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Clara Empricost - Condition List Action Rejection
Algorithm for the Evaluation of Music at Pseudo-Random
Idea Construction Stage
(C) 1996-2001 Silas S. Brown http://ssb22.user.srcf.net
This code is no longer being maintained by the author.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include "mappings.h"
// Note: The order of testing for rejection in this module has been changed away
// from a "logical" one (ie grouping similar criteria together) in order to
// optimize for speed, based on statistics from a large run.
#include "chord.h"
#include <stdlib.h> // For abs
#include "rng.h"
const static Note sopHigh(DOMINANT,5,majKey);
const static Note sopLow(TONIC,4,majKey);
const static Note altHigh(TONIC,5,majKey);
const static Note altLow(DOMINANT,3,majKey);
const static Note tenHigh(DOMINANT,4,majKey);
const static Note tenLow(TONIC,3,majKey);
const static Note basHigh(TONIC,4,majKey);
const static Note basLow(DOMINANT,2,majKey);
// Returns 0 if sucessful
int Chord::twoPartCheck(Part upper,Part lower) const {
Note nUpper=getPart(upper),nLower=getPart(lower);
Figure fig=getFigure();
Interval i(nUpper,nLower);
// Avoid crossing
if (i.isDescending()==FALSE) return(1); // #20 rejector with 13006 calls
if (theLastChord) {
Figure lastFig=theLastChord->getFigureIn(getKey());
Note lUpper=theLastChord->getPart(upper),lLower=theLastChord->getPart(lower);
Interval lastI(lUpper,lLower);
Interval topProg(lUpper,nUpper);
Interval btmProg(lLower,nLower);
IntervalValue lastVal=lastI.getRoundedValue(),thisVal=i.getRoundedValue();
// Avoid parallels
if ((lastVal==i_unison || lastVal==i_fifth) && thisVal==lastVal && lastI.isPerfect() && i.isPerfect()) return(1); // #23 rejector with 7538 calls
// If double 3rds must be by step
if (((getNoteOfChord(upper)==N_THREE1 || getNoteOfChord(upper)==N_THREE2)
&& (getNoteOfChord(lower)==N_THREE1 || getNoteOfChord(lower)==N_THREE2))
|| ((theLastChord->getNoteOfChord(upper)==N_THREE1 || theLastChord->getNoteOfChord(upper)==N_THREE2)
&& (theLastChord->getNoteOfChord(lower)==N_THREE1 || theLastChord->getNoteOfChord(lower)==N_THREE2))){
if(topProg.getValue()>i_second || btmProg.getValue()>i_second) return(1); // #26 rejector with 5228 calls
if (fig==V && lastFig!=VI) return(1); // #50 rejector with 43 calls
if (fig==VI && lastFig!=V) return(1);
// Avoid exposed 8ves & 5ths
if ((thisVal==i_unison || thisVal==i_fifth) && i.isPerfect()
&& upper==P_SOP && lower==P_BAS
&& topProg.getValue()>i_second
&& topProg.isDescending()==btmProg.isDescending()) return(1); // #30 rejector with 2281 calls
// Avoid overlaps
if ((nLower.isHigherThan(&lUpper) || lLower.isHigherThan(nUpper)) && (lastFig!=fig || theLastChord->getInversion()!=getInversion())) return(1); // #32 rejector with 1842 calls
// Don't have more than 1 note same as last
if (nUpper.isEqualTo(&lUpper) && nLower.isEqualTo(lLower)) return(1); // #37 rejector with 1414 calls
// S, A & T contrary to B, to nearest note, in IV-V, V-IV, if not inverted
if (((fig==IV && lastFig==V)
|| (fig==V && lastFig==IV)) && getInversion()==IROOT && theLastChord->getInversion()==IROOT) {
if (topProg.isDescending()==btmProg.isDescending()) return(1); // #48 rejector with 75 calls
if (topProg.getValue()>i_third) return(1); // #57 rejector with 17 calls
