Alexey Dokuchaev 0fdebe53ba benchmarks/apib: the port had been updated (+)
- Belatedly update to version 1.2.1 and sync port description
- Builds with CMake now and uses modern libraries instead of the
  Apache Portable Runtime (devel/apr1)
- While upstream asks for C++11, force C++17 because that's how
  Abseil C++ libraries are currently built, otherwise it won't
  link due to ABI incompatibilities
- Hook two provided tests to our framework (USES+=cmake:testing)
2021-07-04 06:14:48 +00:00

4 lines
190 B

TIMESTAMP = 1586927181
SHA256 (apigee-apib-APIB_1_2_1_RC1_GH0.tar.gz) = 7f890b766cab013bf12189f1f9fc73611b3fc3f4d051d60a2e5932d46e118cc0
SIZE (apigee-apib-APIB_1_2_1_RC1_GH0.tar.gz) = 65136