Regina Obe 3e38e0b83b Remove support for PostgreSQL < 12
Remove support for Proj < 6.1
Closes #5229 for PostGIS 3.4.0
2022-09-02 20:14:25 -04:00

1980 lines
51 KiB

* PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
* PostGIS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PostGIS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PostGIS. If not, see <>.
* Copyright 2009 - 2010 Oslandia
* @file GML input routines.
* Ability to parse GML geometry fragment and to return an LWGEOM
* or an error message.
* Implement ISO SQL/MM ST_GMLToSQL method
* Cf: ISO 13249-3:2009 -> 5.1.50 (p 134)
* GML versions supported:
* - Triangle, Tin and TriangulatedSurface,
* and PolyhedralSurface elements
* - GML 3.2.1 Namespace
* - GML 3.1.1 Simple Features profile SF-2
* (with backward compatibility to GML 3.1.0 and 3.0.0)
* - GML 2.1.2
* Cf: <>
* NOTA: this code doesn't (yet ?) support SQL/MM curves
* Written by Olivier Courtin - Oslandia
#include "postgres.h"
#include "executor/spi.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include <libxml/tree.h>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <libxml/xpath.h>
#include <libxml/xpathInternals.h>
#include "../postgis_config.h"
#include "lwgeom_pg.h"
#include "liblwgeom.h"
#include "lwgeom_transform.h"
Datum geom_from_gml(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
static LWGEOM *lwgeom_from_gml(const char *wkt, int xml_size);
static LWGEOM* parse_gml(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid);
typedef struct struct_gmlSrs
int32_t srid;
bool reverse_axis;
#define XLINK_NS ((char *) "")
#define GML_NS ((char *) "")
#define GML32_NS ((char *) "")
static void gml_lwpgerror(char *msg, __attribute__((__unused__)) int error_code)
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "ST_GeomFromGML ERROR %i", error_code);
lwpgerror("%s", msg);
* Ability to parse GML geometry fragment and to return an LWGEOM
* or an error message.
* ISO SQL/MM define two error messages:
* Cf: ISO 13249-3:2009 -> 5.1.50 (p 134)
* - invalid GML representation
* - unknown spatial reference system
Datum geom_from_gml(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
text *xml_input;
LWGEOM *lwgeom;
char *xml;
int root_srid=SRID_UNKNOWN;
int xml_size;
/* Get the GML stream */
xml_input = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0);
xml = text_to_cstring(xml_input);
xml_size = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(xml_input);
/* Zero for undefined */
root_srid = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
lwgeom = lwgeom_from_gml(xml, xml_size);
if ( root_srid != SRID_UNKNOWN )
lwgeom->srid = root_srid;
geom = geometry_serialize(lwgeom);
* Return false if current element namespace is not a GML one
* Return true otherwise.
static bool is_gml_namespace(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool is_strict)
xmlNsPtr *ns, *p;
ns = xmlGetNsList(xnode->doc, xnode);
* If no namespace is available we could return true anyway
* (because we work only on GML fragment, we don't want to
* 'oblige' to add namespace on the geometry root node)
if (ns == NULL) { return !is_strict; }
* Handle namespaces:
* - (GML 3.1.1 and priors)
* - (GML 3.2.1)
for (p=ns ; *p ; p++)
if ((*p)->href == NULL || (*p)->prefix == NULL ||
xnode->ns == NULL || xnode->ns->prefix == NULL) continue;
if (!xmlStrcmp(xnode->ns->prefix, (*p)->prefix))
if ( !strcmp((char *) (*p)->href, GML_NS)
|| !strcmp((char *) (*p)->href, GML32_NS))
return true;
} else {
return false;
return !is_strict; /* Same reason here to not return false */
* Retrieve a GML property from a node or NULL otherwise
* Respect namespaces if presents in the node element
static xmlChar *gmlGetProp(xmlNodePtr xnode, xmlChar *prop)
xmlChar *value;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xnode, true))
return xmlGetProp(xnode, prop);
* Handle namespaces:
* - (GML 3.1.1 and priors)
* - (GML 3.2.1)
value = xmlGetNsProp(xnode, prop, (xmlChar *) GML_NS);
if (value == NULL) value = xmlGetNsProp(xnode, prop, (xmlChar *) GML32_NS);
/* In last case try without explicit namespace */
if (value == NULL) value = xmlGetNoNsProp(xnode, prop);
return value;
* Return true if current node contains a simple XLink
* Return false otherwise.
