Sandro Santilli 3beb3f82ba Fix my email address
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2016-07-04 15:45:56 +00:00

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RFC1: serialized format (storage) for RASTER type
Author: Sandro Santilli <>
Date: 2009-01-28
Status: Adopted
2011-01-24 by Jorge Arévalo
- Adds isNodataValue bit to band flags
The goals of the serialized version for RASTER type are:
- Small memory footprint on deserialization
This means that the amount of allocated memory
required for deserialization is minimal
- Fast access
Access to band data must be aligned, saving from
memory copies on full scan.
- Ease of format switch
On-disk format must be allowed to change
w/out need for dump-reload of the whole
The first two goals boil down to forcing alignment of band
data in the serialized format itself, which in turn will
require variable padding based on pixeltype of each band.
For simplicity we will ensure that each band of the
raster starts at the 8-byte boundary and thus pad
previous structures in the stream accordingly.
The structure will then look like this:
^aligned ^aligned ^aligned
The third goal can be accomplished by adding a version
number to the serialized format so that in case of changes
the deserializer can pick the correct parsing procedure
based on that.
PostgreSQL forces a 4-byte size field a the start of
the detoasted datum, and ensure this start of structure
is aligned to 8-byte. We'll add version number right after it,
and then make sure the total size is a multiple of 8 bytes.
The following structure is composed by 8 slots of 8-bytes,
totaling 64 bytes:
struct rt_raster_serialized_t {
/*---[ 8 byte boundary ]---{ */
uint32_t size; /* required by postgresql: 4 bytes */
uint16_t version; /* format version (this is version 0): 2 bytes */
uint16_t numBands; /* Number of bands: 2 bytes */
/* }---[ 8 byte boundary ]---{ */
double scaleX; /* pixel width: 8 bytes */
/* }---[ 8 byte boundary ]---{ */
double scaleY; /* pixel height: 8 bytes */
/* }---[ 8 byte boundary ]---{ */
double ipX; /* insertion point X: 8 bytes */
/* }---[ 8 byte boundary ]---{ */
double ipY; /* insertion point Y: 8 bytes */
/* }---[ 8 byte boundary ]---{ */
double skewX; /* rotation about the X axis: 8 bytes */
/* }---[ 8 byte boundary ]---{ */
double skewY; /* rotation about the Y axis: 8 bytes */
/* }---[ 8 byte boundary ]--- */
int32_t srid; /* Spatial reference id: 4 bytes */
uint16_t width; /* pixel columns: 2 bytes */
uint16_t height; /* pixel rows: 2 bytes */
Given the serialized raster header structure above, it
is guaranteed that a serialized band always start at 8-bytes
boundary, so it's simpler to compute padding required at
the end of each band to ensure next band will be guaranteed
the same assumption.
We'll need to take 2 padding spots into account:
the first is to ensure actual band data is aligned accordingly
to the pixel type (and storage flag) needs, the second is to
ensure next band (if any) will also be aligned to 8-bytes:
The total size of a band's serialized form in bytes
must be a multiple of 8.
The maximum required data padding size will be of 7 bytes
(64bit pixel type). The maximum required trailing padding size
will be of 7 bytes.
Pixel type and storage flag
Pixel type specifies type of pixel values in a band.
Storage flag specifies whether the band data is stored
as part of the datum or is to be found on the server's
There are currently 11 supported pixel value types, so 4
bits are enough to account for all. We'll reserve
the upper 4 bits for generic flags and define upmost as
storage flag:
#define BANDTYPE_FLAG_OFFDB (1<<7)
Data padding
Band alignment depends on pixeltypes, as follows:
No alignment required, each value is 1 byte.
- PT_16BSI, PT_16BUI:
Data must be aligned to 2-bytes boundary.
- PT_32BSI, PT_32BUI, PT_32BF:
Data must be aligned to 4-bytes boundary.
- PT_64BF:
Data must be aligned to 8-bytes boundary.
Accordingly we can then define the following structures:
struct rt_band8_serialized_t {
uint8_t pixeltype;
uint8_t data[1]; /* no data padding */
struct rt_band16_serialized_t {
uint8_t pixeltype;
uint8_t padding; /* 1-byte padding */
uint8_t data[1];
struct rt_band32_serialized_t {
uint8_t pixeltype;
uint8_t padding[3]; /* 3-bytes padding */
uint8_t data[1];
struct rt_band64_serialized_t {
uint8_t pixeltype;
uint8_t padding[7]; /* 7-bytes padding */
uint8_t data[1];
And an abstract base class:
struct rt_band_serialized_t {
uint8_t pixeltype
The band data - guaranteed to be always aligned as required by
pixeltype - will start with the nodata value.
After that we may have pixel values or off-db raster reference
depending on OFFDB flag in the pixeltype field:
* For in-db bands the nodata value is followed by a value
for each column in first row, then in second row and so on.
For example, a 2x2 raster band data will have this form:
[nodata] [x:0,y:0] [x:1,y:0] [x:0,y:1] [x:1,y:1]
Where the size of the [...] blocks is 1,2,4 or 8 bytes depending
on pixeltype. Endiannes of multi-bytes value is the host endiannes.
* For off-db bands the nodata value is followed by a band number
followed by a null-terminated string expressing the path to
the raster file:
[nodata] [bandno] [path]
Where the size of the [nodata] block is 1,2,4 or 8 bytes depending
on pixeltype (endiannes of multi-bytes value is the host endiannes),
size of [bandno] is 1 byte, and [path] is null-terminated.
Trailing padding
The trailing band padding is used to ensure next band (if any)
will start on the 8-bytes boundary.
It is both dependent on raster dimensions (number of values)
and band data pixel type (size of each value).
In order to obtain the required padding size for a band
we'll need to compute the minimum size required to hold the band
data, add the data padding and pixeltype sizes, and then grow
the resulting size to reach a multiple of 8 bytes:
rt_band_serialized_size(rt_context ctx, rt_band band)
rt_pixtype pixtype = rt_band_get_pixtype(ctx, band);
size_t sz;
/* pixeltype + data padding */
sz = rt_pixtype_alignment(ctx, pixtype);
/* add data size */
sz += rt_band_get_data_size(ctx, band);
/* grow size to reach a multiple of 8 bytes */
sz = TYPEALIGN(sz, 8);
assert( !(sz%8) );
return sz;
Example sizes
255x255 single band PT_16BUI:
header size: 64 +
pixeltype+data_padding: 2 +
data size: (255*255+1)*2 == 130052 =
130118 +
trailing padding: 2 =
total size: 130120 (~127k)
255x255 single band PT_8BUI:
header size: 64 +
pixeltype+data_padding: 1 +
data size: (255*255+1) == 65026 =
65091 +
trailing padding: 5 =
total size: 65096 (~63k)
64x64 single band PT_16BSI:
header size: 64 +
pixeltype+data_padding: 2 +
data size: (64*64+1)*2 == 8194 =
8260 +
trailing padding: 4 =
total size: 8264 (~8k -- >page size)
64x64 single band PT_8BUI:
header size: 64 +
pixeltype+data_padding: 1 +
data size: (64*64+1) == 4097 =
4162 +
trailing padding: 6 =
total size: 4168 (~4k)