Paul Ramsey c10c546fc4 Add MARC21/XML parser, from @jimjonesbr
- ST_GeomFromMARC21: extracts geometries from MARC21 documents
    - ST_AsMARC21: generates MARC21 documents from geometries
2022-02-17 08:32:38 -08:00

512 lines
14 KiB

* PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
* PostGIS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PostGIS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PostGIS. If not, see <>.
#include "postgres.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include <libxml/tree.h>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "../postgis_config.h"
#include "lwgeom_pg.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "liblwgeom.h"
static LWGEOM* parse_marc21(xmlNodePtr xnode);
* Ability to parse geographic data contained in MARC21/XML records
* to return an LWGEOM or an error message. It returns NULL if the
* MARC21/XML record is valid but does not contain any geographic
* data (datafield:034).
* MARC21/XML version supported: 1.1
* MARC21/XML Cartographic Mathematical Data Definition:
* Copyright (C) 2021 University of Münster (WWU), Germany
* Written by Jim Jones <>
LWGEOM *lwgeom;
xmlDocPtr xmldoc;
text *xml_input;
int xml_size;
char *xml;
xmlNodePtr xmlroot = NULL;
xml_input = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0);
xml = text_to_cstring(xml_input);
xml_size = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(xml_input);
xmldoc = xmlReadMemory(xml, xml_size, NULL, NULL, XML_PARSE_SAX1);
if (!xmldoc || (xmlroot = xmlDocGetRootElement(xmldoc)) == NULL) {
lwpgerror("invalid MARC21/XML document.");
lwgeom = parse_marc21(xmlroot);
if (lwgeom == NULL) {
geom = geometry_serialize(lwgeom);
static int is_literal_valid(const char *literal) {
int num_dec_sep;
int coord_start;
int literal_length;
if(literal == NULL) return LW_FALSE;
literal_length = strlen(literal);
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, "is_literal_valid called (%s)", literal);
if (literal_length < 3) return LW_FALSE;
coord_start = 0;
num_dec_sep = 0;
* Shortest allowed literal:
* containing cardinal direction > cardinal direction + degree with 3 digits
* no cardinal direction > degree with 3 digits
* The variable "coord_start" stores the position where the coordinates start (0 or 1),
* so that the script can identify where each literal element begins to validate its content.
if (literal[0] == 'N' || literal[0] == 'E' || literal[0] == 'S' || literal[0] == 'W' || literal[0] == '+' || literal[0] == '-') {
if (literal_length < 4) {
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " invalid literal length (%d): \"%s\"", literal_length, literal);
return LW_FALSE;
coord_start = 1;
for (int j = coord_start; j < literal_length; j++) {
if (!isdigit(literal[j])) {
if (j < 3) {
* The first three characters represent the degrees and they must be numeric.
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3," invalid character '%c' at the degrees section: \"%s\"", literal[j], literal);
return LW_FALSE;
* Decimal degrees are encoded with after the 3rd character with either a dot or a comma.
* Only one decimal separator is allowed.
if (literal[j] == '.' || literal[j] == ',') {
if (num_dec_sep > 1) return LW_FALSE;
} else {
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " invalid character '%c' in %d: \"%s\"", literal[j], j, literal);
return LW_FALSE;
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, "=> is_literal_valid returns LW_TRUE for \"%s\"", literal);
return LW_TRUE;
static double parse_geo_literal(char *literal) {
* Coordinate formats supported (from the MARC21/XML documentation):
* -> hdddmmss (hemisphere-degrees-minutes-seconds)
* -> hddd.dddddd (hemisphere-degrees.decimal degrees)
* -> +-ddd.dddddd (hemisphere[+/-]-degrees.decimal degrees)
* (“+” for N and E, “-“ for S and W; the plus sign is optional)
* -> hdddmm.mmmm (hemisphere-degrees-minutes.decimal minutes):
* -> hdddmmss.sss (hemisphere-degrees-minutes-seconds.decimal seconds)
char *dgr;
char *min;
char *sec;
size_t literal_length;
char start_character = literal[0];
int start_literal = 0;
double result = 0.0;
const size_t numdigits_degrees = 3;
const size_t numdigits_minutes = 2;
const size_t numdigits_seconds = 2;
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, "parse_geo_literal called (%s)", literal);
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, " start character: %c", start_character);
literal_length = strlen(literal);
if (!isdigit(start_character)) start_literal = 1;
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, " start_literal=%d", start_literal);
dgr = palloc(sizeof(char)*numdigits_degrees+1);
snprintf(dgr, numdigits_degrees+1, "%s", &literal[start_literal]);
if (strchr(literal, '.') == NULL && strchr(literal, ',') == NULL) {
* degrees/minutes/seconds: hdddmmss (hemisphere-degrees-minutes-seconds)
* Ex. 0793235
* +0793235
* E0793235
* || | |-> seconds (2 digits; left padded with 0)
* || |-> minutes (2 digits; left padded with 0)
* ||-> degrees (3 digits; left padded with 0)
* |-> start_literal (1 digit; optional)
POSTGIS_DEBUG(2, " lat/lon integer coordinates detected");
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, " parsed degrees (lon/lat): %s", dgr);
/* literal contain at least degrees.