static bool is_xlink(xmlNodePtr node)
xmlChar *prop;
prop = xmlGetNsProp(node, (xmlChar *)"type", (xmlChar *) XLINK_NS);
if (prop == NULL) return false;
if (strcmp((char *) prop, "simple"))
return false;
prop = xmlGetNsProp(node, (xmlChar *)"href", (xmlChar *) XLINK_NS);
if (prop == NULL) return false;
if (prop[0] != '#')
return false;
return true;
* Return a xmlNodePtr on a node referenced by a XLink or NULL otherwise
static xmlNodePtr get_xlink_node(xmlNodePtr xnode)
char *id;
xmlNsPtr *ns, *n;
xmlXPathContext *ctx;
xmlXPathObject *xpath;
xmlNodePtr node, ret_node;
xmlChar *href, *p, *node_id;
href = xmlGetNsProp(xnode, (xmlChar *)"href", (xmlChar *) XLINK_NS);
id = lwalloc((xmlStrlen(xnode->ns->prefix) * 2 + xmlStrlen(xnode->name)
+ xmlStrlen(href) + sizeof("//:[@:id='']") + 1));
p = href;
p++; /* ignore '#' first char */
/* XPath pattern look like: //gml:point[@gml:id='p1'] */
sprintf(id, "//%s:%s[@%s:id='%s']", (char *) xnode->ns->prefix,
(char *) xnode->name,
(char *) xnode->ns->prefix,
(char *) p);
ctx = xmlXPathNewContext(xnode->doc);
if (ctx == NULL)
return NULL;
/* Handle namespaces */
ns = xmlGetNsList(xnode->doc, xnode);
for (n=ns ; *n; n++) xmlXPathRegisterNs(ctx, (*n)->prefix, (*n)->href);
/* Execute XPath expression */
xpath = xmlXPathEvalExpression((xmlChar *) id, ctx);
if (xpath == NULL || xpath->nodesetval == NULL || xpath->nodesetval->nodeNr != 1)
return NULL;
ret_node = xpath->nodesetval->nodeTab[0];
/* Protection against circular calls */
for (node = xnode ; node != NULL ; node = node->parent)
if (node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
node_id = gmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar *) "id");
if (node_id != NULL)
if (!xmlStrcmp(node_id, p))
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 2);
return ret_node;
* Use Proj to reproject a given POINTARRAY
gml_reproject_pa(POINTARRAY *pa, int32_t epsg_in, int32_t epsg_out)
LWPROJ *lwp;
char text_in[16];
char text_out[16];
if (epsg_in == SRID_UNKNOWN)
return pa; /* nothing to do */
if (epsg_out == SRID_UNKNOWN)
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 3);
return NULL;
snprintf(text_in, 16, "EPSG:%d", epsg_in);
snprintf(text_out, 16, "EPSG:%d", epsg_out);
lwp = lwproj_from_str(text_in, text_out);
if (!lwp)
gml_lwpgerror("Could not create LWPROJ*", 57);
return NULL;
if (ptarray_transform(pa, lwp) == LW_FAILURE)
elog(ERROR, "gml_reproject_pa: reprojection failed");
return NULL;
return pa;
* Return 1 if the SRS definition from the authority has a GIS friendly order,
* that is easting,northing. This is typically true for most projected CRS
* (but not all!), and this is false for EPSG geographic CRS.
static int
gml_is_srs_axis_order_gis_friendly(int32_t srid)
char *srtext;
char query[256];
int is_axis_order_gis_friendly, err;
if (SPI_OK_CONNECT != SPI_connect ())
lwpgerror("gml_is_srs_axis_order_gis_friendly: could not connect to SPI manager");
sprintf(query, "SELECT srtext \
FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srid='%d'", srid);
err = SPI_exec(query, 1);
if (err < 0) lwpgerror("gml_is_srs_axis_order_gis_friendly: error executing query %d", err);
/* No entry in spatial_ref_sys */
if (SPI_processed <= 0)
return -1;
srtext = SPI_getvalue(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, 1);
is_axis_order_gis_friendly = 1;
if (srtext && srtext[0] != '\0')
char* ptr;
char* srtext_horizontal = (char*) malloc(strlen(srtext) + 1);
strcpy(srtext_horizontal, srtext);
/* Remove the VERT_CS part if we are in a COMPD_CS */
ptr = strstr(srtext_horizontal, ",VERT_CS[");
if (ptr)
*ptr = '\0';
if( strstr(srtext_horizontal, "AXIS[") == NULL &&
strstr(srtext_horizontal, "GEOCCS[") == NULL )
/* If there is no axis definition, then due to how GDAL < 3
* generated the WKT, this means that the axis order is not
* GIS friendly */
is_axis_order_gis_friendly = 0;
else if( strstr(srtext_horizontal,
"AXIS[\"Latitude\",NORTH],AXIS[\"Longitude\",EAST]") != NULL )
is_axis_order_gis_friendly = 0;
else if( strstr(srtext_horizontal,
"AXIS[\"Northing\",NORTH],AXIS[\"Easting\",EAST]") != NULL )
is_axis_order_gis_friendly = 0;
else if( strstr(srtext_horizontal,
"AXIS[\"geodetic latitude (Lat)\",north,ORDER[1]") != NULL )
is_axis_order_gis_friendly = 0;
return is_axis_order_gis_friendly;
* Parse gml srsName attribute
static void parse_gml_srs(xmlNodePtr xnode, gmlSrs *srs)
char *p;
int is_axis_order_gis_friendly;
xmlNodePtr node;
xmlChar *srsname;
bool honours_authority_axis_order = false;
char sep = ':';
node = xnode;
srsname = gmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar *) "srsName");
/*printf("srsname %s\n",srsname);*/
if (!srsname)
if (node->parent == NULL)
srs->srid = SRID_UNKNOWN;
srs->reverse_axis = false;
parse_gml_srs(node->parent, srs);
/* Severals srsName formats are available...
* cf WFS 1.1.0 -> 9.2 (p36)
* cf ISO 19142:2009 -> (p34)
* cf RFC 5165 <>
* cf CITE WFS-1.1 (GetFeature-tc17.2)
/* SRS pattern like: EPSG:4326
if (!strncmp((char *) srsname, "EPSG:", 5))
sep = ':';
honours_authority_axis_order = false;
else if (!strncmp((char *) srsname, "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:", 21)
|| !strncmp((char *) srsname, "urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:", 23)
|| !strncmp((char *) srsname, "urn:EPSG:geographicCRS:", 23))
sep = ':';
honours_authority_axis_order = true;
else if (!strncmp((char *) srsname,
"", 40))
sep = '#';
honours_authority_axis_order = false;
else gml_lwpgerror("unknown spatial reference system", 4);
/* retrieve the last ':' or '#' char */
for (p = (char *) srsname ; *p ; p++);
for (--p ; *p != sep ; p--)
if (!isdigit(*p)) gml_lwpgerror("unknown spatial reference system", 5);
srs->srid = atoi(++p);
/* Check into spatial_ref_sys that this SRID really exist */
is_axis_order_gis_friendly = gml_is_srs_axis_order_gis_friendly(srs->srid);
if (srs->srid == SRID_UNKNOWN || is_axis_order_gis_friendly == -1)
gml_lwpgerror("unknown spatial reference system", 6);
/* Reverse axis order if the srsName is meant to honour the axis
order defined by the authority and if that axis order is not
the GIS friendly one. */
srs->reverse_axis = !is_axis_order_gis_friendly && honours_authority_axis_order;
* Parse a string supposed to be a double
static double parse_gml_double(char *d, bool space_before, bool space_after)
char *p;
int st;
enum states
INIT = 0,
DIG = 2,
DIG_DEC = 4,
EXP = 5,
DIG_EXP = 7,
END = 8
* Double pattern
* [-|\+]?[0-9]+(\.)?([0-9]+)?([Ee](\+|-)?[0-9]+)?
