mirror of https://github.com/ssb22/bits-and-bobs.git synced 2023-06-08 10:22:44 +00:00

47 lines
2.3 KiB
Executable File

# Set up push access to GitHub, GitLab, GitLab-cam, Bitbucket, Gitee
# (for repositories already created / imported across these platforms)
# Syntax: repo-setup [--shallow] all | repo names
# (all = all public repositories;
# any NOT in the list is assumed not to have mirrors)
All="CedPane PrimerPooler adjuster css-generator web-imap-etc config lexconvert indexer web-typography jianpu-ly mwr2ly midi-beeper scan-reflow bits-and-bobs router-scripts wm6-utils s60-utils gradint yali-voice yali-lower cameron-voice 4dml old-web-access-gateway clara-empricost"
IsIn() { N="$1"; shift; for i in $*; do if [ "$i" = "$N" ] ; then return 0; fi; done; false ; }
if [ ! "$1" ]; then
echo "Syntax: repo-setup [--shallow] all | repo names"
exit 1
elif [ "$1" = --shallow ]; then
export RepoSetupShallowClone="--depth=1"
elif ! [ "$RepoSetupShallowClone" = "--depth=1" ]; then
unset RepoSetupShallowClone
if [ "$1" = all ]; then
exec "$0" $All
while [ "$1" ]; do
export N=$(echo "$1"|tr -d /) # in case of auto-complete
if ! [ -e "$N" ]; then git clone $RepoSetupShallowClone git@$(if IsIn $N $LabOnly; then echo gitlab; else echo github; fi).com:ssb22/$N.git || exit 1; fi
if ! [ -d "$N" ]; then shift; continue; fi # so you can run with * in a dir with files as well
# Otherwise put the settings in on an already-cloned repo:
cd $N || exit 1
if IsIn $N $All && ! IsIn $N $LabOnly; then
git remote set-url origin --push --delete . 2>/dev/null >/dev/null || true
git remote set-url origin --push git@github.com:ssb22/$N.git || exit 1
if [ $N == jianpu-ly ] ; then git remote set-url origin --push --add git@github.com:jianpu-ly/$N.git || exit 1; fi # https://github.com/ssb22/jianpu-ly/issues/26
git remote set-url origin --push --add git@gitlab.com:ssb22/$N.git || exit 1
git remote set-url origin --push --add git@gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk:ssb22/$N.git || exit 1 # (beta service provided to cam.ac.uk members)
git remote set-url origin --push --add git@bitbucket.org:ssb22/$(echo $N|tr A-Z a-z).git || exit 1
git remote set-url origin --push --add git@gitee.com:ssb22/$(echo $N|sed -e s/^4/four/).git || exit 1
else echo "Not adding mirrors to $N"
git config user.name "Silas S. Brown"
git config user.email ssb22@cam.ac.uk
cd ..
echo "Set up $N"