* minutes and seconds are optional */
result = atof(dgr);
/* checks if the literal contains minutes */
if (literal_length > (start_literal + numdigits_degrees)) {
min = palloc(sizeof(char)*numdigits_minutes+1);
snprintf(min, numdigits_minutes+1, "%s", &literal[start_literal+numdigits_degrees]);
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, " parsed minutes (lon/lat): %s", min);
result = result + atof(min) / 60;
/* checks if the literal contains seconds */
if (literal_length >= (start_literal + numdigits_degrees + numdigits_minutes)) {
sec = palloc(sizeof(char)*numdigits_seconds+1);
snprintf(sec, numdigits_seconds+1, "%s", &literal[start_literal+numdigits_degrees+numdigits_minutes]);
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, " parsed seconds (lon/lat): %s", sec);
result = result + atof(sec) / 3600;
} else {
POSTGIS_DEBUG(2, " decimal coordinates detected");
if (strchr(literal, ',')) {
/* changes the literal decimal sign from comma to period to avoid problems with atof.
* from the docs "In MARC21/XML coordinates, the decimal sign may be either a period or a comma." */
literal[literal_length-strlen(strchr(literal, ','))]='.';
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, " decimal separator changed to '.': %s",literal);
/* checks if the literal is encoded in decimal degrees */
if (literal[start_literal + numdigits_degrees] == '.') {
* decimal degrees: hddd.dddddd (hemisphere-degrees.decimal degrees)
* Ex. E079.533265
* +079.533265
* || |-> indicates decimal degrees
* ||-> degrees (3 digits; left padded with 0)
* |-> start_literal (1 digit; optional)
char *dec = palloc(sizeof(char)*literal_length+1);
snprintf(dec, literal_length+1, "%s", &literal[start_literal]);
result = atof(dec);
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, " parsed decimal degrees: %s", dec);
/* checks if the literal is encoded in decimal minutes */
} else if (literal[start_literal + numdigits_degrees + numdigits_minutes] == '.') {
* decimal minutes: hdddmm.mmmm (cardinal direction|degrees|minutes.decimal minutes)
* Ex. E07932.5332
* || | |-> indicates decimal minutes
* || |-> minutes (2 digits; left padded with 0)
* ||-> degrees (3 digits; left padded with 0)
* |-> start_literal (1 digit; optional)
size_t len_decimal_minutes = literal_length - (start_literal + numdigits_degrees);
min = palloc(sizeof(char)*len_decimal_minutes+1);
snprintf(min, len_decimal_minutes+1, "%s", &literal[start_literal + numdigits_degrees]);
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, " parsed degrees: %s", dgr);
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, " parsed decimal minutes: %s", min);
result = atof(dgr) + (atof(min) / 60);
/* checks if the literal is encoded in decimal seconds */
} else if (literal[start_literal + numdigits_degrees + numdigits_minutes + numdigits_seconds] == '.') {
* decimal seconds: hdddmmss.sss (hemisphere-degrees-minutes-seconds.decimal seconds)
* Ex. E0793235.575
* || | | |-> indicates decimal seconds
* || | |-> seconds (2 digits; left padded with 0)
* || |-> minutes (2 digits; left padded with 0)
* ||-> degrees (3 digits; left padded with 0)
* |-> start_literal (1 digit; optional)
size_t len_decimal_seconds = literal_length - (start_literal + numdigits_degrees + numdigits_minutes);
min = palloc(sizeof(char)*numdigits_minutes+1);
snprintf(min, numdigits_minutes+1, "%s", &literal[start_literal + numdigits_degrees]);
sec = palloc(sizeof(char)*len_decimal_seconds+1);
snprintf(sec, len_decimal_seconds+1, "%s", &literal[start_literal + numdigits_degrees + numdigits_minutes]);
result = atof(dgr) + (atof(min) / 60) + (atof(sec) / 3600);
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, " parsed degrees: %s", dgr);
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, " parsed minutes: %s", min);
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, " parsed decimal seconds: %s", sec);
* “+” for N and E (the plus sign is optional)
* “-“ for S and W
if (start_character == 'S' || start_character == 'W' || start_character == '-') {
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, " switching sign due to start character: '%c'", start_character);
result = -result;
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, "=> parse_geo_literal returns: %.*f (in decimal degrees)", literal_length-(3+start_literal), result);
return result;
static LWGEOM*
parse_marc21(xmlNodePtr xnode) {
int ngeoms;
int i;
xmlNodePtr datafield;
xmlNodePtr subfield;
LWGEOM *result;
LWGEOM **lwgeoms = (LWGEOM**) lwalloc(sizeof(LWGEOM*));
uint8_t geometry_type;
uint8_t result_type;
char *code;
char *literal;
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, "parse_marc21 called: root '<%s>'", xnode->name);
* MARC21/XML documents must have <record> as top level element.