* We could also meet spaces before and/or after
* this pattern upon parameters
if (space_before) while (isspace(*d)) d++;
for (st = INIT, p = d ; *p ; p++)
if (isdigit(*p))
if (st == INIT || st == NEED_DIG) st = DIG;
else if (st == NEED_DIG_DEC) st = DIG_DEC;
else if (st == NEED_DIG_EXP || st == EXP) st = DIG_EXP;
else if (st == DIG || st == DIG_DEC || st == DIG_EXP);
else gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 7);
else if (*p == '.')
if (st == DIG) st = NEED_DIG_DEC;
else gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 8);
else if (*p == '-' || *p == '+')
if (st == INIT) st = NEED_DIG;
else if (st == EXP) st = NEED_DIG_EXP;
else gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 9);
else if (*p == 'e' || *p == 'E')
if (st == DIG || st == DIG_DEC) st = EXP;
else gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 10);
else if (isspace(*p))
if (!space_after) gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 11);
if (st == DIG || st == DIG_DEC || st == DIG_EXP)st = END;
else if (st == NEED_DIG_DEC) st = END;
else if (st == END);
else gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 12);
else gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 13);
if (st != DIG && st != NEED_DIG_DEC && st != DIG_DEC && st != DIG_EXP && st != END)
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 14);
return atof(d);
* Parse gml:coordinates
static POINTARRAY* parse_gml_coordinates(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz)
xmlChar *gml_coord, *gml_ts, *gml_cs, *gml_dec;
char cs, ts, dec;
int gml_dims;
char *p, *q;
bool digit;
POINT4D pt = {0};
/* We begin to retrieve coordinates string */
gml_coord = xmlNodeGetContent(xnode);
p = (char *) gml_coord;
/* Default GML coordinates pattern: x1,y1 x2,y2
* x1,y1,z1 x2,y2,z2
* Cf GML 2.1.2 -> 4.3.1 (p18)
/* Retrieve separator between coordinates tuples */
gml_ts = gmlGetProp(xnode, (xmlChar *) "ts");
if (gml_ts == NULL) ts = ' ';
if (xmlStrlen(gml_ts) > 1 || isdigit(gml_ts[0]))
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 15);
ts = gml_ts[0];
/* Retrieve separator between each coordinate */
gml_cs = gmlGetProp(xnode, (xmlChar *) "cs");
if (gml_cs == NULL) cs = ',';
if (xmlStrlen(gml_cs) > 1 || isdigit(gml_cs[0]))
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 16);
cs = gml_cs[0];
/* Retrieve decimal separator */
gml_dec = gmlGetProp(xnode, (xmlChar *) "decimal");
if (gml_dec == NULL) dec = '.';
if (xmlStrlen(gml_dec) > 1 || isdigit(gml_dec[0]))
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 17);
dec = gml_dec[0];
if (cs == ts || cs == dec || ts == dec)
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 18);
/* HasZ, !HasM, 1 Point */
dpa = ptarray_construct_empty(1, 0, 1);
while (isspace(*p)) p++; /* Eat extra whitespaces if any */
for (q = p, gml_dims=0, digit = false ; *p ; p++)
if (isdigit(*p)) digit = true; /* One state parser */
/* Coordinate Separator */
if (*p == cs)
*p = '\0';
if (*(p+1) == '\0') gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 19);
if (gml_dims == 1) pt.x = parse_gml_double(q, false, true);
else if (gml_dims == 2) pt.y = parse_gml_double(q, false, true);
q = p+1;
/* Tuple Separator (or end string) */
else if (digit && (*p == ts || *(p+1) == '\0'))
if (*p == ts) *p = '\0';
if (gml_dims < 2 || gml_dims > 3)
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 20);
if (gml_dims == 3)
pt.z = parse_gml_double(q, false, true);
pt.y = parse_gml_double(q, false, true);
*hasz = false;
ptarray_append_point(dpa, &pt, LW_TRUE);
digit = false;
q = p+1;
gml_dims = 0;
/* Need to put standard decimal separator to atof handle */
else if (*p == dec && dec != '.') *p = '.';
return dpa; /* ptarray_clone_deep(dpa); */
* Parse gml:coord
static POINTARRAY* parse_gml_coord(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz)
xmlNodePtr xyz;
bool x,y,z;
xmlChar *c;
POINT4D p = {0};
/* HasZ?, !HasM, 1 Point */
dpa = ptarray_construct_empty(1, 0, 1);
x = y = z = false;
for (xyz = xnode->children ; xyz != NULL ; xyz = xyz->next)
if (xyz->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xyz, false)) continue;
if (!strcmp((char *) xyz->name, "X"))
if (x) gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 21);
c = xmlNodeGetContent(xyz);
p.x = parse_gml_double((char *) c, true, true);
x = true;
else if (!strcmp((char *) xyz->name, "Y"))
if (y) gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 22);
c = xmlNodeGetContent(xyz);
p.y = parse_gml_double((char *) c, true, true);
y = true;
else if (!strcmp((char *) xyz->name, "Z"))
if (z) gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 23);
c = xmlNodeGetContent(xyz);
p.z = parse_gml_double((char *) c, true, true);
z = true;
/* Check dimension consistancy */
if (!x || !y) gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 24);
if (!z) *hasz = false;
ptarray_append_point(dpa, &p, LW_FALSE);
return dpa; /* ptarray_clone_deep(dpa); */
* Parse gml:pos
static POINTARRAY* parse_gml_pos(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz)
xmlChar *dimension, *gmlpos;
int dim, gml_dim;
char *pos, *p;
bool digit;
POINT4D pt = {0, 0, 0, 0};
/* HasZ, !HasM, 1 Point */
dpa = ptarray_construct_empty(1, 0, 1);
dimension = gmlGetProp(xnode, (xmlChar *) "srsDimension");
if (dimension == NULL) /* in GML 3.0.0 it was dimension */
dimension = gmlGetProp(xnode, (xmlChar *) "dimension");
if (dimension == NULL) dim = 2; /* We assume that we are in 2D */
dim = atoi((char *) dimension);
if (dim < 2 || dim > 3)
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 25);
if (dim == 2) *hasz = false;
/* We retrieve gml:pos string */
gmlpos = xmlNodeGetContent(xnode);
pos = (char *) gmlpos;
while (isspace(*pos)) pos++; /* Eat extra whitespaces if any */
/* gml:pos pattern: x1 y1
* x1 y1 z1
for (p=pos, gml_dim=0, digit=false ; *pos ; pos++)
if (isdigit(*pos)) digit = true;
if (digit && (*pos == ' ' || *(pos+1) == '\0'))
