Rainer Hurling e1d5425ee0 New port: net/openrsync: Implementation of rsync with a BSD (ISC) license
An implementation of rsync, which is compatible with a modern rsync, but
accepts only a subset of rsync's command-line arguments. Has been merged
into OpenBSD base some time ago.

PR:		253973
Submitted by:	Timothy Beyer <> (also maintainer)
2021-03-03 14:11:51 +00:00

4 lines
221 B

TIMESTAMP = 1614736535
SHA256 (kristapsdz-openrsync-0.0.20200401-8b61216_GH0.tar.gz) = a71bd7f448d551c68e581f9d709ecfdbfc388df394ea8f9ea674cee35a56b4c8
SIZE (kristapsdz-openrsync-0.0.20200401-8b61216_GH0.tar.gz) = 118133