
153 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
# Copyright (C) 2023 Sandro Santilli <>
# This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
# This script is aimed at generating a list of objects
# signatures used by to decide
# which objects belong to PostGIS
use warnings;
use strict;
my $me = $0;
my $usage = qq{
Usage: $me [<sqlfile> ...]
Reads sql statements from given files or standard input
and generates a list of signatures from DROP lines.
my %reserved_sql_word = (
'double' => 1,
'character' => 1
# Example:
# INPUT: int,named double precision,named text
# OUTPUT: int,double precision,text
sub strip_argument_names {
my @args = @_;
my @out;
#print "XXX to strip: " . join(',', @args) . "\n";
foreach ( @args )
my $a = $_;
#print " XXX arg: $a\n";
# If the arg is composed by multiple words
# drop the first, unless it's a reserved word
if ( $a =~ m/([^ ]*) (.*)/ )
unless ( $reserved_sql_word{$1} )
$a = $2;
#print " XXX arg became: $a\n";
push @out, $a;
#print "XXX striped: " . join(',', @out) . "\n";
return @out;
sub canonicalize_args {
my @args = @_;
my @out;
foreach ( @args )
my $a = $_;
$a =~ s/varchar/character varying/g;
$a =~ s/float8/double precision/g;
$a =~ s/\bint\b/integer/g;
$a =~ s/\bint4\b/integer/g;
$a =~ s/\bint8\b/bigint/g;
$a =~ s/\bchar\b/character/g;
$a =~ s/\bbool\b/boolean/g;
push @out, $a;
return @out;
while (<>)
#print "XXX 0 $_";
# type signature
if ( /^DROP TYPE IF EXISTS\s\s*([^\s]*)/ )
my $t = lc($1);
$t =~ s/topology\.//g;
print "COMMENT TYPE $t\n";
print "TYPE $t\n";
# aggregate signature
if ( /^DROP AGGREGATE IF EXISTS\s+(.*)\((.*)\)/ )
my $name = lc($1);
my $args = lc($2);
s/^\s+//, s/\s+$// for $name;
$name =~ s/topology\.//g;
$args =~ s/topology\.//g;
my @args = split('\s*,\s*', $args);
@args = canonicalize_args(@args);
print "COMMENT AGGREGATE $name(" . join(', ', @args) . ")\n";
# For *aggregate* signature we are supposed to strip
# also argument names, which aint easy
my @unnamed_args = strip_argument_names(@args);
print "AGGREGATE $name(" . join(', ', @unnamed_args) . ")\n";
# Function signature
my $origline = $_;
my $line = $origline;
# We don't want to ALWAYS strip comments
# because we might handle 'Replaces' comment
# at some point
$line =~ s/ *--.*//;
$line = lc($line);
$line =~ s/topology\.//g;
$line =~ m/ *([^\( ]*) *\((.*)\)/ or die "Unexpected DROP FUNCTION syntax: $origline";
my $name = $1;
my $args = $2;
$args =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing blanks
$args =~ s/^\s*//; # trim leading blanks
my @args = split('\s*,\s*', $args);
@args = canonicalize_args(@args);
print "COMMENT FUNCTION $name(" . join(', ', @args) .")\n";
# For *function* signature we are supposed to strip
# also argument names, which aint easy
my @unnamed_args = strip_argument_names(@args);
print "FUNCTION $name(" . join(', ', @unnamed_args) . ")\n";