if (*pos == ' ') *pos = '\0';
if (gml_dim == 1)
pt.x = parse_gml_double(p, true, true);
else if (gml_dim == 2)
pt.y = parse_gml_double(p, true, true);
else if (gml_dim == 3)
pt.z = parse_gml_double(p, true, true);
p = pos+1;
digit = false;
/* Test again coherent dimensions on each coord */
if (gml_dim == 2) *hasz = false;
if (gml_dim < 2 || gml_dim > 3 || gml_dim != dim)
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 26);
ptarray_append_point(dpa, &pt, LW_FALSE);
return dpa; /* ptarray_clone_deep(dpa); */
* Parse gml:posList
static POINTARRAY* parse_gml_poslist(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz)
xmlChar *dimension, *gmlposlist;
char *poslist, *p;
int dim, gml_dim;
POINT4D pt = {0, 0, 0, 0};
bool digit;
/* Retrieve gml:srsDimension attribute if any */
dimension = gmlGetProp(xnode, (xmlChar *) "srsDimension");
if (dimension == NULL) /* in GML 3.0.0 it was dimension */
dimension = gmlGetProp(xnode, (xmlChar *) "dimension");
if (dimension == NULL) dim = 2; /* We assume that we are in common 2D */
dim = atoi((char *) dimension);
if (dim < 2 || dim > 3) gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 27);
if (dim == 2) *hasz = false;
/* Retrieve gml:posList string */
gmlposlist = xmlNodeGetContent(xnode);
poslist = (char *) gmlposlist;
/* HasZ?, !HasM, 1 point */
dpa = ptarray_construct_empty(1, 0, 1);
/* gml:posList pattern: x1 y1 x2 y2
* x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
while (isspace(*poslist)) poslist++; /* Eat extra whitespaces if any */
for (p=poslist, gml_dim=0, digit=false ; *poslist ; poslist++)
if (isdigit(*poslist)) digit = true;
if (digit && (*poslist == ' ' || *(poslist+1) == '\0'))
if (*poslist == ' ') *poslist = '\0';
if (gml_dim == 1) pt.x = parse_gml_double(p, true, true);
else if (gml_dim == 2) pt.y = parse_gml_double(p, true, true);
else if (gml_dim == 3) pt.z = parse_gml_double(p, true, true);
if (gml_dim == dim)
/* Add to ptarray, allowing dupes */
ptarray_append_point(dpa, &pt, LW_TRUE);
pt.x = pt.y = pt.z = pt.m = 0.0;
gml_dim = 0;
else if (*(poslist+1) == '\0')
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 28);
p = poslist+1;
digit = false;
return dpa; /* ptarray_clone_deep(dpa); */
* Parse data coordinates
* There's several ways to encode data coordinates, who could be mixed
* inside a single geometrie:
* - gml:pos element
* - gml:posList element
* - gml:pointProperty
* - gml:pointRep (deprecated in 3.1.0)
* - gml:coordinate element with tuples string inside (deprecated in 3.1.0)
* - gml:coord elements with X,Y(,Z) nested elements (deprecated in 3.0.0)
static POINTARRAY* parse_gml_data(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
POINTARRAY *pa = 0, *tmp_pa = 0;
xmlNodePtr xa, xb;
gmlSrs srs;
bool found;
pa = NULL;
for (xa = xnode ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
if (xa->name == NULL) continue;
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "pos"))
tmp_pa = parse_gml_pos(xa, hasz);
if (pa == NULL) pa = tmp_pa;
else pa = ptarray_merge(pa, tmp_pa);
else if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "posList"))
tmp_pa = parse_gml_poslist(xa, hasz);
if (pa == NULL) pa = tmp_pa;
else pa = ptarray_merge(pa, tmp_pa);
else if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "coordinates"))
tmp_pa = parse_gml_coordinates(xa, hasz);
if (pa == NULL) pa = tmp_pa;
else pa = ptarray_merge(pa, tmp_pa);
else if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "coord"))
tmp_pa = parse_gml_coord(xa, hasz);
if (pa == NULL) pa = tmp_pa;
else pa = ptarray_merge(pa, tmp_pa);
else if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "pointRep") ||
!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "pointProperty"))
found = false;
for (xb = xa->children ; xb != NULL ; xb = xb->next)
if (xb->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xb, false)) continue;
if (!strcmp((char *) xb->name, "Point"))
found = true;
if (!found || xb == NULL)
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 29);
if (is_xlink(xb)) xb = get_xlink_node(xb);
if (xb == NULL || xb->children == NULL)
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 30);
tmp_pa = parse_gml_data(xb->children, hasz, root_srid);
if (tmp_pa->npoints != 1)
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 31);
parse_gml_srs(xb, &srs);
if (srs.reverse_axis) tmp_pa = ptarray_flip_coordinates(tmp_pa);
if (*root_srid == SRID_UNKNOWN) *root_srid = srs.srid;
else if (srs.srid != *root_srid)
gml_reproject_pa(tmp_pa, srs.srid, *root_srid);
if (pa == NULL) pa = tmp_pa;
else pa = ptarray_merge(pa, tmp_pa);
if (pa == NULL) gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 32);
return pa;
* Parse GML point (2.1.2, 3.1.1)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_point(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
gmlSrs srs;
LWGEOM *geom;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
if (xnode->children == NULL)
return lwpoint_as_lwgeom(lwpoint_construct_empty(*root_srid, 0, 0));
pa = parse_gml_data(xnode->children, hasz, root_srid);
if (pa->npoints != 1) gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 34);
parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
if (srs.reverse_axis) pa = ptarray_flip_coordinates(pa);
if (!*root_srid)
*root_srid = srs.srid;
geom = (LWGEOM *) lwpoint_construct(*root_srid, NULL, pa);
if (srs.srid != *root_srid)
gml_reproject_pa(pa, srs.srid, *root_srid);
geom = (LWGEOM *) lwpoint_construct(SRID_UNKNOWN, NULL, pa);
return geom;
* Parse GML lineString (2.1.2, 3.1.1)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_line(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
gmlSrs srs;
LWGEOM *geom;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
if (xnode->children == NULL)
return lwline_as_lwgeom(lwline_construct_empty(*root_srid, 0, 0));
pa = parse_gml_data(xnode->children, hasz, root_srid);
if (pa->npoints < 2) gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 36);
parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
if (srs.reverse_axis) pa = ptarray_flip_coordinates(pa);
if (!*root_srid)
*root_srid = srs.srid;
geom = (LWGEOM *) lwline_construct(*root_srid, NULL, pa);
if (srs.srid != *root_srid)
gml_reproject_pa(pa, srs.srid, *root_srid);
geom = (LWGEOM *) lwline_construct(SRID_UNKNOWN, NULL, pa);
return geom;
* Parse GML Curve (3.1.1)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_curve(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
xmlNodePtr xa;
size_t lss;
bool found=false;
gmlSrs srs;
uint32 npoints=0;
xmlChar *interpolation=NULL;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
/* Looking for gml:segments */
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "segments"))
found = true;
if (!found) gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 37);
ppa = (POINTARRAY**) lwalloc(sizeof(POINTARRAY*));
/* Processing each gml:LineStringSegment */
for (xa = xa->children, lss=0; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
if (strcmp((char *) xa->name, "LineStringSegment")) continue;
/* GML SF is restricted to linear interpolation */
interpolation = gmlGetProp(xa, (xmlChar *) "interpolation");
if (interpolation != NULL)
if (strcmp((char *) interpolation, "linear"))
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 38);
if (lss > 0) ppa = (POINTARRAY**) lwrealloc((POINTARRAY *) ppa,
sizeof(POINTARRAY*) * (lss + 1));
ppa[lss] = parse_gml_data(xa->children, hasz, root_srid);
npoints += ppa[lss]->npoints;
if (ppa[lss]->npoints < 2)
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 39);
if (lss == 0) gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 40);
/* Most common case, a single segment */
if (lss == 1) pa = ppa[0];
if (lss > 1)
* "The curve segments are connected to one another, with the end point
* of each segment except the last being the start point of the next
* segment" from ISO 19107:2003 -> (p43)
* So we must aggregate all the segments into a single one and avoid
* to copy the redundant points
size_t cp_point_size = sizeof(POINT3D); /* All internals are done with 3D */
size_t final_point_size = *hasz ? sizeof(POINT3D) : sizeof(POINT2D);
pa = ptarray_construct(1, 0, npoints - lss + 1);
/* Copy the first linestring fully */
memcpy(getPoint_internal(pa, 0), getPoint_internal(ppa[0], 0), cp_point_size * (ppa[0]->npoints));
npoints = ppa[0]->npoints;
/* For the rest of linestrings, ensure the first point matches the
* last point of the previous one, and copy all points except the
* first one (since it'd be repeated)
for (size_t i = 1; i < lss; i++)
if (memcmp(getPoint_internal(pa, npoints - 1), getPoint_internal(ppa[i], 0), final_point_size))
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 41);
memcpy(getPoint_internal(pa, npoints),
getPoint_internal(ppa[i], 1),
cp_point_size * (ppa[i]->npoints - 1));
npoints += ppa[i]->npoints - 1;
parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
if (srs.reverse_axis) pa = ptarray_flip_coordinates(pa);
if (srs.srid != *root_srid && *root_srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
gml_reproject_pa(pa, srs.srid, *root_srid);
geom = (LWGEOM *) lwline_construct(*root_srid, NULL, pa);
return geom;
* Parse GML LinearRing (3.1.1)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_linearring(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
gmlSrs srs;
LWGEOM *geom;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
ppa = (POINTARRAY**) lwalloc(sizeof(POINTARRAY*));
ppa[0] = parse_gml_data(xnode->children, hasz, root_srid);
if (ppa[0]->npoints < 4
|| (!*hasz && !ptarray_is_closed_2d(ppa[0]))
|| (*hasz && !ptarray_is_closed_3d(ppa[0])))
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 42);
if (srs.reverse_axis)
ppa[0] = ptarray_flip_coordinates(ppa[0]);
if (srs.srid != *root_srid && *root_srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
gml_reproject_pa(ppa[0], srs.srid, *root_srid);
geom = (LWGEOM *) lwpoly_construct(*root_srid, NULL, 1, ppa);
return geom;
* Parse GML Polygon (2.1.2, 3.1.1)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_polygon(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
gmlSrs srs;
int i, ring;
LWGEOM *geom;
xmlNodePtr xa, xb;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
if (xnode->children == NULL)
return lwpoly_as_lwgeom(lwpoly_construct_empty(*root_srid, 0, 0));
parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
/* Polygon/outerBoundaryIs -> GML 2.1.2 */
/* Polygon/exterior -> GML 3.1.1 */
if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
if (strcmp((char *) xa->name, "outerBoundaryIs") &&
strcmp((char *) xa->name, "exterior")) continue;
for (xb = xa->children ; xb != NULL ; xb = xb->next)
if (xb->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xb, false)) continue;
if (strcmp((char *) xb->name, "LinearRing")) continue;
ppa = (POINTARRAY**) lwalloc(sizeof(POINTARRAY*));
ppa[0] = parse_gml_data(xb->children, hasz, root_srid);
if (ppa[0]->npoints < 4
|| (!*hasz && !ptarray_is_closed_2d(ppa[0]))
|| (*hasz && !ptarray_is_closed_3d(ppa[0])))
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 43);
if (srs.reverse_axis) ppa[0] = ptarray_flip_coordinates(ppa[0]);
/* Found an <exterior> or <outerBoundaryIs> but no rings?!? We're outa here! */
if ( ! ppa )
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 43);
for (ring=1, xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
/* Polygon/innerBoundaryIs -> GML 2.1.2 */
/* Polygon/interior -> GML 3.1.1 */
if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
if (strcmp((char *) xa->name, "innerBoundaryIs") &&
strcmp((char *) xa->name, "interior")) continue;
for (xb = xa->children ; xb != NULL ; xb = xb->next)
if (xb->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xb, false)) continue;
if (strcmp((char *) xb->name, "LinearRing")) continue;
ppa = (POINTARRAY**) lwrealloc((POINTARRAY *) ppa,
