Matthias Fechner 911f04257e Regenerate all distfiles using gitlab as source.
This regeneration is required as the new gitlab version changed
the address and the directory the source files can be downloaded.

This commit also applies some small fixes to make sure all ports using
gitlab are buildable.

Reviewed by:	mat
Approved by:	portmgr
Differential Revision:
2021-04-09 20:44:23 +02:00

4 lines
259 B

TIMESTAMP = 1617891826
SHA256 (bortzmeyer-echoping-ccf3c95d9249d3065db3853486f41c852d20101e_GL0.tar.gz) = 8cd106ff7ec16f9786fa53668c998e8ebd2d684a38a2a834b803634030715aa3
SIZE (bortzmeyer-echoping-ccf3c95d9249d3065db3853486f41c852d20101e_GL0.tar.gz) = 130732