// Perfect fifth followed by diminished fifth or vice versa not permissible with bass - Don't need to check for diminished as already checked for parallels
if (lower==P_BAS && lastVal==i_fifth && thisVal==i_fifth) return(1); // #56 rejector with 17 calls
// Never double leading-note
if (nUpper.getDegreeOfScale()==LEADING_NOTE
&& nLower.getDegreeOfScale()==LEADING_NOTE) return(1); // #40 rejector with 711 calls
// Doubling of bass in diminished first inversions is ineffective in alto
if (upper==P_ALT && lower==P_BAS && isDiminishedTriad()==TRUE && getInversion()==IFIRST && nUpper.getDegreeOfScale()==nLower.getDegreeOfScale()) return(1);
// Avoid more than 8ve except T/B
if (upper==lower+(Part)1 && !(upper==P_TEN && lower==P_BAS) && i.getRoundedValue()!=i.getValue()) return(1);
int Chord::checkRange(const Note &note,Part part) const {
const Note* upper,*lower;
switch(part) {
case P_SOP: upper=&sopHigh; lower=&sopLow; break;
case P_ALT: upper=&altHigh; lower=&altLow; break;
case P_TEN: upper=&tenHigh; lower=&tenLow; break;
case P_BAS: upper=&basHigh; lower=&basLow;
default: return 0;
if (note.isHigherThan(upper) || lower->isHigherThan(note)) return(1); // #5 rejector with 727949 calls
/*int Chord::tuneIsFine() const {
// This checks the soprano tune. The rules are not to be found in a
// harmony textbook but are my experiments.
// Every strongbeat must be note of tonic chord unless chord V
Note n=getPart(P_SOP);
// NB This restriction removed as generated identical melodies what with this and using same figure
// if (getBeatStrength()==S_1ST_BEAT && getFigure()!=V && n.getDegreeOfScale()!=TONIC && n.getDegreeOfScale()!=MEDIANT && n.getDegreeOfScale()!=DOMINANT) return(0);
if (getBeatStrength()!=S_1ST_BEAT && theCadenceStatus==FALSE) {
// Make sure part of the figure in use
// NB *** This must be last thing in function, because can return(1);
const Chord* chord=this;
for (int chordLp=0; chordLp<theMelody->getBeatsPerBar(); chordLp++)
{ chord=chord->getLastChord(); if (!chord) return(1); }
if (chord->getLastChord()) { // Otherwise 1st note of anacrusis
Interval lastInt=chord->getLastChord()->getPart(P_SOP).intervalWith(chord->getPart(P_SOP));
Interval thisInt=theLastChord->getPart(P_SOP).intervalWith(n);
if (abs(lastInt.getValue()-thisInt.getValue())>0) return(0); // Or >1
if (theLastChord->getBeatStrength()!=S_1ST_BEAT) {
// Check going same direction as well as intervals, or inverted
if ((lastInt.isDescending()==thisInt.isDescending())
int Chord::checkMelody(Part part) const {
Note note=getPart(part);
// Check if going out of range
if (checkRange(note,part)) return(1); // #6 rejector with 727937 calls
// Arrange to have tonic in final S
if (theMelody->needToEndFinal()==TRUE && part==P_SOP && theFinalChordStat && note.getDegreeOfScale()!=TONIC) return(1); // #13 rejector with 58753 calls
// if (part==P_SOP && theSoprano.isEqualTo(undefinedNote) && !tuneIsFine()) return(1);
if (theLastChord) {
Figure lastFig=theLastChord->getFigureIn(getKey());
// Leading note should rise to tonic, but fine to repeat once
if (theLastChord->getPart(part).getDegreeOfScale()==LEADING_NOTE && note.getDegreeOfScale()!=TONIC
&& (note.getDegreeOfScale()!=LEADING_NOTE || (theLastChord->getLastChord() && theLastChord->getLastChord()->getPart(part).getDegreeOfScale()==LEADING_NOTE))) return(1); // #14 rejector with 55779 calls