if (xmlStrcmp(xnode->name, (xmlChar*) "record")) lwpgerror("invalid MARC21/XML document. Root element <record> expected but <%s> found.",xnode->name);
result_type = 0;
ngeoms = 0;
for (datafield = xnode->children; datafield != NULL; datafield = datafield->next) {
char *lw = NULL;
char *le = NULL;
char *ln = NULL;
char *ls = NULL;
if (datafield->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (xmlStrcmp(datafield->name, (xmlChar*) "datafield") != 0 || xmlStrcmp(xmlGetProp(datafield, (xmlChar*) "tag"),(xmlChar*) "034") != 0) continue;
POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " datafield found");
for (subfield = datafield->children; subfield != NULL; subfield = subfield->next) {
if (subfield->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (xmlStrcmp(subfield->name, (xmlChar*) "subfield") != 0) continue;
code = (char*) xmlGetProp(subfield, (xmlChar*) "code");
if ((strcmp(code, "d") != 0 && strcmp(code, "e") != 0 && strcmp(code, "f") != 0 && strcmp(code, "g")) != 0) continue;
literal = (char*) xmlNodeGetContent(subfield);
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " subfield code '%s': %s", code, literal);
if (is_literal_valid(literal) == LW_TRUE) {
if (strcmp(code, "d") == 0) lw = literal;
else if (strcmp(code, "e") == 0) le = literal;
else if (strcmp(code, "f") == 0) ln = literal;
else if (strcmp(code, "g") == 0) ls = literal;
} else {
lwpgerror("parse error - invalid literal at 034$%s: \"%s\"", code, literal);
if (lw && le && ln && ls) {
double w = parse_geo_literal(lw);
double e = parse_geo_literal(le);
double n = parse_geo_literal(ln);
double s = parse_geo_literal(ls);
geometry_type = 0;
if (ngeoms > 0) lwgeoms = (LWGEOM**) lwrealloc(lwgeoms, sizeof(LWGEOM*) * (ngeoms + 1));
if (fabs(w - e) < 0.0000001f && fabs(n - s) < 0.0000001f) {
* If the coordinates are given in terms of a center point rather than outside limits,
* the longitude and latitude which form the central axis are recorded twice (in subfields
* $d and $e and in $f and $g, respectively).
lwgeoms[ngeoms] = (LWGEOM*) lwpoint_make2d(SRID_UNKNOWN, w, s);
geometry_type = MULTIPOINTTYPE;
} else {
lwgeoms[ngeoms] = (LWGEOM*) lwpoly_construct_envelope(SRID_UNKNOWN, w, n, e, s);
geometry_type = MULTIPOLYGONTYPE;
if (ngeoms && result_type != geometry_type) {
result_type = COLLECTIONTYPE;
} else {
result_type = geometry_type;
} else {
if (lw || le || ln || ls) {
lwpgerror("parse error - the Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data (datafield:034) in the given MARC21/XML is incomplete. Coordinates for subfields \"$d\",\"$e\",\"$f\" and \"$g\" are expected.");
POSTGIS_DEBUG(5, " xmlFreeNode(datafield)");
if (ngeoms == 1) {
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, "=> parse_marc21 returns single geometry: %s",lwtype_name(lwgeom_get_type(lwgeoms[0])));
return lwgeoms[0];
} else if (ngeoms > 1) {
result = (LWGEOM*) lwcollection_construct_empty(result_type,SRID_UNKNOWN, 0, 0);
for (i = 0; i < ngeoms; i++) {
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " adding geometry to result set: %s",lwtype_name(lwgeom_get_type(lwgeoms[i])));
result = (LWGEOM*) lwcollection_add_lwgeom((LWCOLLECTION*) result,lwgeoms[i]);
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(2, "=> parse_marc21 returns a collection: %s", lwtype_name(lwgeom_get_type(result)));
return result;
* MARC21/XML Document has a <record> but no <datafield:034>
POSTGIS_DEBUG(2, "=> parse_marc21 returns NULL");
return NULL;