sizeof(POINTARRAY*) * (ring + 1));
ppa[ring] = parse_gml_data(xb->children, hasz, root_srid);
if (ppa[ring]->npoints < 4
|| (!*hasz && !ptarray_is_closed_2d(ppa[ring]))
|| (*hasz && !ptarray_is_closed_3d(ppa[ring])))
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 43);
if (srs.reverse_axis) ppa[ring] = ptarray_flip_coordinates(ppa[ring]);
/* Exterior Ring is mandatory */
if (ppa == NULL || ppa[0] == NULL) gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 44);
if (srs.srid != *root_srid && *root_srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
for (i=0 ; i < ring ; i++)
gml_reproject_pa(ppa[i], srs.srid, *root_srid);
geom = (LWGEOM *) lwpoly_construct(*root_srid, NULL, ring, ppa);
return geom;
* Parse GML Triangle (3.1.1)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_triangle(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
gmlSrs srs;
LWGEOM *geom;
xmlNodePtr xa, xb;
xmlChar *interpolation=NULL;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
if (xnode->children == NULL)
return lwtriangle_as_lwgeom(lwtriangle_construct_empty(*root_srid, 0, 0));
/* GML SF is restricted to planar interpolation
NOTA: I know Triangle is not part of SF, but
we have to be consistent with other surfaces */
interpolation = gmlGetProp(xnode, (xmlChar *) "interpolation");
if (interpolation != NULL)
if (strcmp((char *) interpolation, "planar"))
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 45);
parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
/* Triangle/exterior */
if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
if (strcmp((char *) xa->name, "exterior")) continue;
for (xb = xa->children ; xb != NULL ; xb = xb->next)
/* Triangle/exterior/LinearRing */
if (xb->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xb, false)) continue;
if (strcmp((char *) xb->name, "LinearRing")) continue;
pa = (POINTARRAY*) lwalloc(sizeof(POINTARRAY));
pa = parse_gml_data(xb->children, hasz, root_srid);
if (pa->npoints != 4
|| (!*hasz && !ptarray_is_closed_2d(pa))
|| (*hasz && !ptarray_is_closed_3d(pa)))
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 46);
if (srs.reverse_axis) pa = ptarray_flip_coordinates(pa);
/* Exterior Ring is mandatory */
if (pa == NULL) gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 47);
if (srs.srid != *root_srid && *root_srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
gml_reproject_pa(pa, srs.srid, *root_srid);
geom = (LWGEOM *) lwtriangle_construct(*root_srid, NULL, pa);
return geom;
* Parse GML PolygonPatch (3.1.1)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_patch(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
xmlChar *interpolation=NULL;
xmlNodePtr xa, xb;
int i, ring=0;
gmlSrs srs;
/* PolygonPatch */
if (strcmp((char *) xnode->name, "PolygonPatch"))
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 48);
/* GML SF is restricted to planar interpolation */
interpolation = gmlGetProp(xnode, (xmlChar *) "interpolation");
if (interpolation != NULL)
if (strcmp((char *) interpolation, "planar"))
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 48);
parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
/* PolygonPatch/exterior */
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
if (strcmp((char *) xa->name, "exterior")) continue;
/* PolygonPatch/exterior/LinearRing */
for (xb = xa->children ; xb != NULL ; xb = xb->next)
if (xb->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xb, false)) continue;
if (strcmp((char *) xb->name, "LinearRing")) continue;
ppa = (POINTARRAY**) lwalloc(sizeof(POINTARRAY*));
ppa[0] = parse_gml_data(xb->children, hasz, root_srid);
if (ppa[0]->npoints < 4
|| (!*hasz && !ptarray_is_closed_2d(ppa[0]))
|| (*hasz && !ptarray_is_closed_3d(ppa[0])))
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 48);
if (srs.reverse_axis)
ppa[0] = ptarray_flip_coordinates(ppa[0]);
/* Interior but no Exterior ! */
if ( ! ppa )
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 48);
/* PolygonPatch/interior */
for (ring=1, xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
if (strcmp((char *) xa->name, "interior")) continue;
/* PolygonPatch/interior/LinearRing */
for (xb = xa->children ; xb != NULL ; xb = xb->next)
if (xb->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (strcmp((char *) xb->name, "LinearRing")) continue;
ppa = (POINTARRAY**) lwrealloc((POINTARRAY *) ppa,
sizeof(POINTARRAY*) * (ring + 1));
ppa[ring] = parse_gml_data(xb->children, hasz, root_srid);
if (ppa[ring]->npoints < 4
|| (!*hasz && !ptarray_is_closed_2d(ppa[ring]))
|| ( *hasz && !ptarray_is_closed_3d(ppa[ring])))
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 49);
if (srs.reverse_axis)
ppa[ring] = ptarray_flip_coordinates(ppa[ring]);
/* Exterior Ring is mandatory */
if (ppa == NULL || ppa[0] == NULL) gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 50);
if (srs.srid != *root_srid && *root_srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
for (i=0 ; i < ring ; i++)
gml_reproject_pa(ppa[i], srs.srid, *root_srid);
geom = (LWGEOM *) lwpoly_construct(*root_srid, NULL, ring, ppa);
return geom;
* Parse GML Surface (3.1.1)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_surface(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
xmlNodePtr xa;
int patch;
bool found=false;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
/* Looking for gml:patches */
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "patches"))
found = true;
if (!found) gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 51);
/* Processing gml:PolygonPatch */
for (patch=0, xa = xa->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
if (strcmp((char *) xa->name, "PolygonPatch")) continue;
/* SQL/MM define ST_CurvePolygon as a single patch only,
cf ISO 13249-3:2009 -> 4.2.9 (p27) */
if (patch > 1) gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 52);
geom = parse_gml_patch(xa, hasz, root_srid);