// Don't leap augmented interval
Interval leapInt(theLastChord->getPart(part),note);
if (leapInt.isAugmented()) return(1); // #15 rejector with 45653 calls
if (theLastChord->getLastChord()) {
Interval leapInt2(theLastChord->getLastChord()->getPart(part),note);
Interval lastLeap(theLastChord->getLastChord()->getPart(part),theLastChord->getPart(part));
// No 7th, 9th+, inc note intervening
if (leapInt2.getValue()==i_seventh || (leapInt2.getValue()!=leapInt2.getRoundedValue() && leapInt2.getValue()!=i_octave)
|| leapInt.getValue()==i_seventh || (leapInt.getValue()!=leapInt.getRoundedValue() && leapInt.getValue()!=i_octave)) return(1); // #11 rejector with 102271 calls
if (leapInt.isDescending()==leapInt2.isDescending()) {
// Not within compass of last leap
if (lastLeap.getValue()==i_octave || lastLeap.getValue()==i_sixth) return(1); // #17 rejector with 29631 calls
if (lastLeap.isDiminished() && lastLeap.getRoundedValue()==i_fifth) return(1);
if (leapInt.getValue()==i_octave) {
// 8ves must also be preceeded by note within compass
if (lastLeap.isDescending()==leapInt2.isDescending()) return(1); // #24 rejector with 7432 calls
// Must harmonize different chord if same melody note weak to strong
if (part==P_SOP && leapInt.getValue()==i_unison && lastFig==getFigure() && theLastChord->getBeatStrength()<getBeatStrength()) return(1); // #19 rejector with 16842 calls
// Bases rising a 3rd are poor weak to strong
if (part==P_BAS && leapInt.getValue()==i_third && !leapInt.isDescending() && theLastChord->getBeatStrength()<getBeatStrength()) return(1); // #29 rejector with 2810 calls
// No diminished 4th or 7th
if (leapInt.isDiminished() && (leapInt.getRoundedValue()==i_fourth || leapInt.getRoundedValue()==i_seventh)) return(1); // #36 rejector with 1536 calls
// // Avoid too many consecutive leaps (3+ here; could also be 4+)
Chord* c=theLastChord; int noOfLeaps=0,noDescendingScale=0,noAscendingScale=0;
int prevChord;
for (prevChord=1; prevChord<=3; prevChord++) {
if (c->getLastChord()==NULL) break;
Interval li(c->getLastChord()->getPart(part),c->getPart(part));
if (li.getValue()>=i_third) noOfLeaps++;
else {
if (li.getValue()!=i_unison) {
if (li.isDescending()==TRUE) noDescendingScale++;
else noAscendingScale++;
// 3-note descending or ascending scale passage in bass should be followed by further step in same direction rather than a leap (in this implementation a repeat is also allowed)
if (part==P_BAS && !noOfLeaps && noAscendingScale>=3 && (leapInt.getValue()>=i_third || leapInt.isDescending()==TRUE)) return(1); // #39 rejector with 936 calls
// S/B avoid remaining around one note for too long: If used more than once in previous 4 chords, reject
if (part==P_SOP || part==P_BAS) {
// Avoid too many consecutive leaps (3+ here; could also be 4+)
if (noOfLeaps>=2 && leapInt.getValue()>=i_third) return(1); // #10 rejector with 108237 calls
c=theLastChord; int usedBefore=0;
for (prevChord=1; prevChord<=4; prevChord++) {
if (note.isEqualTo(c->getPart(part))) usedBefore++;
c=c->getLastChord(); if (!c) break;
if (usedBefore>1) return(1); // #18 rejector with 28458 calls
// If going from chord II, force upward resolution if going to tonic, or remain
// the same if there is a subdominant in the chord. This helps chromatic alteration
// later.
