leftBox = *(box); \
v->spl_left[v->spl_nleft++] = off; \
} while(0)
#define PLACE_RIGHT(box, off) \
do { \
if (v->spl_nright > 0) \
adjustBox(rightBox, box); \
else \
*rightBox = *(box); \
v->spl_right[v->spl_nright++] = off; \
} while(0)
* Distribute entries which can be distributed unambiguously, and collect
* common entries.
for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i))
float lower,
* Get upper and lower bounds along selected axis.
box = (BOX2DF *) DatumGetPointer(entryvec->vector[i].key);
if (context.dim == 0)
lower = box->xmin;
upper = box->xmax;
lower = box->ymin;
upper = box->ymax;
if (upper <= context.leftUpper || isnan(upper))
/* Fits to the left group */
if (lower >= context.rightLower || isnan(lower))
/* Fits also to the right group, so "common entry" */
commonEntries[commonEntriesCount++].index = i;
/* Doesn't fit to the right group, so join to the left group */
PLACE_LEFT(box, i);
* Each entry should fit on either left or right group. Since this
* entry didn't fit on the left group, it better fit in the right
* group.
Assert(lower >= context.rightLower);
/* Doesn't fit to the left group, so join to the right group */
PLACE_RIGHT(box, i);
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "leftBox is %s", box2df_to_string(leftBox));
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "rightBox is %s", box2df_to_string(rightBox));
* Distribute "common entries", if any.
if (commonEntriesCount > 0)
/* Calculate minimum number of entries that must be placed in both groups, to reach LIMIT_RATIO. */
int m = ceil(LIMIT_RATIO * (double)nentries);
/* Recursive picksplit called, this is going to be the last split, keep split into 2 parts */
if (nentries > INDEX_TUPLES_PER_PAGE && nentries <= 2 * INDEX_TUPLES_PER_PAGE)
m = Max(m, nentries - INDEX_TUPLES_PER_PAGE);
* Calculate delta between penalties of join "common entries" to
* different groups.
for (i = 0; i < commonEntriesCount; i++)
box = (BOX2DF *) DatumGetPointer(entryvec->vector[
/** PG!6 Abs was removed in favor of standard c lib **/
commonEntries[i].delta = fabs(box2df_penalty(leftBox, box) - box2df_penalty(rightBox, box));
* Sort "common entries" by calculated deltas in order to distribute
* the most ambiguous entries first.
qsort(commonEntries, commonEntriesCount, sizeof(CommonEntry), common_entry_cmp);
* Distribute "common entries" between groups.
for (i = 0; i < commonEntriesCount; i++)
float right_penalty, left_penalty;
bool place_right = true;
box = (BOX2DF *)DatumGetPointer(entryvec->vector[commonEntries[i].index].key);
/* Recheck penalties. After we put undecided tuples to some side they're changed */
left_penalty = box2df_penalty(leftBox, box);
right_penalty = box2df_penalty(rightBox, box);
/* Check if penalty is absolutely telling a tuple should go to some side */
if (right_penalty > 0 && left_penalty == 0)
place_right = false;
else if (right_penalty == 0 && left_penalty > 0)
place_right = true;
/* Check if we have to place this entry in either group to achieve LIMIT_RATIO */
else if (v->spl_nleft + (commonEntriesCount - i) <= m)
place_right = false;
else if (v->spl_nright + (commonEntriesCount - i) <= m)
place_right = true;
/* Otherwise select the group by smaller penalty */
else if (left_penalty < right_penalty)
place_right = false;
else if (right_penalty < left_penalty)
place_right = true;
/* or just put tuple into smaller group */
else if (v->spl_nleft < v->spl_nright)
place_right = false;
place_right = true;
if (place_right)
PLACE_RIGHT(box, commonEntries[i].index);
PLACE_LEFT(box, commonEntries[i].index);
v->spl_ldatum = PointerGetDatum(leftBox);
v->spl_rdatum = PointerGetDatum(rightBox);
POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] 'picksplit' completed");
** The BOX2DF key must be defined as a PostgreSQL type, even though it is only
** ever used internally. These no-op stubs are used to bind the type.
Datum box2df_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
errmsg("function box2df_in not implemented")));
Datum box2df_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
char *result = box2df_to_string(box);