if (!patch) gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 53);
return geom;
* Parse GML Tin (and TriangulatedSurface) (3.1.1)
* TODO handle also Tin attributes:
* - stopLines
* - breakLines
* - maxLength
* - position
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_tin(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
gmlSrs srs;
xmlNodePtr xa;
bool found=false;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
if (*root_srid == SRID_UNKNOWN && srs.srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
*root_srid = srs.srid;
geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(TINTYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
if (xnode->children == NULL)
return geom;
/* Looking for gml:patches or gml:trianglePatches */
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "patches") ||
!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "trianglePatches"))
found = true;
if (!found) return geom; /* empty one */
/* Processing each gml:Triangle */
for (xa = xa->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
if (strcmp((char *) xa->name, "Triangle")) continue;
if (xa->children != NULL)
geom = (LWGEOM*) lwtin_add_lwtriangle((LWTIN *) geom,
(LWTRIANGLE *) parse_gml_triangle(xa, hasz, root_srid));
return geom;
* Parse gml:MultiPoint (2.1.2, 3.1.1)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_mpoint(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
gmlSrs srs;
xmlNodePtr xa, xb;
LWGEOM *geom = NULL;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
if (*root_srid == SRID_UNKNOWN && srs.srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
*root_srid = srs.srid;
geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTIPOINTTYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
if (xnode->children == NULL)
return geom;
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
/* MultiPoint/pointMember */
if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "pointMembers"))
for (xb = xa->children ; xb != NULL ; xb = xb->next)
geom = (LWGEOM*)lwmpoint_add_lwpoint(
(LWPOINT*)parse_gml(xb, hasz, root_srid));
else if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "pointMember"))
if (xa->children != NULL)
geom = (LWGEOM*)lwmpoint_add_lwpoint((LWMPOINT*)geom,
(LWPOINT*)parse_gml(xa->children, hasz, root_srid));
return geom;
* Parse gml:MultiLineString (2.1.2, 3.1.1)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_mline(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
gmlSrs srs;
xmlNodePtr xa;
LWGEOM *geom = NULL;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
if (*root_srid == SRID_UNKNOWN && srs.srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
*root_srid = srs.srid;
geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTILINETYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
if (xnode->children == NULL)
return geom;
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
/* MultiLineString/lineStringMember */
if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
if (strcmp((char *) xa->name, "lineStringMember")) continue;
if (xa->children != NULL)
geom = (LWGEOM*)lwmline_add_lwline((LWMLINE*)geom,
(LWLINE*)parse_gml(xa->children, hasz, root_srid));
return geom;
* Parse GML MultiCurve (3.1.1)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_mcurve(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
gmlSrs srs;
xmlNodePtr xa, xb;
LWGEOM *geom = NULL;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
if (*root_srid == SRID_UNKNOWN && srs.srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
*root_srid = srs.srid;
geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTILINETYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
if (xnode->children == NULL)
return geom;
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
/* MultiCurve/curveMember */
if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "curveMembers"))
for (xb = xa->children ; xb != NULL ; xb = xb->next)
if (xb != NULL)
geom = (LWGEOM*)lwmline_add_lwline((LWMLINE*)geom,
(LWLINE*)parse_gml(xb, hasz, root_srid));
else if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "curveMember"))
if (xa->children != NULL)
geom = (LWGEOM*)lwmline_add_lwline((LWMLINE*)geom,
(LWLINE*)parse_gml(xa->children, hasz, root_srid));
return geom;
* Parse GML MultiPolygon (2.1.2, 3.1.1)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_mpoly(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
gmlSrs srs;
xmlNodePtr xa;
LWGEOM *geom = NULL;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
if (*root_srid == SRID_UNKNOWN && srs.srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
*root_srid = srs.srid;
geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTIPOLYGONTYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
if (xnode->children == NULL)
return geom;
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
/* MultiPolygon/polygonMember */
if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
if (strcmp((char *) xa->name, "polygonMember")) continue;
if (xa->children != NULL)
geom = (LWGEOM*)lwmpoly_add_lwpoly((LWMPOLY*)geom,
(LWPOLY*)parse_gml(xa->children, hasz, root_srid));
return geom;
* Parse GML MultiSurface (3.1.1)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_msurface(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
gmlSrs srs;
xmlNodePtr xa, xb;
LWGEOM *geom = NULL;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
if (*root_srid == SRID_UNKNOWN && srs.srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
*root_srid = srs.srid;
geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTIPOLYGONTYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
if (xnode->children == NULL)
return geom;
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
/* MultiSurface/surfaceMember */
if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "surfaceMembers"))
for (xb = xa->children ; xb != NULL ; xb = xb->next)