if (theMelody->willAddChromaticisms() && lastFig==II && theLastChord->getPart(part).getDegreeOfScale()==SUBDOMINANT) {
if (getFigure()==I && note.getDegreeOfScale()!=DOMINANT) return(1); // #35 rejector with 1633 calls
else if ((getFigure()==II || getFigure()==IV || getFigure()==VII) && note.getDegreeOfScale()!=SUBDOMINANT) return(1); // #33 rejector with 1720 calls
if (part==P_BAS && !noOfLeaps && noDescendingScale>=3 && (leapInt.getValue()>=i_third || leapInt.isDescending()==FALSE)) return(1);
int Chord::invalidCadence() const {
// If theCadenceStatus=TRUE, is last chord of cadence
// Returns 1 if invalid cadence, eg. cadence where shouldn't be or not cadence where should be
int cad=isCadence();
if (cad) {
// Must be weak to strong on cadence unless going to VI
if (getFigure()!=VI && theLastChord->getBeatStrength()>=theBeatStrength) cad=0;
Chord* pr1=theLastChord->getLastChord();
Figure lastFig=theLastChord->getFigureIn(getKey());
if (pr1) {
// Cadence can't be preceeded by its final chord unless V-I-IV-I
if (pr1->getFigureIn(getKey())==getFigure()) {
if (getFigure()==I && pr1->isLastOfCadence() && pr1->getLastChord() && pr1->getLastChord()->getFigureIn(getKey())==V && lastFig==IV)
; else cad=0;
// Can't anticipate first chord of cadence
} else if (pr1->getFigureIn(getKey())==lastFig) cad=0;
if (theCadenceStatus==TRUE) return(!cad); else {
// Only V-I is unacceptable if not as actual cadence,
// and only then if it isn't part of a modulation
if (getFigure()==I && theLastChord && theLastChord->getFigureIn(getKey())==V && getInversion()==IROOT && theLastChord->getInversion()==IROOT
&& (!theLastChord->getLastChord() || theLastChord->getLastChord()->getKey().isEqualTo(getKey())==TRUE)) return(1);
return(0); //return(cad); avoids cadences where shouldn't be
int Chord::isCadence() const {
if (theLastChord) {
Figure lastFig=theLastChord->getFigureIn(getKey());
if (getInversion()==IROOT) {
if (theLastChord->getInversion()==IROOT) {
if (getFigure()==V) {
if (lastFig==I || lastFig==II || lastFig==IV || lastFig==V) return(1); // #53 rejector with 31 calls
} else if (getFigure()==I) {
if (lastFig==V ||
lastFig==IV) return(1); // #55 rejector with 24 calls
} else if (getFigure()==VI && lastFig==V) return(1);
else if (getFigure()==IV && lastFig==I) return(1); // Inverted plagal (see Addenda) - #62 rejector with 1 calls
} else if (theLastChord->getInversion()==IFIRST) {
if (getFigure()==V) {
if (lastFig==I || lastFig==II || lastFig==IV) return(1); // NB Not VIb-V - #61 rejector with 5 calls
int Chord::isPossible() {
// Add rules here: return(0) = bad progression
// Make sure modulation fine if last of cadence
if (theLastChord && theLastChord->getLastChord()
&& theLastChord->getKey().isEqualTo(theLastChord->getLastChord()->getKey())==FALSE
&& modulationIsFineI()==FALSE) return(0); // #1 rejector by nearly factor of 10 with 110001594 calls
Figure fig=getFigure();
if (theFinalChordStat && theMelody->needToEndFinal()==FALSE && fig==I) return(0); // Imperfect cadence if need to be - #2 rejector (nearly by factor of 10) with 18412347 calls
if (theSoprano.isEqualTo(undefinedNote) && checkMelody(P_SOP)) return(0); // #3 rejector with 899778 calls
// Should end on chord I
