mirror of https://github.com/ssb22/config.git synced 2023-06-13 17:50:48 +00:00

44 lines
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<!-- Change most font requests to Helvetica bitmap -->
<match target="pattern">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend" binding="same">
<edit name="prefer_outline" mode="assign"> <bool>false</bool></edit>
<!-- Uncomment this if you want a fixed pixel size.
Usually better to do it with the DPI setting in Xresources
because that allows for size variations. -->
<!-- <edit name="pixelsize" mode="prepend"> <double>20</double></edit> -->
<!-- However, if they specifically requested serif or
monospace, we can provide 20-pixel Times or Fixed -->
<match target="pattern">
<test name="family"> <const>serif</const> </test>
<edit name="family" mode="prepend" binding="same">
<!-- <edit name="pixelsize" mode="prepend"> <double>20</double></edit> -->
<match target="pattern">
<test name="family"> <const>monospace</const> </test>
<edit name="family" mode="prepend" binding="same">
<!-- <edit name="pixelsize" mode="prepend"> <double>20</double></edit> -->
<!-- Where to find history of this file:
on GitHub at https://github.com/ssb22/config
and on GitLab at https://gitlab.com/ssb22/config
and on BitBucket https://bitbucket.org/ssb22/config
and at https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/ssb22/config
and in China: https://gitee.com/ssb22/config