Tobias C. Berner 163e26d8c6 KDE: Update KDE Plasma 6 to 6.0.0
This updates KDE Plasma 6 to the first stable release.

Update plan for the rest of KDE:

* The KDE Applications will be updated to 24.02 at the beginning of the
  next quarter in the tree. They will be mostly Qt6 based.
  To test them beforehand, one can use the overlay [1].

* The idea is to wait out the first patch-release for the applications,
  which should hopefully get rid of most of the new bugs.

* The Qt5 bases KDE Frameworks 5 and Plasma 5 ports should remain in the
  tree for the next quarter -- Frameworks as long as it is required by
  other ports. The Plasma 5 ports will likely be removed at some point
  in the future however -- as there is no apparent benefit in having
  multiple Plasma versions at the moment.

* The Qt6 based KDE applications will replace the current Qt5 based
  ports. As the maintenance overhead for duplicate is not manageable.

* For co-instability the KDE Frameworks 5 ports will be adapted to
  depend on the KDE Frameworks 6 ports as described in [2].

* This plan is not fixed in stone, but will be adapted when it seems
  reasonable to do so.


2024-03-02 00:54:14 +01:00

19 lines
580 B

PORTNAME= kactivitymanagerd
CATEGORIES= x11 kde kde-plasma
COMMENT= System service to manage user's activities, track the usage patterns etc
BUILD_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/include/boost/range/algorithm.hpp:devel/boost-libs
USES= cmake gettext gl kde:6 qt:6 tar:xz xorg
USE_GL= gl opengl
USE_KDE= colorscheme config configwidgets coreaddons crash dbusaddons \
globalaccel i18n kio service widgetsaddons windowsystem xmlgui \
USE_QT= 5compat base sqldriver-sqlite
.include <>