if (theFinalChordStat && theMelody->needToEndFinal() && fig!=I) return(0); // #4 rejector with 763918 calls
// Check against given notes
if (!theSoprano.isEqualTo(&undefinedNote) && !getSoprano().isEqualTo(&theSoprano)) return(0);
if (!theAlto.isEqualTo(&undefinedNote) && !getAlto().isEqualTo(&theAlto)) return(0);
if (!theTenor.isEqualTo(&undefinedNote) && !getTenor().isEqualTo(&theTenor)) return(0);
if (!theBass.isEqualTo(&undefinedNote) && !getBass().isEqualTo(&theBass)) return(0);
// Avoid certain chords
if (getInversion()==IROOT) {
if (fig==VII) return(0); // #9 rejector with 130785 calls
} else if (getInversion()==ISECOND) {
if (fig!=I && fig!=IV && fig!=V) return(0); // #7 rejector (by nearly factor of 5) with 529366 calls
if (!theLastChord) return(0); // #31 rejector with 1929 calls
if (theAlto.isEqualTo(undefinedNote) && checkMelody(P_ALT)) return(0); // #8 rejector with 150789 calls
if (theMelody->needProperStart()) {
if (!theLastChord) {
if ((isUpbeat()==TRUE && fig!=V && fig!=I) || (isUpbeat()==FALSE && fig!=I)) return(0);
} else if (!theLastChord->getLastChord() && getBeatStrength()>theLastChord->getBeatStrength() && fig!=I)
return(0); // Some form of V-I
if (theTenor.isEqualTo(undefinedNote) && checkMelody(P_TEN)) return(0); // #12 rejector with 94482 calls
if (theBass.isEqualTo(undefinedNote) && checkMelody(P_BAS)) return(0); // #16 rejector with 44579 calls
// Check pairs of parts if not given
if ((theSoprano.isEqualTo(undefinedNote) || theAlto.isEqualTo(undefinedNote)) && twoPartCheck(P_SOP,P_ALT)) return(0); // #21 rejector with 11260 calls
if ((theAlto.isEqualTo(undefinedNote) || theTenor.isEqualTo(undefinedNote)) && twoPartCheck(P_ALT,P_TEN)) return(0); // #22 rejector with 7993 calls
if ((theSoprano.isEqualTo(undefinedNote) || theBass.isEqualTo(undefinedNote)) && twoPartCheck(P_SOP,P_BAS)) return(0); // #27 rejector with 5207 calls
if ((theSoprano.isEqualTo(undefinedNote) || theTenor.isEqualTo(undefinedNote)) && twoPartCheck(P_SOP,P_TEN)) return(0); // #28 rejector with 4800 calls
if ((theTenor.isEqualTo(undefinedNote) || theBass.isEqualTo(undefinedNote)) && twoPartCheck(P_TEN,P_BAS)) return(0); // #34 rejector with 1682 calls
if ((theAlto.isEqualTo(undefinedNote) || theBass.isEqualTo(undefinedNote)) && twoPartCheck(P_ALT,P_BAS)) return(0); // #38 rejector with 1230 calls
// Check 3rd in chord
if (!getNumThirds()) return(0); // #43 rejector with 352 calls
// Must also have fifth if inversion (or III) - and must have root
if ((getInversion()!=IROOT || fig==III) && (!getNumThirds(N_FIVE1,N_FIVE2) || !getNumThirds(N_ONE1,N_ONE2))) return(0); // #45 rejector with 191 calls
// Doubling 3rd
if (getNumThirds()>1 && fig!=VI && isMajorTriad()==TRUE) return(0); // #49 rejector with 52 calls
if (theLastChord) {
Figure lastFig=theLastChord->getFigureIn(getKey());
// Don't have same chord weak to strong unless beginning, regardless of inversion
if (theLastChord->getBeatStrength()<theBeatStrength && lastFig==fig && theLastChord->getLastChord()) return(0); // #44 rejector with 272 calls
// 2nd inversions cannot be approached by leap from an inversion of another chord