if (xb != NULL)
geom = (LWGEOM*)lwmpoly_add_lwpoly((LWMPOLY*)geom,
(LWPOLY*)parse_gml(xb, hasz, root_srid));
else if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "surfaceMember"))
if (xa->children != NULL)
geom = (LWGEOM*)lwmpoly_add_lwpoly((LWMPOLY*)geom,
(LWPOLY*)parse_gml(xa->children, hasz, root_srid));
return geom;
* Parse GML PolyhedralSurface (3.1.1)
* Nota: It's not part of SF-2
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_psurface(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
gmlSrs srs;
xmlNodePtr xa;
bool found = false;
LWGEOM *geom = NULL;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
if (*root_srid == SRID_UNKNOWN && srs.srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
*root_srid = srs.srid;
geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(POLYHEDRALSURFACETYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
if (xnode->children == NULL)
return geom;
/* Looking for gml:polygonPatches */
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "polygonPatches"))
found = true;
if (!found) return geom;
for (xa = xa->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
/* PolyhedralSurface/polygonPatches/PolygonPatch */
if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
if (strcmp((char *) xa->name, "PolygonPatch")) continue;
geom = (LWGEOM*)lwpsurface_add_lwpoly((LWPSURFACE*)geom,
(LWPOLY*)parse_gml_patch(xa, hasz, root_srid));
return geom;
* Parse GML MultiGeometry (2.1.2, 3.1.1)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_coll(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
gmlSrs srs;
xmlNodePtr xa;
LWGEOM *geom = NULL;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
if (*root_srid == SRID_UNKNOWN && srs.srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
*root_srid = srs.srid;
geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(COLLECTIONTYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
if (xnode->children == NULL)
return geom;
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (!is_gml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;
* In GML 2.1.2 pointMember, lineStringMember and
* polygonMember are parts of geometryMember
* substitution group
if ( !strcmp((char *) xa->name, "pointMember")
|| !strcmp((char *) xa->name, "lineStringMember")
|| !strcmp((char *) xa->name, "polygonMember")
|| !strcmp((char *) xa->name, "geometryMember"))
if (xa->children == NULL) break;
geom = (LWGEOM*)lwcollection_add_lwgeom((LWCOLLECTION *)geom,
parse_gml(xa->children, hasz, root_srid));
return geom;
* Read GML
static LWGEOM *
lwgeom_from_gml(const char *xml, int xml_size)
xmlDocPtr xmldoc;
xmlNodePtr xmlroot=NULL;
LWGEOM *lwgeom = NULL;
bool hasz=true;
int root_srid=SRID_UNKNOWN;
/* Begin to Parse XML doc */
xmldoc = xmlReadMemory(xml, xml_size, NULL, NULL, XML_PARSE_SAX1);
if (!xmldoc)
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 1);
return NULL;
xmlroot = xmlDocGetRootElement(xmldoc);
if (!xmlroot)
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 1);
return NULL;
lwgeom = parse_gml(xmlroot, &hasz, &root_srid);
/* shouldn't we be releasing xmldoc too here ? */
if ( root_srid != SRID_UNKNOWN )
lwgeom->srid = root_srid;
/* GML geometries could be either 2 or 3D and can be nested mixed.
* Missing Z dimension is even tolerated inside some GML coords
* So we deal with 3D in all structures allocation, and flag hasz
* to false if we met once a missing Z dimension
* In this case, we force recursive 2D.
if (!hasz)
LWGEOM *tmp = lwgeom_force_2d(lwgeom);
lwgeom = tmp;
return lwgeom;
* Parse GML
static LWGEOM* parse_gml(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
xmlNodePtr xa = xnode;
gmlSrs srs;
while (xa != NULL && (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE
|| !is_gml_namespace(xa, false))) xa = xa->next;
if (xa == NULL) gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 55);
parse_gml_srs(xa, &srs);
if (*root_srid == SRID_UNKNOWN && srs.srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
*root_srid = srs.srid;
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "Point"))
return parse_gml_point(xa, hasz, root_srid);
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "LineString"))
return parse_gml_line(xa, hasz, root_srid);
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "Curve"))
return parse_gml_curve(xa, hasz, root_srid);
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "LinearRing"))
return parse_gml_linearring(xa, hasz, root_srid);
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "Polygon"))
return parse_gml_polygon(xa, hasz, root_srid);
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "Triangle"))
return parse_gml_triangle(xa, hasz, root_srid);
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "Surface"))
return parse_gml_surface(xa, hasz, root_srid);
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "MultiPoint"))
return parse_gml_mpoint(xa, hasz, root_srid);
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "MultiLineString"))
return parse_gml_mline(xa, hasz, root_srid);
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "MultiCurve"))
return parse_gml_mcurve(xa, hasz, root_srid);
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "MultiPolygon"))
return parse_gml_mpoly(xa, hasz, root_srid);
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "MultiSurface"))
return parse_gml_msurface(xa, hasz, root_srid);
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "PolyhedralSurface"))
return parse_gml_psurface(xa, hasz, root_srid);
if ((!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "Tin")) ||
!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "TriangulatedSurface" ))
return parse_gml_tin(xa, hasz, root_srid);
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "MultiGeometry"))
return parse_gml_coll(xa, hasz, root_srid);
gml_lwpgerror("invalid GML representation", 56);
return NULL; /* Never reach */