if (getInversion()==ISECOND && theLastChord->getInversion()!=IROOT && theLastChord->getBass().intervalWith(getBass()).getValue()>=i_third && lastFig!=fig) return(0); // #46 rejector with 129 calls
// III must be followed by VI
if (lastFig==III && fig!=VI) return(0); // #51 rejector with 35 calls
// Avoid II-I and I-II
if (((lastFig==II && fig==I) || (lastFig==I && fig==II)) && theLastChord->getInversion()==IROOT && getInversion()==IROOT) return(0); // #54 rejector with 27 calls
// Double 3rd if IIb-V
if (fig==V && lastFig==II && theLastChord->getInversion()==IFIRST && getInversion()==IROOT && theLastChord->getNumThirds()<2) return(0); // #59 rejector with 13 calls
// Cannot have two second inversions adjacent to each other
if (theLastChord->getInversion()==ISECOND && getInversion()==ISECOND) return(0); // #52 rejector with 31 calls
if (theLastChord->getInversion()==ISECOND) {
Chord* beforeLast=theLastChord->getLastChord(); // It will work (ie not NULL) as this was confirmed earlier
Interval i=beforeLast->getBass().intervalWith(theLastChord->getBass());
Interval j=theLastChord->getBass().intervalWith(getBass());
if (i.getValue()==i_second && j.getValue()==i_second && i.isDescending()==j.isDescending()) {
// Passing 6/4: 6/4 must be on weak beat; must be Ic or Vc
if (beforeLast->getBeatStrength()<theLastChord->getBeatStrength() || getBeatStrength()<theLastChord->getBeatStrength()) return(0); // #60 rejector with 12 calls
if (lastFig!=I && lastFig!=V) return(0);
} else if (j.getValue()==i_unison && getInversion()==IROOT) {
// Cadential 6/4: must be Ic or IVc; no leaps in any parts; 6/4 on stronger beat
if (getBeatStrength()>theLastChord->getBeatStrength()) return(0); // #58 rejector with 15 calls
if (theLastChord->getBass().intervalWith(getBass()).getValue()>=i_third ||
theLastChord->getTenor().intervalWith(getTenor()).getValue()>=i_third ||
theLastChord->getAlto().intervalWith(getAlto()).getValue()>=i_third ||
theLastChord->getSoprano().intervalWith(getSoprano()).getValue()>=i_third) return(0); // #63 rejector with 1 calls
if (lastFig!=I && lastFig!=IV) return(0);
} else return(0); // Can't be explained as cadential or passing - #42 rejector with 382 calls
// Cadence check
if (invalidCadence()) return(0); // #41 rejector with 627 calls
// Avoid repetition of same chord with only 1 chord intervening
if (theLastChord->getLastChord() && theLastChord->getLastChord()->getFigureIn(getKey())==fig && theLastChord->getLastChord()->getInversion()==getInversion()) return(0); // #47 rejector with 120 calls
Interval sopLeap(theLastChord->getSoprano(),getSoprano());
// V-IV: Sop 5th to root (rising 3rd)
if (lastFig==V && fig==IV
&& ChordPoss::getSop(theChosenPossibility)!=N_ONE1 && ChordPoss::getSop(theChosenPossibility)!=N_ONE2
&& getInversion()==IROOT && theLastChord->getInversion()==IROOT
&& sopLeap.getValue()!=i_third) return(0);
// If last is IIa and minor key, this must be Va, and strong to weak
if (getKey().isMajor()==FALSE && lastFig==II && theLastChord->getInversion()==IROOT && (fig!=V || getInversion()!=IROOT || getBeatStrength()>theLastChord->getBeatStrength())) return(0);
// Avoid VIIb to anything except I or Ib (or VI in major key)
if (lastFig==VII && (fig!=I || getInversion()==ISECOND) && (fig!=VI || !isMajorKey(getKey()))) return(0);